77 passim
17 passim
Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, 194–95
Altar of Earth and Grain (Shejitan), 7,
Ashikaga Yoshimochi, 195
“attention whip” ( mingbian), 6
Alu Temur, 48, 53, 151
Ayushiridala, 148, 150
Analects (Lunyu), 15
“The Ancestor’s Instructions” (Zu-
Baoding, 67, 104, 157
xunlu), 29, 52, 60, 63; revision of,
battalions ( qianhusuo), 114
Beijing: new name, 21; map of, 34;
“Ancestor’s Instructions from the
construction of new capital, 125–
Ming Emperor” (Huang Ming
27. See also Beiping
zuxun), 52, 130
Beiping, 21, 26–27; population of, 32;
Ancestral Temple (Taimiao), 7, 82
siege of, 65–66. See also Beijing
Ancheng, Princess, 139
Bengal, 188, 197, 205–6
Anding, 161–62
Bian Zhen, 145–46
Anle (Peace and Joy), 157
Biographical Sketches of Women of
Annam, 10–11, 179; taxes on, 112; wars
Chastity from Ancient Times to
against Champa, 178–79; relations
the Present (Gujin lienü zhuan),
with Ming China, 179–86; national-
98, 139–41
ism in, 183–86
Biographies of the Immortals (Liexian
Annamese Annals, 181–83
zhuan), 143
Aqachu, 157
The Book of Changes (Yijing), 19, 132,
Ardashir Togachi, 189
The Book of History (Shujing),
Changle County, 203
Changlu, 122
The Book of Mencius (Mengzi), 15, 142
Channel of Communication Grace
The Book of Odes (Shijing), 132
(Tonghuihe), 31
The Book of Rites (Liji), 132, 142
Chen Cheng, 162, 189
Borneo, 187, 197, 207; king visits China,
Chen Dewen, 188
200; point of demarcation, 207
Chen Di, 70
Brava, 197, 204
Chen Gui, 125
Buddhism: conversion of minorities
Chen Ji, 133
to, 84–85; scriptures of, 143–44
Chen Mao, 174
Buddhist Registry (Senggangsi), 85, 158
Chen Qia, 92, 180, 186
Bunyashiri (Oljei Temur), 149, 166–67,
Chen Xuan, 69, 120, 167
Chen Ying, 72–76, 89, 103
Bureau of Appointments (Wen-
Chen Zhi, 11, 17, 185
xuansi), 10
Chen Zuyi, 199, 203
Bureau of Armaments (Bingzhangju),
Chengzu, 211. See also Yongle,
Bureau of Equipment (Chejiasi), 11
Chijin, 161, 164–65
Bureau of Evaluations (Kaogongsi), 10
Chinggis Khan, 21, 148, 171
Bureau of Headgear (Jinmaoju), 6
Chongming Island, 118, 122
Bureau of Honors (Yanfengsi), 10
Chosön (Morning Freshness). See Yi
Bureau of Provisions (Wukusi), 11
Bureau of Records (Jixunsi), 10
choufen (extract and divide), 105
Bureau of Silverware (Yinzuoju), 15
Chu, Prince of. See Zhu Zhen
Buyan Temur, 162
The Classic of Filial Piety (Xiaojing),
Buyi people, 85
15, 25
Coal Hill, 13
Calicut, 197, 206
Cochin, 197, 203
Cambodia, 185, 197–98
Collections of Imperial Instructions
Can-tram, 180
during the Past Three Reigns
canal troops ( caoding), 121
(Sanchao sheng yulu), 10
cangue, 126
College of Translators (Siyiguan), 190,
Cao De, 109
Censorate (Yushitai), 11, 105–7
companies ( baihusuo), 114
Champa: people of, 178; vassal of
Confucianism: as code of behavior,
Ming, 178, 180, 183, 197–98; con-
91; moral education of, 129–30;
quered by Annam,186; visited
Neo-Confucianism, 136; canon
by Zheng He, 203–5
of, 141–42
Changan Gates, 7
Confucius: birthplace of 69; influence
of, 81–82; concept of gentleman,
Dezhou, 66
90–91; temple of, 131
dian, 3
corvée laborers ( caofu), 6
“Diaries of Activity and Repose”
Cosmopolitan Inn (Datongguan), 192
(Qijuzhu), 89
Court of Imperial Sacrifices
Director of Ceremonial (Sili Zhangyin
(Taichangsi) 6–7, 130
Taijian), 4–5, 13, 17
Court of Judicial Review (Dalisi), 12,
Directorate of Astronomy
(Qintianjian), 7
Court of State Ceremonial
Directorate of Ceremonial (Silijian), 4,
(Honglusi), 7
13, 17, 37
Court of the Imperial Stud (Taipusi), 11
Directorate of Entourage Guards
(Duzhijian), 5
Dadan. See Tartar Mongols
Directorate of Imperial Stables
Dadu, 21, 32. See also Beijing; Peiping
(Yumajian), 14
Dai, Prince of. See Zhu Gui
Directorate of Imperial Temples
Dai people, 85
(Shengongjian), 6
Dalai Nor, 173
Directorate of Outfitting (Sishejian), 6
Daning, 65, 156
Directorate of Palace Custodians
Dao Cheng, 195
(Zhidianjian), 4
Dao Yan (Yao Guangxiao): as brain
Directorate of Palace Servants
trust of Yongle, 43–45, 54, 59, 71, 98;
(Neiguanjian), 4, 12, 203
as editor of Yongle dadian 133, 136;
Directorate of Royal Clothing
as reviser of The Hongwu Veritable
(Shangyijian), 4
Record, 140
Do Charities Anonymously (Weishan
Daoism, 138, 143
yinzhi), 144–45
Datong, 55, 66–67, 154
Doctrine of the Mean (Zhongyong), 15
Dazi. See Tartars
Dongchang (Eastern Depot), 13–14
Decrees and Orders from the Prince of
Dongchang (town in Shandong), 67,
Yan (Yanwang lingzhi), 143
Deng Cheng, 163
Dongdu (Hanoi), 1
Department of Entertainments
Downright Gate (Duanmen) 7
(Zonggusi), 10
dragon throne, 5
Department of Fire and Water
Duolin. See Kaiping
(Xixinsi), 4
Duoyan Guard, 156
Department of the Bathhouse
(Huntangsi), 4
East Handong Guard, 161, 164
Description of the Barbarian Countries
Eastern Depot. See Dongchang
of the West (Xiyang fanguo zhi),
Eastern Peace Gate (Donganmen), 13
“eight-legged” ( bagu) essays, 142
elder o‹cials ( zhangguan), 85
Five Classics, 131–32, 142
/> Embroidered-Uniform Guard (Jinyi-
Flower-Covered Hall (Huagaidian), 5,
wei), 7, 13–14, 78, 106
83, 95, 126
Encyclopedia of the Five Classics and
Following Heaven Gate (Chengtian-
the Four Books (Wujing sishu
men), 7, 13, 169
daquan), 141–42
Fort Green Cloud, 176
Encyclopedia of Works on Nature and
Four Books, 141–42
Principle (Xingli daquan), 141–42
The Four Treasuries (Siku quanshu),
Endekhud (Andekan), 189
100, 133–34
Engke Temur (Prince of Zhongshun),
Fox Hunting Hill, 169
Fu An, 188–89
erudites of the Five Classics ( Wujing
Fu Youde: as mentor of Prince of Yan,
boshi), 96
33, 38, 46–47; Yunnan conquered
Esen, 160, 177
by, 35–37; death of, 50–51
Esentu Qan, 174, 176
Fuyu Guard, 156
Esun Temur. See Taiding
Eunuch of the Three Gems (Sanbao
Ganying gequ (Songs of Compassion),
Taijian), 202
eunuchs: in administrative service, 76,
Gaochang. See Karakhoto
78, 106–8, 210; as port superintend-
Gao Fuxing, 108
ents, 124, 193–94; as Tea-Horse
Gao Xian, 27
Trade agents, 160; as envoys, 187–
Gate of Eminent Gratitude (Lingen-
201 passim; Korean-born, 192–93
men), 212
Exhortations (Quanshan shu), 138–39
Ge Lai, 165
geng (time period), 3–6, 17
Fang Bin, 92–93, 172
Geng Bingwen, 51, 64–65, 74
Fang Xiaoru, 59, 70–71, 73
Geng Huan, 62
fatian (follow the will of heaven),
Ghiyath-al-Din, 190
Gobi Desert, 47, 155–56, 169
Fei Jin, 109
Gold River Gate (Jinchuanmen), 70
Fei Xin, 202–5
Golden Water River, 6
Fei Yu, 27
Gong, Consort, 20
Feng Sheng, 46–48, 50–51
Gong Zhen, 202
fengshui (wind and water), 211–12
Grand Canal: rebuilding of, 118–20;
Fengyang, 21–22, 28; penitentiary in,
administration of, 121
42, 48
grand defenders ( zhenshou), 12
Five Chief Military Commissions
The Grand Encyclopedia of Yongle
(Wujun Dudufu), 7, 12, 30, 39,
(Yongle dadian), 44, 98; compila-
tion of, 133–37
Grand Granary (Taichang), 121
Hai Tong, 17, 170–72
Grand Secretariat (Neige), 13, 78, 210;
Haicheng (near Amoy), 196
established, 95; relations with
Haixi (Jurchen), 158
Hanlin Academy, 96; Yongle’s
Halima, 84, 187
seven grand secretaries, 96–103
Hall of Eminent Gratitude
(Lingendian), 212
The Great Collection of Literary
Hami (Qomul), 159, 188
and Historical Works (Wenxian
Han, Prince of. See Zhu Gaoxu
dacheng), 98, 133
Han Chinese, 85–86, 152
Great Khingan Mountains (Da Xingan
Han dynasty, 25, 60, 72, 150
Ling), 155–56, 169
Han Guan, 108, 110
Great Kingdom of Annam, 181–82
Handong Guard, 161–63
Great Learning (Daxue), 15, 25
Hangzhou, 113, 120
Great Ming Gate (Damingmen), 17
Hanlin Academy, 13, 88–89, 96, 131–32
Great Peace Inn (Taipingguan), 192
Hanoi. See Dongdu; Thang-long
Great Sacrifice Altar (Dasidian), 8
Hasan, 162
Gu, Prince of. See Zhu Hui
He Fu, 108–9, 115
Gu Cheng, 87
He Qing, 108
Gu Yingtai, 70, 148
Heaven (as divine force) 1, 81–82
guan (measure for money), 79
Heavenly Longevity Mountain
Guangxi, 11, 180–81
(Tianshoushan), 12, 211–12
Guanyin (goddess of mercy), 137
Heavenly Mountains (Tianshan),
Guangzhou, 123–24, 193–94, 198
guard unit ( wei), 198
Heavenly Purity Palace (Qianqing-
Gubeikou, 48
gong), 4, 5, 19, 217 n1
Guide to Filial Piety and Caring
Hedong, 122
(Xiaocilu), 130
Herat, 161, 188–90
Guilichi (Ugechi-Khashakha), 165–67
History of the Ming Dynasty (Ming
Guizhou, established as a province,
shi), 203–5, 207–8
Ho Nhat-nguyen. See Le Qui-ly
Guo Ji, 167, 188
Hong Bao, 198, 208
Guo Jing, 189
Hong Taiji, 149, 159
Guo Liang, 64
Hongwu, Emperor (Zhu Yuanzhang;
Guo Wen, 198
Duke of Wu): Ming dynasty
Guo Zi, 10, 92, 125
founded by, 20–21; childhood
Guo Zixing, 22
of, 21–22; as Duke of Wu, 21; as
a father, 24–26; o‹cials purged by,
Hafiz-i Abru, 127, 190
30, 48, 51; death of wife, 35; revision
Hai Shou, 176, 191, 199
of “Ancestor’s Instructions,” 40–41,
Hongwu, Emperor ( continued)
Huang Shang, 199
52; death of, 57; designation of heir
Huang Xuan, 109
apparent, 59; pacification of south-
Huang Yan, 96, 132, 191–92
west China, 85–87; classification of
Huang Zhong, 181, 183
population, 111; initiation of agro-
Huang Zicheng: as advisor of Jianwen,
miliatary colonies, 114; founding
57, 60–66; execution of, 70, 72; and
of National University, 131; policy
Jiangxi clique, 97
toward Mongols, 150–52, 156; estab-
Huangjue Monastery, 21–22
lishment of Tea-Horse Trade
Huitongguan (International Inn),
Bureaus, 160; sending of envoys
190–92, 199
to Tamerlane’s court, 188; against
Huitonghe (Union Link Channel), 31,
pirates, 193
The Hongwu Veritable Record (Ming
Hutuo River, 64
Taizu shilu), 44, 88, 98, 140, 153
Hongxi, Emperor (Zhu Gaozhi), 24,
Imperial Academy of Medicine (Taiyi-
137, 207; birth of, 30, 58; defense of
yuan), 7
Beiping, 65–66; interpretation of
Imperial Clan Court (Zhongrenfu), 41
Analects, 90–91; as heir apparent,
Imperial Commandments (Yuzhi
98; relations with Gaoxu and Xie
dagao), 144
Jin, 99–100
Imperial Genealogy (Tianhuang
Hormuz, 197, 201, 205–6
yudie), 141
Hou Xian, 84; missions to Tibet, 187–
Imperial Library (Huangshicheng), 19,
88; accompaniment of Zheng He,
Imperial Pharmacy Ro
om (Yuyao-
Household Instructions (Neixun), 138
fang), 9, 15
Hu Guang, 13, 71; as grand secretary,
Imperial Treasury (Neichengyun ku), 15
96–97, 100–101; as encyclopedia
Instructions on the Basics (Wuben
editor, 142
zhixun), 143
Hu Run, 70
Hu Weiyong, 30
Jade Gate Pass (Yumengguan), 164
Hu Yan, 13, 96–99, 133
Jade River, 125
Hua Yunlong, 27
Japan: pirates from, 47, 193, 196; rela-
Huaian, 28, 58
tions with Ming, 193–95
Huailai, 64
Java, 37, 197, 200–203
Huang Fu: as civil administrator in
Ji Gang, 99, 103
Annam, 17, 180–86 passim; consid-
Jiajing, Emperor, 135, 211
ered a defector, 73–74, 92–93, 102
Jian Yi: jailed, 9, 16; as minister of per-
Huang Guan, 73
sonnel, 92–93, 102, 192, 206
Huang Huai, 13, 96–97, 100
Jiang Tingzan, 88
Jiang Ziwen, 145
Khalil Sultan, 188
Jiangxi: literary excellence in, 97; ban-
Koko Nor. See Qinghai Lake
dits in, 109–10
Koko Temur, 23, 29, 150
Jianwen, Emperor (Zhu Yunwen), 24;
Kong Keren, 25
as heir apparent, 50; assumption
Korea: under Koryö, 45–46, 191; deal-
of throne, 57, 59–60; reduction of
ings with Prince of Yan, 46, 53;
feudatories, 61–62; management
oxen and horses sent to China, 115,
of civil war, 65–66; death or escape
159, 168–69; relations with Ming,
of, 70, 105; reign records muddled,
190–93. See also Yi dynasty
Kunjilai, 164
Jianzhou (Jurchen), 157, 159
Kuzhuzi, 164
Jiaozhi, 181–85. See also Annam
Jiayu Pass, 162, 164
Lake Tai, 118
Jin, Prince of. See Zhu Gang; Zhu Jixi
Lambri, 197
Jin Chun, 10, 92, 119–20
Lam-son Uprising, 184
Jin Youzi: as grand secretary, 13, 15,
Lan Yu, 47–48, 50–51
96–97, 100–102; campaigns against
Lanzhou, 155
Mongols, 169, 173
Later Le dynasty, 186
Jin Zhong, 55, 92
Le Loi, 11, 17, 184–86
Jinan, 67
Le Qui-ly (Ho Nhat-nguyen), 179–81
Jinnan (Suppression of Trouble), 63–
Learning from the Sages and the
64, 79
Method of the Mind (Shengxue
jinshi (civil service doctors), 7, 88, 131
xinfa), 81, 91, 143, 154
Jizhou, 64, 154
legalism ( fajia), 103, 147
Journal of the Northern Expeditions
Li Bin, 11, 109, 184–85
(Beizeng ji), 101, 176
Li Da, 189
Jurchen, 16, 44, 115; establishment
Li Faliang, 108
of Ming commanderies in
Li Qian, 171
Manchuria, 156–59 passim. See
Li Qing, 12, 92
also Liaodong; Manchus
Perpetual Happiness Page 37