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My Confused Cub (Lovable Grumps Book 2)

Page 8

by Jayda Marx

  “Jay, I’m coming,” he warned, and I moved faster. Vic cried out my name and burst, covering his fingers and stomach in thick white gobs. His body trembled beneath me as I continued to shred his little hole.

  Heat bloomed in my pelvis and my balls tightened. My fingers squeezed his thighs and I submerged my cock into his body as I screamed his name and erupted. Pulse after pulse of warm cum filled my lover to the brim and when I pulled my dick from him, a stream trickled out onto the blanket beneath us.

  “I’ll go get something to clean us up,” I offered, but Vic shook his head.

  “Don’t go. We’ll get something in a minute. I want to hold you.”

  I lay beside him and took him into my arms, not caring that we were a sweaty, cum-covered mess. Okay, I cared a little, but my need to feel Vic against me outweighed my need to tidy up. He nestled his head on my chest and chuckled.

  “Your heart is beating like crazy.”

  “You tend to have that effect on me.”

  He laughed again and squeezed me around the middle. “I’m sorry I tried to fight this. I think I knew from the very first day that this could be something really special, and maybe that’s why I was so nervous.”

  “It’s okay. I know you were cautious because of your past relationship, but you don’t have to be nervous with me.”

  “I know that.” He tipped his head to smile up at me. “I love you, Jay.”

  “I love you too.”

  He stretched his neck to place a sweet kiss to my lips. He went to snuggle up to me again but stopped abruptly, smirking at me instead. “You want to shower, don’t you?”

  “Can we?”

  Vic laughed while shaking his head. “Of course. Come on, fireball; you can help me to the bathroom. I’m not sure my legs are gonna work after that. And after we shower, I’ll even change the sheets.”

  I smiled as I climbed out of bed and helped Vic to his feet. The man was fucking perfect.

  Chapter Nine


  “I want to thank you all again for coming out tonight,” Noah announced from the small stage at The Rhinestone Cowboy. Jay and I came to watch him perform for the first time since coming home from his tour dates as an opening act. It wasn’t hard to understand why Hunter Simms chose him; the man had serious talent.

  And his fans loved him; Jay warned me that we should get to the bar early to get a good spot in the audience, but even though we arrived almost an hour before showtime, the place was already packed, and we had to sit at a booth towards the back of the dining room.

  “It was a long two weeks away,” Noah continued, and several men called out their agreement. “But I’m glad to be home. I missed all of you and I want you to know that wherever life takes me, I’ll never forget where I came from. You all gave me my start and I’ll be forever grateful to everyone. You hold a special place in my heart.” The crowd cheered again; the man was sweet and humble, though I already knew that from what Jay told me.

  I wasn’t so nervous to meet Noah, but I was terrified of Brooks. It didn’t matter that he was younger than me, and I’m not ashamed to say I was piss-my-pants scared of him. Jay warned me before we came that the man could be abrasive and protective, and that he liked very few people.

  But I knew he loved his son. That was obvious when Jay came out to him. It was the night that Jay and I declared our relationship; my lover couldn’t hold back his excitement, and said he didn’t want to hide another minute. I sat by his side and held his hand as he called his family.

  The first person he called was his father, who was originally a little cranky because Jay got him out of bed. But once Jay opened up to him, Brooks was nothing but supportive. He said that he had his suspicions already, but that he didn’t want to pry. Noah was a little surprised, but just as accepting. They both said they just wanted Jay to be happy, and that they’d always love him. Jay’s call to his mother and Lee went much the same way, and I was happy that he had so many people in his corner.

  But just because I was Jay’s boyfriend didn’t mean I got any of Brook’s automatic acceptance. When Jay and I came in, Brooks spotted us from the front row of chairs by the stage. He refused to budge and risk losing his seat, but he did wave at his son with a smile...before scowling at me. Apparently, I had to win his approval. That did nothing to settle my nerves.

  “And so as usual, the last song I’m gonna play for y’all tonight is The Gambler.” Noah strummed the strings of his guitar and crooned the catchy melody as the crowd clapped along and swayed. When he finished the last note, he got a standing ovation from everyone in the place. Once he settled his guitar in its case and got a long kiss from his fiance (to another raucous round of applause) the pair headed in our direction.

  “Oh god, here they come,” I muttered under my breath, and Jay snorted a laugh.

  “You’ll be fine. I’m right here with you.” He squeezed my hand under the table and I took a deep breath as Noah and Brooks scooted into the side of the booth opposite us. “Vic, this is my dad Brooks and his fiance Noah. Guys, this is my boyfriend Vic.” The introduction was just for tradition; Jay had already told the pair that I’d be here to meet them tonight.

  “Nice to meet you, Vic,” Noah greeted with a bright smile that dimpled up his cheeks. He started to reach his hand across the table until Brooks cleared his throat. “Oh. Right.” Noah crossed his arms over his chest and tried to match his fiance’s scowl, although it wasn’t nearly as intimidating. “What are your intentions with our son?” Jay snorted again, but scrubbed away his smirk when Brooks glared at him.

  “I intend to love him the best I can for as long as he’ll let me,” I replied honestly, and Noah put his hand on his chest as his smile returned.

  “Aw, that’s a good answer.” He turned to his beefy lover and stroked his arm. “Isn’t that a good answer, honeybear?”

  “Hmm,” was Brooks’ only response.

  Noah ignored him and turned back to us. “So, how did you two meet?”

  “Jay came into the bar I own,” I explained, and Noah’s grin widened.

  “Ooh, so you’re a business owner.” He nudged Brooks with his elbow, but the big man looked unswayed.

  “Vic’s Place is great,” Jay replied. “You two will have to come check it out.”

  “We definitely will,” Noah promised, but Brooks just added another Hmm. “So was it love at first sight for you two?”

  “Not exactly,” Jay answered with a chuckle. “We started out as...friends and things grew from there.”

  “I don’t like how you said friends,” Brooks finally spoke up. He leaned across the table, getting closer to my face. “Did you take advantage of my son?”

  Oh shit. Oh shit, shit, shit. That wasn’t what happened, but I had a hard time believing I could convince Brooks otherwise. Sweat immediately popped up on my brow and I squeezed the hell out of Jay’s hand.

  Noah gave his man a gentle smile and stroked his arm again. Brooks inched backwards and I was astonished at the way the young man could soothe him with a single touch.

  “Honeybear, not only is Jay an adult capable of making his own decisions, he’s also strong and smart. You know he wouldn’t let anyone take advantage of him. Whatever happened between the two of them is their business. All that matters is that he’s happy.” He turned his attention to Jay. “And you are happy, right?”

  “I’ve never been this happy,” Jay replied. “Dad, I was lost and struggling for a long time. I didn’t understand why I was drawn to certain men or what that meant about me. Then I met Vic and he helped me see that it doesn’t matter why. When we’re together, I don’t think about our age difference or worry about why I like it. All that matters is that we care for each other and that for the first time in my life, I’m free.”

  It was the most beautiful thing I ever heard. My eyes prickled with emotion as I released Jay’s hand to stroke over his back. Noah’s lips turned wobbly and even Brooks’ posture melted and his face softened into an easy

  “I’m so proud of you, Jay,” his father told him quietly. “All I’ve ever wanted for you is happiness. I’m glad to be here with you to witness it, and I’ll always be here to support you in anything.” The grumpy bastard had a soft spot for his son. And his fiance; Noah threw his arms around Brooks’ neck and they kissed deeply, not giving a shit that we were there.

  “You’ll have to get used to this,” Jay whispered beside me. “They do this a lot.” I chuckled, though the scene didn’t bother me; the love between Noah and Brooks was palpable, and I was happy for both of them. Every storm cloud needed a ray of sunshine.

  “And you,” Brooks said when he parted from his lover, scowling at me again. “If you hurt my son, I’ll make it so that no one ever finds your body.”

  I believed him. Hand to god, I believed he’d do it and not even feel bad about it. “If I hurt him, I’ll deserve it,” I countered, and Brooks finally smiled at me.

  “Now that was a good answer.”

  Once the threats were out of the way, the four of us fell into easy conversation. As it turned out, Brooks and Noah were both great guys. Sure, Brooks was a little surly, but only because he cared so fiercely for those who were important to him, and wanted to protect them with everything he had.

  I won brownie points with Brooks when I complimented Noah’s singing. I told them both how impressive it was that he opened for a major act, and that I believed he would go far in the music business. It wasn’t flattery; I truly believed it was possible. Noah was young and had charisma and talent in spades; it was no telling where life would take him.

  Things got a little weird when Brooks learned my age and Noah pointed out that his ‘son and future son-in-law’ were older than him, but it was weird in a good way. We all laughed - even Brooks - at the sweet, silly man’s declaration. But honestly, it sounded good to me.

  Because now that I had Jay in my life, I couldn’t imagine being without him. I was addicted to his deep laugh and the way he held my hand; I needed his love and the happiness he gave me. As long as he’d have me, I wasn’t going anywhere, and I hoped I could one day be a part of this weird and wonderful little family.

  Chapter Ten


  I stood in the clearing, admiring the trees all around us, covered in their beautiful autumn shades of red and orange. The leaves danced as a gentle breeze blew through the branches. It was the perfect backdrop for a wedding.

  Noah and Brooks chose this clearing in the national park not only for the view, but because it held special meaning for them; now that Noah was treating my dad's back with massage, they were able to hike some easy trails here often. I was grateful to my friend for giving my father back something that he enjoyed.

  I smiled at Vic, reminiscing about all of the things he’d given me over the past couple of months that we’d been together. He not only guided me through my sexual awakening, but he helped me build my confidence. I was proud of who I was, and I wondered how long it would’ve taken me to get to my happy place without Vic stepping into my life.

  My boyfriend looked gorgeous in dark jeans and a gray V- neck sweater, which was cut low enough to show off the tattoos on his chest. Noah and Brooks wanted their guests to be casual and comfortable at their ceremony, though they were dressed in matching charcoal colored suits.

  Besides Vic and me, the crowd consisted of a few of Noah's friends from the cafe where he used to work, and the men who frequented The Rhinestone Cowboy. Brent, a waiter who was present at their first date and had become good friends with the pair, even got ordained online to perform the ceremony. He was dressed in all denim and a large black cowboy hat, and beamed at the couple who stood before him.

  "Good afternoon everybody," Brent began, and a hush fell over the crowd. "We're here to join Noah and Brooks in matrimony." The pair held hands and looked at one another with so much love, I was sure everyone around us could feel it. Vic was the proof; he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close, drawing shapeless patterns on my upper arm.

  "I've known this couple since the beginning,” Brent continued, “And have been lucky enough to see their love grow into something undeniable and unbreakable. They complement and bring out the best in each other, and support one another in all that they do. They are true partners in life, and their love serves as inspiration for us all.”

  Noah nodded to Brent in thanks for his words, but my dad didn’t take his gaze off of his lover. “Brooks, would you now recite the vows you’ve written for Noah?”

  Brooks cleared his throat and took a deep breath. “Noah, I call you Sunshine because you brighten my life in every way. You healed me from both physical and emotional pain. You brought my family back together.” Brooks flashed a quick smile at me and I grinned back as Vic squeezed me tighter.

  “I honestly don’t know how I survived without you. Everything good in my life is because of you. I don’t know how a bastard like me got lucky enough to be with such an incredible man, but I promise to never take you for granted. I vow to be honest and faithful, and to spend the rest of my life loving you the way you deserve. I’ll follow you anywhere, and protect you along the way. I’m honored to take you as my husband.”

  My eyes stung at his words. Part of me couldn’t believe such a beautiful speech came from the man, but the other part expected nothing less when it came to his love for Noah.

  “Oh, honeybear,” Noah whispered before closing the gap between them, hugging Brooks around the neck as my dad rocked him back and forth. Brooks kissed his forehead, and sniffles sounded throughout the crowd.

  Brent cleared his throat twice before asking, “Noah, will you recite the vows you’ve written for Brooks?”

  Noah slowly peeled himself off of my dad and took a step back. “My vows are a little different.” Brooks cocked his head in confusion until Brent stepped away and returned with a guitar that had been hidden behind a tree. Then his lips spread into the widest grin I’d ever seen from the man. “I wanted to surprise you,” Noah explained. He strummed the strings in a slow, sweet tune and sang:

  You’re my home and my safe place

  My shelter in the storm

  You’re my treasure and my soulmate

  The one who keeps me warm

  I’ll dry your tears and hold you tight

  If ever you are down

  Remind you that you are my king

  And straighten up your crown

  ‘Cause you’re the smile on my face

  And the very air I breathe

  The heartbeat in my chest

  My love, you’re everything to me

  I’ll hold your hand forever

  And kiss you all my days

  Show you what you mean to me

  In a million different ways

  I’ll thank my lucky stars each night

  That I can call you mine

  And I’ll protect that sweet heart of yours

  For the rest of time

  ‘Cause you’re the smile on my face

  And the very air I breathe

  The heartbeat in my chest

  My love, you’re everything to me

  Yes, Brooks, my love, you’re everything to me

  He strummed the last chord and Brent barely had the guitar back in his hand before Brooks scooped Noah into his arms again. He took his lips in a deep kiss as tears poured down his face. The last time I saw my father cry was the night Noah proposed to him. He’d actually written him a song that night as well. The man certainly held the key to Brooks’ heart.

  But it wasn’t just Brooks who was touched by the song. There wasn’t a dry eye in the whole crowd. When I wiped my own tears from my cheeks, Vic kissed my temple and whispered into my ear that he loved me.

  When the pair finally parted, Brent moved on to the ring exchange. As they made promises of fidelity and forever, my thoughts fell back onto Vic; not that they ever wandered far from him. I thought about how blessed I would be to marry my own true love, and wondered what type
of ceremony Vic would like.

  Neither one of us were very religious, so a church wedding wouldn’t suit us, but I wasn’t sure an outdoor ceremony would either. Maybe we could incorporate classic cars into our day and truly make it our own.

  I also wondered how we’d choose to do our last names; Fuller was Lee’s surname and though he wasn’t my biological father, he did raise me through my formative years. But I wouldn’t want to offend Brooks either. I really liked the idea of taking Vic’s last name as another way to bond us together. Noah was taking Brooks’ last name; he never knew his father and since his mother refused to come to the wedding or support his relationship in any way when he and Brooks reached out, he decided against honoring her by keeping her surname.

  Of course, I was getting a bit carried away with all of these thoughts and plans. Though Vic and I were committed to each other and deeply in love, we’d never brought up the conversation of marriage.

  I was jolted back to the present by Brent’s request of, “Please celebrate your love with a kiss!”

  Noah and Brooks attacked each other again, kissing and slurping in a frenzy as the onlookers went nuts. We clapped and whistled and yelled lewd suggestions, and the two of them just went harder until they were breathless.

  Above the noise, Brent announced, “I now present to you Mr. and Mr. Webster!”

  The crowd closed in on the duo, but Vic and I were the first ones they approached. They took turns giving us tight hugs as we gave them our congratulations.

  “Now you’re officially my stepson,” Noah told me with a dimpled grin. We all laughed and hugged again before giving our rounds of ‘I love yous’. When the rest of the guests demanded their attention, Noah added, “We’ll see you at the bar,” before moving down the line of well-wishers. Vic closed down his place to the public for the night, offering the space for the reception. He was also including an open bar free of charge as his wedding gift because I had the best fucking boyfriend in the world.


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