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Please Be Mine

Page 6

by Megs Pritchard

  Niles stared at his sleeping mate. His skin was still a little too pale for his liking, but the head wound was healing well so Niles wasn't too concerned over it. The concussion had gone, and Tank was waking more frequently now and was able to answer all questions asked.

  His usually spiky hair lay flat on the pillow and Niles leaned forward to run his fingers over it, ignoring the greasy feeling. He was looking forward to helping Tank have a shower when he was well enough for one.

  The door opened, and Ale came in, walking over to the bed and looking down at Tank. "How is he?"

  "Improving, though the leg is concerning me. I've increased his antibiotics to try to flush the remaining infection out, but I think I'm going to have to go back in and check the wound again."

  "Something still in there?"

  "I suspect so. I should have gotten it all out the first time."

  "I saw the state of his leg when he came in. Don't be too hard on yourself."

  "I'm a doctor, Ale. I shouldn't have missed anything."

  "Tank also had a head wound that was bleeding heavily, plus thorns embedded in his skin in numerous places. There was a lot going on. I know you're going to beat yourself up over it, so I'll give you two options." Ale pulled a chair over and sat down, sighing as he relaxed back in it. "You can get over it, or I can tell Troy and send him in to speak to you."

  Niles blinked. Troy? "Why Troy?"

  "He loves Dodge and because Dodge is Tank's dog he likes Tank too. He'll talk nonstop until you admit mistakes happen."

  That didn't make any sense at all. Frowning, Niles said, "If Troy loves Dodge, wouldn't he want Tank to stay in hospital, so he can look after Dodge for longer?"

  "You'd think so, wouldn't you? But Dodge is missing Tank, and that makes Troy sad and that makes me unhappy. You get where I'm going with this, don't you?"

  "You want a happy mate."

  Ale grinned. "I sure do, and he isn't happy because that damn dog isn't happy."

  Niles chuckled, and Ale joined in. "The things we do for our mates."

  Ale shrugged. "You've heard about how we became mated?" Niles winced, but nodded. "So, you'll understand that the last thing I want is for Troy to be hurt and that includes him being upset because of a fucking dog."

  "Okay, I understand." As he finished speaking, Tank moved on the bed and he groaned as he opened his eyes.

  Niles leaned forward and touched Tank's hand. "Targon."

  Blinking his eyes, Tank looked around the room before seeing Niles. "Hey," he muttered.

  "Hi. How are you feeling?"

  Tank blinked again and rubbed his face with his hands. "Okay, I think."

  Tank rolled his head over the pillow and saw Ale. Niles smiled when Tank said, "What’s up? How is the team?"

  "Everyone's okay. Just concerned about you, but I hear you're getting better."

  Tank grunted. "Can't wait to get out of here." He moved his leg and hissed, causing Niles to frown and glance down at it.

  "Your leg hurting?" he asked. He was a doctor and his mate had been injured. He needed to know if he was hurting.

  "A little. It'll pass. I think it's because I haven’t been moving. I'm not used to lying in bed for so long. How's Dodge?"

  "Troy has him, so don't worry."

  "He'll get fat with Troy. Did you hide all the treats?"

  Ale grinned. "I'm not stupid. Of course I did, but you know Troy. All Dodge has to do is give him one of his sad looks and Troy will feed him to make him happy."

  "Just great," Tank muttered, frowning.

  Niles leaned forward in his chair watching the expressions on Tank's face. He could see stress lines appearing and when he reached forward and touched his forehead, there was a slight sheen of sweat. "Are you in any pain?"

  He watched Tank swallow and noticed his unfocused stare. "Don't feel so good," he mumbled.

  "Ale, get the doctor!" Niles said, as Tank's eyelids fluttered shut.

  Feeling his head again, Niles' knew he had an infection. "Shit."

  He ripped the sheet of Tank's body and immediately checked the wound on his thigh. Grabbing some gloves, he removed the bandages and sucked in a breath when he saw the wound.

  The doctor came in and took one look at the wound then shouted for the nurse. "We need to open it up and clean it thoroughly. Your suspicions were correct. We missed something."

  "I was certain we got all the dirt and debris out."

  "We'll make sure this time and we'll increase the antibiotics. Right, Doctor Conway, let's fix our patient."

  Chapter Nine

  Waking up in the hospital, Tank blinked his eyes several times, trying to focus. He glanced around the room and found Niles at the side of this bed watching him intently. He smiled and leaned forward, his fingers gently touching his forehead.

  Tank winced, the pain radiating from the area and Nile snatched his hand away, grimacing.

  "Hey, you're awake. How are you feeling?"

  Tank swallowed, his mouth and throat dry, and coughed to clear it. "Good," he croaked out.

  Niles leaned over, a plastic cup with a bendy straw held in his hand. "Here, drink this. You'll feel better when once you get rid of that dry mouth."

  Tank greedily sipped cold water, not even bothered by the plastic aftertaste. God, it felt good. His throat was so dry and his tongue was stuck to the roof of his mouth, so the water tasted like it had been sent from heaven.

  When he'd finished drinking, Tank pulled away and nodded to Niles, thanking him. "When do you think I can leave?" He was desperate to get out of the hospital go back home.

  "You had an infection in your thigh that we've been treating with antibiotics. Your temperature spiked, but it has remained within the normal range for the past twelve hours. We missed a small piece of wood when we initially cleaned your wound. I'd prefer to keep you in for another twenty-four hours at least and then send you home. Don't want to risk another spiking in your temp."

  "The branch?" Niles nodded. "I knew there was a risk when I felt it going in, but getting those kids to safety was more important."

  "I knew something had happened. I felt a spike in your levels."

  Tank smiled. "Sorry, I don't how to switch it off."

  Niles shook his head. "No, I'm glad I did. And I was able to be here for you."

  Tank nodded as he gingerly felt around the wound in his leg, wincing when he touched a tender spot. "Shit, it still hurts."

  "It will for a few more days. You were lucky, Targon. It could have been so much worse."

  "Really?" It could have been much worse than what it felt like right now? Because right now it felt like his leg was on fire.

  "Yes, if it hit the bone itself, caused an infection in the bone, then the recovery phase would be much longer and more intense."

  "Shit, I didn't know."

  "And now onto more positive things. The teacher and children have all been discharged and are in good health."

  "That's good. I vaguely remember Hunter saying something. Dodge?"

  "With Troy."

  Tank yawned and relaxed back against the pillow. "Sorry, I'm still tired."

  "You’re tired from all the drugs in your body helping you to recover. You should get some more sleep."

  "I think I've—”

  Tank was interrupted by the door to his room opening and his parents walking in. They glanced at Niles, looking him up and down, then dismissed him.

  Niles raised an eyebrow at Tank, who shook his head.

  "Mom, Dad. What you are doing here?" He quickly looked over at Niles then back at his parents.

  "Where do you think we would be?" his mother, Evelyn, asked.

  Tank furrowed his brow. "At home?"

  Evelyn shook her head, staring down at Tank in the bed. "Seriously, son. You've been injured. Of course, we came. Now, we can talk about you finding a proper job."

  Tank rolled his eyes. This wasn't the first time they'd talked about him leaving his job. "Mom, I'm not giving up my jo

  His dad, Acton, said, "Now, son. We let you carry on with this foolishness, but it's time for you to accept your responsibility and join the family business."


  When are you going to tell them who I am? Niles asked.

  "What, son?"

  I can't, Niles. Tank looked over at him, pleading with him silently to understand the situation he was in.

  He rubbed his head. "I like what I do, Dad, and I'm not quitting my job."

  When, Targon? We've been mated for over a month. You practically live with me and I've even let Dodge stay.

  Acton turned to Niles. "I don't know who you are, but you need to leave."

  Tank saw Niles staring at him from the corner of his eyes, but didn't say anything, avoiding looking in his direction.

  "I guess I am leaving." Niles stood and stared at Targon, the anger and hurt showing on his face. "You need to collect all your belongings as soon as you’re discharged from the hospital."

  Acton turned to Tank, a frown on appearing on his face. "Your things? What's he talking about? Why are your belongings at his home?"

  Glancing back at Niles, Acton looked him up and down and then dismissed him.

  Niles crossed his arms over his chest, glaring at Acton. "Yes, Targon. Why don't you tell them?"

  Evelyn stared between the two of them, her mouth falling open. "You and him?" She spat the word him out, causing Tank to wince.

  "Mom, it's not what you think."

  Niles raised an eyebrow at him. "Really, Targon. How is it not what they think?"

  "Niles, you're not helping."

  Acton turned to him and pointed at the door. "No, you're not helping at all. This is a private conversation, and it doesn't include the likes of you."

  "Likes of me," Niles murmured. Targon. Are you going to let this happen?

  Niles, please.

  Niles smiled grimly at him, his shoulders slumping. "Goodbye, Targon. Don't forget to collect your things."

  Tank watched Niles leave the room, closing the door quietly behind him. He heard the movements of his parents as they sat down and ignored them. He couldn't concentrate on them right now. The heaviness in his chest was almost too much to take, the hurt and anger he could feel from Niles. The pain it caused him by Tank not admitting their relationship.

  "Who is that man?"

  He closed his eyes, wishing that he was anywhere but in that room with his parents. "His name is Niles."

  Acton waved dismissively. "I got that. He's a vampire, isn't he? It's bad enough you have to work with them, but to have them as friends as well, and why were you staying at his?"

  "It's complicated."

  Evelyn stared at the door that Niles had left through, then glanced back at Tank. "Are you two...? God, no." She raised a shaky hand to her mouth, staring at Tank.


  "No! Absolutely not!" Acton shouted. "I forbid it. Once you're out of here you will move back in with us and get your life straightened out. You will quit that job and join the family business where you belong. Clearly working with people like them has lowered your standards in life." Acton leaned forward, glaring at Tank. "When did you become gay, and interested in both vampires and black men?"

  "His gender, his species, or his skin color has nothing to do with it. Niles is a caring man and thinks of others before himself."

  "Oh, how your standards have fallen." Evelyn shook her head. "Your dad is right. You need to come home as soon as you leave this hospital."

  "I'm not coming home, no matter what you say. I'm a grown man! As soon as I leave this hospital, I'm going home — my home — and then I'm getting straight back to work."

  "And what about this Niles character?"

  "There’s nothing going on there, Mom. You don't have to worry about anything." Even as Tank said the words, he felt his stomach drop, his body become cold, and his eyes began to itch and burn.

  The door opened again. Fortunately for Tank, it was Ale and Troy. Troy glanced around the room then sat on the bed and looked him up and down. "Hi Tank. You don't look too bad. When are you getting out?"

  "Hi Troy, thanks for coming. Let me introduce my parents to you. Acton and Evelyn."

  Troy turned them and smiled. "Hi," he said, waving at them.

  Ale walked further into the room, his hand coming to rest on Troy's back. Troy smiled at him, leaving no doubt about the nature of their relationship.

  Ale smiled at Tank’s parents. "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Evans. How are you?"

  "We're good, thank you, Mr. Martin," Evelyn said, her eyes flickering between Troy and Ale.

  "That's good to hear. Was Tank able to tell you about the teacher and two young children he rescued? Without him, they may well have died." Tank closed his eyes, silently thanking Ale. Ale was well aware of what his parents were like.

  "We're aware of how good Targon is at his job. But now it's time to him to join the family business, so unfortunately he will be leaving Rescue Inc," Acton said.

  "Let's not get into this here please, Dad," Tank murmured.

  "So, you're leaving us, are you, Tank?" Ale asked, raising an eyebrow.

  "Nothing's been decided yet, Ale. My parents are just worried after what happened."

  "Of course, they are. You're their son, it's only natural for them to worry."

  "Hey, you get some time off. You can come over and hang out at Ale's cabin," Troy said, smiling at everyone in the room.

  "You don't really want me to come, do you, Troy? You just want to keep Dodge."

  "What?" Troy put a hand to his chest. "I think I’m insulted."

  "No, Troy. Tank knows exactly where he stands." Ale grinned at his mate. "You'd take Dodge over him any time."

  Troy shrugged. "Well, you won't let me have a dog, so I have to take Dodge, don't I?"

  "Who's going to look after the dog when you're at college and I'm out working?"

  "Pops can. Please," Troy looked imploringly at Ale, who rolled his eyes.

  "We'll talk about this later."

  "Are you two together?" Evelyn asked.

  Troy grinned. "Ale's my mate. He's stuck with me."

  "I see," Acton murmured. Glaring at Tank, he said, "You’re surrounded by them, aren't you? No wonder you've become... Infected."

  "Infected?" Troy said, shoulders slamming back. Troy stood, glared at Tank’s parents before glancing at Ale, who nodded, then left the room, slamming the door behind him.

  "Well, I can see you haven't changed one little bit, have you, Acton," Ale said, glaring at Tank's dad. "I have no problems if you insult me in any way, shape or form, but you will not insult my mate."

  "And just how old is he, your mate?" Evelyn asked. "He appears a little too young for you. Is that what you're into now, Alejandro? Little boys your thing now?"

  Ale inhaled sharply. "Think whatever you want to, Evelyn. My friends and my family know the truth. And to be honest I really couldn't give a shit what you think. It's about time you left the nineteenth century and moved with the times." Turning to Tank, Ale said, "I'll see you when you get back to work."

  Without saying a word to Tank’s parents, Ale left the room and Tank glared at him. "How could you be so rude to my friends? Don't you care?"

  "We care about the people you are associating with. Don't you realize the shame you bring on us hanging out with blacks, vampires and gay men? When you get out of this hospital, you're coming home, son, and we'll find a nice woman for you to settle down with." Acton stood and held a hand out to Evelyn. "I won't repeat myself. Come home where you belong or face the consequences."

  Tank's mouth dropped open, but he never said a word, merely watching his parents leave the room. He slumped back into the pillow and stared up at the ceiling, his mind in turmoil. He'd never been given an ultimatum by his family before. They'd always made it known, made it clear what they wanted, but he'd always had some leeway being the eldest. It looked like now they had changed their minds.

  He needed to spea
k to Niles, and he reached out to him. Niles.

  He waited a few seconds, and when there was no response, he tried again. Niles, please.

  Again, there was no response, and he bit his lip, closing his eyes against the sting he felt there. Niles, please, I'm sorry.

  When there was still no response, he gripped the sheets in his hands, his breath shuddering in and out of his body. Was this it? Had he pushed Niles too far? Was their relationship over before it had really started?

  Chapter Ten

  It had been days since he'd seen or heard from Tank, other than that day he chose to ignore him. He needed time to think, time to figure out how he could help his mate. If he actually wanted to. He'd waited so long for him already and there was only so much more he could take emotionally.

  They'd mated now. Yes, it was an accident—Niles winced at that admission—but what was done, was done and it was in his DNA to be there for his mate and to help him in any way he could. If only Targon would let him in, instead of keeping Niles on the fringes of his life.

  How he’d managed to get through the workday amazed him. Targon was a constant presence in the back of his mind, and his body had no problem reminding him that something was missing. His body wanted its mate and Niles wanted him too, but the terms of their relationship had to change.

  He hesitated to wash his bed sheets as they still held Targon's scent, and with all of Targon's things gone from his house, there was no evidence that his mate had even stayed there. Nothing to remind him of the man he loved, except the empty, hollow feeling in his chest and an empty bed.

  He missed him and his stupid, slobbering dog.

  He sat at lunch, pushing his food around his plate, ignoring the noise around him, his mind going around in circles as he tried to figure out what he was going to do. He barely glanced up when Max sat opposite him, grunting when he said hi.

  "What's wrong? You've been distant since you returned."

  Niles grunted again, before saying, "Targon's parents."

  "What about them?"

  "They have to be the most phobic people I have ever met. Targon told me they were, but I assumed he was exaggerating. Turns out he wasn't. They're actually worse."


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