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Hand of Justice Boxed Set

Page 71

by Jace Mitchell

  William noticed the new elements, though—the roped-off area and the addition of more cinderblocks.

  What the hell is all that for? he thought.

  Shouts of support pulled him from his thinking.

  “We’re behind you, Right Hand!”

  “You’ll kick all their asses!”

  William stared ahead, thinking only of the parchment in his pocket. How many of these people were prepared to fight? How many would grow scared when the moment came?

  He had to keep his faith.

  They made their way through the crowd, finally reaching the platform, and were led up on it. A smaller platform had been constructed on top of the concrete one, this one made out of wood. It had thronelike chairs on it, although not the one from the castle. William looked beneath this new platform, able to see through to the other side, and there he witnessed the Prefect and his son being led from the opposite direction.

  William swallowed, wanting to murder every son of a bitch involved in their capture.

  Goland and Mason reached the platform and were brought around to William’s side.

  William lowered himself to one knee. “Your Grace.”

  “GET UP!” a soldier shouted, slapping William across the face.

  William’s mouth twisted to the side and he looked up at the man, hate spilling from his eyes. It was the same man who had shoved Alexandra. “Very soon, you’re going to regret that.”

  The soldier didn’t so much as look at William, but shouted, “All of ya stand over here to the side!”

  William reached his feet and was led to the platform’s edge. Mason stood on one side of him, Goland the other.

  “You’ve heard what they’re saying, Your Grace?” he asked.

  “I’ve heard,” Goland answered.

  “Have you talked to Riley?”

  “She came by our cell,” Mason answered.


  “There’s not much to say. She said she is going to remember her duty.”

  “’Remember her duty?’” William raised an eyebrow. “Forgive me, Mason, but you do not sound very confident.”

  Mason sighed. “She didn’t sound very confident.”

  William looked out at the crowd, seeing more people arriving in the distance. Truly, this would be the most people this square had ever held.

  “What do you mean, Assistant Prefect?”

  “He means,” Goland interrupted, “that she sounded like she was lost.”

  William shook his head. “You cannot believe that, Your Grace.”

  “William, I can only tell you what we both saw. She said she would remember her oath, and that whatever happens, we should know that she remembers it.”

  William looked at Mason. “You know her as well as anyone, sir. Is that your opinion too?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Both men sounded lost to William, and he wasn’t going to put up with it. Perhaps they had been beaten down, but he hadn’t. Linda had asked him if he was a hero, and he hadn’t known the answer, only that he had a duty to uphold.

  He still did.

  “May I ask you both a question?”

  “Of course,” Goland answered.

  “When did you both become complete pussies?”

  Mason and Goland turned to him then, their eyes wide and shock written on their faces.

  William grinned. “Seriously, though. Did it happen overnight, or has this been a gradual thing?”

  It was Goland who smiled first, and then Mason joined, and both started laughing.

  “Riley won’t betray us,” William said, staring at the back of one of the guards in front of him. “I don’t know what’s happening, but I believe in her.”

  Mason’s and Goland’s laughter subsided.

  “I want to,” Mason said. “But we heard what is to happen. She’s going to swear allegiance.”

  “There’s that weakness rising in you again.” William grinned. “I was told I’m going to fight Harold. I trust you two have met that asshole?”

  Both nodded.

  “Well, I plan on killing him quite nicely in front of everyone, and there’s other news, too.”

  Again the two rulers looked at him.

  William gauged the distance between the guards and him and lowered his voice to a whisper. “Out there, right now, is an army. In the crowd. They’re waiting for us. When we fight, they’ll fight.”

  “How do you know?” Goland whispered back.

  “The rugrats got word to me.”

  “The who?” Goland asked.

  “Shhh. Don’t worry about it, Father. I know who they are,” Mason responded.

  William nodded. “Riley doesn’t know, but it doesn’t matter. That woman is the toughest bitch I’ve ever met, and she’s not going to bow to Rendal or anyone besides the two of you. And if I may speak frankly, I pray I never have to tell her you’ve recently turned into pussies.” He chuckled, knowing that he would never get a chance to make fun of them like this again.

  “If you’re right, and we get out of this, William, I’m going to make you my court jester.” Now Goland was grinning, and William finally felt good despite what was coming.

  And then fucking Harold stepped onto the platform.

  “Hear ye, hear ye! Our great and wonderful Prefect is arriving.”

  “Get ready for fireworks, sirs,” William whispered. “Shit is about to explode.”

  Rendal stepped onto the platform next, his Honor Guard spreading out around him. Everyone was dressed in the dark red he loved so much.

  He glanced at Mason and the little crew to his left. Rendal wasn’t exactly glad that he was letting the majority of them go, but in the end, it was the best deal.

  Rendal had come in from the right side of the platform, and Riley now approached from the left. She wore her sword in her sheath, and her necklace had been replaced. She’d behaved last night, but Rendal wanted the added benefit of the kingdom seeing him remove it.

  He watched her, as did the rest of the crowd. Thousands of people were staring at this one woman who would both legitimize his rule and allow it to thrust farther into the world. Goland Ire had told them to submit, but in their hearts, they still thought Riley would return to free them.

  Now that she wouldn’t, they’d understand the full truth.

  Riley knew where to go. She walked up the short stairway to the chairs that had been built higher up. Her throne. Not a queen, but a disciple.

  Harold handed Rendal the amplifier and stepped back to where the rest of the Honor Guard stood.

  Rendal looked out at the crowd. His moment was nearly here.

  He put the device to his lips.

  “I’d like to thank you all for coming once more. I know a lot has happened in a very short amount of time, but I promise you, it’s almost over. Today, in fact, is the last of it.”

  Rendal smiled as he turned to Goland’s group.

  “I’m a generous ruler, as you’ll all come to know in time. You’ll see this generosity on display today.”

  Next, he turned so that he stared up at the chairs. At Riley.

  “Riley Trident, Right Hand of New Perth, has decided to take an oath of allegiance to me. In exchange for this, I’ve decided to let the old rulers leave, as well as the rest of her friends and loved ones.”

  He turned around once more, staring into the crowd. “I know that there are others who owe loyalty to Riley in this crowd. I know that many of you are frightened by what might come of you if your presence is known. I’m telling you now, step into the light, and you may leave with the rest of her friends. No harm will come to you.”

  No one moved. No one in the crowd said a word.

  Rendal looked at Riley. “Tell them.”

  She stood, taking a step forward. “It’s true!”

  Her voice sang out loudly across the gathered.

  “If you come forward, you’ll be allowed to leave!”

  And still, no one moved.

  So be it, Rend
al thought.

  “There is one man,” he continued, “who refuses to bow. Who refuses to see reason or wisdom. He is, in fact, a traitor to himself, to New Perth, and to you all. I’m bringing peace to this place, but he only wants war. He only wants violence. He is the other Right Hand, William Teller.”

  Rendal looked at the big man. He was grinning, almost laughing, and that made Rendal want to spit on him. He held his anger in check, though. Soon Teller would be worm food.

  “Despite my pleas for peace and my desire to allow him to leave with the rest of his group, he refuses.” Rendal stared into the crowd. The faces were all frightened and nervous. He smiled warmly. “I could put him to death, but he is a warrior, and I will not do such a thing. I’m a magnanimous leader, and a warrior deserves a warrior’s death. He will fight now, in this square, and he will meet his end.”

  I damn sure hope Harold is up to this, he thought. If not, it’s gonna be an embarrassment, and if he lives, he’s going to wish he hadn’t.

  “My second in command will fight him, and when that is done, Riley Trident will take her oath.”

  His speech finished, Rendal extended his arm, and someone took the amplifier from him. He turned around and looked at Riley. Her eyes were wide, although Rendal couldn’t tell if there was relief in them or not. He hadn’t told her until just now that she wouldn’t have to kill William. She’d only have to watch.

  Rendal walked through his Honor Guard and up the stairway. He sat down next to Riley.

  “What is this?” she whispered.

  William was being dragged up from his knees, the chains removed from his hands and legs.

  “I’m not a cruel person, Riley,” Rendal explained. “There’s no need for you to fight him to show your loyalty. I only need you to watch him die.”

  Rendal grinned.

  Riley stared forward as the Right Hand was handed a sword.

  William had grinned at Rendal, but he felt no joy.

  He’d listened to Riley say it was true, the evil things Rendal was spouting. She’d taken no oath yet, but now she sat next to the dark mage, watching over all of this like some kind of devilish queen.

  Harold threw his robe to the ground. A sword was placed in William’s hand.

  He felt the weight of it, but only secondarily.

  His eyes were on Riley. She stared down at him, but he couldn’t read her. It was as if she wore a mask.

  It can’t be true, he thought. This can’t be happening.

  “Eyes over here, fat boy,” Harold mocked. “You keep looking up there, this is going to be a much, much shorter fight than I intend.”

  William’s head slowly turned to Harold. “The only person in the world who gets away with calling me fat is sitting up there in that chair, so shut yer fuckin’ mouth.”

  “Funny thing, isn’t it?” Harold asked. “She’s up there in that chair, and you’re down here about to die. Did you think this was how it would turn out?”

  William gripped his sword hard. It was a light thing, and William knew immediately what was wrong with it. When he struck using all his force, it would break. Maybe at the hilt, or maybe the blade would simply shatter like glass. Either way, the fight wouldn’t be fair; he’d been right about that.

  “A lot of talk for a man who hasn’t done shit yet,” William shot back. “I wonder, if I cut your dick off, will the crowd be able to see it, or is it too small?” William smirked, bringing his sword up to a defensive stance.

  He’d have to fight like this. Offense would leave him stranded.

  Harold brought his own sword up.

  “Come and get it, lackey. When I’m finished with you, I’m going to go up there and kill your master.”

  Harold said nothing, only stepped forward.

  He slashed weakly with this sword. William knew he was hoping that he’d defend with his own, damaging the blade more. William simply dodged, however.

  “That all ya got?”

  Harold grinned. “Smarter than ya look. Knowing the sword is fucked won’t save ya, though.”

  He dashed forward again, this time moving quickly. The man was well trained, but William was better. He dodged left, then right, then spun. He kicked Harold in the ass, sending him hopping across the stage.

  The crowd roared with laughter, and William looked out at them. “This is the person they sent to kill me? They’d have been better off sending a group of toddlers to take me out!”

  Laughter soared into the sky, the crowd nearly unable to believe William was defying the mage.

  He turned to look at Rendal. “This is the best you got?” He caught Riley’s eyes again, but he still couldn’t read her. Was it rage beneath her skin, or acceptance?

  For Rendal’s part, he gritted his teeth but said nothing.

  William looked at Harold.

  “Lucky I got this stupid necklace on, or next time I kicked you in the ass, you’d be burning alive!”

  More laughter, and William loved it. He was feeding off it.

  Harold came again, this time aiming for William’s torso. It was harder to dodge, forcing William to deflect with the blade. He felt each hit, knowing the thing wouldn’t last. He’d have to make a kill shot soon.

  Harold moved in close, and William felt him lodge something in the front of his pants. William shoved him hard, throwing the smaller man ten feet across the platform.

  “The fuck are you trying to do?!” William pulled the front of his trousers open and looked down.

  Oh, fuck, he thought. It was one of those damn orbs and…

  It was hooked inside his pants. The bastard had attached tiny pieces of metal to it and lodged it in William’s trousers.

  He looked up just in time; Harold slashed with his sword. William leaned back, the blade nearly slicing through his Adam’s apple, missing by bare inches.

  Harold smiled and pulled out a small black block. “They call this a ‘remote control.’ That thing in your trousers is gonna blow up the moment I tell it too.”

  William didn’t understand everything, but he knew enough. He had to kill this son of a bitch before the man blew his dick off.

  William rushed forward, slamming his weak blade into Harold’s stronger one. The crowd had grown silent; they weren’t able to hear everything, but they knew something had changed on the platform.

  William slashed at Harold’s free hand and the tip of his blade hit the fat of Harold’s palm, spilling blood on the stone below. Harold let out a yell, and the black box he held bounced away.

  William didn’t slow. He knew his sword was nearing the breaking point, so he turned it and pummeled Harold’s face with the hilt. His nose smashed beneath the assault, and the lackey let out another cry. William grabbed him with both hands and threw him to the ground, landing on top of him.

  “Where’s your little remote now, bitch?”

  Harold looked up at him, real fear in his eyes, understanding that his plan had gone to hell.

  “That’s right,” William spat. “It’s over for you, lackey.”

  His fists started to rain down on the doomed man—at least, for a moment.

  And then William realized it might actually be him that was doomed.

  Rendal couldn’t believe his eyes.

  He looked at Riley, but her face was stone.

  William had somehow gotten the upper hand and was now pummeling Harold. Rendal didn’t give a damn whether Harold lived or died at this point. Truth be told, he just wished the man would die. But in front of the crowd?

  That couldn’t happen. The Right Hand had to die first.

  Rendal stood, his red cloak covering his head.

  His eyes turned red, and he didn’t look at Riley as he spoke. “He’s going to die. You will watch, and then you will take the oath. Nothing has changed.”

  He saw her nod slightly, and that was enough. She understood what would happen if she didn’t. Everyone she loved would die within moments if she did anything else.

  Rendal rose into the air
and glided down to the stage. William didn’t turn around; didn’t even realize what was happening. His only concern was killing Harold.

  Rendal heard the crowd’s raucous cheers, which sounded like a single organism instead of thousands of different voices. He paid them no mind. They would understand soon enough. William would die, and the oath would be taken. The others would still be allowed to leave.

  Rendal took his time as he stalked silently up to William, letting Harold’s blood spill from his battered face.

  Electricity sparked on Rendal’s fingertips and he reached forward, touching William’s shoulder.

  The current swept across the Right Hand’s body, his back arching and his hands clenching into fists while his arms jutted down. His jaw clamped shut.

  Rendal looked at the crowd through blazing eyes. “He will still die a warrior’s death, but now it will be at my hand.”

  The current moved through William and to Harold beneath.

  Both men would now die.

  Riley watched.

  In the crowd, those she loved were watching her. She knew Mason and Goland watched her as well.

  Riley stood and stepped forward. She didn’t touch her sword or try to remove the necklace. She saw that Rendal wore a bracelet, and she knew what it meant. He was growing more powerful right now, even as he used his magic to destroy William and Harold.

  At that moment, with her closest friend dying and the people she had sworn to protect in chains, Riley remembered Linda.

  All those people on the beach. All those Lindas. The wave that had been about to crash down.

  None of it had been real. She’d only needed to see through it all.

  And she had.

  Psychic magic had been lost to her for so long; the ability to make people see what she wanted them to see. The ability to read minds and play with people’s thoughts.

  Yet now, looking out at everyone, she knew that she had finally mastered psychic magic.

  Those in the crowd? They saw a traitor. She’d once been a hero to them, even the ones who had only heard her name or seen her in the streets. Now they knew she was against them.

  Last night? With Lucie? The old woman who’d known her since she was a child believed the same as this crowd, and had no doubt told everyone else.


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