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The Deadliest Institution Collection

Page 20

by Holly Copella

  “Have a few more,” Timon said. “You’ll relax.” He laughed again in his usual humorous manner.

  Jacey studied Timon for a moment then smiled more naturally. By the color in his cheeks and the boyish smile he wore, she could tell he’d had enough to drink himself.

  “Guess Brian’s out of the picture now,” Timon said while appearing pleased.

  Jacey eyed him and tilted her head with confusion. “What do you mean?”

  “He tossed you over for someone less moral,” he said and raised his brows in lustful suggestion.

  “My loss,” Jacey replied humorously with a mocking smile.

  “Yeah, some woman from town,” he remarked. “That other reporter, Brenda.”

  Jacey rolled her eyes and tried to keep from laughing. “Yes, I figured Brenda would seize Brian with her low morals to get a good story. She conducts a lot of interviews between the sheets. They’ll have a good time together.”

  “Guess my chances just increased greatly, huh?” Timon said with a laugh and a suggestive brow.

  Jacey patted his puffy, red cheek with a delicate smile. “You’re drunk.”

  He laughed and nodded. “Someone has to liven this party. Wanna dance?”

  Jacey listened to the fast music then shook her head with a soft laugh. “No, thanks. I don’t think I could keep up with you even if I tried. And in these shoes, I’d probably fall on my butt.”

  Angela paused alongside Timon and glared disapprovingly at him with her arms folded across her chest. “Will you stop throwing yourself at Jacey,” she snapped. “You’re making a spectacle of yourself.”

  Timon looked at Angela, mimicked her stance, and made a prudish face while bobbing his head back and force. “Lighten up, Angie. You’re just jealous because she’s turning every head in this place, including your wannabe boyfriend.” He laughed at his own joke. “Poor Angie.”

  Her hateful glare didn’t even appear to faze him in his intoxicated condition. Timon then chased after the waitress with a tray of hors d’oeuvres.

  “Twit,” Angela snarled lowly while watching his departure. She shifted her attention to Jacey and gave her the same, cold look she’d given Timon. “You just stay away from Maxwell. He may show some interest in you tonight, but by tomorrow, you’ll be the same poor farm girl you were yesterday.”

  “Fuck off,” Jacey muttered lowly with narrow eyes and a cold stare. She surprised herself. She had no idea where that came from. Possibly residue from Asher’s charming personality.

  Angela snorted lowly. “I should expect that sort of comment from someone of your upbringing.”

  “What’s going on?” Maxwell asked and paused nearby. He looked at both women with a bewildered stare.

  “Nothing,” Angela replied while raising her head proudly and smiled brightly. She moved closer to Maxwell and placed her hand on his lower arm. “Let’s dance.”

  Maxwell raised a curious brow. “You’ve never wanted to dance at one of these parties before.”

  “I do now,” Angela announced warmly.

  “You’ll have to find Timon or Doc,” Maxwell said simply. “I have a prior engagement with Jacey.”

  Angela’s eyes narrowed spitefully. “With her?” she hissed then sneered. “Better keep the conversation simple. Or is it a non-verbal engagement?”

  Maxwell’s brow raised sharply. “I don’t suppose that would be any of your business,” he retorted coldly. “I don’t need to answer to you or anyone else. You’re not my mother, and you’re certainly not my girlfriend.”

  Angela folded her arms across her chest and mocked him with her smile. “As if you didn’t pursue me since we’d met,” she snapped.

  “I may have considered a relationship when I first met you, but since then I’ve seen you for the coldhearted bitch that you really are.” His head sharply tilted. “Ever since we’ve arrived here, you’ve been playing some sort of game with me and abusing Jacey just because you see her as a threat. Allow me to set the records straight. I like Jacey,” he snapped. “I like her a lot. She’s interesting, and she treats me the way a man wants to be treated. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’d like to enjoy myself for a change.” Maxwell extended his hand to Jacey.

  Jacey smiled warmly and placed her hand in his. He led her from the room with several long, quick strides. In her high heels, she had a difficult time keeping up with him. He slowed his pace once they reached the nearly empty hallway, though he didn’t release her hand.

  “I’m sorry about that,” he said gently and sighed. “I didn’t mean to start that in front of you. I can’t believe I actually said those things out loud.”

  Jacey laughed softly. “Believe me, I enjoyed it. That woman has been out to get me from the start.”

  “She has a need to control people,” he explained then looked away with a frown. “I suppose she wanted to control me too. I’ve never been overly confident, and I was just happy to feel needed, whether it was real or not.”

  “I would think you’re needed around here,” she remarked. “Doc seems to depend upon you.” He was obviously well-respected among his peers.

  He smiled with some embarrassment. “That’s a little different. I know where I stand professionally. It’s not always enough,” he said gently.

  Jacey turned and walked sideways while studying him. “I need you. Does that count?” she asked with a grin.

  Maxwell looked at her with some surprise then smiled. “You may be the only one who does,” he said softly.

  They found their way upstairs and entered Maxwell’s room. It was a neat, well-kept room. He removed a folder with several papers from the top of his desk and stared at it with some confusion. He opened it and flipped through the papers.

  “Is something wrong?” Jacey asked curiously.

  He turned to face her. “Something’s missing,” he replied and looked around the room. “This wasn’t where I had left it, and now there’s a page missing.”

  “Was it anything important?” Jacey asked.

  Maxwell shook his head and flipped through the pages again. “I’m not sure,” he replied. “I had several pages in here. I didn’t really study them.” He then stopped and looked at Jacey. His eyes narrowed. “It was a page on Asher.”

  “Asher?” she said with surprise. “You were investigating Asher? Why?”

  “I was investigating him, in a manner of speaking. I did some research on his cane and came up with some interesting discoveries,” Maxwell informed her. “He was supposed to tell you after my talk with him. He promised he would.”

  Jacey felt her heart pound nervously. “He said he had to talk to me, but he was preoccupied about something,” she said more softly.

  Maxwell inhaled deeply and nodded. “It’s only fair that he tell you himself.” He handed her the folder.

  “But who would take the paper?” she asked aloud although she was mostly talking to herself.

  Maxwell raised a brow and shrugged. “Maybe Asher himself,” he announced. “He wasn’t very happy with me about my discoveries.”

  Jacey lowered the folder and frowned. “Maybe you should tell me.”

  “No,” he replied. “I promised Asher I wouldn’t. I should at least give him the chance to be honest with you.”

  She groaned and opened the folder. “You’re just as bad as he is.” Jacey heard someone walk past the partially opened door. She looked toward the hallway and sank into thought while closing the folder. She looked back at Maxwell. “Can we go to the observatory?”

  “Sure,” he replied. “Just not for too long. Doc wasn’t very happy about my leaving.”

  Jacey cocked her head to one side. “What did you mean earlier when you said about you ‘disappearing too’?”

  He inhaled deeply then forced a tiny smile. “Brian ducked out with some woman he’d met earlier, and Professor conveniently eluded the party entirely.”

  “Yes, I’ve heard about Brian and Brenda,” Jacey remarked while hiding her smile then studied Maxwell and
appeared curious. “Professor never showed?”

  Maxwell shook his head. “I assume he’s with your two cousins watching horror movies at your house.”

  “I don’t doubt it,” Jacey said with a sigh.

  Chapter Twenty-five

  It was nearing eight o’clock that evening. Monique and Coleen ran their horses across the rapidly darkening field. They slowed their horses within the woods and soon approached the back gate to the institution. They’d made excellent time getting there. Both stopped their horses and stared with horror at the new padlock and chain wrapped around the gate.

  “We’ll have to go around to the front,” Coleen said with a deep sigh.

  Monique looked toward the thick woods surrounding the gate then the path that would take them into town. She looked back at Coleen. “That will take another twenty minutes to get through the woods. It’s already dark.” Monique dismounted her horse and approached the gate.

  Coleen watched as her blonde friend removed something from her back pocket. It was a slim, silver object.

  “What’s that?” Coleen asked.

  Monique flashed a smile and inserted the pick into the lock. “My father’s official lock pick,” she replied proudly.

  Coleen’s eyes widened. “You swiped that from your father? Stealing from a federal agent is a federal offense.”

  “I didn’t steal it,” she insisted. “I borrowed it.” Monique gave a slight groan while working on the lock. “I intend to replace it. Besides, do you honestly think my father’s going to have me arrested?”

  The lock sprang open. Monique removed the chain and opened the gate. She returned to her horse, jumped onto his back, and rode through the gate. Coleen instinctively followed. They trotted across the neatly mowed lawn with its tall weeds hovering above the fence. They dismounted near the porch and tied their horses to the rail. Both ran onto the porch. Jill and her small group of followers could be seen picketing the front gate. They now stopped and pointed at the two girls on the porch. Monique hurried to the door and rang the bell. The door opened a moment later. The hired butler stared at them.

  “May I help you?” he asked coldly.

  “We need to see Doc,” Monique replied firmly.

  “This isn’t a hospital,” he said lowly. “Do you have your invitation?”

  “No, but my cousin--”

  “Then I can’t admit you,” he replied and slammed the door before Monique could even protest.

  Monique looked back at Coleen.

  “Ring it again,” Coleen remarked. “Demand to see Jacey.”

  Monique turned toward the door and rang the bell again. The door was thrown open.

  “Either you leave, or I’ll call the police and have you removed,” he said firmly then slammed the door.

  Monique turned and walked off the porch.

  Coleen hurried after her. “What? We’re leaving? Are you going to give him that satisfaction?”

  “No,” Monique snapped and walked past the horses. “I’m going in the back door.”

  “Through the kitchen?” Coleen asked.

  Monique stopped by the caretaker’s workshop and pointed. “No, this back door.”

  Jill and her picketers hurried along the fence while watching the girls. Monique and Coleen entered through the workshop. Coleen stopped within the dark, dirty shop and looked around. The rusted tools hung from the walls with large cobwebs as their shadows created an eerie backdrop.

  “I don’t think I like this idea. Let’s try the kitchen,” Coleen suggested.

  “I’m sure there’s someone there to stop us as well,” Monique remarked. “We’ll just slip in through the basement and take the elevator. We can find the party from there.”

  Coleen reluctantly followed into the dimly lit corridor that resembled a dungeon.

  “Creepy,” Coleen muttered lowly.

  “Stop being such a wuss,” Monique snapped. “We have to find Jacey and see if Professor is here.”

  “But what if they haven’t heard from Professor?” Coleen asked. “Where could he possibly be? Surely he’d call here.”

  “I’m sure he’s here,” Monique said.

  Just outside the institution grounds, Jill and her clan made their way through the thick woods along the fence and finally reached the open, back gate. Jill entered through the back gate with her sign firmly in her hands. The other women paused just outside the gate and looked inside the grounds with wide eyes. She looked back at them. They shook their heads and backed away from the open gate. Jill rolled her eyes and continued across the grounds.


  Derek crept along one of the many basement rooms and uncertainly looked around the vast area of junk. The room was filled with so many boxes and old furniture, it was almost impossible to see more than five feet ahead. He paused, looked around, and then listened to the unusual sounds within the basement. Someone was moving around, but it was impossible to tell if it was a person, a rat, or where the sound was even coming from. Ducts within the basement ceiling seemed to carry sound with a metallic echoing. As he looked around while scratching his head, it appeared almost certain he was lost. All the rooms looked alike. He continued through the maze of old furniture and entered a well-lit corridor. To the far end of the corridor was an elevator. He approached the elevator and pressed the button. Nothing happened. Derek looked to the opposite end of the hallway, appeared to contemplate his next move, and then uncertainly approached the room at the far end. He slowly entered the laundry room and looked around.

  The laundry room was filled with both clean and dirty laundry. It was surprising the condition in which the institution had been left when they abandoned the building. Something moved within one of the laundry bins. Derek slowly approached the bin and uncertainly looked inside. The old, dirty sheets and towels moved. He jumped back with surprise, hesitated, and slowly lifted one of the towels. Several rats scurried over one another in an attempt to hide within the dirty, white sheets. Derek dropped the towel, jumped back, and then sighed with relief. A shadow loomed over Derek, alarming him. While attempting to turn, he was grabbed from behind. A hand in a latex glove slipped over his mouth, and he was harshly pulled against his assailant from behind. Derek attempted to cry out while struggling against his attacker. A scalpel suddenly appeared before his face and dragged firmly across his throat. He muffled a scream as blood gushed from the large, gaping gash. As he sank, his assailant shoved him into the laundry bin. Several rats squealed and scurried through the dirty laundry. Within seconds, the rats crawled across Derek’s body and feasted on his rapidly spilling blood.


  Jacey looked through the telescope within the attic observatory while Maxwell stood behind her and told her what she was viewing. She couldn’t concentrate on what he told her about the stars. She was preoccupied with what Asher was up too. Maxwell adjusted the telescope over her shoulder. His body brushed against hers from behind, causing her to return to her present situation. She hadn’t realized he’d been so close. His right hand adjusted the telescope as he looked through it just over her shoulder. The scent of his aftershave immediately aroused her senses. His left hand touched her waist so lightly, she almost hadn’t noticed. She again felt his body gently press against hers from behind. Although seemingly innocent, it was possibly the most erotic moment of her life.

  “Of course,” he continued on the current subject, which she couldn’t recall. “This telescope is insignificant compared to the one being delivered. You can see everything with that one.” He was silent a moment. “I’m boring you,” he said gently as his hand dropped from her waist.

  Boring her? Was he that much of a genius that he didn’t realize the sexual signals he was sending? She was starting to wonder if it was just her. Maybe he didn’t mean anything by pressing his body against hers. She knew she had to say something that sounded somewhat intelligent. Jacey turned her head and looked back at Maxwell with a warm smile.

  “No, you’re not boring me,” she sa
id with some embarrassment while attempting to keep from blushing at his closeness. He wasn’t boring her; she just didn’t understand a word he was saying, and the closeness of his body wasn’t helping her focus any either. She looked back through the telescope. “I enjoy your company. You’re certainly nothing like Brian.”

  Maxwell chuckled in his throat while grinning. “I have years; he has miles.”

  Jacey looked back at him briefly and grinned. He seemed almost embarrassed and avoided looking at her. She focused her attention on the telescope, since it seemed he gained confidence while her back was turned.

  “You’re not like other women your age,” he remarked almost softly then immediately fidgeted. “I mean, you seem more mature.”

  Jacey relaxed while looking through the telescope at the stars. “I suppose that has a lot to do with the company I keep.” She found something of interest through the microscope. “Look, there’s Jupiter,” she said with a tiny laugh.

  Maxwell once more leaned over her shoulder and looked through the telescope. “It’s a nice, clear night,” he replied. “You can see farther.” His left hand again rested on her waist.

  Jacey held her breath then seized the opportunity to welcome his closeness. She placed her hand over his but kept the conversation casual. She feared scaring him off.

  “You’ll have to invite me back when you get the big telescope,” she said warmly without looking back at him. She stared at the stars but paid more attention to his hand on her waist and his body gently pressing against hers. Her heart was now beating rapidly.

  “I’ll probably have to fight Timon for that privilege,” he teased with a tiny laugh.

  Jacey gently caressed Maxwell’s hand and slipped her fingers between his. He was still a moment then his right hand touched her hip. She could hear his breathing become slightly irregular and his body pressed more firmly against hers. She no longer looked through the telescope and welcomed the erotic feeling sweeping through her. In two weeks of dating Jameson, she never felt such arousal, which was probably why they never got beyond casual kissing. Although Maxwell had never even kissed her, she was already yearning for his body against hers. She’d never yearned before. It seemed improbable! He wasn’t even a cowboy!


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