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Kiss Me, Macrae: A Winter Novella

Page 3

by Amy Sandas

  His tone showed no surprise at discovering her presence there. In fact, he seemed rather pleased.

  Allegra ignored the warmth his rugged baritone sparked in her core to give him a frown. “What on earth are you doing on the Earl of Darrow’s land?” she asked sharply.

  She wouldn’t have thought it possible, but his grin widened even more as he continued to approach her. “My land,” he stated in a low-toned burr.

  Allegra almost snorted at his gall and took a breath to refute his claim when he lowered his chin and raised his brow in a challenging expression. “D’ye really wish tae go down this road again?”

  She resisted her blush to argue. “This cannot possibly be your land. I just came from the earl’s home and I happen to know his estate extends for a significant distance.”

  “In all directions but one.” Taking a deep breath, he turned to gaze over the view below. The crisp air and natural background suited the rugged lines of his face and the vivid green of his eyes. He nodded toward the path she’d ascended. “Back along that way, ye’d have passed between a pair of standing stones that make a gateway between Darrow’s lands”—he brought his smiling gaze back to hers—“and my own.”

  Allegra vaguely recalled walking between two large stones standing on end.

  But she’d last seen him almost a half day’s ride away. “Are you telling me you live near here?” she asked.

  He directed another nod toward the cozy little lodge nestled in the forest along the lake.

  Allegra’s stomach clenched. She could so easily imagine the large, rough-hewn man residing in the ancient stone-built lodge. It was very likely he was telling the truth, but that meant she’d managed to trespass against this man twice.

  He was apparently thinking something similar. “Ye seem tae be rather drawn tae me, lass,” he teased.

  A wave of heat rolled through her as his words brought to mind just how closely she’d been drawn to him during their last encounter. “Or I have really rotten luck.”

  Her response caused him to give a low, textured chuckle that only heated her further. “Ye’re visitin’ with the earl and his countess, then?”

  Allegra nodded. “And it’s time I headed back.”

  “I’ll walk with ye.”

  “It’s not necessary.”

  “It’d be my pleasure,” he replied with another wide grin. “Just tae the standing stones.”

  She noted the glint of stubbornness in his eyes and recognized the look from that morning at the inn when he insisted upon a kiss before he leapt from the window. Feeling a rush of desire at the memory, she covered her response with a sharp reply. “Fine, then.”

  Surprisingly, he didn’t appear put off by her brusque manner.

  In her experience, most men preferred women who willingly pandered to their wishes and whims. Though she wasn’t typically as rude as she just was to the Scot, Allegra had never managed to cultivate a biddable nature.

  Giving her a smile that crinkled the corners of his eyes, he said, “Allow me a moment tae add this tae the cairn then we’ll be on our way.” He strode to a pile of stones that stood nearly as high as his knees. Carefully—almost reverently, he placed the rock he carried on top, then paused for a moment before turning back to her. “Right then, lassie, down we go.” A sweeping gesture indicated she should lead the way.

  Before turning toward the path, she couldn’t stop herself from asking, “What is the significance of the stones?”

  He glanced back at the pile of rock. “A cairn can serve as a landmark or a memorial of sorts.”

  Allegra didn’t have to ask what purpose this one in particular served. The quiet note of sadness in his voice gave her the answer.

  For some reason, the path down the mountain felt surprisingly more treacherous than it had on the way up. More than once, as the wind swirled around her, the landscape seemed to tilt and the ground appeared to slope away from her feet at an alarming angle. Each time, the large Scotsman was there to grasp her elbow until she regained her balance.

  And each time, Allegra had to clench her teeth against the swift rise of heat through her body.

  How the simple touch of his hand on her arm could cause such a reaction was alarming, though perhaps it shouldn’t have been a surprise considering she’d been half-naked and writhing in his arms little more than a week ago.

  She had fiercely tried not to think about that kiss in the days since. Any time she did, her heart would race and her belly would flutter in embarrassment for how quickly she had succumbed to the passions he’d invoked. At the first touch of his lips, she had lost all control. Her inhibitions had been nonexistent under the sweep of his rough hands and all she’d wanted was more of him.

  With each grasp of his hand at her elbow or brush of his shoulder as they made their way along the path, she realized her unbridled desire at the inn hadn’t been a singular experience. The man attracted her in a way no other man ever had.

  And as she recalled the details of that morning, she realized it wouldn’t take much to reach that state again.

  Not that she wanted to.

  Certainly not.

  She had come to Scotland with the intention of deciding the next steps in her future. She absolutely could not entertain the idea of engaging in an affair with a rugged highland Scotsman.

  Even if he was built as though carved of stone and his kisses tasted like sunlight and laughter.

  Chapter 5

  Their steps slowed to a stop at the stones standing as gateway between the two properties. Allegra felt an odd tightening in her body as she turned toward the man beside her. With the ancient grey rock behind him and the rugged landscape all around, he looked fully in command and yet totally at ease with himself in a way she couldn’t help but notice and admire.

  He lowered his chin to seek her gaze. “I’d walk the rest of the way with ye,” he said in a rough tone, “but I’m gettin’ the sense ye’d prefer tae go on alone.”

  Something twisted inside her at his choice of words. She didn’t particularly enjoy being alone. But that’s what life required at times. She lifted her chin. “I’ll be fine.”

  “I dinnae doubt it, lass.” His smile tilted upward on one side. “But before ye go, I’m wonderin’ if ye’ll admit ye’ve been thinkin’ aboot our kiss.”

  She could only hope her cheeks were too pink from the cold for him to notice her instant blush. “It was not so memorable.”

  Her denial simply made him chuckle. “I might not be needin’ tae hear of yer undying love just yet, but I’ll not be havin’ yer lies either, lass.”

  Allegra was about to refute his blatant implication that a declaration of love would be anything but a lie as well when he grinned widely to add, “Tell me truthfully ye dinnae want tae kiss me right now.”

  Her eyes widened. “Your arrogance is staggering.”

  He lifted one brow. “Are ye gonna say ye didn’t enjoy having my mouth coverin’ yers? My hands on your bare skin? My fingers between your thighs?”

  “Stop. Say no more.” Allegra’s belly flipped wildly. His boldness had no limits.

  “Och, lassie,” he scolded with a smile. “What happened between us is nothin’ tae be ashamed of.”

  She snapped her chin up and gave him a swift glare. “I’m not ashamed.”

  Another arch of his brows.

  “I simply don’t see any reason to discuss the occurrence in such crude detail. It happened. It shouldn’t have. End of story.”

  “Correction,” he stated gruffly. “It happened. It bloody well shoulda and it bloody well should happen again.”

  “Absolutely not,” Allegra insisted with an emphatic shake of her head.

  “Did it spook you, then?” he asked quietly.

  Allegra frowned. “What are you talking about?”

  “That kind of passion isna common,” he replied, his voice low and intimate, as though they were sharing a coveted secret. “I understand if ye got a wee bit scared.”

“I do not scare that easily,” she replied. “I assure you.”

  His mouth tilted upward, drawing her gaze and a lovely pool of heat to her center. “I didnae think so.”

  “But that doesn’t mean I’m going to kiss you again.”

  “If ye say so.”

  She couldn’t contain her frustration. “You are infuriating.”

  “I’m irresistible.”

  “By all rights, I should never have seen you again.”

  “Fate’s taken us in hand, lassie.” He leaned toward her until she could see the faint golden striations in his green eyes. “There’s no denyin’ it.”

  “I deny it.”

  He tipped his head back and a harsh, ragged sound rose up from his throat. It sounded unbelievably sensual to her ears and made her body clench tight in response.

  He pinned her with a vivid stare. “Ye’re a damned stubborn woman.”

  Though his tone was one of frustration, his eyes sparkled with humor. His scent—evergreen and chimney smoke—surrounded her and she had the oddest urge to dip her chin and burrow into his warmth.

  The inclination was so utterly unlike her. She took a hasty step back instead.

  Unfortunately, her heel came down on a patch of ice. Her foot slipped sideways. She scrambled to catch her balance, but the uneven ground wouldn’t allow it.

  Within a moment, she was caught up in the Scotsman’s arms. Her breasts and belly pressed flush to his solid torso and despite the layers of wool and fur and cotton and whatever else between them, she swore she could feel the hardy beat of his heart against her chest.

  Or perhaps that was her heart suddenly beating so heavy and strong.

  Definitely her breath that caught in her lungs and her gaze that rose as far as his curved lips and then couldn’t go farther. Also, her belly that fluttered with an explosion of anticipation so acute it made her dizzy.

  “As I said, lassie,” he said in a roughened murmur, “’tis fate.”

  Allegra searched for a response—some sort of rejection—but she couldn’t shift her focus from the contours of his mouth as she remembered how his lips had moved so ravenously over hers.

  Another wordless sound rolled through him. But this one was deeper…a primitive demand.

  Allegra was helpless to refuse. Curling her hand around the back of his head, she pulled him down until his mouth covered hers.

  And a fire ignited.

  Just like at the inn, the kiss sparked instant passion—bold and bright. His arms surrounded her, his earthy scent filled her head, and his lips—such firm, purposeful, sensual lips—ravaged her better sense.

  With a harsh groan of satisfaction, he tightened his arms to align her body more fully to his, lifting her to her toes. The deep rumble of his voice made her insides hum with hunger and heat.

  Where did all the heat come from?

  She didn’t understand her intense response to this man—a man she knew only as Macrae—but even more confusing was her total willingness to be consumed by it. Once she was in his arms—once his lips touched hers—she didn’t even try to resist it or deny it.

  And he knew.

  With a skill born of pure confidence and masculine need, he took possession of her. His lips rubbed back and forth over hers, warming them with velvety friction. When he made a short sound in his throat, she knew instantly what he wanted and without hesitation, she opened for him. His tongue swept past her teeth to glide erotically against hers and her legs gave way. Only his fierce embrace kept her upright.

  With fire in her blood and a delicious swirling ache in her core, Allegra gave in to the overwhelming need to have more of him—taste more of him.

  She pulled back from the kiss, but only so she could tilt her head and press her mouth to his throat. Her lips found the soft warmth of his pulse just below the hard line of his bearded jaw. Breathing him in, she touched her tongue to his skin.

  The sound he made was guttural and so very male. His arms tightened, nearly squeezing the breath from her.

  She wished they were wearing less clothes. She’d give anything to feel his rough hands on her bare skin again, to smooth her fingers over the muscled planes and ripples of his abdomen, to explore the surface of his broad back. She must have expressed her frustration somehow because a warm chuckle vibrated in his chest.

  She stilled. What was she doing?

  Clearly, losing her mind.

  It was a glorious sort of madness, but for what? All this desperate need and reckless fire could not lead to anything good. Not for her.

  “Nay, lassie,” he whispered roughly, making her skin tingle. “Dinnae pull away just yet.”

  Allegra’s stomach trembled. Despite the desire raging through her, she lowered her arms from around his neck.

  His groan of dismay nearly had her changing her mind, but she forced herself to step out of his arms, ensuring her boots found proper footing this time.

  The look he gave her was fierce with promise. Rather than being worried by his sudden ferocity, she was forced to hide an impulse to smile. She couldn’t fear him when his eyes still held so much heat and longing and his lips were full and glistening from their kiss.

  “There’s only so long I’ll allow ye tae resist what’s between us,” he growled.

  Shaking off her body’s visceral reaction to his gravelly tone, Allegra met his gaze. “Allow me? You’ve no choice in the matter. I do not repeat my mistakes.”

  Golden flames flickered in his green eyes. “There’s no mistake. We’re fated.”

  Something inside her vibrated to the deep assurance in his words. Despite the sudden weakness in her thighs, she forced sternness into her tone. “I don’t believe in fate.”

  He held her gaze, as though seeking something there.

  She closed herself off, making sure he wouldn’t find it.

  Then he gave a short bow of his head. “I’ll be seein’ ye soon, lassie.”

  “That is not going to happen,” she replied, only to see his lips curve in a barely there smile that still managed to send a rush of heat through her blood.

  Though she didn’t expect it to be as difficult as it was, she turned and walked away. She didn’t have to look back to know with a bone-deep certainty he stood watching her until she was out of sight.

  Chapter 6

  Baird Macrae stood in the corner of the Earl and Countess of Darrow’s most elegant drawing room. To his left was a pedestal holding a giant porcelain vase filled with lush hothouse flowers and to his right was his oldest and closest friend.

  “What’s got you so tense tonight, Macrae?” Darrow asked, his pronunciation revealing the English schooling that had all but swept his burr beneath a rug. “You seem impatient. It’s verra unlike you.”

  Baird didn’t want to answer.

  Milling about the room were close to a dozen of their closest neighbors. They’d all been invited to Darrow House for a small but formal dinner and everyone was dressed in their finest—Baird included. He’d practically grown up with the people around him, saw many of them frequently when he wasn’t away from home as he had been in the last weeks.

  On any other night, he’d have been making his way about the room, chatting up old friends, getting the latest news on bairns just born or weddings finally come about.

  Tonight, he couldn’t keep his focus from the door for more than a few minutes.

  “Waiting on someone?” Darrow asked.

  Baird gave his friend a sideways glance. “Mayhap.”

  “Well, the only person who hasn’t arrived yet is Susanna’s friend, Miss Smithson. Since you haven’t met the lady…” The earl’s gaze narrowed. “Have you met Miss Smithson?”

  Baird did his best to ignore the impulse to glance toward the door once again. “Only informally. Near the loch just yesterday.”

  Darrow’s brows lifted as he waited for Baird to elaborate. When he didn’t, the earl noted, “I’m guessing she made quite an impression.”

  “Aye. Ye might say th

  Gratefully, he did not have to suffer the earl’s curiosity much longer as Mr. Grayson, a neighbor to the south, approached to engage Darrow in conversation.

  It was not much after that the lady finally appeared. And when she did, it took all his strength to keep himself from striding swiftly to her side. He’d only seen her dressed down to the barest underthing or bundled up in multiple layers. The vision she presented tonight practically knocked him on his arse.

  She was bloody gorgeous.

  Dressed in a vivid blue gown that draped her figure with layers of silk and satin, her nearly black hair was swept high on her head and sparkling jewels adorned her ears and encircled her slim throat. With her bearing so proud and refined, she looked like a queen stepping into the room.

  And just as he felt that morning in Inverness when he’d woken to the vision of a warrior woman glaring at him, half-dressed with hair tumbling to her hips in midnight waves, and again yesterday, when he topped the rise to see the mountain maiden awaiting him—Baird felt the heavy blow of destiny hitting him square in the chest.

  Curling his hands into fists, he willed his heart to a reasonable pace.

  He’d never believed in love at first sight, but whatever it was this woman inspired in him, it was instant and intense. And it didn’t seem to be lessening.

  He had only a moment to crave her gaze before she turned warm brown eyes in his direction.

  He’d have bet anything that she hadn’t expected him to be there. Yet, when she saw him standing beside their host, dressed in his finest evening wear, she didn’t reveal even a hint of recognition or surprise. Aside from a very brief pause, she barely acknowledged him at all.

  Lady Darrow reached her friend’s side and linked arms with her. After they exchanged a few words, they began a tour of the room as the countess introduced her to the other gathered guests.

  Baird found himself fascinated by her calm composure, so unlike what he’d come to expect from her. His fierce warrior queen was serene, sophisticated, and completely in control as she charmed each of his neighbors one by one.

  She was stunning.


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