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Wicked Dirty Games (Dirty Billionaire Series Book 1)

Page 23

by Gemma Berlanti

  “And then what, Lila? Even if they were to jump at the snap of my fingers, it wouldn’t prove anything.”

  “But he did this to her, Killean!” she protested.

  He cupped her chin. “Marissa is in a coma, love. There’s no evidence against him. I would just look like I’m trying to pin this on him to save my ass. Even if they found him, what would they arrest him for? He did this, but they don’t know that. I do.”

  “Isn’t that the point? While he’s out there, probably plotting to finish her off and pin the murder on you—”

  “That won’t ever happen because I won’t let it.”

  Lila hissed, frustrated. “And how are you so sure?”

  There was a small smile playing on his lips.

  “I can’t believe you right now, Killean. This is serious and you’re smiling.”

  “I have my own reasons why I didn’t mention him to the police, Lila. If I wanted, I could have already pulled a lot of strings, love. I could’ve bribed a lot of people in the justice system, but I refrained from doing so. Let’s just say I have an endgame concerning Russell.

  “We used to be friends, I know him—well, that’s if he hasn’t changed in the last six years—and he always messes up. Trust me, he won’t get away.”


  He had to move urgently. The bastard had security on standby twenty-four-seven. If he got caught, he was fucked. There was an ominous silence that settled over the hall, and for a while he almost backed out. But as he looked through the glass at her distressed sleeping form, his resolve was strengthened. His intention had been for her to die. How the hell had she not died? He smiled with a momentary satisfaction as he saw that the coast was clear and he brandished the sharp silver knife. He would finish the job tonight. It was almost too easy. He stepped out from the shadows and crept into the dim, empty hall.


  Lila felt cold. Rolling over, she snuggled closer to Killean, but instead of a warm body, she saw a large pillow. She couldn’t feel his warmth. Her eyes flew open to find an empty space. Goose bumps filled her skin.


  No answer.

  She slid out of bed and closed the doors. When she checked his study, it was empty and dark. She saw that the lights in Ron’s office were on, and she strode to the door to find Michael.

  “Where is he?”

  He glanced up, surprised to see her.

  “He went out with Ronald. There was an incident at the hospital. Security caught somebody sneaking into Miss Cane’s room with an object. Unfortunately, he escaped before they could catch him.”

  “Oh, my. Is she okay?”

  “She’s fine, ma’am.”

  “So what now?”

  “I’m still waiting for his call.”

  She sighed and closed her eyes.

  “It’s going to be okay, Miss Montgomery.”

  She smiled. “There you go again with that ma’am crap. It’s Lila, please. I am going to make coffee. Would you like a cup?”

  He hesitated for a moment before nodding. She went to the kitchen and settled for the processed version. When she finished, she went back to the office, handed him his cup, and slid down into the chair and crossed her legs.

  “Are you married, Michael?”

  “Used to be.”


  “Two, boy and a girl. They live in Greenwich Village with their mom.”

  She smiled, but it faltered as she thought about the incident. Did Russell actually go back to the hospital to finish off Marisa? She needed to find out. Her mind drifted back to her conversation with Katherine. Perhaps she could help.

  The ping of the elevator caught their attention. She met Killean at the entrance of the foyer.

  “What happened?”

  “I had to move her to a private institution. Somebody tried to sneak in and hurt her, finish her off. Jesus Christ, when does this stop?”

  She touched his cheek. “I’m sorry. I wish I could help.”

  And she would.

  “But you are okay?”

  He nodded. “I’ve got to go take him down. I know it’s him, Lila. I’ve got to do something, but I don’t think like a criminal, love.”

  “Then don’t. The police can’t help us. They think what they want. I trust your decision.”

  He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles gently.

  “I don’t feel sleepy now. Is Marisa okay?”

  “She is.”

  “Okay, then. I’ve got an idea. A party idea. Invite your family and mine. This will give them the reassurance.”

  “Fine, Lila. Do what you feel.”

  She smiled with glee. “Anyway, we have a little gathering at my father’s firm, and I have to go.”


  “Yes, it’s private.”

  “Go and enjoy yourself. Ian’s a nice guy.”

  “Whoa, Killean Knight sealed his approval for another man.”

  “Don’t get ahead of yourself. He’s your father. I have no choice. Plus he knows we’re closer now, so I have to be extra careful.”

  Lila laughed. “You said it, not me. I would like you to accompany me.”

  “I’m sorry, love, I can’t make it. I’m behind on work since this fiasco started. Forgive me?”


  Lila was relieved when she saw Killean smiling. The entire Knight clan was at the little gathering she had put together. Lila had met them personally and they all seemed nice except Nikolas, who berated his brother every chance he got. Lila sensed jealousy stemmed from his dislike of Killean, who she noticed stayed close to his mother. She realized how different he was around Genevieve. He would let down his guard and that dangerous façade would be demolished and replaced by a boyish one.

  Lila’s family had dropped in an hour later, and her mother, Salome, was quite taken with him.

  “I’m so glad Lila threw this party,” Genevieve said. “You need a haircut.” She ran her hand through his hair lovingly. It seemed Killean was as irresistible to the women at home as he was to the others outside of it.

  “Lila likes it long,” he murmured. He seemed so boyish around his mother, not the hot shot billionaire mogul he was outside. His eyes flickered to Lila, and his face flushed. Lila covered her mouth to stifle a guffaw. He did have a soft side too.

  His mother followed her son’s gaze and smiled at Lila.

  “So he finally came home with one,” Nick said sarcastically. “What a miracle.”

  “Nickolas, be nice,” Genevieve admonished.

  He flashed a bright smile.

  Anna came back with two glass of liquids, one fuzzy and the other orange. She handed Lila the fuzzy one.

  “Thank you.”

  “So where did you two meet?”

  “At Columbia, actually.”

  She was bouncing excitedly.

  “There wasn’t any romantic setting at the time.”

  “I could imagine. Killean despises flowers and all those romantic clichés.”

  Her smile was rueful.


  “Hmm-mm.” She nodded.

  “How did you figure that out?”

  “I used to follow him around when I was small. And I’d cry too whenever he was going away.”

  Lila could see that she completely adored Killean; it reflected in her eyes.

  “Then why does he keep sending me flowers?”

  Anna’s eyes widened.

  “Anna, I hope you aren’t harassing Lila,” Killean called from across the room.

  “No, actually she’s been a good guest,” Lila said.

  Anna hopped off to where her brother was to get his attention.

  “So, you’ve made a deal with the devil?” Aiden asked from behind.

  She met his brown gaze and nodded. “Well, I wouldn’t call it a deal. Katherine is a bitch.”

  “A sexy, fuckable bitch.”

  Lila groaned, and he laughed.

Where’s Bianca?”

  “Out with her dad.”

  “So I see you’ve dumped the apartment for your heiress’s city apartment.”

  “Bianca and I have an understanding.”

  “Do you love her?”

  “Yes, I do.” He didn’t miss a beat.

  “I’m glad you’ve finally settled with a girl. Back then I could hardly keep up with the many girls you had coming around.”

  Aiden’s laugh was husky. “Those days were good, sweet cheeks.”

  “I’m glad that you came for me.”

  He slung his arm around her shoulders and drew her in so he could kiss her head. Glancing up, she realized that two pairs of green eyes were watching her. Aiden hugged her sideways.

  “I think I’m going to have to leave early.”

  Lila nodded. “Okay.”

  She left his side and went to the breakfast bar to get another glass of water and a bowl of grapes. Killean joined her.

  “Hey, I think we’re out of vodka. I think Nick took the last bottle for himself.”

  “Yes, Nick is like a parasite. He just takes my things.”

  Lila laughed. “The grumpy you is back.”

  “Is Aiden leaving?”

  “Soon. Why?”

  “Anna thinks he’s hot.” Killean hmphed. “Do you understand how horrifying it is to hear my little sister talk about how she would like to lay one on your friend?”

  Lila clamped her hands over her mouth. “How utterly terrifying for you.”

  “Is Lila here?”

  Both of them followed the sound of the familiar voice and found Katherine. Killean looked at her with a scowl.

  “Who invited you?” Killean asked.

  “I did.”

  He raised a dark eyebrow at Lila. “Say what?”

  “Excuse us for a moment.”

  She left his side and went to where she stood and linked her arm through Katherine’s. Lila could bet her last dollar some people were shocked.

  “I was shocked when you called,” she said.

  “I know. Anyway, the point is I’m going to this party tomorrow night, and I have this gut feeling that something is going to happen. I need a second eye out. I know the bastard will show up, trust me. I went online and I found this company that manufactured these micro cameras that you can just pin to your clothes like a button.”

  Katherine laughed, a sexy throaty sound. “You mean Killean’s company. Sounds exciting.”

  “Far from it.”

  “Killean had told me something about this man years ago that he had promised to take his revenge. But he’d brushed it off.”

  “After all these years, no one would think he was still coming, but that’s the beauty of it. They don’t want you to see them coming. Typical criminal mentality.”

  Lila opened the box and showed it to her. Katherine smiled and lifted the tiny device up to her eyes so she could see it better.

  “Looks like a button. It would be so much fun if it was a masquerade party.”

  Lila met her gaze. “That’s a brilliant idea, but I don’t think Dad would listen to me.”

  “Why not? You’re the next CEO, his daughter. It was only a suggestion anyway. So what would be our next move?”

  “I let him get me alone, and I play the mind game.”

  “Isn’t that dangerous?” Katherine put away the camera and looked at Lila. “What if he tries something?”

  “That’s the whole point of this.” She looked like she was about to protest, and Lila added quickly, “This is to protect Killean.”

  She nodded.

  “Come on, I don’t want Killean to come looking for us. As it is, the two of us looked strange coming up together. Let’s laugh when we’re in his sight. Can you act?”

  Katherine looked insulted, and Lila apologized quickly. “I won Oscars for my last two films.”

  They linked arms together and made their way out. As they descended the stairs, they started laughing to put on a cool front.

  “I have a friend who would love to meet you. He’s a big fan. I’m sure he’s around somewhere…ah, there he is, if you don’t have to leave.”

  She pointed to Aiden, who was watching them with keen interest.

  “I have to admit,” Katherine said as they stood at the end of the stairs, “this is not so bad.”

  “We both care for the same man, but we don’t have to be friends or enemies.”

  They unlinked their arms and went in separate directions. Lila joined Killean at the bar.

  “What was that all about?” Killean demanded.

  “We just reconciled. It’s no use being enemies because we both love you.”

  Killean’s head snapped up, and he stared at her.

  “What?” she asked.

  “You just said…”

  “I know what I said, Killean. Don’t look so shocked.”

  He swallowed and regained his composure.

  “I never saw that coming. You two were laughing!”

  “Yes, Killean. She came to my work place the other day and called a truce. We aren’t friends, don’t get this twisted, but we are adults and will behave as such. I thought you would be happy.”

  “I am, really. It hasn’t sank in fully yet.”

  She smiled and kissed his jaw, though she could see that incredulous look in his eyes.

  “I love you, Killean,” she whispered, moving into his arms. He buried his face in the crook of her neck and held onto her tightly, as though his life depended on it. She glanced across the room and saw Katherine shaking hands with Aiden. At least someone got something out of this misery.

  Katherine turned in Lila’s direction, and both women exchanged knowing looks. Tonight would be the night.


  “We’re here, ma’am.”

  She glanced up at Ron at the wheel of the SUV. He slid out and rounded the car to open her door. Lila hadn’t anticipated the glitz and the glamour tonight, but people had really turned out. The more, the merrier, she thought, for what I have planned for tonight.

  “Thank you.”

  “I’ll take the car around.”


  She watched him drive away. Just then, another car drove up, and she made her way up to the door when she realized that it was Katherine. Lila stopped and waited by the curb. She looked ravishing in a dark blue dress with beautiful embellishments on the bodice. Lila wore the dress that Killean had bought for her, a white Greek-inspired piece that was to die for. Killean had given his approval earlier when he’d tried to take it off of her to make love. She smiled as she remembered his promise to get her out of it once and for all later.

  “Hi,” she said.

  “Hello, Katherine.”

  She offered her arm, and Lila accepted.

  “You look beautiful this evening,” Lila said as they climbed the stairs.

  “So do you.”

  This was not awkward at all. Security at the door checked them off on the list. Lila scanned the crowd for her father, and she saw him. He found them too and smiled, lifting a crooked finger, signaling to them to come.

  “Hmm. He’s handsome,” Katherine purred.

  “Yes,” Lila said meaningfully as they made their way to the group of men. “And happily married to my mother for twenty-odd years. Eyes off.”

  “Hello, Mr. Montgomery,” Katherine greeted politely.

  “Dad, you’ve met Killean’s friend, Katherine Hunt, haven’t you?”

  For a moment his eyes flared and then he smiled and held out a hand. The other men seemed to know who she was. They were all looking at her with utter disbelief and at Lila. They must be wondering about the company she kept now.

  Won’t be long now, gentlemen.

  “It’s a pleasure to see you again, Miss Hunt.”

  They shook hands, and Katherine gave him a sultry smile. “Please, call me Katherine.”

  Lila’s head snapped up, and she gave Katherine a glare. She had used her seductive voice. Th
is woman really had some tricks up her sleeves. And no less on her father.

  “Excuse me for a moment.”

  “Lila, you look ravishing tonight,” one of her father’s employees said.

  “Thank you, Richard. Shall we go look?” Lila asked Katherine.

  They excused themselves from the group of men to go scan the crowd.

  “What if you’re wrong and he doesn’t show up?” Katherine asked, apprehension etched in her voice.

  “He will. I sent an anonymous invitation,” Lila explained. “He will be here, trust me on this.”




  He took a mouthful of whisky, and it burned as it flowed down, warming his body. Maybe he shouldn’t be drinking so much. He was on an important quest. Lila Montgomery was already here too and with Killean’s slutty actress friend. Did she really consider herself an actress? She was no more than a porn star by his definition. Katherine was a living testament that talents didn’t count. Having a seductive body was all that mattered in today’s world. He glanced back at the two women. There ought to be a rule about being friends with a woman who wanted to fuck your man. Maybe he could be wrong. He didn’t know how women think anymore. They said one thing but did something completely different. He’d thought Marisa loved him, but then she’d made Killean put his cock into her. That was when every ounce of feeling he’d ever had for the woman had dissipated. She had so many excuses.

  I’m sorry, it was done in a rush.

  I had no time to think.

  It just happened and he came over intoxicated.

  The excuses had been so lame. He was sure when you spent the entire night in bed with your boyfriend’s best friend, it wouldn’t be considered a rush. He smiled. He had gotten her good, but he still failed. Killean was still walking. He wanted him to be framed for Marisa’s murder. But he was always gifted with that mouth of his. He used it to steal women from their men and to destroy people’s lives.


  He ran his hand through his hair. He’d missed his common goal and then he’d missed it again when those nosey security guards had barged in that night. She would have been in the morgue now. But he figured this was just as good. The bitch was in pain, and that was enough for now. Now to fuck up pretty little Miss Lila Montgomery. Honestly he didn’t understand the whole fascination with Knight. The guy was a lone wolf who was always so dark and brooding and sad. There was nothing exciting about him other than the thing in his pants according to the many women he’d screwed. He lacked light, and he was an entity of darkness and pain.


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