by Max Wheeler
in conditional sentences Chapter 34
in desiderative sentences 19.6, 27.2.4
in exhortations and ‘toned down’ imperatives 15.2.3v, 19.6, 32.2
in imperatives 28.1–2
in main clauses 19.6, 34.6.3
in negative imperatives 28.2
in negative wishes 27.2.4ii
in relative clauses 17.4.1ii, 19.3
in temporal clauses, 19.4.7, 33.2.2 esp.–6
optative (relating to wish, desire, intention, request, cause or achievement) 19.2.3; ‘hoping’ vs. ‘waiting’ 19.2.4v
potential (relating to necessity, possibility/probability, appearance, doubt/denial, fear) 19.2.4
thematic 19.2.1
Subordinate clause see Clauses
absolute superlative -íssim 5.3.2
applied to nouns 2.3
applied to adjectives 4.1.5
diminutive -et applied to adverbs 13 (introduction)
Superlative 5.3
absolute suffix -íssim 5.3.2
applied to adverbs 13 (introduction)
relative superlative 5.3.1
subjunctive after 19.3
Synthetic preterite tense
alternating with analytic (periphrastic) form 17.1.2
see also Preterite tense
Tag questions
tal 3.2.3vi, 8.3 (adverb) 33.2.3ii
talment (com) 33.2.3ii
tampoc 26.1.7
tant 8.2, 33.3.4
distinguished from tan 5.1, 13.6
tant de bo que 19.6, 24.1, 27.2.4
Temporal expressions 13.3, 15.2.3iii, 17.2.2,
as auxiliary in compound tenses 21.1.2
in possessive expressions 7.4
Tense of verbs 16.5.5–10, Chapter 17
compound see Compound tenses
in conditional sentences 34.2–5, 34.6.3–4
in cleft sentences
progressive (continuous) 18.1.1–3
sequence in subjunctive clauses 19.5
see also individual tense categories
that’s why 35.2
there is/there are 12.7v, 25.22, 30.1
they (impersonal) Chapter 29 esp. 29.2. lii, 29.3vi
Time expressions, 10.11
asking time
use of demonstratives 6.3
Topicalization see Left detachment
ton (unstressed possessive adjective) 7.2
tornar a + infinitive 18.2.1
tornar-se 30.6iii
as adjective 8.2, 8.3
as adverb 13.6
as pronoun 8.5
tot i in non-finite concessive clauses 20.4.1,
tothom 8.5
transformar-se (en) 30.6vi
trobar(-se) 23.10ii, 29.1.4 ii(e)
tu (impersonal subject) 29.3v
tu! (interjection) 24.1.1
u vs. un 10.5
un- (negative prefix) 4.2.6
un/una (impersonal subject) 29.3iii
see also Indefinite article, Numerals
‘Unaccusative’ (intransitive) verbs 25.2.1, 36.2
unless 34.1.2, 34.8i
va- auxiliary (in analytic preterite)
Valencian usage preface p. xiii–xiv
specific features of 2.1.4, 4.1.4, 6.2, 6.2.7, 6.5, 7.1, 12.7.1,, 13.2, 14.1.4, 16.2.3, 16.3, 16.5.5, 16.5.9,–2, 16.5.11, 16.5.12, 30.3, 34.6.2, 37.5.2
Valency 25.5
Verbal nouns 20.2, 22.3.2
Verbal periphrases Chapter 18
Verbs Chapter 16
auxiliary,, 16.5.12,, 18.1
conjugation classes (regular inflectional paradigms) 16.2; conjugation I (infinitive in -ar) 16.2.1; conjugation II (infinitive in -re, unstressed/stressed -er, vowel-final stem + -r) 16.2.2; conjugation III (IIIa with ’inchoative’ stem extension, IIIb without extension) 16.2.3, 16.5.5; mixed conjugation 16.2.4
dative subject verbs 25.4
diacritic written accents 16.1.3–4
irregularity in inflection 16.4, 16.6
modal auxiliary with infinitive 18.2.1, 20.2. 1iii
modals allowing clitic raising 12.2.3, 34.6.5
mood and aspect 16.5, Chapter 17; see also Aspect
non-finite 16.5; see also Infinitive, Gerund, Past participle
periphrases Chapter 18; see also Analytic preterite
person/number endings 16.5.4
spelling alternations 16.1
syncretisms or ambiguous forms 16.3
taking ‘non-object’ complements 25.6
taking prepositional phrase complements, 25.6
unaccusative 25.2.1, 36.2
see also individual tense categories, Pronominal verbs, Tenses of verbs, Subjunctive
ves (per on)! 24.1.1
voler + infinitive 18.2.1
vós 11.3iii
in polite imperatives 29.2. 1i(c)
vostè(s) 11.3ii
impersonal ‘you’ 29.3v
Weak (object) pronouns see Pronominal clitics
Weather (impersonal expressions denoting conditions) 25.1, 25.2.2
what (= ‘that which’) 9.2.2, 31.6.2
Wishes 19.6, 27.2.4
Word order Chapter 36
basic pattern 36., verb + subject variants 36.2; ‘Heavy Shift’ (long subject or object placed to right of normal position) 36.3; position of adverbials 36.8; position of causal clauses 33.3.1; position of concessive clauses
in adverbial clauses 36.7
in exclamations
in non-finite constructions 20.2.2iv, 21.1.3, 22.2.3
in questions 27.1.1,–6, 36.5
in relative clauses 31.1.3, 36.6
position of adjectives 4.2.1
position of demonstratives 6.3.1
position of possessives 7.1.1
position of pronominal clitics 12.2, 12.9.2, 12.9.4
relating to passive 29.1.4ii, 29.3
see also Cleft sentences, Left detachment, Right detachment
Written accents (and stress rules) 1.1.1i, 2.1.1, 16.1.4, 37.5.1; distinguishing homonyms/homographs 16.1.4, 37.5.3
xe! 24.1.1