overview, 59
of punishment, 256 257, 256f
Peculiarities of Content category, 61, 62, 63
Fee, Garnett, 242 243
research behind, 59 60
feet, in nonverbal behavioral assessment, 127
Specific Contents category, 60, 61
fetuses, nonverbal behavior in, 108
standard for expert testimony, 67
Fifth Amendment, 247
Statement Validity Analysis, 66 67
fight or flight response, 17 18, 129 130, 284 285
overview, 59, 87
Finder of Fact, 4
SCAN, 67 68
first paragraph, report, 220
format, report, 219 220
first person singular, past tense, 69
forward body lean, 110 111, 294
Fleisher, William L., 57, 271
Fourteenth Amendment, 247
flight position, legs in, 127, 127f
Fourth Amendment, 247
flow of communication, 28, 29, 29b
Frazier v. Cupp, 251
flow of statements, evaluating, 68, 68b
Freedman, J. L., 287 288
fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging),
“freeze/hide” syndrome, 17 18, 112, 284
318 319, 320, 321, 321f
Freud, Sigmund, 108, 285 286
focused questions, 212
frustration, and aggression, 285 286
force of assertion, Integrated Interrogation
Fuller, B.F., 316
Technique, 255
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI),
forced confessions
318 319, 320, 321, 321f
Brown v. Mississippi, 248
Chambers v. Florida, 248
intrinsic and extrinsic misrepresentations,
Galvani, Luigi, 5 6
251 252
galvanic skin response (GSR), 6
King v. Warickshall, 247
galvanometer, 6
Geison, L., 316
homeostasis, 18 19, 20 21, 22
gender specific irrelevant sketches, 40, 40f, 43f
homicide comparison questions, 92 93
General Characteristics category, CBSA, 60
homicide interviews, 91
general questions, 212
Horvath, Frank, Ph.D., 105
Genesis, Book of, 1
Horvath, F.S., 316
Genesis and Development of the Statement,
hostile gesture, 112f
in SVA, 66
"how and why" solutions, 258 259, 274 275
German Supreme Court, 67
“how and why”, suspect, 99
Givens, David B., 109
Humble, Charles, 317
goals, interview/interrogation, 27 28, 28b
hurting others, aggression as, 285
Goetz, Bernhard, 280
Hussein, Saddam, 224, 225
goose bumps, 20, 20f, 291
hypovolemic shock, 21
Gordon, Nathan J., 57
Graham, John, 239
Grant, John Henry, 239
IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act),
Greenhoot, A.F., 211
209 210
grooming behaviors, 127 128, 128f
identifying data, in report, 220
ground zero truth, 167
I:E ratio, 7, 7f
GSR (galvanic skin response), 6
illegal drugs, testing for, 237
Gudjonsson, Gisli, 229
illegal questioning, evidence obtained from, 251
illustrators, 106, 107 108
forcefully asserting suspect guiltiness, 257
imitation, 289 290
Integrated Interrogation Technique, 256 257
Inbau, Fred, 94
questions framed around, 91
inclusive comparison questions, 94
Guilt or Remorse Sketch GR 1, 48f, 53f, 56f
inconclusives, 167 168, 168t, 169t, 173t, 180t
Guilt or Remorse Sketch GR 2, 50f
India, trial by ordeal in, 3
Guilt or Remorse sketches, MITT, 42, 42f, 43f,
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA),
153, 156, 160, 163
209 210
“guilty as later verified” suspects, 97
industrial loss of money case, MITT in, 43, 43f
“guilty knowledge tests”, 300
information seeking questions, 28
innocence, questions framed around, 91
“innocent as later verified” suspects, 97
Hail Mary eye cue, 132, 132f
inquisitions, 4
hair erection, 20, 20f, 291
inside issue, 304
Hall, Edward T., Dr., 30, 31
instinct, aggression as, 285 286
hands, in nonverbal behavioral assessment,
instrumental conditioning, 289 290
123 126
instrumentation. See polygraph; truth verification
head, nonverbal behavioral assessment of
eyes, 115 119
Integrated Interrogation Technique
mouth, 120 122
alternative and leading questions, 261 262
nose, 122 123
arson example, 266 271
overview, 114 115
child molestation example, 262 266
heart rate, and foot or leg movement, 127
complimenting suspect, 260
Henry, D.R, 316
convincing suspect to tell truth, 274 276
Hicks, J.W., Jr., 316
fear of punishment, 256 257, 256f
hiding facial expressions, 114 115, 117f
force of assertion, 255
Hindawi, Nezar, 242
forcefully asserting that suspect is guilty, 257
Hinkle, Lawrence E., Jr., Dr., 227
guilt, 256 257
hiring process. See pre employment interviewing
leverage, 255 256
“holding or hoping”, 284
moving in close and pressing for confession,
Holland v. McGinnis, 252
262 276
Hollien, H., 315, 316
murder example, 271 272, 273 274, 273f
Holmes, Warren, 255
not allowing suspect to deny involvement, 258
overview, 255, 257, 276, 277b
persuasive arguments for telling truth,
the Art of Empty Self, 284 285
offering, 260
Kassin, Saul M., 229
series of possibilities explaining crime, offering,
Kasuya, T., 317
258 259
Keeler, Leonarde, 297, 298f
solutions to alleviate fear, offering, 260
kinesthetic processing mode, 131, 132f, 133
tips for, 274
King v. Warickshall, 247
undermining suspect self confidence, 259
“known solution peak of tension tests”
watching for “buy” signs, 262
“concealed information tests”, 300 301
Integrated Zone Comparison Technique (IZCT),
“false key peak of tension tests”, 299 300
305 309, 306
“guilty knowledge tests”, 300
intellectual functioning of mentally retarded
overview, 297 299
persons, 209
Koenig, M.L., 316
intention movements of attack, 291
Kosugi, T., 317
interactions, descriptions of in CBSA, 61
KUBARK Intelligence Manual, 226 227, 229
internalized false confessions, 229
Kubis, J.F., 316
interrogators, 27 28. See also preparation,
interrogation; torture
Lafayette Instrument Company, 310, 310f, 315f, 321
See also preparation, interview/interrogation
Lange, Arthur, 290
attitude of, 34 35
competence of, 13, 14 15, 14f
aggression, 290
influence on children/mentally challenged,
changes of, in SCAN, 73f, 74
210 211
of guilty versus innocent suspects, 98
opinions of, in report, 221
interviewer/interrogator, 34 35
truthful nonverbal behavior of, 33, 33b
in questions, 91
intimate distance, 30, 31, 262
Larson, John, 8, 297, 298f
intrinsic misrepresentations, 251 252
last paragraph, report, 220
involuntary biological signs, 129 130
law of effect, 289
IQ of mentally retarded persons, 209
Law of Reciprocity, 235 236
irrelevant questions, 89 90
leading questions, 213, 261 262
Irrelevant Sketch IR 1, 38f, 46f, 49f, 52f, 54f
left, use of term in open statements, 72
Irrelevant Sketch IR 4, 49f
legal considerations
Irrelevant Sketch IR 5, 47f, 52f, 55f
Brown v. Mississippi, 248
irrelevant sketches, MITT, 38f, 39, 40, 40f, 43f, 152 153,
Chambers v. Florida, 248
156, 160, 163
Escobedo v. Illinois, 248 249
irrelevant relevant polygraph technique, 301 302
Frazier v. Cupp, 251
Israeli General Security Service, 227 228
illegal questioning, evidence obtained from, 251
IZCT. See Integrated Zone Comparison
intrinsic and extrinsic misrepresentations,
251 252
Lynumn v. Illinois, 251
McNabb v. United States, 248
Jakubowski, Patricia, 290
Miranda v. Arizona, 249 250
James, W., 110
Oregon v. Mathiason, 251
Janniro, M.J., 315
overview, 247
jaw position, 114, 115f
People v. Lyons, 250
jewelry store theft case study
State v. Anderson, 247 248
analysis of, 191 194
suspect willingness to waive Miranda rights, 251
overview, 190 194
Tidwell v. Superior Court for Humboldt County, 250
Johns Hopkins University, 321
Yarborough v. Alverado, 251
Jones, J. H., 136
legal words in questions, 90 91
jury, trial by, 4 5
legs, in nonverbal behavioral assessment, 127
juveniles, false confessions among, 228 229
length, interview/interrogation, 33 34, 34b
leverage, Integrated Interrogation Technique, 255 256
mental state
licking lips, 120
accounts of subjective, in CBSA, 63
“lie tests”
attribution of perpetrator’s, in CBSA, 63
comparison question techniques
mentally challenged persons, interviewing.
Air Force General Question Technique, 305
See also children, interviewing
Integrated Zone Comparison Technique,
constitutional rights, 210
305 309, 306
interviewer influence, 210 211
Matte Quadra Trak, 304
NICHD Investigative Interview Protocol, 213
Reid General Question technique, 302
overview, 209
Tri Zone Comparison Technique, 303, 304
special considerations, 209 210
irrelevant relevant technique, 301 302
Merriam Webster Dictionary, 225
overview, 301
Meyerhoff, J.L., 316
relevant relevant technique, 302
Miranda rights
and confessions, 33
See also forensic statement analysis; truth
and mental capability, 210
acceptable, 12
need to give warning of, 32, 32b
defining, 12
Oregon v. Mathiason, 251
interviewer competence, 13, 14 15, 14f
overview, 249
of omission, 12 13, 70
waiving, 251
overview, 11
Miranda v. Arizona, 249 250
in reaction to MITT, 43
misrepresentations, intrinsic and extrinsic, 251 252
role of perception in, 11 12
missing time/information in, in SCAN, 70
types of, 12 13
mistakes, in written statements, 281 282
Limestone Technologies, 310
misunderstood details, in CBSA, 62
lips, 120 122
MITT. See Morgan Interview Theme Technique
location, interview/interrogation, 29, 29b
MITT Apprehension Sketch A 1, 41f
logical structure, in CBSA, 60
MITT GR 1 sketch, 42f
Lombrosso, Cesare, 5, 297
MITT GR 21 sketch, 42f
Lorenz, Konrad, 288 289
modeling, 289 290
Louima, Abner, 223
molestation case study, 145 147, 150 152
lump in throat, 120
Morgan, Raymond, 37 38, 43. See also Morgan
Lynch, B.E., 316
Interview Theme Technique
Lynumn v. Illinois, 251
Morgan Interview Theme Technique (MITT)
arson suspect 1, 46 49
arson suspect 2, 49 51
MacKeith, James, 229
arson suspect 3, 52 54
Mackenzie polygraph instrument, 8
arson suspect 4, 54 57
“mad bomber” scenario, 239
case study, 152 166
manufacturers, polygraph, 310, 310f
example use of, 43, 43f
Marston, William, 7
in Forensic Assessment Interview, 42 43, 45 46
masking facial expressions, 114 115, 117f
overview, 37 38
masturbation case study
scoring, 141
analysis of, 202 205
sketches for, 38f, 39, 40, 40f, 41 42, 41f, 42f
overview, 201 205
suspect responses to, 43
Matte, James Allan, 13, 304, 304f
Thematic Apperception Test, 38 39, 38f
Matte Quadra Trak, 304, 308
Morris, Desmond, 114
McNabb v. United States, 248
Mosso, Angelo, 5
Mehrabian, Albert, 110 111, 114
Motivation Analysis, in SVA, 66 67
Motivation Related Contents category, CBSA, 63,
admitting lack of in CBSA, 64
64, 65
eye cues indicative of, 134 135, 134b
mouth, in nonverbal behavioral assessment, 120 122
recall and recognition, 211
moving in close to suspect, 262 276
mental conflict, 122 123
multifaceted tests, 305
multi issue tests, 305
neurolinguistics, 130 137
multiple choice questions, 212
nonverbal behaviors, 107 110
multiple issue crime, 91 92
overview, 97, 105
multisuspect employee thefts, 169 173
paralinguistic behaviors, 130
murder example, Integrated Interrogation Technique,
thinking gestures, 128
271 272, 273 274, 273f
tips for, 136
/> Murphy, Anne Mary, 242
nonverbal interviewer influence, 210 211
Mustenberg, Hugo, 6
norm, establishing, 136
nose, in nonverbal behavioral assessment, 122 123
note taking, 31, 32, 32b, 219
National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon
NS (neutral stimulus), 23
the United States, 242
National Institute of Child Health and Human
Development (NICHD), 211. See also NICHD
Oersted, Hans Christian, 6
Investigative Interview Protocol
offender, focused questions about alleged, 212
neck, rubbing, 124, 126f
Offense Specific Elements category, CBSA, 65
nervous systems. See specific nervous systems by name
O’Grady, John, 272, 273 274
neurolinguistics, 130 137
O’Hair, D., 316
neutral questions, 89 90
omission, lying by, 12 13, 70
neutral stimulus (NS), 23
“On the Witness Stand”, 6
NICHD (National Institute of Child Health and Human
open body positioning, 33, 294
Development), 211. See also NICHD
open statements, in SCAN
Investigative Interview Protocol
changes of language in, 73f, 74
NICHD Investigative Interview Protocol
flow of, evaluating, 68, 68b
of Alleged Sex abuse Victims, 213 215, 216 218
missing time/information in, 70
overview, 213
out of sequence information, 74 75
“9/11 Commission Report”, 242
overview, 68
nodding head, 114, 294
sensitivity, identifying areas of, 71 72, 74
nonassertive people, 290
signs of credibility in, 69 70
nonsuggestive process, interview as, 27
operant conditioning, 289 290
nonverbal behavior.
oral statement, scoring, 141
See also nonverbal behavioral assessment
ordeal, trial by, 2, 3
Oregon v. Mathiason, 251
intention movements of attack, 291, 291f
out of sequence information, 74 75
overview, 290, 291
outstretched legs, 111, 111f, 127
redirection gestures, 292 294, 292f
overcompensation, by parasympathetic nervous
vacuum gestures, 292, 292f
system, 20 21
interviewer, 293
truthful, of interviewer, 33, 33b
nonverbal behavioral assessment
palms, 123 124, 136
arms and hands, 123 126
paralinguistics, 130, 293
establishing norm, 136
parasympathetic nervous system (PNS)
FAINT structure, 105 107
defined, 18
feet and legs, 127
interaction with sympathetic nervous system,
general posture, 110 114
19 21, 19f, 20f, 21f
grooming behaviors, 127 128
pardoning perpetrator, in CBSA, 65
Nathan J Gordon, William L Fleisher Page 52