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Eden: A steamy contemporary military romance (Project Arma Book 2)

Page 19

by Nyssa Kathryn

  Asher's leg shot out for Eden's gut, but Eden easily sidestepped the hit. Not fast enough so that the watching eyes would know how quick he was, but quick enough to avoid the grazing of the foot, because there was no way Asher would lighten the kick to save Eden any pain.

  Asher's arm then shot out to swipe Eden's head, to which Eden narrowly avoided.

  Ducking, Eden threw his leg out, kicking Asher to the floor. Attempting to move straight on top of his body, Asher rolled out just before Eden landed.

  Wrapping his body on top of Eden's, Eden was almost done. Almost.

  Asher had left one arm un-manacled. Asher's mistake. One arm was all Eden needed. The bastard underestimated him and what he would do to win this fight.

  Reaching his arm back, Eden grabbed onto Asher's shirt and flipped his body over onto the ground. Eden was on his friend before Asher blinked, immobilizing every limb.

  "Cheater," Asher muttered under his breath so that only Eden would hear.

  During defense classes at Marble Protection, they weren't supposed to use their enhanced abilities. Most men would not be strong enough to flip a man with one arm. So technically, Asher was correct, Eden was a cheater.

  Glancing up at the eyes that were now wide open in awe, Eden didn't care that he'd broken the rules.

  Jumping to his feet, Eden helped Asher up before they turned back to the students.

  Luca stepped forward from the side. He was the third man running the class at Marble Protection this morning.

  Eden was learning more than anything. He hadn't run a class before, had done more behind-the-scenes support for their business.

  Feeling more and more like his old self every day, he'd decided it was about time he took a more active role in the business. Hell, it was past time.

  Turning his head, Eden's eyes tracked Shylah standing with Lexie at the front desk. As her head tipped back and she laughed at something Lexie said, Eden felt himself tighten.

  So goddamn beautiful.

  Grunting at the elbow that pierced his ribs, Eden narrowed his eye at Asher.

  "Eyes to the front, Hunter. You have a question." Asher raised a brow as he spoke.

  Turning back to the group, all eyes were on Eden.

  Luca chuckled before turning to a gangly teenager in the front row.

  "Josh, want to ask your question again?"

  The kid looked up at Eden with eager eyes. "How do you get to be so strong?"

  "Strong my ass," Asher grumbled quietly.

  Crossing his arms, Eden looked across at the kid. "You work hard. But being able to defend yourself isn't just about strength. It's about awareness of the other person. It's about strategy and using what's in your head more than your muscles. You only gain those things from training and experience."

  As the kids asked the next few questions, Eden and the guys answered them in depth before they finished the class.

  Once it was over, they started packing up the few pieces of equipment.

  "Great work, Hunter. I think you'll be ready to take the lead on the next few classes," Luca said, looking up from where he was stacking chairs.

  "But fight within the rules next time, asshole," Asher said with a grin. "Or I'm gonna show everyone how strong I am."

  "Wouldn't be much to show then, would there?" Eden responded with a laugh, dodging the punch that came his way.

  Walking up to where Eden stood, Luca put his hand on Eden's shoulder. "In all seriousness, it's good to have you back, Hunter. We missed our friend. Even if he can be an ass."

  All three men glanced up when they heard Mason's footsteps moving toward them.

  "Your blood test results came back, Striker." Mason held up the piece of paper in his hand.

  Eden stiffened. They'd been waiting for these for over a week, ever since the raid at the old gin distillery.

  Asher had woken up the next day back to his old self. His memory of how it had made him feel was vivid. Angry and enraged. He'd described the feeling of the drug like losing all control and being consumed by fury.

  "There's a plant that only grows in the Congo rainforest called Agrilla. It's a newly discovered species. It was the largest ingredient identified in Asher's blood. The second largest was animal DNA. They're still working on which one. There were also new components that couldn't be identified."

  "Son of a bitch," Asher swore.

  Eden clenched his fists. The bastards were injecting people with animal DNA.

  "Apparently, if a normal person was injected with that same combination of ingredients, it would likely kill them," Mason continued.

  "So, what's our next move?" Eden questioned, arms across his chest.

  "We cut off the supply," Mason said sternly. "Wyatt's already looking into where it would be coming in from. The CIA is going to work with us on monitoring what's coming into the country."

  "I don't trust anyone outside of our team at the moment," Luca muttered, shoving his hands in his pockets.

  "I don't either. That's why I'm hoping Wyatt can locate where the drug is coming in first, and we can stop the supply chain," Mason said, eyes darting to the office and back.

  All four men eyed each other in agreement. They needed this taken care of and fast.

  The idea that Project Arma could be building an army of genetically altered soldiers, drugged with a rage fueling substance, filled Eden with a fear he hadn't felt before.

  * * *

  "He never would have done that a few months ago, you know?"

  Dragging her eyes from Eden to Lexie, Shylah lifted her warm mug of coffee. "Done what?"

  "Participate in a class," Lexie responded, watching the guys packing up the equipment. "He always hid away. Only ever came out when he needed to growl at someone."

  Shylah's eyes flickered back to Eden as he went to stand with Luca, Asher, and Mason. "I'm glad he's back to his old self."

  A part of Shylah still hurt that Eden had been so angry for so long. He was healing, though. Just like she was.

  "What do you think they talk about in those cozy mother meetings of theirs?" Lexie asked as her eyes narrowed to the men.

  Shylah's fingers tightened slightly around the mug. "Probably the business."

  In particular, a program that genetically alters men and is now experimenting on a new drug to send them into a blind rage.

  Eyes darting to Lexie, Shylah kept her thoughts to herself.

  Guilt always swamped her that Lexie didn't know all the facts of Marble Protection. She was such an integral part of the business but was left in the dark much of the time.

  Lowering her gaze to her mug, Shylah kept quiet. It was the guys'—Asher's in particular—place to tell her, not Shylah's.

  "Well, I, for one, am part of the business and would like to know."

  "Know what?" Evie questioned, exiting the office and walking up to the counter.

  Lexie leaned her body over the desk so that her face was only inches from Evie's. "Hey, you're chummy with Luca, go find out what they're talking about."

  Evie turned her head to look at the guys for a moment before she faced her friend again. "It's probably boring business stuff."

  Rolling her eyes, Lexie pushed off the desk again. "Or top-secret, ex-Navy SEAL secrets."

  It was scary how perceptive Lexie was.

  Evie's eyes widened for a moment before she gave a tight laugh. "You overthink things too much, Lex. When I look over there, all I see are some sexy, god-like men who would make very good-looking babies."

  Lexie's body visibly stiffened for a moment. "You're thinking about having babies already?"

  Shrugging, Evie glanced back at Luca, flushing when he caught her eye. "I'm not saying I want them right now. Could you picture little Luca's running around, though?"

  Lexie was silent for a moment. "You only started dating Luca a few months ago."

  Eyes darting back to Lexie, Evie frowned. "I know. One day."

  Lexie turned to Shylah, eyes pleading with her. "Back me up here, Shy
. You and Eden are going to wait. Yeah?"

  Fiddling with the corner of the counter, Shylah hesitated before answering, "I actually can't have kids." Both women's eyes immediately turned from shocked to sympathetic, so she hurried to add, "It's okay. If the time comes where Eden and I want to start a family, there are options for us."

  Shylah and Eden had spoken about it a couple more times, and each time it became easier. Eden had assured her they would find a way to have kids together one day if that's what they chose.

  The reality of the situation still hurt, but she had Eden, and dealing with it with him by her side was a million times easier than trying to come to terms with it by herself.

  "I'm so sorry, Shylah," Evie said quietly.

  "Me too," Lexie added gently.

  "Thank you," Shylah said with a small smile. "Honestly though, talk about babies anytime you like. It's a bit hard for me, but the more I talk about it, the more I come to terms with it."

  Lexie opened her mouth to say something when Eden suddenly appeared next to her. His soft expression told her he'd heard every word. "Ready to go, Shy?"

  Reaching up, way up, Shylah kissed her man on his cheek. "Let's get out of here, my fighting superstar."

  "Hey!" Asher shouted from across the room. "Do not commend him for that. The asshole cheated."

  Lexie snorted. "How could he cheat, Asher?"

  Asher's eyes narrowed before he looked away.

  Wrapping his arm around Shylah's shoulder, Eden started heading to the door. "I'll see you guys tomorrow for the next class. Get ready to eat mat again, Asher."

  Shylah heard cursing coming from Asher's direction as they stepped outside.

  "Did you cheat?" Shylah asked suspiciously.

  Eden gave nothing away. "Would I do that, Shy?"

  Hell yes, he would.

  Laughing, Shylah jumped into Eden's truck, and they headed home.

  "What time does your shift start?"

  Glancing at the clock, she still had plenty of time. "Twelve. I can drive myself. My car battery's going to die if I leave it sitting around."


  "Eden," Shylah interrupted. "What's going to happen to me on a short drive to work? You can't just babysit me my whole life waiting for something to happen. I'll be okay."

  "It's not babysitting, Shylah, it's making sure the woman I love stays alive," Eden said, voice deepening.

  "I'm just going to work, and then I'll come straight home." At the clenching of Eden's jaw, Shylah changed the subject. "Asher looked good. Wouldn't even have thought he got drugged a week ago. I still don't understand why they did it."

  "To turn him against us," Eden responded, seeming happy to change the subject. "When he had the drug in his system, he wasn't loyal to anyone. Everyone was his enemy. Everyone was a threat."

  Jeez, that's one hell of a drug. "Did the blood test results come back?"

  "Yes, that's what our mother's meeting was about." Eden's mouth lifted into a lopsided grin causing Shylah to laugh softly.

  "You shouldn't listen to conversations you're not a part of. Super hearing or not," Shylah chided. "What did they find?"

  "The drug contained a large quantity of a plant called Agrilla," Eden responded, voice lowering.

  "What's that?"

  "Not really sure. Apparently, it's native to the Congo rainforest."

  "Congo rainforest?"

  Before she could ask much more about it, Eden continued, "There were also traces of animal DNA in his blood."

  Eyes widening, Shylah thought back to the look she saw in Ben's eyes when he had the drug in his system. A tremor ran down Shylah's spine at the memory.

  Eden's hand immediately reached out to give Shylah's leg a gentle squeeze. "You have nothing to worry about, Shy."

  Glancing over at Eden, Shylah smiled when his eyes met hers. It was a smile she didn't feel.

  If they had given that drug to Eden and his team wasn't around to stop him, many people would be in grave danger. Particularly, Shylah.


  The best part about being a nurse was that Shylah got to help people.

  That look on a patient's face when you were able to provide care and support was the stuff Shylah lived for. Sure, not all days were like that. Some were downright tough. But today wasn't one of them.

  Walking out of her last patient's room, Shylah couldn't wipe the smile off her face. Her patient, a young boy and his family, had just received the test results that confirmed he didn't have a tumor.

  The tears he had shed with his parents had made Shylah get misty herself. The mother had even hugged Shylah. Not a tentative, chests-barely-touching hug. A huge, body pressed against body, make-you-feel-loved hug.

  Breathing out a sigh of gratitude that the beautiful family had received the good news they were hoping for, Shylah headed to the break room for lunch.

  Just before she stepped into the room, familiar red hair caught her attention. Stopping in her tracks, Shylah glanced up to see Lexie walking down the hall.

  At the sight of her friend's pinched face, Shylah's smile dimmed.

  As Lexie went to walk past her, Shylah placed a hand on her arm. Lexie startled before turning to look at Shylah with wide eyes.

  "Lexie, are you okay?" Shylah felt a moment of worry that the other woman had been so in her own world she hadn't even seen Shylah standing right in front of her.

  "Shylah! Ah, I didn't know you would be here," Lexie said, her gaze darting around Shylah's body before returning to her.

  "I work here, Lexie." Shylah felt silly having to remind her friend.

  A smile suddenly crossed Lexie's face, so bright it was almost comical. "Of course, you do. I'm just here to visit a friend. She's just down the hall. I'll see you later, okay?"

  Walking around Shylah, Lexie took off.

  Confused, Shylah stood there a moment longer before pushing into the break room. She had never seen Lexie so frazzled. It was none of Shylah's business, but her gut told her there was more to the story than visiting a friend. Maybe Shylah would mention it to Eden. See if he had any idea what was going on.

  Taking an apple from the fruit bowl, Shylah sat next to a couple of nurses. She couldn't quite remember their names. Maybe Sophie and Grace? As her butt hit the seat, both women's eyes landed on her.

  "Hey, you went on a date with Doctor O'Neil once, didn't you?"

  Brows shooting up, Shylah turned to the woman who had spoken. She was fairly sure that one was Grace.

  "Just one time. It wasn't really a date. More just friends having dinner because I was new in town." Taking a bite of her apple, Shylah smiled at the women. She hadn't really made any friends at the hospital. Now that she and Eden were in a good place, she could concentrate on settling into the new town and getting to know her colleagues a bit better.

  "Gosh, if I got to go to dinner with him, no way would I let him slip through my fingers. Those big blue eyes . . ." The other woman got a dreamy look in her eye as she stared at the wall in front of her as her words trailed off.

  "He is very lovely," Shylah said between mouthfuls.

  She wanted to add that he'd been a bit self-absorbed and arrogant all night, but why ruin the dream for these ladies.

  "Lovely? The man spent his summer in the Congo saving the monkeys. He's an angel and hottie rolled into one."

  Almost choking on the food in her mouth, Shylah's eyes flew to the other woman. "Did you say the Congo?"

  Nodding vigorously, Grace leaned across the table. "I overheard a conversation he was having with management. They were talking about his travel visa because I think he might be going back for a short period. He doesn't seem to want everyone to know."

  "The man's humble too. Gosh, how do I get him to ask me on a date?" Sophie cooed.

  Shylah's hands became clammy as the women's voices faded into the background.

  Trent had been in the Congo. And Eden had just told her that the drug being used by Project Arma's main ingredient was native to the
Congo. That was too big of a coincidence, right?

  "Don't get too ahead of yourself, Grace. The man drives a pickup truck. It's not like he's raking in the money."

  The blood leached from Shylah's face. "What . . . what color pickup truck?"

  Sophie's brows rose. "Um, maybe gray? I've only seen him in it once."

  "He might have multiple vehicles," Grace said.

  Shylah's hair stood on end as it all started to fit together.

  It had been Trent who had sent her to see the last patient that day. Trent, who had told her where to find the drug that had sent Ben into a blind rage. Trent had also made a big deal about her dating Eden.

  God, she'd completely pushed those facts to the back of her mind.

  Breaths coming out shorter, Shylah's skin chilled.

  "Are you okay?" Sophie's voice pulled her back to the present. "You've gone really pale."

  "I, um . . ." The room spun for Shylah as she struggled to speak. "I'm not feeling well. I think I'm just going to go home."

  Standing abruptly, Shylah ignored whatever the women said next. Rushing out of the room and to her locker, Shylah rummaged through her bag for her phone.

  A whimper escaped her lips when she couldn't find it.

  Damn it.

  Quickly changing out of her scrubs, Shylah grabbed her bag. On the way out, she mumbled something to the nurses at the desk about not feeling well, then rushed to her car.

  Whatever the nurses had said, didn't register. Nothing did. Her eyes were too busy darting around to make sure Trent wasn't there.

  Getting behind the wheel, Shylah took off for home. Focusing on the road in front of her required effort. Not stomping her foot on the accelerator and exceeding the speed limit did too. It wouldn't do her any good if she crashed the damn car before she got home to tell Eden.

  How had this happened? Trent had been right there in front of her the whole time, and no one had suspected him for a second. She'd seen him every day while she'd been at work. Hell, she'd gone to dinner with the guy.

  Maybe she was wrong. Maybe everything was a series of coincidences, and Wyatt and Evie would check it out and confirm.

  Nibbling her bottom lip, Shylah prayed that was the case, even though, deep down, she knew it wasn't.


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