head and face
Pasricha, Pankaj, 319 320
eyes, 115 119
passenger screening
mouth, 120 122
“9/11 Commission Report”, 242
nose, 122 123
Customs Behavior Analysis training program,
overview, 114 115
242 244
during interrogation, 138
El Al airline, 241, 242, 242f
involuntary biological signs, 129 130
history of incidents leading to, 239 240
passenger screening (Continued)
false positives, 168 169
overview, 239
history of, 297, 298f
WeCU Technologies, 244
“lie tests”
passive deceit, 12 13
Air Force General Question Technique, 305
Pavlov, Ivan, 22, 23
Integrated Zone Comparison Technique, 305 309,
PCASS (Preliminary Credibility Assessment Screening
System), 321, 322, 322f
irrelevant relevant technique, 301 302
Peculiarities of Content category, CBSA, 61, 62, 63
Matte Quadra Trak, 304
People v. Lyons, 250
overview, 301
perception, in truth/untruth, 11 12
Reid General Question technique, 302
peripheral details, in CBSA, 62
relevant relevant technique, 302
peripheral nervous system, 18, 19, 21f.
Tri Zone Comparison Technique, 303, 304
See also parasympathetic nervous system (PNS);
limitations of, 8 9
sympathetic nervous system
manufacturers of, 310, 310f
personal coding, 99
overview, 8, 8f
personal distance, 31
professional associations, 310
personal space, 30, 31
psycho physiological responses, 22
Personality Diagnosis, in SVA, 66
“recognition tests”
personality tests, projective, 38 39. See also Morgan
“concealed information tests”, 300 301
Interview Theme Technique (MITT)
“false key peak of tension tests”, 299 300
persuasive arguments for telling truth, offering, 260
“guilty knowledge tests”, 300
Philadelphia Police Department, 3
“known solution peak of tension tests”, 297 299
physiognomy, 5
“searching peak of tension tests”, 301
physiological changes. See psycho physiological
possibilities explaining crime, offering series of,
258 259, 274 275
“Physiological State of the Interrogation Subject as It
post incident, 68 69, 68b
Affects Brain Function, The”, 227
posture, in nonverbal behavioral assessment, 110 114
physiological truth tests
Posture/Demeanor score, FAINT, 141, 152, 156,
See also polygraph
159, 163
Angelo Mosso, 5
preattack warning signs, 294 295
Cesare Lombrosso, 5
dry mouth, testing for, 2, 3
of determinations, FAINT, 169 173, 171t
Forensic Assessment Interview, 9
of weighted scoring system, 175, 176t, 185
Harold Sticker, 6
pre employment interviewing
Hugo Mustenberg, 6, 7f
After Interview Interview, 236
Luigi Galvani, 5 6
American with Disabilities Act, 236 237
overview, 4 5, 8
assumptive questions, 235
S. Veraguth, 6
exaggerating numbers, 235
Vittorio Benussi, 7
external checks, 233
William Marston, 7
Fair Credit Reporting Act, 237 238
William Stern, 6
overview, 233, 234
piloerection, 20, 20f, 291
planting seeds for truth, 234 235, 234f
pinching nose, 122
projective questions, 236
Piro, George, 224, 225
sharing, 235 236
planting seeds for truth, in pre employment interview,
pre incident, 68 69, 68b
234 235, 234f
Preliminary Credibility Assessment Screening System
PNS. See parasympathetic nervous system
(PCASS), 321, 322, 322f
pointing away, 124, 125f
preparation, interview/interrogation
poisoning the well, 189
attitude of interviewer, 34 35
poker games, nonverbal behavior in, 112
environment, 29 30, 31, 31b
flow of communication, 28, 29, 29b
accuracy of, 309 310, 313
goals, 27 28, 28b
computerized, 313 314, 314f, 315f
location, 29, 29b
“Miranda warning”, 32, 32b
punishment, fear of, 256 257, 256f
note taking, 31, 32, 32b
pupil dilation, 117 118, 322
overview, 27, 27b
pursing lips, 121, 121f
questions, 92
structure, 28, 28b
time limit, 33 34, 34b
qualified applicants, ADA permission to hire, 237
truthful nonverbal behavior, 33, 33b
quantity of details, in CBSA, 60
pressing for confession, 262 276
question and answer (Q & A) format, report, 220 221
problematic group, SCAN, 76, 77
professional associations, polygraph, 310
See also projective questions; specific types of question
professionalism, of interviewer,
by name
13, 14
“concealed information test”, 300 301
projective personality tests, 38 39. See also Morgan
Interview Theme Technique (MITT)
comparison, 92 94
projective questions
irrelevant, 89 90
automatic indications of deception, 99
overview, 89
BAI method, 99 100
relevant, 90 92
examples, 100 104
“false key peak of tension test”, 299
overview, 97
“guilty knowledge test”, 300
in pre employment interview, 236
Integrated Zone Comparison Technique, 305, 306,
truthful versus deceptive suspects, 97 98, 99, 99b
307 309
pronouns, in statement credibility, 69 70, 74
for interviews of children, 211, 212, 213
props, for interviews of children, 211
“known solution peak of tension test”, 299
proxemics, 30, 31
Matte Quadra Trak, 304
pseudo aggression, 285
Reid General Question technique, 302
psychological set, 24, 91 92, 94
in SCAN Questionnaire, 75
Psychological Stress Evaluator (PSE), 314, 315
scoring answers to, 141
psychological threat, response of body to, 21
“searching peak of tension test”, 301
psychological truth tests
Tri Zone Comparison Technique, 303
Forensic Assessment Interview, 9
S. Veraguth, 6
trial by ordeal, 3
raised arm threat, 291, 291f
William Stern, 6
Ramirez Sanchez, Ilich, 121
psychology, witness, 59
�Psychology of Confession, The”, 229
during pre employment interview, 234 235
psycho physiological responses
with suspect, 34
See also polygraph; truth verification instrumentation
recall, evidenced in eye position, 132f, 133,
“fight or flight” response, 17 18
134 135, 134b
Forensic Assessment Interview, 22
recall memory, 211
nervous systems, role of, 18 19
Reciprocity, Law of, 235 236
overview, 17
recognition memory, 211
parasympathetic/sympathetic nervous systems,
“recognition tests”
19 21, 19f, 20f, 21f
“concealed information tests”, 300 301
polygraphs, 22
“false key peak of tension tests”, 299 300
studying, 25
“guilty knowledge tests”, 300
to threats
“known solution peak of tension tests”, 297 299
cognitive dissonance, 24
“searching peak of tension tests”, 301
conditioning, 22, 23, 23f
conflict, 23, 24
overview, 279, 280
overview, 22
popular opinions regarding, 281
psychological set, 24
problems with, 280, 281
truth verification instrumentation, 317
written confessions, 281 282
public distance, 31
red face, 123, 129
“red flag” indicators, for airline security, 240
SCAN. See Scientific Content Analysis
redirection gestures, 292 294
scapegoating, 287 288
reference to exterior incidents, in CBSA, 62
scenarios explaining crime, offering series of, 258 259,
reflective questioning, 293
274 275
regression, 227, 229
Schwartz, G.E., 316
Reid, John E, 94, 99 100, 302
Scientific Content Analysis (SCAN)
Reid, Richard Colvin, 240
open statements
Reid General Question technique, 302
changes of language in, 73f, 74
reinterviewing suspects, 141 143
flow of, evaluating, 68, 68b
related external associations, in CBSA, 62
missing time/information in, 70
relationships, in SCAN analysis, 70
out of sequence information, 74 75
relevant questions
overview, 68
example use of, 101, 103
sensitivity, identifying areas of, 71 72, 74
Forensic Assessment Interview, 90 92
signs of credibility in, 69 70
irrelevant relevant polygraph technique,
overview, 67 68
301 302
projective questions, 101
Matte Quadra Trak, 304
SCAN Questionnaire
scoring answers to, 148 149
evaluating, 76 77
Relevant Sexual sketch RS 4, 41f
example suspect 1, 78 80
Relevant Sketch RNV 9, 47f, 50f, 53f, 55f
example suspect 2, 80 82
relevant sketches, MITT, 39, 40, 41 42, 41f, 43,
example suspect 3, 82 84
43f, 153, 156, 160, 163
example suspect 4, 84 86
relevant relevant polygraph technique, 302
example use of, 78, 86, 87
reliability, 185
overview, 75
report writing
setup of, 75 76
first paragraph, 220
“Scientific Cradle”, 5
format of, 219 220
scores, UNISA study, 167, 169 173, 169t, 171t
interviewer opinions in, 221
scoring, FAINT
last paragraph, 220
case study 1, 144 145, 147 150
overview, 219
case study 2, 145 147, 150 152
Q & A format, 220 221
case study 3
subsequent paragraphs, 220
employee 1, 152 156
tips for, 219, 221
employee 2, 156 159
reproduction of conversation, in CBSA, 61
employee 3, 159 163
resistance by structure, 89
employee 4, 163 166
response style of others, recognizing,
overview, 152
290, 291
overview, 141, 142t
retarded persons. See mentally challenged persons,
reinterviewing suspects, 141 143
weighted system, 173 183, 176t, 180t, 182t,
“Review of Voice Stress Based Technologies for the
183t, 184t
Detection of Deception”, 315
screening. See passenger screening; pre employment
right to counsel, 248 249
rooms, interview/interrogation, 29 30
screening examinations, 302
rubbing eyes, 119, 119f
“searching peak of tension tests”, 301
secondary involvement relevant questions, 90
security officers, El Al, 241, 242
“sacred ass”, trial by, 3
self accusation, in CBSA, 65
sacrifice relevant questions, 305
self confidence, undermining suspect, 259
salivation, 2, 3, 120, 121
self deprecation, in CBSA, 65
san pak ku, 118, 119f
self touch gestures, 109, 109f
Sapir, Avinoam, 28, 67, 68, 75. See also Scientific
Selye, Hans, 21
Content Analysis (SCAN)
sensitivity, identifying in SCAN open statements,
Saviolakis, G.A., 316
71 72, 74
September 11, 2001
Stoelting Instrument Company, 310, 310f
airline security, 240
stretched out legs, 111, 111f, 127
torture use after, 223 224, 230 231
sex comparison questions, 93
interview/interrogation, 28, 28b
sexual abuse, 211. See also children, interviewing;
resistance by, 89
NICHD Investigative Interview Protocol
“Study in Scarlet, A”, 108 109
sexual molestation case study
subjective mental state, accounts of in CBSA, 63
analysis of, 188 190
submission, 138
overview, 187 190
superfluous details, in CBSA, 62
sharing, in pre employment interview, 235 236
supermarket fire case study
shoulder shrug, 111 112
employee 1, 152 156
shrinkage, 233
employee 2, 156 159
silence, interviewer, 293
employee 3, 159 163
Silent Answer Test, IZCT, 308
employee 4, 163 166
simplicity, interviewer, 293
overview, 152
single issue suspect cases
supernatural threat, response of body to, 21
FAINT, 173, 173t
surrender, 138
validation of FAINT, 173, 173t, 174t, 183t, 185
Suzuki, A., 317
single issue examinations, 305, 307 308
SVA (Statement Validity Analysis), 66 67
six hour rule, 33 34
swallowing, 121
Sixth Amendment, 247, 249
sweating, 6, 20
skating rink case study
sympathetic nervous system
analysis of, 206 208
aggression, 284 285
overview, 205 208
defined, 19
interaction with parasympathetic nervous
See also specific types of sketches by name
system, 19 21, 19f, 20f, 21f
for MITT, 38f, 39, 40, 40f, 41 42, 41f, 42f
and threats
TAT, 38 39, 38f
cognitive dissonance, 24
smiling, at interviewee, 294
conditioning, 22, 23, 23f
snarling, 120 121
conflict, 23, 24
social distance, 31
overview, 22
social skills, 209
psychological set, 24
“SOFTEN” protocol, 294
symptomatic questions, 305
somatic nervous system, 18
spatial zones, 30, 31
Specific Contents category, CBSA, 60, 61
Takeno, Y., 317
spelling, in written statements, 281 282
tape recordings. See recordings
spontaneous details/corrections, in CBSA, 63, 64
TAT (Thematic Apperception Test), 38 39, 38f.
squinting, 118
See also Morgan Interview Theme Technique
standard for expert testimony, 67
Telling Lies, 105
staring contests, 116
tense lips, 120 121
State v. Anderson, 247 248
terrorists, 230
statement analysis, 6. See also forensic statement
testimony, raising doubts about one’s own,
in CBSA, 64. See also forensic statement analysis
Statement Validity Analysis (SVA), 66 67
“Testimony is an Intellectual and an Audition Product,
statements, written, 281 282
The” article, 59
statutory rape case study
analysis of, 199 201
internal, 233
overview, 198 201
multisuspect employee, 169 173
steepled hands, 124, 126f
theft comparison questions, 92
Steinberg, Joel, 260
Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), 38 39, 38f.
Stern, William, 6, 59
See also Morgan Interview Theme Technique
Sticker, Harold, 6
thermal imaging, 320, 320f
trial by combat, 2
thinking gestures, 128, 129f
trial by jury, 4
threat displays, animal, 288
trial by ordeal, 2, 3
threats, psycho physiological responses to
trial by torture, 3 4
cognitive dissonance, 24
types of lies, 12 13
conditioning, 22, 23, 23f
truth verification instrumentation
conflict, 23, 24
brain fingerprinting, 319, 319f
overview, 22
countermeasures, 314
psychological set, 24
deceptive versus truthful persons, 318 319, 318f
electrogastrograms, 319 320
clearing, 120
functional magnetic resonance imaging, 320,
putting hand to, 124
321, 321f
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