Nathan J Gordon, William L Fleisher

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Nathan J Gordon, William L Fleisher Page 51

by Effective Interviewing

  redirection gestures, 292 294

  57, 314f

  response style of others, recognizing,

  acceptable lies, 12

  290, 291

  accounts of subjective mental state, in CBSA, 63

  scapegoating, 287 288


  “SOFTEN” protocol, 294

  See also validation of FAINT

  stimuli for, 289

  FAINT, 168 169, 169t

  sympathetic arousal, 284 285

  of polygraph, 309 310, 313

  vacuum gestures, 292

  accurately reported details misunderstood, in

  warning signs, 294

  CBSA, 62

  “Agreement for Cooperation” form, IZCT, 306

  acquaintance tests, 306 307

  Air Force General Question Technique

  ACTH (adrenocorticotropic) hormones, 19 20

  (AFMGQT), 305

  active deceit, 12 13

  airline passenger screening. See passenger screening

  ADA (American with Disabilities Act), 236 237

  airport, security at, 241. See also passenger screening

  adaptive behavior, 209 210

  alcoholics, 237

  adaptors, 106, 107 108, 107f, 123

  alignment, body, 110 111

  Addison, M. E., 136

  alleged offender, focused questions about, 212

  adrenocorticotropic (ACTH) hormones, 19 20

  alleged sex abuse victims. See NICHD Investigative

  Advanced Physics Laboratory, Johns Hopkins

  Interview Protocol

  University, 321

  alternative questions, Integrated Interrogation

  Advice of Rights form, 250

  Technique, 261 262

  AFMGQT (Air Force General Question Technique),

  amendments to Constitution, 247


  American Association of Police Polygraphists, 310

  After Interview Interview

  American College of Gastroenterology, 319 320

  pre employment interviewing, 236

  American Polygraph Association, 310, 313

  scoring, 141

  American with Disabilities Act (ADA), 236 237


  Amnesty International, 225 226

  in animals, 288 289, 288f

  Ampère, Andre´, 6

  catharsis, 288

  amygdala, 121

  caused by attacks, 286

  anger, venting, 288. See also aggression

  dealing with, 293, 294

  “Animal Electricity” paper, 5 6

  defining, 285

  animals, aggression in, 288 289, 288f

  displacement of, 286 287

  ANS (autonomic nervous system), 18, 19.

  frustration, 286

  See also parasympathetic nervous system;

  as instinct, 285 286

  sympathetic nervous system

  intention movements of attack, 291

  anti climactic dampening, 91 92




  anxiety, 13, 15

  behavior. See aggression; nonverbal behavioral

  Apprehension Sketch A 3, 48f, 51f, 54f, 56f


  Apprehension sketches, MITT

  Behavioral Analysis Interview (BAI)

  case study, 153, 156 157, 160, 163

  accuracy, 184

  overview, 41 42, 41f, 43f

  compared to other systems, 186f, 187f

  approach approach conflict, 23

  projective questions, 99 100

  approach avoidance conflict, 24

  behavioral manifestations, of sexual abuse, 211

  arms, in nonverbal behavioral assessment, 123 126

  Behnke, R.R, 316

  arousal, sympathetic. See sympathetic nervous system

  Bender, Frank, 271

  arson comparison questions, 92

  Benussi, Vittorio, 7

  arson example, Integrated Interrogation Technique,

  Bhati, Sujeeta, 315

  266 271

  Bill of Rights, 247

  “ASIT POLYSUITE” Scoring Algorithm, 314f

  biological signs, involuntary, 129 130

  assertion, force of, 255

  biting lips, 120 121

  Assertive Option: Your Rights and Your Responsibilities,

  blackbirds, aggression in, 288 289

  The, 290

  blind from birth children, nonverbal behavior in, 108

  assertive people, 290

  blinking, 118

  assumptive questions, 235

  blood pressure, in physiological truth tests, 7

  attacks, aggression caused by, 286

  bluffing during interrogations, 259

  attitude of interviewer, 34 35

  blushing, 129

  Attitudinal questions, 236

  body alignment, 110 111

  attorneys, advising, 250

  body language, interviewer, 293

  attribution of perpetrator’s mental state, in

  Body Watching, 114

  CBSA, 63

  Book of Genesis, 1

  audience, removing, 293

  brain fingerprinting, 319, 319f

  Auditory Constructed eye cue, 132 133, 132f

  Brandon, Susan E, 315

  Auditory Digital eye cue, 132f, 135

  Branscomb, H, 316

  auditory processing mode, 131

  “Breadboard Polygraph”, 8

  Auditory Remembered eye cue, 132f, 134

  breathing, in physiological truth tests, 7, 7f

  “Aussagepsychologie, Die”, 6

  Brenner, M., 316

  automatic indications of deception, 99

  Brown v. Mississippi, 248

  autonomic nervous system (ANS), 18, 19.

  Burgoon, J., 118

  See also parasympathetic nervous

  “buy” signs, watching for, 262

  system (PNS); sympathetic nervous system

  avoidance avoidance conflict, 23


  Axciton Instrument Company, 310

  calming gestures, 124f

  calmness, of interviewer, 293


  Campbell, Stuart, 108

  background checks, 237 238

  Cannon, W. B., 22

  Backster, Cleve

  card players, eye behavior of, 115

  anti climactic dampening, 91 92

  “Cardio Pneumo Psychogram”, 8

  comparison questions, 94

  carotid artery, 130

  freezing, 112

  catharsis, 288

  innocent/guilty suspect terminology, 97

  CBSA. See Criterion Based Statement Analysis

  photo of, 25f

  “Central Park Jogger”, 228

  psychological set, 24

  Cestaro, V.L., 315 316

  Tri Zone Comparison Technique, 303

  Chambers v. Florida, 248

  “Backster S K Y” polygraph test, 303, 307 308

  Chao, E.Y., 316

  “Backster’s Exploratory” polygraph test, 303

  charts, IZCT, 308 309

  backward body lean, 110 111

  chest expansion, 110

  BAI. See Behavioral Analysis Interview

  chewing lips, 121

  bank theft case study, 144 145, 147 150

  child molestation example, Integrated Interrogation

  barriers, arms and hands as, 123, 124f

  Technique, 262 266



  children, interviewing

  “concealed information tests”, 300 301

  constitutional rights, 210


  interviewer influence, 210 211

  Classical/Pavlovian, 22, 23, 23f

  NICHD Investigative Interview Protocol

  operant, 289 290

  of Alleged Sex abuse Vict
ims, 213 215, 216 218


  overview, 213

  See also Integrated Interrogation Technique

  overview, 209

  Brown v. Mississippi, 248

  props and drawings, 211

  Chambers v. Florida, 248

  questions, 211, 212, 213

  Escobedo v. Illinois, 248 249

  recall and recognition memory, 211

  false, 228 230

  sexual abuse, signs of, 211

  Frazier v. Cupp, 251

  special considerations, 209 210

  illegal questioning, evidence obtained from, 251

  chin position, 114, 115f

  during interrogations, 274 275

  China, trial by ordeal in, 2

  intrinsic and extrinsic misrepresentations, 251 252

  CI (counterintelligence interrogation), 226 227

  Lynumn v. Illinois, 251

  CIA. See KUBARK Intelligence Manual

  McNabb v. United States, 248

  clasped hands, 125, 126f

  Miranda v. Arizona, 249 250

  Classical conditioning, 22, 23, 23f

  Oregon v. Mathiason, 251

  clearing throat, 120

  overview, 247

  closed eyes, 118

  People v. Lyons, 250

  closed ended questions, 90

  pressing for, 262 276

  closeness to suspect, 262 276

  State v. Anderson, 247 248

  clothing, interviewer, 14

  suspect willingness to waive Miranda rights, 251

  clusters of nonverbal behavior, 136

  Tidwell v. Superior Court for Humboldt County, 250

  cockpit safety, 240

  written, 281 282

  coding, personal, 99

  Yarborough v. Alverado, 251

  Cody, M.J., 316

  confidence, interrogator, 27 28

  coercion. See forced confessions; torture

  conflict, physiological changes due to, 23, 24

  cognitive dissonance, 24

  constitutional rights, 210

  color, facial, 123, 129

  contact, eye, 115, 116, 117, 118f

  combat, trial by, 2

  contextual embedding, in CBSA, 60

  commission, lying by, 12 13

  conversation, reproduction of in CBSA, 61

  communication, flow of, 28, 29, 29b

  convincing suspect to tell truth, 274 276

  communication skills, 209

  corrections, spontaneous, in CBSA, 63, 64

  comparative response questions, 302

  counsel, right to, 248 249

  comparison question polygraph techniques

  counterintelligence interrogation (CI), 226 227

  Air Force General Question Technique, 305

  countermeasure questions, 306

  Integrated Zone Comparison Technique,

  countermeasures, 314

  305 309, 306

  courting gestures, 120, 127 128

  Matte Quadra Trak, 304

  covering mouth, 121 122

  Reid General Question technique, 302

  credibility, signs of in SCAN, 69 70

  Tri Zone Comparison Technique, 303, 304

  credibility of testimony. See forensic statement

  comparison questions


  See also comparison question polygraph techniques

  credit reports, 237 238

  example of, 101, 103

  crime specific characteristics, in CBSA, 65

  in Forensic Assessment Interview, 92 94

  Criminal Man, The, 5

  scoring answers to, 148 149

  criminal record checks, 233

  competence, interviewer, 13, 14 15, 14f

  Crisis Prevention Institute, Inc, 293

  compliant false confessions, 229

  crisscrossing of arms and legs, 123

  complimenting suspect, 260

  Criterion Based Statement Analysis (CBSA)

  computerized polygraph systems, 313 314,

  evaluating criteria, 66

  314f, 315f

  General Characteristics category, 60

  Conan Doyle, Arthur, 108 109

  Motivation Related Contents category, 63, 64, 65



  Criterion Based Statement Analysis (CBSA) (Continued)

  distribution of scores, FAINT, 169 173, 171t

  Offense Specific Elements category, 65

  Dixon, Joe Wheeler, 228 229

  overview, 59

  Dr. Phil, 274

  Peculiarities of Content category, 61, 62, 63

  DoDPI Research Division Staff, 316

  research behind, 59 60

  Doob, A. N., 287 288

  Specific Contents category, 60, 61

  doubts about one’s own testimony, in CBSA, 64

  standard for expert testimony, 67

  Downey, R.G., 316

  Statement Validity Analysis, 66 67

  drawings, for interviews of children, 211

  crossed arms, 123

  dress, interviewer, 14

  custody, defining, 251

  Dreyfus case, 4 5

  Customs Behavior Analysis training program,

  drug tests, 237

  242 244

  dry mouth, 2, 3, 120



  DACA (Defense Academy for Credibility

  Eckman, Paul, 105

  Assessment), 321

  EEG (electroencephalographic)/P300 brain wave

  daily living skills, 209

  monitoring, 319

  Damphouse, P, 315

  effect, law of, 289

  Darwin, Charles, 108, 121

  “Effects of Motivation and Item Difficulty on

  deceptive persons

  Oculomotor and Behavioral Measures of

  See also lies; nonverbal behavioral assessment; truth

  Deception”, 322

  automatic indications of, 99

  EGGs (electrogastrograms), 319 320

  reaction to projective questions

  El Al airline, 241, 242, 242f

  example of, 100, 101, 102, 103

  elbows, 124, 125f

  versus truthful subjects, 97 98, 99, 99b

  electricity, in physiological truth tests, 5 6

  in reinterview, 142 143

  electroencephalographic (EEG)/P300 brain wave

  truth verification instrumentation, 318 319, 318f

  monitoring, 319

  Defense Academy for Credibility Assessment

  electrogastrograms (EGGs), 319 320

  (DACA), 321

  electronic recordings. See recordings

  defensive barriers, arms and hands as, 123, 124f

  emblems, 105, 107f

  Defocused eye cue, 132f, 135

  emotionally charged words in questions,

  Dektor Counterintelligence, 314

  90 91

  delay from time of arrest to time of arraignment, 248

  empathy, for suspect, 34


  employee thefts, multisuspect, 169 173

  interviewer, 15

  employees. See pre employment interviewing

  in nonverbal behavior assessment, 110 114

  endorphins, 19 20

  demonstration tests, 306 307

  environment, interview/interrogation, 29 30,

  denial of involvement, not allowing, 258

  31, 31b

  Department of Defense Polygraph Institute, 309

  Escobedo v. Illinois, 248 250

  Dershowitz, Alan, 227

  ethics, and torture, 230

  descriptions of interactions, in CBSA, 61

  exaggerated forward lean, 110

  detailed characteristics of offense, in CBSA, 65

  exaggerating numbers, in pre employment

  Devil’s Mark, 4

  interview, 235

  dilation, pupil, 11
7 118, 322

  exclusive comparison questions, 94

  direct involvement relevant questions, 90

  expert testimony, standard for, 67

  disabilities, and pre employment interview,

  extended eye contact, 116

  236 237

  exterior incidents, reference to in CBSA, 62

  disbelief, 122 123

  external associations, related, in CBSA, 62

  discharging accused person, in CBSA, 65

  external checks, pre employment, 233

  displacement activities, 113 114, 113f

  extraordinary details, in CBSA, 61

  displacement of aggression, 286 287

  extrinsic misrepresentations, 251 252

  dissonance, cognitive, 24

  eye contact, 294

  distance relationships, 30, 31

  eye cues, neurolinguistic, 132 137



  eye movement, in neurolinguistics, 131

  Lynumn v. Illinois, 251

  eyebrows, 114 115, 119

  Miranda v. Arizona, 249 250

  eyes, in nonverbal behavioral assessment,

  Forensic Assessment Interview Technique (FAINT)

  115 119

  See also children, interviewing; Morgan Interview

  Theme Technique (MITT); preparation,


  interview/interrogation; projective questions;

  face, nonverbal behavioral assessment of

  psycho physiological responses; scoring,

  eyes, 115 119

  FAINT; validation of FAINT

  mouth, 120 122

  nonverbal behavior

  nose, 122 123

  assessment, 105 107

  overview, 114 115

  establishing norm, 136

  facial color, 123, 129

  overview, 105 107

  FAINT. See children, interviewing; Forensic

  posture, 111, 113

  Assessment Interview Technique; Morgan

  overview, 9

  Interview Theme Technique; preparation,


  interview/interrogation; projective questions;

  comparison, 92 94

  psycho physiological responses; scoring,

  irrelevant, 89 90

  FAINT; validation of FAINT

  overview, 89

  Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), 237 238

  relevant, 90 92

  false confessions, 228 230

  report format, 220 221

  “false key peak of tension tests”, 299 300

  forensic statement analysis

  false positives/negatives, FAINT, 168 169

  See also open statements, in SCAN; SCAN

  fanatics, 231


  Farwell, Dr., 319


  FCRA (Fair Credit Reporting Act), 237 238

  evaluating criteria, 66


  General Characteristics category, 60

  during interviews, 13, 14 15

  Motivation Related Contents category, 63, 64, 65

  nonverbal behavior indicating, 112, 123

  Offense Specific Elements category, 65

  offering solutions to alleviate, 260


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