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Wicked Dirty Games (Dirty Billionaire Series Book 1)

Page 15

by Gemma Berlanti

  His teeth nipped at the bared skin of her neck, then soothed the abused flesh with his hot tongue. With every kiss he marked her; with every thrust he owned her. Even in her lust-fueled state, Lila finally understood all the excitement surrounding sex. This wasn’t love-making, but hard, animalistic fucking.

  One of his large hands moved down to angle her hips for his thrusts.

  The walls of her sex quivered around him as the wide head of his cock rubbed a sweet spot inside of her and she screamed. A slow burn descended through her belly and pooled at her core, followed by a mind-blowing orgasm that seemed to last forever and had her body bowing off the bed, convulsing. She felt her muscles tighten around him, and a low animal-like growl rumbled through his throat.

  His breathing was harsh and ragged as he released a hot flood of his semen inside of her. His mouth found her throat, and he thrust into her one last time and then he stilled. He buried his head into the curve of her neck, and one hand came up and cupped her breast. It was so child-like. She didn’t know when she fell asleep, but when she did, she was holding him to her.


  Lila woke up with a sore feeling. She felt trapped, and when she moved, she realized that she was tangled with the man who slept next to her. She sucked in a mouthful of air as she pulled herself from under his weight. He groaned in his sleep and shifted, causing the sheet to be tugged down his waist. That was when she saw them, the fresh bruises on his hip bone and abdomen.

  Then she remembered last night, Killean’s beast-like behavior before they had made love. Made love? At least he’d kept his promise to her, because she had been thoroughly fucked. She jolted upright and winced. He lay on his back, and her eyes took in all of him, mostly the part that had dark hairs starting from beneath his navel down to his…how had that fit into me?

  Blood stained the sheet where she’d lost her virginity. This was never how she envisioned her first time with a feral man in pain, half-awake too. She could have pushed him off, but she’d given in because she’d want him just as bad. She stood too quickly and lost her balance, only to fall back on the bed. She winced as she felt how sore and bruised she was. Her legs and thighs felt oddly beaten and trembled as she pushed back further onto the bed.

  She stood for a moment, regaining her equilibrium before she went to the bathroom to have a warm shower. She could still feel his mouth against her skin and feel him inside her. Her stomach growled, ruining the moment.

  She had given in last night. She never knew she could experience such mind-blowing pleasure. She knew there was more to explore. And she wanted Killean to teach her.

  Lila put on her robe and returned to the bedroom, startled to find Killean awake, staring down at the blood on the sheet. She felt her cheeks getting hot. She knew he regretted what took place last night.

  “Good morning,” she greeted.

  He said nothing, and she felt the lump forming in her throat.

  Killean watched her every move, and she tried to ignore him as much as possible as she brushed her hair.

  “Lila, about last night…when I…when we…” He sighed and dragged a frustrated hand through his hair. Regret twisted his features.

  “I know what we did, Killean. It’s called having sex. I’m sure it wasn’t a novelty for you,” she snapped.


  The edge to his voice froze her in her path.

  “We—I didn’t protect us.”

  The gravity of the situation suddenly dawned on her.

  “Christ!” he hissed.

  “I’ll see my doctor after I get home,” she said, clutching her throat.

  Lila left the room and went to prepare breakfast. She was hungry, but the food tasted like hot garbage in her mouth. And last night…she heaved a sigh. Last night had been nothing but a mistake for him. As she washed the dishes, she heard his footsteps.

  He was dressed with a frown etched between his brows.

  “Get dressed, Lila, and meet me in the parking lot. I’ll drive you home,” he said dismissively as he strode to the foyer. Lila stood there staring at his retreating back.

  What the hell had happened?

  Lila got dressed and took the elevator down. He was leaning against the side of a car, his face impassive. Her pleasure god. Neither Zeus nor his line of mystical male children had anything on this man. The beam of sunlight that shone on him seemed to shroud the shadows dancing over his face.

  “Get in. I’ll drive.”

  “Yes, but you’re not the one with the car keys,” she clarified.

  The muscles in his jaw ticked, and he moved closer to her. Instinctively, she took a step back. Her heart galloped against her chest as he neared. He inhabited her breathing space, and she had to suppress a moan when he reached behind, thrust his hand into her back pocket, and retrieved the keys, thrusting her forward against him. The feel of his hand over her behind made her sensitive even through the thick layer of fabric. He leaned away, and she took a sharp intake of breath.

  “Get in the vehicle, Lila,” he said coolly. “It was just a nightmare. People have them every day.” His mouth was grim and his knuckles white on the steering wheel. It was as though he was fighting an internal battle.

  “It was as though you were in pain,” she explained further, her voice soft. “Do you suffer from parasomnia?”

  “I said it’s nothing,” he snapped. “We’re already in this unwanted sexual predicament, so don’t make it even harder, okay? Let’s just see to it that you don’t get pregnant.”

  Lila released a humorless laugh, equally hurt and pissed.

  “I suppose I deserved this treatment from you. I did barge in, inviting you to jump my bones. You wanted to have a good fuck, you got your opportunity, so don’t make me seem like the bad person here.”

  She heard his teeth grind together, and she knew from the way his lip twitched that anymore from her and he’d lose it. She sat quietly and they drove in silence.


  Once downtown, Killean announced that he was going to pick up something at his HQ from his secretary.

  “Stay in the car,” he said without sparing her a glance. He was completely icing her out.

  She didn’t know how long she sat in the car, and she got bored of waiting, so she slipped out and lingered on the sidewalk to clear her head.

  Finally, he was back, and his eyes flicked toward her briefly before he circled the vehicle.

  The drive continued with skin prickling tension all the way to her condo. Lila wondered if this was his attitude every time he had sex with someone. Fucked them and then ignored them. The thought left a bitter taste at the back of her mouth. As she turned to walk through her door, he caught her elbow and took her back gently.

  “Lila, forgive me for last night. It was a mis—what I meant to say is it wasn’t my intention to come onto you like that without your full consent. If you feel I’ve taken advantage of you, then I apologize.”

  Is this man for fucking real? She could see the sincerity in his eyes. Her chest tightened, and she didn’t know if she wanted to kiss him passionately or slap him. Lila chose none of those options. His cold behavior made her angry.

  “You know what, Killean? Go fuck yourself. Claudia may be a creepy cousin, but at least she was kind enough to warn me about you. One more notch on your dirty headboard.”

  She slammed the door in his face.


  Killean banged on the door for a second time, his patience wearing thin. The door to the therapist’s office swung open, and she glared up at him.

  “I need to talk to you,” he growled.

  Dr. Helena Parker’s frown vanished, and she glanced over her shoulder at her current patient. She had another session left.

  “Excuse me for a second.”

  The door closed, and a second turned into half an hour. When the door reopened, the client glanced at him on his way out. Helena beckoned for him to enter.

  “You said a second, Helena,” he growle

  “And I was dealing with another patient, Killean. Remember what we spoke about last week?”

  Her blue eyes flashed like thunder as she pinned him with her stare. Killean’s jaw clenched, and he gritted out, “Patience is a virtue.”

  She smiled victoriously. “Good. What’s on your mind, Killean?”

  “I forgot to take them again,” he murmured. “I could have hurt her…I did.” He gripped the back of his head, punishing himself. “Now she thinks I’m some fucking ass.”

  “You never talked about this woman in any of our previous sessions,” the doctor noted.

  He lifted his head and looked at her with his mouth agape, his shirt wrinkled, and his hair a tousled mess.

  “I recently met her,” he said solemnly. “I fell asleep with her. I was going to take them, but it just slipped my mind. I shouldn’t have barged in here like that,” he said.

  Helena smiled and shook her head.

  “I’m not going to charge you, Killean.”

  He scowled at her. “Money isn’t a problem, Helena,” he said gruffly.

  “What’s she like?” she asked.

  He leaned back into the chair and stared at the doctor before a soft smile curved his mouth.

  “She’s like no one I’ve ever met before,” he began.

  “Is it serious? Do you see yourself forming a relationship with her?”

  “She doesn’t want a hook-up. She wants the one thing I’ve always scorned. I don’t know how I feel about that, Doc, but I want her. She’s just…testing my patience. She’s impulsive and demanding.”

  Helena cocked her head and regarded him with a faint smile. “You don’t seem to be bothered by this.”

  Killean laughed humorlessly and shook his head. “That’s the thing, Helena. The things I hated in women…I’m starting to appreciate those attributes in her.”


  It had been four days since Lila last saw Killean. Four days since she made the trip to the family gynecologist. He didn’t call either, and she was more hurt by that. Didn’t he care? India’s words floated around her mind, and she couldn’t help but feel discarded. Luckily, she found her mojo and began writing her research paper; at least he had inspired that. She had been using her knowledge of parasomnia to fuel her first draft.

  At the back of her mind, she was beginning to wonder about Killean. She wasn’t stupid, and he knew she had known something was off so he shut himself off. She didn’t expect him to tell her all his darkest secrets, but he could have been honest enough instead of giving her the cold shoulder and making her feel as though what had transpired between them was an honest mistake.

  She pushed him further into the darkest corner and continued to type. Maybe she should consider chasing men more in her league. Killean was a complication she could do well without. Closing her laptop, she decided to go out and have lunch at a café in the East Village. She speed-dialed Aiden.

  “Hey, do you have time to grab lunch with me?”

  “Where should we meet?”

  “East Village. You can bring Bianca too.”

  “I’ll see you there in fifteen.”

  She killed the line and grabbed her car keys off the nightstand. Half an hour later, she was sitting at the outdoors café reading through the menu and awaiting Aiden’s arrival.

  Suddenly someone sat down in the seat opposite her. Lila looked up from her menu to see…Katherine Hunt. Her lips were done blood red and had a natural sexy pout, her eyes outlined flawlessly with a touch of mascara and black eyeliner. Her brown hair was immaculately styled, cascading down one shoulder in a bundle of sexy curls. She weaved red manicured fingers together. Lila had nails, but she had claws. She met her chocolate gaze, and she looked pissed.

  “What are you doing to Killean?” she demanded.

  A little smile curved Lila’s mouth. She should have been expecting this sooner or later. Killean had practically warned her.

  “Excuse me?”

  “He’s changing.”

  “I’m not trying to change Killean.”

  “Killean has had his fair share of gold-digging bitches, and I won’t sit back and let you or any more of them trap him into marriage. I worked off my butt trying—”

  “Marriage?” Lila asked, stunned.

  A triumphant smile made Katherine’s hard features turn soft again.

  “What, you thought he would tell you everything? You don’t know the half of it.”

  “Enlighten me then.”

  “I don’t think so, honey. Just know this: if you hurt him, you’ll pay dearly.”

  She gave Lila a once over before she slid out of the chair gracefully.

  “You and him, it won’t last. He likes women, not insecure little girls. You might want to remember that. Enjoy his cock while you still can, because once he’s through with you, you’ll be discarded just like the rest who thought they were special. And as usual, he’ll come crawling back to me to seek solace.”

  Lila laughed at the woman. Is she trying to intimidate me? Lila stood to level their gaze. Thank goodness for those heels. Lila moved into her personal space; there was nothing like threatening someone while breathing the same air.

  “Looks like somebody is on probation,” Lila sneered. “Listen, I don’t know what kind of sick games you played with his exes in the past, but let’s get one thing straight, Katherine. I’m not some lovesick bitch fawning for his attention. The way I see it, I don’t have to chase him. He comes running.

  “It seems he has been through many women, and somehow you’re the one who’s always there to nurse him back to his feet. But you really don’t want to get on my wrong side or you’ll pay dearly. Furthermore, no amount of cat fight with me will get you on his cock.”

  Fury flashed through her eyes, and she turned and sashayed out of the café.

  “Bitch!” Lila muttered.

  Lila had never been so infuriated in her life. She should have slapped Katherine straight across the face the moment she insulted her. Now her palm was twitching for some action.

  She had some time to evaluate the situation after lunch with Aiden. She wasn’t the giving up type, but did she want to be with him? Everyone knew he was a womanizer who always got what he wanted.

  She had a warm shower and slipped into bed naked. She needed to sleep off her worries, because the next time another one of Killean’s catty bitches confronted her, someone was going to lose a few teeth, and it wasn’t going to be her.

  Lila hated women like Katherine with a vengeance. Always thinking another woman was to be blamed because a man didn’t want them. Hadn’t the bitch read the book He’s Just Not That Into You? She could loan her a copy.

  She pulled out her phone, writing a message to deliver to Killean about controlling his barrage of man-hungry bitches. If Katherine wanted him, she could have him.

  He answered on the second ring.

  “Knight,” he snapped.

  “Killean, it’s Lila. You sound busy. I’ll just make this quick—”

  “Lila.” He sounded surprised. She heard the shuffling of papers and a laptop closing. “I’m sorry about that. How are you?”

  Her fury seemed to have simmered a bit as his voice washed over her. She hadn’t even thought this was a bad idea to call him.

  “I’m quite well.”

  Come on, Lila, where was that rage you had a moment ago? Give him piece of your mind! Cat’s got your tongue? Even her subconscious had more balls than she did.

  There was a silence. Lila didn’t know what to say, and she began to trace the lines on the sheet.

  “Well…I only called to see how you were. I’ll let you get back to your—”

  “Killean, I can’t reach this zipper. Could you help zip up the dress? I’m running late because of your tenacity. Again.”

  There was an infectious chuckle.

  “Um, give me a sec. Lila—”

  “Never mind. I’ve clearly interrupted something. Good-bye.”


  Lila ended the call and lay on the bed for a long moment trying to make sense of what she’d just heard. The mystery woman wanted him to help her pull her zipper up. There could be two meanings for that: either he was a two-timing bastard, or someone was messing with her because they’d clearly won.

  She would have been better off never meeting him. Why did he have to come into her little world and turn it upside down? He was a playboy who could have any woman he wanted. Maybe he was just having some fun with her. The thought cut her deeper than she’d expected. She’d made love to him last week, and now he was taking another woman out of her dress.

  She sighed and curled up in her bed until she fell asleep with nothing but bitter thoughts.


  Killean wasn’t a man who knew how to apologize. It went against his ego and his pride. He used sex to seek solace and acceptance. But with Lila, that was a completely different theory. He had to. He was hanging onto her by a thread. He knew she would kick him to the curb if he messed with her. Patience was a luxury he didn’t have. Everything about her thrilled him. She was mouthy, sassy, and the type of woman he’d always need to keep him in check.

  She was also the only woman who didn’t give two shits about his wealth or who he was. She just didn’t care. Everything she did was genuine. He didn’t have a lot of those people in his life as his wealth had often attracted a lot of voyeurs in the past, and he would always come to realize when it was too late.

  He growled and forced the thought into the darkest place in his mind. Opening the glove compartment, he grabbed the vial of capsules and swallowed one. He couldn’t afford to lose his mind with her tonight.

  Thankfully, India wasn’t home, and he made his way to Lila’s bedroom. She was asleep, and the sheets left nothing to the imagination. The fabric caressed her skin, making a bold imprint of her feminine parts all on display for his hungry eyes.


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