Book Read Free

2 Times the Bliss

Page 15

by Sapphire Knight

  “Do you have any idea what you’re going to be doing this weekend?”

  “Dad has the varsity game tonight and the JV game tomorrow morning. Otherwise, we’re probably just hanging out. He’s been letting me help him with the new house and teaching me stuff about building it.”

  I nod. She’s already shared with me several times about her love of helping her dad. It’s sort of become the project they do together when they’re not busy. “All right. Text your father and let him know I’m bringing ya down today. If I’d have known about the game, I’d have offered to take you anyhow.”

  She shrugs and reaches for her phone. I can only imagine how exhausting it has to be for Nate to rush here and back. It’s four hours round trip when he should be with his students. Natasha told me he’s been leaving work early to arrive here right in time for her to get out of school. I’m guessing that’s how he usually makes it to the football games on time.

  “Hopefully, he hasn’t left already,” I murmur more to myself, as Natasha’s engrossed with her phone.

  It chimes, and she beams a wide smile at me. “Dad hasn’t left yet. He was running late today, so he’s grateful you’re bringing me.”

  “Okay good. Are you ready to leave then?”

  She glances around me before pointing out, “Uh yeah, but where’s your stuff?”

  “I don’t want to take clothes and presume I’m staying. I’ll go down, planning to stay for the game.”

  “You’re going to drive all the way back? Mom come on. Dad will want you there.”

  “How can you know that?” I argue, wanting to stay with her, but not admit it.

  “Because he tells me things.”

  “Oh? Like what?”

  She scowls, running her hand over her face. “He’s going to kill me for telling you this! But, he told me that he still loves you...that he never stopped.”

  I shake my head and shrug. “People can love each other, honey without being in love with each other. That’s how a lot of relationships work, especially friendships or where kids’ parents are concerned.”

  “Trust me, Mom, my dad, does not love you like a friend. Besides, you’d have to be blind not to notice how you two always stare at each other and make heart eyes.” She rolls hers with a disgusted huff.

  Wait until she’s older. She’ll understand what those heart eyes mean!

  “Okay...maybe I’ll take a few things just in case. Let me grab them really quick.”

  She calls after me, “Whatever ma’am, just grab everything you need!”

  I guess I better take her advice. Just in case there’s even a chance of what she’s saying is true, I want to be prepared. I sure hope it is. I can’t think of anything I want more than Nathanial Owens and our family together for the first time.


  “Do I look okay?” I ask Natasha as we wait for Nate after the game.

  They won, but that’s not much of a shocker since this is Alabama and an Owens is coaching. Their family is football personified, it seems, with him and his brothers being so athletically talented. Nate’s youngest brother, Tyler, plays pro for the NFL. His older brother, Clyde, went to college on a football scholarship and Nate has been good at any sport he’s ever played. I can easily see where Natasha got that side of her from.

  She sends me a weird look and retorts, “Of course. Is something wrong? You seem flustered, Mom.”

  I offer her an easy smile and rub my hands down my tighter-than-usual skinny jeans I’d changed into before we left. I paired them with a maroon sweater that makes my breasts look fuller so I’d be in school colors and some tan leather ankle booties. I also managed to run the flat iron through my hair to create a few waves before we were out the door. It’s naturally curly, but I’d had my stylist press my curls out yesterday after work. It was time for a changeup, even if it was temporary, and I’m hoping the straight style will catch Nate’s attention.

  “Nothing, just want to look nice since Dad’s the coach and all.”

  “Oh yeah, that makes sense. And you look beautiful, Mom.”

  “Thanks, sweet pea. You do too.” I flash a grateful smile.

  She returns it, quickly scanning over her black skinny jeans, oversized team shirt, and high-tops. She was on the sidelines most of the time helping with the team’s water. She loves being a part of everything with her dad, and I’m grateful he’s included her. As long as those boys keep it respectful, I’m all for her hanging out and learning more about the sport her father’s family loves so much.

  “Hey!” Nate calls, jogging toward us. He flashes a pleased grin. “Thanks for coming tonight.”

  “I didn’t realize you had a game tonight and tomorrow, or else we could’ve coordinated this in advance. I feel bad that you’ve been driving back and forth so much.”

  He waves it off. “Eight hours a week is nothing, to be able to spend time with Natasha whenever our schedules permit it.”

  Sashy beams at her father and I can’t help but copy her. We’re both pretty taken with the guy. I wonder if he realizes it at all. “I wish I could stay here more,” she admits, and my expression falls.

  We follow Nate’s lead toward the parking lot as he exchanges a few handshakes and accepts various congratulations. I knew our daughter enjoyed coming here on the weekends, but she wants to be here even more? Could she possibly want to move down here or does she just mean to see her dad more than she does on weekends? We definitely have to discuss this further. She’s too old for me to keep her with me, but it would break my heart if she didn’t want to live with me anymore. Besides, she has her Grammy and Pop—my parents—that she’s grown up with her entire life. She wouldn’t see them nearly as much as she does now. Wouldn’t she miss them?

  “I could eat a horse…you two hungry?” Nate fills the silence.

  Natasha immediately agrees, but all I can do is nod and follow along. My mind is spinning with the possibility that my daughter may be happier here than she is at home. Am I working too much? It’s always been a balance, managing home life and work life. It’s something I’ve worried about messing up in the past. Nate’s at the school from 5:00 a.m. to 6:00 or 7:00 p.m. during the week, which is a lot. Sashy would be right here with him though, practicing whatever sport she’s doing at the time. Knowing Nate, he’d end up coaching more, just to have her on his team.

  “Do you want to meet at the diner or would you like to drive?” Nathan asks, drawing me from my thoughts.

  “Um, would you mind following me to park my car and then we can ride with you?”

  “Of course. Did you book the bed and breakfast again?”

  “Yes, for tonight with a possibility for tomorrow. I didn’t want to interrupt your time with Natasha.”

  “You’re her mother. You could never be interrupting. You’re welcome to stay at the ranch; there’s plenty of space. Ty gave up his room, so Natasha would have her own bed until my place is all finished, and we can finally move in.”

  “I don’t want to impose,” I argue again. Of course, I want to stay there with them, but I don’t want to come off as too eager. I fibbed a little too. I haven’t had a chance to book a room for tonight. I was going to drive back if he didn’t seem happy to see me, but Nate is adamant that I’m not interrupting.

  “You’re not. How about we ride together to eat and then we can take our separate vehicles to the ranch once we’re finished?”

  I agree and offer to drive after all, and it’s not lost on me how Nate opens Natasha’s and my door before walking to the passenger side. He’s making sure we’re both safely seated before thinking about himself, reminding me once again that he’s a gentleman. I never should’ve let him slip though my fingers. I’m sure every female in town is aching to have him as theirs. If I have anything to say on that, though, it won’t happen. I want him for myself.

  We arrive at the small diner in the middle of town, and we’re welcomed with open arms. Everyone includes me in the celebration once Nate introduces us as his
daughter and “Sunshine, the Mrs. Coach.” I won’t lie; it’s like a dream, being in this bubble with him and my daughter. It’s offering me a tiny glimpse of what it would be like if this were a regular occurrence. I get hugs and thanked for having such a fine man whose doing wonders with the high school teams.

  I just smile and agree, taking it in. Our dinner’s paid for by a Good Samaritan, and we even grab a scoop of ice cream before we eventually load back into my Mercedes. We all wear tired, full smiles on the drive back. Wednesday was one of the best nights of my life, but this has turned into a pretty nice evening as well. I couldn’t ask for more, spending it with the two people I love and adore.


  “We need to talk,” I say as our weekend’s coming to an end. As much as I don’t want to put a damper on the weekend with serious talk, it can’t be helped. Sashy struck a nerve Friday night, and I haven’t been able to let it go. I’m even more confused because Nate and I didn’t have sex again this weekend. Not that I’m expecting it every time I see him now. It just has me scatterbrained as to where we stand with everything.

  “Okay, what’s up?” he asks.

  Natasha argues good-naturedly with Clyde in the background, over who the better basketball team is. Personally, I only care about who’s playing basketball when it’s my daughter out on the court. The noise is distracting, and I don’t want to talk about this in front of anyone.

  “Do you mind if we go on the porch?”

  He agrees, nodding, and I wave my good-bye to everyone. I’ve already thanked them for the hospitality they’ve given me. I let Sashy know she has ten minutes, then we have to get on the road. I never thought the distance was very much—only two hours, give or take a few minutes. After driving it more frequently and being aware of how often Nathan has, too, it seems longer than it really is.

  “Did you not have a good time this weekend?” He turns to me and questions as the screen door closes behind us.

  “That’s not the case at all. On the contrary, I had a great time visiting. I know our daughter loves it here, too, which is why I wanted to bring it up. Did you hear her on Friday? We were headed toward my car after the game, and she was saying that she wished she was here more.”

  Nate concedes. “She’s mentioned it a few times.”

  Tears gather in my eyes at his admission. My emotions ache to claw their way out into an ugly cry. I can’t do that here; I refuse to break down in front of everyone because I’m feeling a touch insecure.

  He reaches out, brushing the backside of his fingers across my cheek. His gentle touch is comforting, but not enough to put me at ease with this subject. “Tell me what’s up, darlin’.”

  Clearing my throat, I inhale deeply and then exhale before admitting, “I think she would rather live with you than with me. I know Natasha, and when she says things like that...” I shake my head, not wanting to say the rest aloud.

  He interrupts, attempting to put me at ease. “She was just talking, and you know how kids are—especially at that age. We spoke about all sorts of things back then too.”

  I swipe at a stray tear that spilled over to my cheek. “Nate, she’s not like that. That girl is just like me, and if she says something, she means it. If she states she wants to be here more, then she’s already made up her mind that she’s happier here than she is at home.”

  More tears spill over, and he gathers me in his arms, pulling me to his chest. His embrace is strong and warm. I wish he could just fix everything for me. It’s ridiculous, as I’m strong enough to do it myself, but this is something I don’t know how to deal with. He rests his chin on my head as I melt into him. My cheek lays against his chest, my nose moving up to sniff his throat. He smells so good and manly.

  “Hush now, sweetie. You’re gonna get yourself all worked up over nothing. She has fun here, and I couldn’t be more thankful for that, but she won’t leave her momma. She won’t leave you.”

  The screen door whines as it opens, and then we’re no longer alone in our little cocoon. Natasha steps out, wearing a determined expression. She says adamantly, “You’re wrong, Dad. I agree with my mom. I would rather live here on the ranch, with you and the rest of my family.”

  My chest vibrates with a subdued sob. I won’t fall apart, no matter how badly I want to. “But Sashy, we are you’re family, too, sweet pea.”

  “I know, and I still love you, Mom, but if I have a choice, I want to move here with my dad.”

  And just like that, my world comes crashing down. At least that’s what it feels like.


  Natasha busting into mine and Sunshine’s conversation couldn’t have been more awkward and ill-timed. Of course, I want my daughter living with me. Hell, I want Sunshine just as much. She’s not ready for that talk yet.

  I was expecting the next world war to break out, but it was the opposite. Sunshine was so upset, she’d stormed upstairs to my room. Natasha was convinced she’d made a grand stand to get what she wants. In the end, they’d stayed for another night at the ranch and then left first thing the next morning.

  Now, however, I’m more confused than ever. What started out to be a touchy conversation pretty much got sidetracked and didn’t go anywhere. I’m going to show up on Friday like usual, and hope for the best. I keep checking my phone in case Sunshine texts me, but so far, I’ve received nothing. With me looking at my phone so much, it just makes me want to message her first.

  “Hey, you still out here brooding?” my brother grumbles. “Still talking to yourself like a crazy person?” He steps inside my almost-finished house.

  I shrug as I screw another light fixture cover into place. There’s no way I wouldn’t have made this much progress with this place without Clyde and Dallas working around the clock on it as well. Pretty much any free time they have when they’re not working or sleeping, they’re here, helping build my house. Shyla usually brings lunch and sometimes dinner over, too, so she can eat with us while we work. She’s pitched in some as well. Shyla’s been the one shopping for all the fixtures. I’m glad too; I would’ve just gone with the first option I saw.

  “Not much brooding going on. I’m just trying to get as much finished as I can before the kids have any time off from school. Natasha wants to come and stay for the breaks.”

  “It’s no rush on our part; we love having her around at the house.”

  “I appreciate that, but she needs to have her own room here. I want her to feel like this is home as well as her mom’s place.”

  “Hmm,” he grunts. “About that, have you heard anything else from Sunshine on it?”

  I shake my head and watch as he takes his cowboy hat off to swipe at some dust. “Not a damn word. It’s driving me up the wall.”

  His lips lift a millimeter. Typical Clyde. He calls me broody, but the bastard never breaks a smile. He’d probably crack a tooth if he tried.

  “I thought you going up there and fixin’ her dinner went over well?”

  My cousin walks in as I’m nodding in agreement.

  “Hey, Dallas,” I acknowledge before focusing on my brother again. “Yeah, it went great. I told you that much already, but I’ve backed off since then.”

  My cousin snickers, handing over another oversized shopping bag of stuff. No doubt it’s more of whatever Shyla’s been ordering online.

  Clyde huffs. “Well, you’re a dumbass; you had her right where you wanted her. You should’ve made her cave when you had the opportunity.”

  I snort and roll my eyes. He has no idea how headstrong my Sunshine is. I open the oversized bag and rifle through everything, noticing several sets of curtains. “How the hell am I supposed to know where to put all of this?”

  Shyla steps in. “Well, obviously, I’m going to tell you! The couches and kitchen table I ordered should be here tomorrow as well. Natasha’s bed and dresser will be here the day after, and she’s already picked out the curtains and bed set she wanted. They should be here by Friday, so she can help you set all of that stuff

  “Thanks, Shy,” I drone out, sounding like a scolded kid.

  Dallas cocks his head, staring me down. “You screwed it up again with your woman? I gave you too much credit then.”

  “Something like that...if you can call me not calling her, screwing up. I told you what happened with me cooking her dinner last Wednesday, but we’re talking about this past weekend.”

  Shyla’s hands go to her hips as she sighs. “What happened now? Let’s fix it.”

  They sort of know what went down this past weekend between my girls. It was hard for them to miss it when we were out on the porch, and the screen door didn’t offer much for privacy. Dallas is aware because he’s been one of my closest friends my entire life, so of course, I told him about it. I have no idea what to do with Sunshine and Natasha, and I damn sure don’t want to mess it up. If my family can help me out, then I’m going to ask, because that’s what family is for.

  “Nothing you don’t already know about. Your husband was just asking me if I’d made any headway with my woman and daughter.”

  Shyla strides across the room to lean against my brother as she says, “You need to tell Sunshine how you feel. I guarantee she’ll be happy to hear it. If she isn’t, then I’ve completely misread her, which doesn’t happen often. As for Natasha living with you, you all can figure something out. Maybe she comes down here for any extra days off she has from school.”

  “That’s what I was thinking, even though I want her with me all the time.”

  I grab the curtain rod hanger and start marking off where I need to drill the holes to lock it in place. Then Shy can pick which curtains belong in here, and my brother can hang them up, while I move to drill the holes for the next window’s rod hangers.

  She pulls the first set of curtains from the bag and rips the packaging, unfolding the long material. “While I believe you’re more than overdue your time with her, at this age, she’s going to need her momma more than ever. She’s a smart girl with a hell of a drive, but her teenage hormones will be hitting her before you know it. That girl needs to have both of her parents active in her life. It’s time y’all grabbed it by the bootstraps and came up with a solid plan.”


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