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Xo, Zach

Page 17

by Kendall Ryan

  “Sorry about that. Apparently my cock likes you. So do I, Poppy.”

  She smiled, grinning up at me. “I like you too, Zach. Very much.”

  “So where do we go from here?” It was a little early to get into conversations of the future, but I saw my opening and I took it.

  “Coffee first?” Poppy asked.

  I chuckled again, remembering that Poppy loved coffee even more than I did. “Stay right here.”

  I left the warmth and comfort of my bed and padded barefoot to the kitchen dressed only in the snug boxer briefs I wore to bed. I could feel Poppy’s eyes on my ass and broad shoulders as I left the room and I smiled again.

  After fixing two large mugs of coffee, I carried them back to bed. Poppy had gathered up all the pillows and was sitting propped up on one side. I handed her a mug and joined her.

  “You spoil me. This has all been so unexpected, Zach.” She took a sip from her mug, her eyes lingering on mine.

  “I want us to be together. This isn’t just about sex for me.”

  “Me either,” she whispered.

  “But?” I asked, tensing for what I feared she’d say next.

  “I want us to be together but the thought of having to hide it from everyone – it sucks, and I don’t want to live that way.”

  “I don’t either. I want it all, from the mundane like grocery shopping and doctor’s appointments, to the soccer games and dinners in, to making love to you all night. I want to meet your family, and introduce you as my girlfriend. I want it all.”

  Poppy’s eyes were wide and latched onto mine. “I want that too. But what about the rules—the university…”

  “I don’t know. I don’t want to resign from my job any more than you want to resign from the program.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t want it to come to that for either of us.”

  “I’ll figure it out, Poppy. I’ll fix this. Trust me?”

  “I shouldn’t, but I do.”

  I set my mug on the bedside table, and took Poppy’s and placed it next to mine. “Come here.” Gathering her close, I peppered her lips and throat with kisses.

  “Are you always this … excited?” She made a point of nudging her hip against my erection and I couldn’t help but chuckle.

  “With you half-naked in my bed? Yes.”

  “Will I get extra credit for helping you take care of this?”

  “Y-yes,” I choked out, excitedly, but rather inarticulately.

  She giggled. “Then let me see what I can do.”

  Poppy removed her tank top and shorts, and then pushed my boxer briefs down so my heavy cock sprang free and rested on my belly, already leaking precum.

  If Poppy was going to be in my life, I’d have to have a long talk with my cock—there was no need to be so greedy and immature.

  Lifting one leg in a way she made look elegant, Poppy came to rest in my lap—straddling me. I placed my hands on her hips and guided her toward my waiting cock.

  “Condom?” I breathed when she was nestled right there—her warm, wet heat licking the head of my cock.

  She shook her head, offering me a coy smile. “I’m on birth control. And I trust you.”

  Knowing that she was sharing this was me—the intimacy of fucking bare—which was only reserved for serious monogamous relationships and people you loved and trust, it made my heart clench inside my chest.

  “I trust you too,” I said, voice husky.

  And if something happened and we accidentally gave Connor a little brother or sister, I had to admit, I didn’t hate the idea of that, not one single bit in fact.

  Helping support her weight above me, I used my grasp on Poppy’s hips to lower her down onto me. She tossed her head back and let out a soft cry.

  “Holy hell, Zach.”

  “You look so beautiful riding me,” I murmured, pressing a kiss to her parted lips.

  Together, we found our rhythm, moving as one while the morning sun bathed us in her warmth.

  And as for what would happen next? I would just have to wait and see.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  I checked my phone anxiously as I stepped out of my car. Zach said he’d take care of things, but if he had he was leaving me in the dark. Then, the director of the program, Lewis Clybourne, had emailed me this morning asking me to meet before class. I’d texted Zach, hoping he had some insight as to what was going on, but I hadn’t heard back. Was it possible Dr. Clybourne had found out about me and Zach? But how? We’d been discreet, as far as I knew.

  Briefly I wondered if someone could have overheard us in Zach’s office the other day, when things had turned heated. I bit my nail, a bad habit I’d mostly kicked but that still came out when I was particularly nervous. Suddenly this whole situation seemed like a huge mistake.

  My heart pounded as I approached Clybourne’s door. When he opened it, Zach was already seated inside. My mouth dropped open in shock. What was he doing here?

  “Come in, Poppy.” Dr. Clybourne smiled, his eyes crinkling in the corners.

  I gathered myself and smiled back nervously, taking a seat uncertainly next to Zach. I wanted to catch his eye, hoping he could silently convey what was going on, but Clybourne started talking before I had the chance.

  “So, you’re probably wondering why you’re here.” He shut the door and returned to his desk to take a seat.

  “Is everything okay?” I asked, trying not to let worry creep into my voice. I didn’t know how much he knew, and I didn’t want to give anything away.

  “Things have taken an interesting turn, but yes, I think it will be,” he said kindly. “I just wanted to have this meeting to keep everyone on the same page.” He looked at me over his black-framed glasses. “Zach has requested that we switch you to a new adviser.”

  My mouth dropped open again and I quickly closed it. I looked in Zach’s direction. He looked back at me, but his face was impassive. What was happening?

  “Normally we’d never do this, but Zach came forward about your relationship and we felt it would be in everyone’s best interest if we found you a new adviser,” he continued. “We think you have a great talent and we want to make sure you have an adviser who can critique your work and give you unbiased feedback.”

  I forced myself to smile and nod, relief washing over me. I couldn’t believe it. He was actually okay with our relationship?

  “That sounds … great. Thank you so much.”

  “Of course.” He stood up, signaling the end of the meeting. “And if you ever have any questions, just let me know.”

  I stood, my legs still slightly numb, and walked out of his office with Zach. I didn’t say anything as we walked toward his office, not wanting to be overheard. After we were safely inside, I let out a big sigh of relief.

  “I can’t believe you told him about us,” I said, gaping. I laughed, thinking about how nervous I’d been walking in. “I was freaking out when I saw his email requesting the meeting.”

  Zach smiled apologetically, running his hands along my arms. “I’m sorry about that. I was caught up in meetings and didn’t get your text. I would have given you a heads-up, but I had no idea he’d want to meet with us both.”

  “I’m just glad he wasn’t upset. Weren’t you afraid they’d fire you?”

  He ran a hand through his hair, taking a seat behind his desk and motioning me toward the chair in front of him “Honestly, a little. But I just told him the truth. That we hadn’t expected this to happen but after spending so much time together we developed feelings. And I wasn’t just saying it, I really think you should be with an adviser who is objective about your work.”

  “I can’t believe he took it so well.” I was still in a state of disbelief.

  He winked. “I’d done my research. I’m not a professor, not someone grading your work—as administrative staff, the guidelines are more gray. And I consulted a friend of mine. He said it’s
better to come forward and get ahead of it before you’re discovered.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “I almost can’t believe it. So we’re good?”

  He laughed. “Yes, Poppy. We’re good. We have some other things to figure out between us, but we won’t have to hide from the university.”

  Leaning over his desk, I placed my hand in his. “Thank you.”

  Zach gave my hand a squeeze, his fingertips lightly rubbing the back of my hand. “You were worth the risk.”

  I glanced at my watch and stood up quickly. “Shit, I should probably get to class. I’m going to be late.”

  “Wait.” Zach got up and walked over to me, pulling me against him. His soft lips met mine, and my body melted against him as he kissed me. I automatically put my hands on his chest, gripping his shirt.

  I pushed back, giving him a little shove on the chest. “I have to go to class,” I said breathily.

  He smirked. “I know.”

  “Maybe we can continue this tonight, at my place?” I grinned. “Connor was practically begging to see you again.”

  Zach nodded, smiling, “I’ve missed that guy. It’s a date.”

  As I was leaving his office, I gave Zach another quick kiss goodbye. When I turned to leave, I saw Kody and Jodee had rounded the corner on their way to class. They must have seen the kiss, because their mouths were hanging open, and they’d stopped dead in their tracks.

  Kody put a hand up. “Hold on. What is this?”

  I shrugged, hoping he’d drop it. I felt my face get hot. I had never been one for public displays of affection, especially with my ex-adviser.

  “So, this is happening now?” Jodee asked hopefully, looking back and forth between us.

  Zach and I exchanged looks.

  “It’s happening.” I grinned.

  “Thank God.” Kody rolled his eyes. “I was about to take matters into my own hands if your little stand-off didn’t end soon.” Then Kody sauntered over to Zach and looked him up and down. “Just know one thing. You won’t get a second chance with me.”

  Zach laughed. “Sorry, man. It was a tempting offer, but I had to go with Poppy in the end.”

  “We should probably get to class,” I said, ushering them along, not wanting to subject Zach to any more of their antics.

  “I’ll call you later,” he called out as we headed down the hall.

  I could feel Kody and Jodee practically bursting with things to say as we walked away. As soon as we rounded the corner, they both grabbed my arms.

  “Oh my God,” Jodee exclaimed. “This is crazy.”

  “Lucky bitch, now you have an adorable kid and a hot boyfriend?” Kody pouted.

  “You can borrow my adorable kid whenever you want.” I laughed. “I’d say the same about my hot boyfriend, but I’m not sure he’d be happy about it.”

  Kody smiled, looping an arm through mine as we headed to class. “I’ll settle for the kid.”

  * * *

  That night, I was still riding the high of the day when I walked in the front door.

  “Mom, look.” Connor came running into the hallway and tugged my arm, pulling me toward the living room.

  My mom had been watching him while I was in class, and she was crouched on the floor, putting down the last pieces of a puzzle.

  “Look at the puzzle I’m doing.” Connor was still holding onto my arm, pulling me toward the floor so I could get a better look. Of course, it was astronaut themed. It was halfway finished, so I could only see part of a spaceship travelling through the stars.

  “You did this all by yourself?”

  “Grandma helped.” He grinned.

  “This is amazing,” I said, pulling him in for a hug. “We can finish it later tonight.”

  My mom was looking me up and down, assessing me with a smile on her face.

  “What?” I asked. I cursed myself for how defensive I sounded. She would see right through that.

  “Nothing.” She shrugged. “You’re just practically glowing right now. Good day at school?” She was smirking at me, and I knew she knew about Zach. I had no idea how, but she always knew these kinds of things.

  Before I could respond my phone buzzed. It was Zach, letting me know he’d be over soon. When I looked back up my mom was still watching me, and I realized I’d been grinning at my phone.

  “Can you stop?” I asked, laughing. “I’m just in a good mood. Is that so hard to believe?”

  “Of course not, honey.” She smiled, pulling on her coat and picking up her purse. As I hugged her goodbye, she whispered in my ear, “Say hi to Zach for me.”

  “Mom,” I exclaimed, half laughing half embarrassed at how easily she’d figured me out.

  I was still grinning to myself as I watched her pull out of the driveway. I sat on the couch and Connor knelt back on the floor, trying to fit the next piece into the puzzle. I couldn’t wait to see the look on his face when Zach walked in the door.

  I was still reeling, not only from everything that had happened that day, but from everything that had happened during these past few months. What had started out as a stupid plan to have a fake boyfriend for one night had somehow turned into a real relationship. And not only did I now have the world’s greatest boyfriend, I could focus on school more seriously with an adviser who I wasn’t constantly imagining naked. Connor would have an amazing male role model who he adored and who adored him back. Now that everything had worked out, it seemed crazy that I’d ever thought this was so complicated. In fact, being with Zach made everything seem so much easier.

  I glanced at the time before kneeling next to Connor to help with the puzzle. Zach would be on his way over soon. My phone buzzed again. It was Zach saying that he was going to make dinner for me and Connor, and I couldn’t think of a better way to end my day.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  I wanted to pretend I wasn't nervous about this, but fuck—I just was.

  Poppy and I had been dating for six months, and piece by piece, I'd torn down all her walls, shown her day by day that I was going to be there for her and Connor, that I wasn't going to get scared off or disappear on her like the men in her past. All of the grand declarations and love poems in the world wouldn't have proven my allegiance. Poppy was a take-action kind of girl, and so the only way to convince her I would be here, was to show her day by day.

  I'd met her parents, and she'd met mine, and now the next step was asking her and Connor to move in with me. I wasn't quite sure how Poppy would react, but I knew I was ready. The idea of waking up to her each morning and sharing our bedtime routine together made my inside go all fucking melty. I was crazy about this girl, and I knew the future I wanted. Since Poppy's lease was up, I needed to ask now, or be stuck waiting another year—an idea that did not appeal to me. I had a feeling she might protest the idea of living together, probably something about Connor needing stability as the reason. But I wasn't going to let her use him as a buffer for doing things that scared her. Not when Connor and I were as thick as thieves. Which was why I hatched my plan today.

  "Which one do you think she'd like best, buddy?" I leaned down closer to Connor where he peered wide-eyed into the glass jewelry counter with all of its sparkling earrings, tennis bracelets, and rings.

  The saleslady helping us offered a shy smile as she watched us.

  Tomorrow was Poppy's twenty-fifth birthday, and she and Connor were coming over for dinner to celebrate. So far, we'd hit the bakery and florist, where Connor got to select a cake and flowers for her and now we were at the jewelry store where it was my turn to spoil her.

  Poppy was at home, finishing her poetry collection that would be turned in to Dr. Chan for her final. I was already daydreaming of all the adventures we could take Connor on this summer with both Poppy and Connor out of school…hiking in the mountains, camping, to the old drive-in movie theater I loved when I was a kid.

  "What about this one?" Connor asked, pointin
g at a diamond solitaire in white gold. The kid had damn good taste. It had to be at least two karats.

  The saleslady reached inside the cabinet and pulled out the ring. "This is actually more of an engagement ring," she clarified.

  "You know, for when two people want to get married," I added, unsure if Connor knew what it meant to get engaged.

  His eyes widened and swung over to mine. "You mean, you and my mom ...?"

  I sank to my knees so we were eye-level, where we could talk, man-to man. "I love your mom. And I love you too, Connor. And even though I would love to one day marry her, I wouldn't do anything that you weren't ready for."

  He thought it over, his eyes narrowing and wandering over the store as he thought. "So you'd be like my dad."

  I nodded. "I would be honored."

  "And we'd all live together?"

  I nodded again. "Yeah."

  He continued thinking, his nose scrunching. "Your house or ours?"

  "Well, if you guys were okay with it, I was thinking my house."

  "Your backyard is pretty awesome." He grinned, flashing his smile that was now sans two front teeth.

  "That it is." I almost mentioned that we could build the tree house we'd drawn up, before stopping myself. I didn't want him agreeing to this whole plan because I'd bribed him into it. And the truth was, I'd build that tree house for him whether or not they moved in.

  Connor's mouth curved into a huge smile before he turned to look at the saleslady. "We'll take it."

  I probably should have asked her to see the price, but I was so in shock, so ridiculously fucking happy that I merely nodded at her.

  Then I pulled Connor into a huge hug. "What do you think your mom will say?" Moment of truth. I held my breath while I waited for him to answer.

  "Oh, she'll cry for sure." He grinned.

  * * *

  Later that night, I'd just finished cleaning the dinner dishes while Poppy and Connor moved in to the living room to get more comfortable.


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