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The Seer

Page 5

by Hildie McQueen

  Cheers sounded as the truth sunk in. It was true. The three clans joined meant the guard would be hundreds more than the Macpherson. Anyone would hesitate before going against such as huge force.

  “He did it,” Dallis said, her voice almost a whisper. “Our father did what we could not.”

  Guiles wasn’t sure how to feel. “He gave up his place.”

  Dallis took his hand, waiting for him to meet her gaze. “For his people, yes.”

  “...betrothal of Guiles and the lovely Fiona Gordon...” his father was motioning for him to come forward.

  Guiles glared in Alasdair’s direction as he commanded his heavy feet to move to the center of the room where a glowing Fiona waited. What had exactly happened he wasn’t sure.

  When he turned to face the room beside Fiona, she nudged his arm. “Did ye speak to my father?”


  “Someone did.”

  “I had no reason to.”

  “What is that supposed to mean?” She smiled to the cheering crowd.

  “Nothing.” Guiles gave a slight bow to the people and attempted a smile.

  “Someone must have caught us earlier.”

  Both his mother and her mother approached with wide smiles. His mother leaned in to kiss his cheek. “I saw ye two entwined in the garden, Guiles. I demanded yer father betroth ye. She could come to be with my grandchild.” His mother went to Fiona and hugged her.

  Fiona’s mother gave him a quick peck on the cheek and lifted a brow. “Try to behave until the wedding night.”

  His face burned red and he stole a look to Fiona who’d blanched at whatever his mother said.

  “I told ye someone could see us,” Fiona snapped and turned to accept a hug from a well-wisher.

  “If I remember correctly, it was yer idea to begin with,” Guiles replied between clenched teeth.

  “Ah the happy couple.” Dallis hugged him. “I am delighted that ye’re marrying my dear friend. How perfectly delightful. She will live here with us.” Dallis all but clapped with glee. “I am beyond happy.”

  Guiles couldn’t help but be annoyed. “Until ye marry Cuthbert and move to the Robertson keep.”

  “Don’t ye dare say that ever again.” Dallis looked around with wide eyes ensuring no one heard.

  Chapter 6

  It was the perfect set up. The Tavish brothers had been merciless in taunting her since childhood. Now she could return the favor. Dallis made her way down to the dungeon, ensuring not to get her dress soiled in the process.

  The distasteful smell of the dungeon tickled her nose and she grimaced. A part of her almost felt sorry for the brothers.

  “Gentlemen. Are yer accommodations comfortable?” She walked down the center of the cells.

  “Let us out Dallis. We are just doing what is best for our clan. We do not wish for anyone to be harmed,” Kiernan said, his face pinched. “It smells down here.”

  Beathan’s nostrils flared in anger. “Dallis, please release us.”

  Dallis neared. “Nay. Ye are not asking nicely.”

  “I swear Dallis...” Beathan started but stopped when Dallis slipped her hand through the rails and slapped him. Not hard since she couldn’t swing her arm, but enough to make him angrier. She hopped back in glee as he rushed the door. “Ye can’t reach me.”

  “Stop it Dallis,” Kiernan snapped. “Let us out. Ye know we are right. Our clan is headed for certain annihilation.”

  “Annihilation is what I’m going to do to ye both for being so stupid.” Dallis went to the table and looked from one brother to the other. “How could ye do it? Betray us? We grew up together.” She hated the hitch in her voice and so did the brothers by the way both hung their heads. “Ye could’ve tried to talk Guiles and I out of it. Or explained how ye felt. Instead ye went to the Macpherson’s. How can I ever trust ye again?”

  Kiernan, the more sensitive of the two, met her gaze. “I beg for yer forgiveness.”

  “Whether I forgive ye or not does not matter at this point. I am not sure what my brother will be doing about this.”

  Beathan let out a frustrated breath. “What about yer father? He will not be pleased to find two of his best guardsmen missing.”

  Closing the distance, she grinned at the glowering man. “Best? I wouldn’t call ye that.” She almost skipped to the door ignoring their demands for release. No doubt Guiles would let them out in the morning, but for now, they’d be left there to ponder their actions and hopefully learn a valuable lesson.

  The brothers had been right. The Macpherson was too strong to be defeated by one clan. Nonetheless, that did not mean their actions were excusable.

  Hours later, when the revelry finally ended, Dallis went down a long corridor on the second story of the keep and saw that Guiles was just ahead of her. “Are ye going to speak to our parents?”

  “Aye.” He walked with the assurance of a warrior. “Alasdair remains here. He is down the hall from yer room. I’m not sure how long he will remain.”

  Her stomach pitched. “Why are ye telling me this?”

  Guiles shrugged. “He asked me to. Said he has something to inform ye of before he leaves.”

  “I need to speak to mother.” She walked alongside her brother and waited as he knocked on the door.

  It was their father who opened the door and stepped back to allow them in. “Ah, I expected ye’d have questions.”

  Their mother sat on the bed, her hair down. She looked to them both and then met her husband’s gaze. “Dallis, come sit here with me.”

  Dallis did as she bid but Guiles remained standing and looked to their father. “How did ye know about what we planned?”

  The laird shook his head. “As leader of Clan Sinclair, it is my duty to be informed. To have eyes and ears everywhere. Although I agreed with yer cause, neither of ye should have ever started something like that without informing me.” He met Dallis’ gaze before looking directly at Guiles. “That is why I did not trust ye with my plans.”

  A red blush traveled from her brother’s neck up to his face. “So, it was ye that planned the joining of the clans?”


  “Does this mean I don’t have to get married then,” Dallis insisted.

  “Our link to the Robertson is strong due to friendship,” their father began. “It is well known that the Gordon and I have never been keen on each other. With marriages between the clans, it will ensure stronger bonds.”

  Their mother looked to Guiles. “When I happened upon ye and Fiona outside, I told yer father who then spoke to Lady Gordon. They both agreed it was for the best in case a child came to be.”

  “I ensure that that sort of thing doesn’t happen,” Guiles snapped, his face now bright red. “I am not a stupid lad.”

  Their parents’ gazes met, a silent communication between them. Her mother smiled.

  “What?” Dallis asked her. “Why are ye smiling?”

  “If ye must know, yer father assured me to be careful so that I would not come to be with child before our marriage took place. And there stands Guiles.”

  Guiles gawked at his mother. “Augh. Did ye have to share that with us?”

  “Go, get some rest.” Their father motioned to the door. “Tomorrow the clans will break fast together. It may be another day before the lairds return to spread the news to their people. We must have our guards prepare in case the Macpherson is stupid enough to take action against us all.”

  As they reached the door, their mother spoke. “Guiles see that ye spend time with Fiona in the morning and make plans to visit with her family soon.”

  Guiles nodded and slid an ‘I don’t like ye right now’ look at Dallis. “I will Mother.”

  What would happen once the news got to the Macpherson? Dallis wondered if the seer knew more than he’d shared. She waited until she and Guiles were out of their parents’ earshot. “Did the seer say anything more about our future to ye?”

  “Other than predicting that Niven and I wo
uld marry and revealing what the Tavish brothers were doing, he’s not said anything else. I will speak to him in the morning before he leaves.”

  “Right.” Dallis continued toward her room while Guiles headed down the stairs, probably to find ale.

  Once at her door, she looked toward the doorway to where Alasdair was. Why had he revealed something to everyone but her? After looking over her shoulder to ensure no one was about, she crept to his chamber and slowly opened the door.

  He lay sprawled across the bed, the bedding slipping precariously low on his hips. The man’s body was on full display. Dallis could not keep from allowing her gaze to travel over it. From wide shoulders to a strong chest and flat stomach, he tapered to a trim waist. From the bit she could see, a feathering of hair went down the center of his chest to below his stomach.

  He had brown hair that had been lightened by the sun, yet now in the moonlight it appeared darker. She imagined the depth of his eyes and glanced up to find he studied her.

  “I-I came to speak to ye,” Dallis stuttered, hating she’d been caught ogling him.

  Alasdair lifted up to one elbow and Dallis’ eyes widened as the bedding slipped a bit lower to reveal a thicker patch of hair. “Talk?” His gaze kept hers. “Of course. Ye will have to forgive me, but I cannot get up. I am without clothing as ye have observed.”

  Clearing her throat, Dallis moved closer. “Yes...well. I would like to ask ye some questions.”

  “I am all ears.”

  “What do ye see in my future?”

  He let out a breath and his gaze swept over her. “It’s best if I don’t say anything.”

  “That is utterly unfair. Ye told both Niven and Guiles what to expect.”

  “Come closer.” He held out a hand and Dallis took it. A shudder of awareness traveled through her. His thick and calloused fingers curled over hers. “Allow me.”

  He brought her hand to his mouth, pressing his lips against her palm. “Do ye feel it? Desire?”

  Unable to keep from it, Dallis’ breathing hitched. She did. Not just arousal, but a need so strong, she wasn’t sure how to not fall into the bed with him. Somehow she managed to snatch her hand away. “That I find ye attractive is not news. I need to know...”

  “We will make love Dallis. I do not see a betrothal to Cuthbert Robertson. Which is what ye wished to know. I do not sense much when it comes to ye.”

  She took two steps backward. Choosing to ignore the first thing he said, she focused on the betrothal. “I will refuse to marry someone who I do not wish to. Even if father insists.”

  “Can ye really refuse?”

  Of course, she could not. Whatever the lairds decided was final law. The thought that her first time making love and giving her body would be to a man she disliked made her wince. “I have no with to allow someone like Cuthbert to be my first lover.”

  Alasdair’s gaze fell. “I know.” He held out his hand once again. And this time Dallis came willingly.

  Pushing the gown from her shoulders, Dallis allowed the garment to fall to the floor pooling around her feet. She only wore a chemise under, which was dispatched next. The way Alasdair’s gaze traveled over her body emboldened as well as aroused her until her legs could barely keep her upright.

  He slipped from the bed and walked to where she was, pulling her against him as his lips took hers in a kiss so ravaging, it took all her breath. “Do ye wish me to be yer first?”

  “Yes.” Dallis’ breathy response was all she could manage to say.

  Slipping his arm under her legs, Alasdair lifted her as if she were weightless and carried her to the bed. Once there, he lowered her to the bedding carefully, the entire time, his gaze locked to hers.

  When he straightened, Dallis seized the opportunity to observe his entire body. Not only was he perfectly formed, but she noted everything about his appearance. The closely cropped hair, his bearded jawline and perfectly formed lips. There was something primal about him, the way he stood as if always on alert.

  Below his flat stomach, his hard sex jutted out from a patch of dark hair. The member was larger than she expected a man’s sex to be. Dallis considered how it would feel for them to join.

  Her hand trembled when she reached out to touch him. “Ye are so different from other men I’ve seen bereft of clothes.”

  “Where have ye seen nude men?”

  She met his gaze and smiled. “At the loch’s edge. Bathing.”

  “Cool water affects a man in a way that makes our sex smaller.” He told her moving closer so that she could touch his hardness.

  At first she ran a finger down the length. The skin was soft, smooth and warm. His stomach shifted with each breath and Dallis was aware her touch affected him. Wrapping her hand around his shaft, she held it for a moment. Just as she was about to slide her hand down to the patch of hair, he took it.

  “I cannot withstand yer exploration without losing myself. Perhaps later ye can do what ye please. First, I must make love to ye.”

  Alasdair come over her, pausing for a moment to look into her eyes. “Ye can tell me to stop at any time. I will.”

  The last thing on her mind at the moment was to tell him to stop. Quite the opposite, her body hummed with anticipation.

  Dallis almost cried with relief when his mouth took hers. Each touch of his lips as he pressed kisses from one end of her mouth to the other made her want him more. Dallis parted her lips to allow his tongue past.

  Never did she imagine, the taste of a man would drive her to lose control.

  At once his hands roved over her body, touching her in places that sent her reeling with wonderous feelings like those she’d never felt.

  Needing to discover as much as possible, she slid her hands down his back, to his sides and up his muscular arms. Every inch of him was solid, hard and at the same time gave her comfort. How could a man like him bring her to the point of so much bliss?

  The moment he gently entered her, Dallis was overcome with emotion. The pain of tearing was not horrible, but it was not the reason she cried. It was that she wished to be there, in his arms forever. It would only be this night and after, she’d be forced to marry another.

  Alasdair hesitated, his body suspended. “I am sorry to hurt ye. Do not cry.” He pressed his lips to the sides of her eyes, kissing away her tears. “Please.”

  Her chuckle was soft. “I do not cry because I am in pain. I wish ye not to stop moving. It feels so... pleasant.”

  “Then why?”

  This was not the time for conversation. Although not experienced in lovemaking, Dallis was well aware of what her body demanded in that moment.

  “Move now.” She grabbed his bottom to emphasize her point.

  As soon as he slid further in and then moved out, she moaned. “Yes.”

  Alasdair encompassed all, took her body and mind away until Dallis thought she’d die from so many wonderful sensations. She climbed to heights from which falling was inevitable. Floating down to her body only to find he continued to take her fully until the climb ensued once again.

  He was hard, strong and not gentle, yet at the same time seemed to take great care, as if not wishing to hurt her in any way. Dallis trusted him fully, knowing instinctively they were not just joining physically, but also in a way that would bring them together with an unbreakable bond.

  When he buried himself deep within her and cried out in release, it felt as if she shattered like glass, unable to do more than moan and grasp at his shoulders.

  And like anything once broken, she’d come back together, but forever changed.

  He fell over her, the weight of his body so perfect.

  “Why were ye crying?” He was breathless, which in a way made her want to giggle with joy.

  Dallis considered how to answer. “I have no idea.”

  Thankfully he did not persist, instead rolled to his side bringing her to lay over his chest.

  “Do ye sense the true reason Cuthbert wishes to marry me? Does he have bad
intentions?” Dallis lay with her leg over Alasdair’s and her head on his chest. The steady beat of his heart lulling her to relax.

  “Not totally. He desires ye. I sense the main reason for asking for ye as his wife is because he wishes to have stronger control of yer clan once he becomes laird.”

  “What should I do?”

  “That is not something I can help ye with.”

  She let out a sigh. Soon she’d have to leave and go to her chamber. Being found in Alasdair’s rooms would only bring down her father’s ire on him. Then again, it could mean she’d not be married off to Cuthbert.

  Dallis pressed a kiss to Alasdair’s chest as she pondered what to do next.

  Chapter 7

  Guiles made his way from the great room up the stairwell toward his bedchamber.

  His head felt as if he’d banged it against several walls. Why he’d drank so much was not clear other than he’d enjoyed the time at the guard’s quarters until passing out the night before.

  The bright sun through the windows didn’t help him as a sunray flashed across his face. “Blasted light.” He held up a hand to shield from it.

  “What happened to ye? Ye look dreadful.” Fiona appeared at the top of the stairs. Sun touched on her hair making her appear like an angel from heaven.

  His stomach pitched and not in a good way and he clutched it with both hands. “I have a headache.” He stumbled up a couple more steps only to stop when Fiona backed away.

  “Ye smell horrible.” Her eyes narrowed. “Ye’re drunk. Is the idea of marrying me so disgusting that ye feel the need to drink all night?”

  This was not the time for conversation. If his stomach churning was any indication, he was about to vomit all over her shoes. “Nay, why would ye think that?”

  Unfortunately, he heaved and almost threw up. Fiona rounded him and hurried away, down the stairs. He followed suit, needing to get outdoors. He raced out a side door barely making it before throwing up.

  He leaned on a short wall and waited as a second wave of nausea hit him. Once again he bent over the wall and lost the little that was left in his stomach.


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