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by Kenya Nai


  I woke to the sound of blood curdling screaming, it was cold tonight my family curled up next to the small fire we had built. Most people in Iceland had yachts and fancy hovercrafts that work on all surfaces,but my family we only have seven pillows a blanket and a tarp to keep us warm and dry. Occasionally I steal food to provide for my family. I realized was to focus on the screaming to notice where it was coming from. It was my little sister Libby. She was covered in black bruise like spots she had stopped screaming and was now weeping. The spots meant that she had contracted Letimotis the most common form of the plague.


  “Judith am I going to die?”She asked weeping.


  “No” I tell her in the most soothing voice I could find. “ Not if I can help it.”


  I told her to keep as quiet as she could. I left shortly after she fell asleep. I grabbed my messenger bag and ran. I don’t know where I could possibly be going but my legs carried me for miles and miles until dawn. I felt burning pain in my legs but I carried on running. I don’t know what happened I just stopped. Then I realized where I was I was in Reykjavik.


  I remember when my father had taken my family to Reykjavik. It was beautiful, my father, my mother and I had the best drinks. The liquor was wonderful it was the sweetest liquor I had ever tasted. Unlike the watered down American beer you can get on the streets. We drank until the morning. We had left Libby with a sitter so it didn’t matter. We were wealthy and had no care in the world but that's when evil can slither in and ruin your happiness.

  My father had met this horrid woman named Stefánný I saw them once together at a bar. My father had extended our stay but I had no idea why. He and Stefánný had an ongoing relationship for weeks and my mother had no idea. Stefánný actually knew about us and didn’t change her ways. I had even went to her hotel suit and asked her to stop and that she would tear my family apart but she insisted that it was my problem and not hers. I kept on doing thing to try to end the relationship but I couldn’t. Then I finally confronted my father. He told me to keep my mouth shut and be a good fourteen year old girl but i couldn’t let it happen. My mother was just so happy and apparently my father did not care about her well being.

  I just felt so terrible and I told my mother.She told me to to pretend like I never saw what I saw. She and my father had a very heated argument in our hotel room. I put my ear against the wall of my room and I heard them talking about getting a divorce. Libby asked me why mother and father were fighting. I told her that everything was going to be fine. I thought it would be but it wasn’t. My father just took all our money and dropped us out on the street. It has been like that for two years.


  I knew that he still lived in Reykjavik. In my parents argument he told my mother that he was staying in Reykjavik. Now all I had to do was find him in a phone book. as I walked over to the phone booth I saw some girls my age in Michael Kors and Prada. I would have been them if Stefánný never happened. I opened the door to the booth and picked up the phone book. I scanned for my father K.Plaus . I found two numbers for K.Plaus.



  K.Plaus (345) - 956 - 4502 12305 Gillmore Lane

  K.Plaus (345) - 476 - 7053 4 main river Drive


  I called the first number. In the time it was ringing I thought about what I was supposed to say Oh hi dad! by the way Libby’s dying and we need plague cures. I don’t know. Finally someone picked up. “Hello?” it was my fathers voice.

  Chapter 2

  "Hello?"he said frustrated.

  "Dad?" I asked.

  By the strange coughing sound I heard I knew he was surprised to hear my voice

  "Judith?" he said unsure

  "Yep,I need to talk to you can you come get me?"

  " Sweetheart I can't." he said like there was someone watching him.Probably Stefánný.

  "Dad, Libby is sick." I told him.

  "How sick?" He asked worried.

  "Plague sick, so will you consider picking me up?"

  He paused for a long time. He did that a lot. I have contacted him before. But he kept on changing his number. Witch infuriates me.

  "I'll pick you up." He said completely certain."where are you?"

  I surprised me how fast he made it . He was in the car he bought for me, my Ferrari. We drove for ten minutes in silence. He made a really bad effort to comfort me. We stopped for something to eat, at least he remembered my favorite flavor of cupcake was. I ate my cupcake like a lady for my father. Just to show him that the that the two years I spent on the street had not changed me. I glanced over at my father his face was filled with guilt and pain. For a second I actually felt sorry for him, NO I couldn't he left me for dead.I mean why would I, he cheated on my mom for a full month then divorced her then took her money then he married the devilish girl who knew about us. I just don't know how he lives with him self its terrible he dropped his wife his two kids and an unborn child he had just found out about on the street, it must haunt him. I looked away from my father.

  We drove up to an enormous castle with stained glass windows and vine covered bricks. The front door was a beautiful colour and was entirely made out of wood, it had intricate patterns engraved in it . It was a big castle, bigger then the one I used to call home. My father silently opened the door I was in mid way of taking off my first shoe but my dad said keep them on. We walked to the kitchen were Stefánný was waiting in the shortest dress I had ever seen, it was almost see through. She had a huge seductive smile on her face until I walked in behind my father her smile faltered to a scowl. She marched over to to my father with a very upset look on her face. She gave me a false smile. She pulled my father aside. They appeared to be having an argument. I heard her say something like 'You agreed to never see that little brat ever again.' She looked over at me I smirked at her. They walked back over. My father said I could stay for a while maybe a month. I looked over at Stefánný who looked extremely angry and upset over every word he said.

  After my father finished talking Stefánný grabbed a small silver bell from a statue's finger and she rung it, two small women that looked barley older than me. Walked over quickly with tiny strides. " Terry, Tanya escort miss Judith to one of the guest rooms." She ordered them with the same voice someone would use to tell their dog to do tricks. Terry and Tanya walked over to me and the each grabbed one of my arms. They escorted me to a pink room that looked exactly like my old room. It had my name in sparkling letters on the door. I hadn't noticed my father behind me. He looked as if he was about to cry. "Your mother said I couldn't have you." He said starting to cry." I offered to give her money from my account" he paused " she said no to keep her money and everything." He was now in full man cry. I was shocked to see my father like this he only ever cried when he messed up on a surgery. I walked over to him and gave him a hug.

  "Dad right before I called you I blamed you for every thing, but now I believe you." I paused. "You really wanted us." I said crying.We both stood there crying.Finally he let go of me. I gave him a good night kiss like I never left and walked into my room. I sat down on the same bed with pink fur and buried my face in it and started to cry. I saw a pink cell phone with my name in sparkles on it. My dad really cares he's still paying my phone bill. I unlocked it with the same password that never left my mind. There were tons of missed calls. I listened to some messages they were mostly from people at school wondering where I was. I went through my pictures. I scrolled picture to picture I stopped at a picture of me and my ex. Jörvi was sweet he was everything I ever wanted but like my father he wanted someone else as well. I caught him with this girl named Roxanna, she was blond like Stefánný and had blue eyes she had curves and
was what any guy wanted . Unlike my barely adult stature and dark hair and eyes, she was perfect so I let her have him.

  I wasn't going to let Libby even slip my mind. Its my fault that she's sick. A week ago we snuck into a quarantined sector and went into houses and stole hidden cash and valuable things. she said it wasn't a good idea but I insisted that we needed cash and cash meant food.I was my fault she was exposed to it. I should have gotten sick. She was just coming along. I was teaching her how to steal but I guess I should have started somewhere else. Because my father and my mother don't know how it happened but I do and now its in my hands.jnjedjjkebvjkebrvjebrjkebfjkwebjebjbevjbevjbejvbejbvjkebvkjebvkejbkejbkjebfkjebkjebvkjebkjebkjebjkerrbgjrbjrttttttthjbgjkbgkjsdbkjdsbfvkjsdbfvkjsdbvkjsdbvkdsbfvkdbfvmnsdfbvmnsbvnmsdbfvmndsbvmnbsdvmnbsdfmnbdnmvbmdfbvmndbfmndbvnmsdbvnmsdbvndsbfkjebfjkerbfjkwdbfI llove



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