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Legend of a Highland Lass: Scottish Medieval Highlander Romance

Page 31

by Kenna Kendrick

  She nodded her head along with her words, hoping to strengthen their effect as she walked onwards. She would have to go home, but that was the last place she wanted to go since Marianne would want to discuss last night, and the fact that Troy would be working with her. What would she say to Marianne now? Something that would disappoint her sister, she was sure.

  Marianne sat in the main room, reading a book and sipping tea. She treasured the moments she had alone while William was away working on the clan land and Ruth was off on one of her excursions. She could take a break from feeling guilty about Ruth and from discussing it with William. She could just be herself: Marianne Browne, recently escaped from her restrictive father, recently married to the love of her life, and about to have a baby. It was everything she had ever dreamed of. She was free to do as she pleased. William loved her with a passion that still made her blush even though it had been months since their first encounter. She was happy. She was so incredibly happy, except for Ruth’s unhappiness. But there was a glimmer of hope. Ruth had seemed so happy last night at the idea of Troy working with her, and Amelia had inspired her to work her matchmaking magic on the pair.

  Ruth burst in. She always burst in, but today she was fiery with anger. Marianne looked up from her book. “Ruth? What has happened? Why the furious entrance?” She smiled, hoping to kindle the old sisterly joking that they had always enjoyed together.

  Ruth huffed and sat down at the table with her. Marianne began to pour her a cup of tea. Ruth began, “‘Tis only men and their frustratingly similar ideology. Here I thought that there was one man who could understand an independent woman,” she paused, “but I was wrong. Troy Ferguson is just as bad as the rest of them, excepting William and Jamie, of course. Women cannot read to improve their minds or work to fight against their restrictions.” She laid back and crossed her one arm over the slung one, the full cup of tea steaming before her.

  Marianne was puzzled. This did not sound like the Troy she knew at all. She had many theological discussions with him in which he respected and encouraged her opinions. He even sought her out for advice and conversation. “Ruth, are you certain? What has happened to make you change your mind so?”

  Ruth paused. Maybe Marianne would appreciate her candor in this situation. Marianne knew well enough about the frustrations of an overbearing man who didn’t believe in a woman’s abilities.

  “I was out reading in the meadow, as I usually do, and I was reading about navigation.” Marianne nodded. Jamie had told her what Ruth had often been searching for in his library. She wasn’t entirely sure how she felt about her sister reading those topics and what it meant, but she knew that her sister should be free to read what she pleased in their new life.

  “Suddenly, Troy arrived and tripped over me! He nearly broke my arm again!” Ruth’s anger had had time to fester in her walk from the meadow. She remembered with annoyance how she had not been so upset when it had originally happened, but now she was looking for anything to blame him for. “The book I had been reading lay open in front of us, and he picked it up. He was so shocked that a woman would be reading such things, and he said as much! I could have murdered him right there with the very book!”

  Ruth exhaled loudly before continuing. “He is meant to be working with me, but I have told him that he will receive no kindness from me any longer, if he is to be as rude and thoughtless as that. And so typically male. He would do well to stay away from me.” Ruth felt a slight sadness at that idea, but she pushed it aside.

  Marianne furrowed her brow. “I am sorry, Ruth. ‘Tis most unusual behavior for Troy. I would not have expected that of him myself. Perhaps you have misunderstood him? Did he have a chance to explain?”

  Ruth grumbled, “I gave him no chance. He needs no chance in order to cover up his true thoughts and feelings. They are out there now, and it is best I knew it before I began to feel…” Ruth stopped herself. Normally, she would have been happy to disclose to her sister her feelings for a man, but she feared Marianne would only use it as a way to keep her here in Brechin, and that would not do.

  “Feel what?” Marianne asked curiously, her heart filling with hope at what she assumed Ruth meant. If she could admit to feelings of interest for Troy, then maybe her matchmaking would be easier than she thought, and Ruth could abandon all ideas of departure.

  Ruth’s face turned into a mask. It had looked so open and vulnerable, but now, she had shut it off from her sister’s inquiry. “Nothing. It is just good we know how he truly is. Although, I am sorry for it.” Marianne thought she noticed Ruth make a quick swipe of her finger under her eye before standing up. Her heart went out to her, but Ruth was never one to succumb to tears or endure comfort from another.

  Ruth stood, abandoning the teacup. “‘Tis nothing. I believe I will go to rest.”

  Marianne smiled weakly and nodded. “Yes of course. You need it.”

  Then, Ruth rushed off, leaving a bereft Marianne behind her. Marianne bit her lip in concentration. She would need Amelia’s expert help. The matchmaking would now not be so easy with an angry Ruth threatening to be unkind to the very man her sister hoped could become her husband.

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  About the Author

  Kenna Kendrick is an American based author of Historical Scottish Romance living in Austin Texas with her husband and three children. Her more than 25-year-old experience as an English Teacher has brought her close to the literary world, growing her love for fictional stories.

  Her love for literature was also strong because of her father John who used to write crime-stories. While she tried following on her father's footsteps, a trip to Scotland sealed the deal for as she fell in love with the Celtic myths and the bleak Highlands.

  Note from Kenna

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