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Eden: A steamy contemporary military romance (Project Arma Book 2)

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by Nyssa Kathryn


  Copyright © 2020 Nyssa Kathryn Sitarenos

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be used, stored or reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for use of brief quotations in book reviews.

  This book is for your personal enjoyment only.

  This book may not be resold or given to other people.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the authors imagination or used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locals is entirely coincidental.

  Cover by Dar Albert at Wicked Smart Designs

  Edited by Missy Borucki

  Created with Vellum




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Also by Nyssa Kathryn

  About the Author

  The heart doesn’t forget…

  The memory of that day still haunts Shylah Kemp. Eden had asked her to wait for him, to remain at the safe house while he went on a mission. But when she learned he was being setup, she didn’t have a choice. She had to do something.

  It was a risk…and Shylah paid dearly.

  Eden Cole is not the man he once was. Not since returning from his mission to find his whole world changed. Being betrayed by his own government would change any man. Betrayal by the woman he loved—that nearly broke him.

  When his woman suddenly shows up in Marble Falls fourteen months later, Eden is determined to learn why Shylah had disappeared without a trace…and put an end to the danger that’s followed in her wake.


  As always, thank you to my editor, Missy Borucki, for being my right hand throughout the process of each book I release. I would be lost without you.

  Thank you to my sister Jana for beta reading my books even when I give you ridiculous deadlines.

  Thank you also to my wonderful husband, for your never-ending love and support.


  Fourteen Months Ago

  Shylah Kemp pressed her foot down harder on the accelerator.

  Her eyes darted to the clock on the dash.

  Twelve noon.

  She had sixty minutes. Sixty minutes to achieve the impossible.

  There were so many times in her life that she'd squandered sixty minutes. Gardening, watching a movie, reading a book.

  If she could pull all those minutes back and add them to the sixty she had now, maybe she wouldn't be so nervous about being too late.

  No. Shylah pushed that idea to the back of her mind. She would not be late. She couldn't be.

  Because that would mean she would lose him, and if she lost him, that would destroy her.

  Swerving to miss a cyclist, Shylah cursed. Swallowing a sob, she fixed her eyes to the road again. She had to hold it together.

  She loved him so much. Too damn much. In such a short time, Eden had burrowed his way into her heart. Now she couldn't picture a life without him. It would feel empty.

  Her heart beat a million miles an hour, and the sweat built on her brow, but she pushed it all down. She could freak out once she'd saved him.

  It had only been yesterday that Shylah had watched Eden through her rear-view mirror as she'd driven to his safe house. He should have been safe.

  What a load of shit. She should have known he wouldn't be safe. Not with the people they were fighting against.

  Shylah's hands clenched the wheel harder as the frustration ate at her.

  Pulling into the spot closest to the door, Shylah sat for a moment and took a breath. If she entered the building looking like she was about to have a panic attack, someone would notice that she was somewhere she shouldn't be.

  As calmly as possible, Shylah stepped out of her car and walked to the entrance of the building that housed Project Arma. She had the plan worked out in her head. Whether she could pull it off was another thing.

  After stepping into the building, Shylah's feet froze. The hall was empty. Silence greeted her where normally there were people, voices, footsteps. There should be the hustle of people getting things done.

  As she took a couple of hesitant steps, an eerie quiet filled the space. Each step echoed through the halls, like giant stones hitting the water.

  Where was everyone? They couldn't have found out about the raid, could they?

  Shylah's heart felt like it would beat through her chest.

  Today was the day the government was raiding the facility. Every last soul who had something to do with Project Arma was to be arrested.

  It would be hard to arrest people in an empty building.

  Then another thought hit Shylah. Would the computer still be here?

  Before she could think twice about what she was doing, her legs started running. Speeding down the hall, Shylah didn't care about the threats she might run into.

  It was the same hall she'd walked down every day for the last few months on her way to medical, but this time it felt ten times longer.

  Arriving at the door, she pushed through and her breath caught.

  All the cabinets were empty. The room was trashed. Someone had made to get all the evidence out and out quick.

  Turning her head, she breathed a sigh of relief.

  A small reprieve. The computer still sat in its usual spot in the corner.

  Moving over to it, she powered it up, clenching her hands to stop the nervous tapping.

  When the screen lit up, Shylah entered the password. Her fingers trembled so badly it was surprising she could press the right keys.

  Clicking into the email browser, she entered the commander's details. She'd seen him use them a couple of times when he'd come into medical, and Shylah had memorized the login in case she ever needed it. That she would ever use it had seemed absurd to Shylah.

  At this moment, she couldn't be more grateful she had.

  Diverting her eyes to check the time again, her heart stuttered.

  Thirty minutes.

  She had thirty minutes, or he'd be dead.

  Swallowing some of the fear, Shylah breathed a sigh of relief when the email browser finally loaded. Opening a new message, she addressed it to all eight members of Eden's team.


  Clicking send, Shylah pulled her fingers from the keyboard as if it would burn her if she kept them there a moment longer. Shoving her hands between her thighs, she tried to control the shaking.

  Eyes remaining glued to the screen, Shylah waited for a response. Willing the screen to show one. Leaving this room without confirmation that Eden was safe was something sh
e couldn't bear.

  Just when Shylah thought the nerves would consume her, a response came in. It was Mason.


  Releasing a shaky breath, Shylah scrunched her eyes closed.

  Oh god. She'd done it. He wouldn't die today.

  As the adrenaline eased from her body, Shylah leaned over the desk and dropped her head into her hands.

  Eden was safe.

  Standing on shaky legs, Shylah turned toward the door but stopped in her tracks. Blocking her exit stood Commander Hylar and Doctor Hoskin.

  Oh crap. This was not good.

  She worked with Doctor Hoskin every day. He was a key player in the corruption of Project Arma.

  Then there was Commander Hylar. Eden's commander. She'd never had proof, but always suspected the man was just as corrupt.

  All blood drained from Shylah's face. She hadn't even heard them walk in.

  Eyes lowering, she stared at the gun held in the commander's hand. Pointed right at her chest.

  Gazing back up to their eyes, pure evil stared back at her. She'd hoped for Eden's sake that she'd been wrong about the commander. Eden had seen him as a father figure.

  "Shylah Kemp, how nice of you to join us. I see you've come in on your day off."

  Trying to focus on the commander's words, and not at the loaded gun pointed straight at her, she straightened her spine.

  "Just shoot her and let's get out of here," the doctor said in a hurry, fear clouding his eyes.

  "I guess we have you to thank for all this?" the commander continued, ignoring the doctor's words.

  It took a couple of attempts to make her voice work. "All of what?"

  Eyes narrowing, the commander's body visibly tensed. "Don't play dumb, Shylah. We know you sent the information."

  They knew?

  "How . . . how did you find out?"

  "About the raid?" Both of the commander's brows raised like it was a ridiculous question. "We have a far reach here. So much further than you could imagine. They won't shut us down. We'll relocate. Continue our work. What we've achieved is too valuable. Soon, everyone will want this."

  Shylah's heart broke for Eden. So definitely not innocent. "Eden saw you as a father figure. How could you do this to him and the team?"

  "Do what? Give them a chance to become unstoppable? Shylah, do you know what they are capable of now? They are faster and stronger than just about any other species in the world. They can see in any conditions, recover from injury in a split second. They can hear noises from ridiculous distances. They are the ultimate weapons. I gave them that!"

  "Shoot her, they'll be here any moment," the doctor pleaded, desperation leaking from his voice. His eyes darted to the hall.

  "You didn't know this version of the drug would work, or the effects of the next."

  Shaking his head, the commander almost looked bored. "Exactly. Imagine if they became even stronger, faster. Sometimes these things are worth the risk."

  These "things" being Eden's life and his teammates.

  There was no reasoning with this man. He was power hungry and saw no problem in risking people's lives if the end justified the means.

  "Is that why you tried to have him and his team killed on their mission today?"

  The commander visibly flinched. "What are you talking about?"

  "The government officials got in contact with me this morning to tell me they intercepted information that their mission was a suicide mission. That's why I'm here. To save them."

  The fury in the commander's eyes sent fear into Shylah. Then his body turned to the doctor and pointed the gun at his chest.

  "You tried to kill my team?" The commander's voice was hard. Deadly.

  Sweat dripped down the doctor's head as his eyes widened. "It wasn't me. It was them. They didn't want any evidence."

  The sound of the gun going off echoed through the room, causing Shylah to cry out.

  As she watched the doctor fall to the ground, blood flowed from his chest.

  Bile rose in Shylah's throat. He was so still. His eyes stared at the ceiling, lifeless.

  "That was a mistake on their part. I appreciate your help on that matter," the commander said before he paused as footsteps sounded from the hall. "That's my cue to go."

  A scream left Shylah's chest as another gunshot sounded. Rather than hit her, the bullet hit the computer.

  Shylah watched as the machine went up in flames. Then the gun swung back to Shylah. She saw his fingers tighten just before he pulled the trigger.

  Diving behind the bed, Shylah's body hit the cabinet. Searing pain from her left shoulder pulled her attention. Turning her head, she noticed thick blood running down her body.

  She'd been shot.

  Breaths coming out faster, Shylah heard the commander's footsteps as he moved closer to her. At the same time, the boots in the hall became louder. Closer.

  Would they get here in time to save me?

  She watched as the commander immediately changed direction and headed for the window. Jumping onto the frame, he was almost out when he turned.

  Shylah's breath shuddered as the gun again aimed at her. Before she could move, a bullet hit her in the lower abdomen.

  This time she didn't feel the pain. Her body felt numb. Cold.

  Vaguely aware that the commander had now left the room, her hands went to the bullet wound in her stomach. She almost felt like she was in someone else's body.

  Her fingers moved through the warm liquid as the door to the room banged open.

  When hands pushed her back onto the ground and covered the wounds, Shylah's eyes slid closed. Eden entered her mind.

  She'd saved him. Even if she died, Eden would live, and Shylah was okay with that.


  Present Day

  "I don't need a damn doctor."

  What Eden needed was a cold beer and for everyone to leave him the hell alone. Mason was lucky Eden wasn't kicking his ass for dragging him into the hospital.

  "Stop being an ass, Hunter. You put your hand through a fucking window. You're seeing a doctor."

  Eden knew he could fight Mason on it, but his friends and teammates would be on him within the hour, dragging his ass back.

  Eden was good, but not good enough to take on seven former Navy SEALs who had been through Project Arma.

  As they walked up to the desk, the girl behind the counter did a double-take before her eyes widened.

  This was the normal reaction. Eden knew he was big at six and a half feet. Mason could hold his own too.

  Whenever they went anywhere, they knew they made an intimidating sight.

  The permanent scowl etched on Eden's face probably did nothing to help the matter.

  "Hey, darlin', we need to see a doctor. My pinhead friend here put his hand through some glass."

  Mason took hold of Eden's left arm and pulled it up so the girl could see.

  The guys had done a good job of wrapping it, but the blood was seeping through the bandage.

  Eden would have just left it if Mason and Wyatt hadn't heard the glass shatter and come looking for the source.

  The receptionist's eyes softened at Mason's smile.

  "You came in at the right time. We don't have much of a wait now. You can go straight through to room five just to the left."

  The nurse's eyes remained glued to Mason like he was a damn hero. Eden's scowl deepened.

  When the nurse turned her head back to Eden, she visibly drew back.

  Before she could say anything, Mason retook hold of Eden's arm.

  "Thanks, darlin'."

  Walking down the hall with Mason's hand still on his arm, Eden went with his friend to avoid a fight.

  Jesus, he didn't have the energy for any of this shit. He just wanted to be back in his own space. People did nothing but irritate him.

  As they walked into room five, a bed sat in the middle of the space surrounded by the normal beeping of machines and the smell of disi

  Eden hated hospitals. They reminded him of medical at Project Arma. And that reminded him of her. Eden spent most of his energy trying to push memories of her to the back of his mind.

  Not that it ever worked.

  Letting go of Eden's arm, Mason pointed to the bed. "Sit your dumb ass on that bed and don't even think about getting up until the doctor arrives."

  "You're almost as much of an ass as me today, Eagle."

  Sitting on the bed, Eden watched his friend prowl the room.

  "We've got shit to take care of, Hunter." Eden winced at the frustration in Mason's voice. "We have people to find. We need you on your game. You spend your whole life in the back room punching the shit out of a bag."

  Closing his eyes, Eden leaned his head back on the pillow. "I know," he muttered. "I'm sorry. I need to get my shit together."

  He needed to get his shit together months ago.

  "I know losing Shylah was a blow." Eden flinched at the sound of her name. "That's just one reason we're working so hard to get these people. To find everyone from Project Arma who we trusted when we shouldn't have. Get the answers we deserve."

  "I want to find them too, Eagle. All of them."

  Including her.

  "Let's do it then." Mason's eyes pleaded with Eden.

  Jeez, he felt like a jerk. He'd been the worst friend and teammate for over a year, and he knew it.


  The look on Mason's face was anything but trusting. Before he could argue, the doctor entered the room with a nurse behind him.


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