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Grave Seas: A Maddie Graves and Rowan Gray Mystery

Page 18

by Lily Harper Hart

  Lindsey’s eyebrows drew together. “Who told you that?”


  The exhausted-looking newlywed let out a hollow laugh and rubbed her forehead. “Oh, well, I should’ve realized he would spin a tale. He’s always been good at that. What did he tell you?”

  Because she wanted to move things along and force Lindsey to confide in her, Rowan opted for the truth. She didn’t see how it really mattered at this point. When she was finished, she leaned back in the chair and crossed her legs at the ankles. “I think you can see why I would be confused.”

  “Oh, I can definitely see it,” Lindsey agreed as she massaged her forehead. “Geez. I have to give him credit. That’s a heckuva a story ... and it’s basically true.”

  Rowan’s heart skipped a beat. “Why would you purposely disappear with a man who is stalking you?” She graced Dylan with some serious side eye. “And why are you such a crazy stalker?”

  Dylan balked. “I’m not a stalker. I’m not even obsessed with her. Lindsey and I are friends. We have been since we were kids. I mean ... we’ve never even dated, for crying out loud.”

  He sounded so offended that Rowan had no choice but to believe him. The problem was, that left her so baffled her head was starting to spin. “I need some information from you guys,” she said finally. “I can’t help you if I’m in the dark.”

  “And what makes you think I’m going to trust you?” Lindsey’s voice was low and full of warning. “I don’t even know you. I mean ... sure, you appear nice enough. You could be on Ben’s payroll for all I know, though.”

  “I’m not on anybody’s payroll.” Rowan was firm. “I’m also engaged to the head of security and he has a lot of connections. We can help ... if you tell us the truth.”

  Lindsey held Rowan’s gaze for an extended beat and then nodded. She looked leery ... and yet resigned. “I don’t see where we have much choice.”

  “I don’t either,” Rowan agreed. “Spill.”

  “Fine.” Lindsey rubbed her sweaty palms on her shorts and pursed her lips like a fish as she geared up to tell her tale. Finally, she simply jumped into the thick of things and started talking. “Dylan was telling the truth. We’ve been great friends since we were kids.

  “He was a little odd, but we both had a love of science and bonded,” she continued. “We never dated or anything. It wasn’t like that with us.”

  One look at Dylan’s wistful face told Rowan that he wished the exact opposite, but she filed that away to deal with at a later time. “So, he’s not a stalker. Why would Ben say he is?”

  “Because the story Ben told you is basically true,” Lindsey replied grimly. “Dylan isn’t the one who controlled me, though. Ben is. He’s a master manipulator, and it sounds to me as if he’s got you all eating out of his hand. That’s par for the course with him.”

  And that’s when the final piece of the puzzle slipped into place for Rowan. “Oh, geez.” She rubbed her forehead as she started lining things up in her mind. “Ben was the one who berated you, didn’t allow you to be yourself, and basically took over your life. Everything he said Dylan did is what he’s guilty of.”

  “Pretty much.” Lindsey’s expression was sad. “You’re probably wondering why I stayed with him. I don’t have a good answer, though. I’m sorry.”

  “You stayed with him because you were afraid,” Rowan said simply. “He beat you down, preyed on your emotions, and terrified you. I get it.”

  “He wasn’t so bad at the beginning,” she said dully. “There were times he was even romantic. That didn’t last, though. The first time I tried to leave he deleted my thesis — which was halfway done — and terrorized me with the only copy. If I wanted it back, I had to go back to him.”

  “He sounds like a real piece of work.” Rowan couldn’t decide if she was angrier with Ben for hurting his wife or fooling her. She decided it was a mixture of both. “The stories he told us were all things he did to you, not things Dylan did to you.”

  “No, Dylan has been a godsend,” Lindsey admitted. “We’ve been in contact for over a year, although it hasn’t been easy. Ben tried to cut me off from all of my outside friends and don’t get me started on my family. I knew he was dangerous, but he had me so afraid ... .” She trailed off, taking on a far-off expression, and then regrouped. “Dylan and I have been brainstorming for a year trying to figure out a way to get me out of this.

  “We knew that Ben would have to believe I was dead to let me go,” she continued. “He wouldn’t simply take a step back because I wanted to break up with him. He’s not wired that way. I’ve seen what happens to people who cross him ... so we waited, and planned.”

  “And you thought disappearing on your honeymoon would be a good way to get him off your back,” Rowan mused.

  “Death at sea,” she replied ruefully. “I assumed everyone would think I somehow fell overboard — or was pushed — and was simply another victim of a tragic accident. Then I would be able to start a new life someplace else.”


  “I honestly don’t care. Just someplace away from him.”

  “She called me to help,” Dylan volunteered. “I’ve been trying to help since they first got involved. I just ... things were harder than I envisioned. I didn’t handle things well because confrontation freaks me out.”

  Rowan almost felt sorry for him. Then she remembered Maddie’s vision. “You were an abused child, weren’t you?” she said on a sigh. “You had a rough childhood and you bonded with Lindsey over it. She helped you back then, protected you, and that’s why you’re determined to help her now.”

  Dylan was amazed. “How do you know that?”

  “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” Rowan rubbed her forehead and glanced around the lounge. “How did you guys even get in here?”

  Lindsey turned sheepish. “The plan was to wait until tonight for me to go missing so we wouldn’t have to hide long before escaping. Then I met another couple on their honeymoon. They were getting the VIP treatment ... including passes to this lounge. They didn’t even realize the passes had slipped out of their packet and landed on the ground. When I realized that ... I saw we had a golden opportunity.”

  “Of course you did.” It all made sense to Rowan. “There’s only two other high-roller couples on the ship and they’re probably not in the lounge very often.”

  “They haven’t visited it at all,” Dylan offered. “It’s been a great place to hide.”

  “And we never thought to look here because ... well, because we didn’t think there was a way for you to gain entrance and it was simply off our radar.” Rowan was rueful as she held Lindsey’s gaze. “It was a very smart plan. There was no way you were going to get off the ship, though. Quinn will have four or five men at each exit checking everyone.”

  Lindsey balked. “You have to let me go. I can’t keep living this life. I just ... can’t. It’s not fair.”

  “You’re not going back to the life you had before,” Rowan reassured her. “I promise you that. You don’t have to run and hide this way either, though. When I said Quinn could help you, I meant it. He has incredible connections ... and he’s going to want to help.”

  “But ... how?” Lindsey was flustered. “How is he going to help us? Ben is never going to give up.”

  “I haven’t figured out that part yet, but I will. First things first, though. I need to get the rest of my team here so we can come up with a plan.”

  Lindsey immediately started shaking her head. “No. I can’t risk that. This is my one shot of getting away and starting a new life.”

  “You’re going to have an even better shot if we’re all working together,” Rowan reassured her. “Trust me. We can and will help. You’re going to be glad to have us on your side.”

  Lindsey still didn’t look convinced. “I’m afraid.”

  Rowan took pity on her. “I know you are. You don’t have to be, though. We’ve faced worse things than Ben. He’s going to be a squas
hed bug on the windshield of life before we’re done with him.” She dug in her pocket for her phone. “Just one thing, though, how does Violet play into this?”

  Lindsey exhaled heavily and glared. “She’s Ben’s mistress. She likes to help him terrorize me. He brought her on our honeymoon just to make my life miserable. He tasked her with watching me when he couldn’t.”

  “I figured it was something like that. Don’t worry. We’re going to handle her, too.”

  “I’m putting a lot of faith in you. What if this doesn’t work?”

  “Oh, it’s going to work. We’re not going to let Ben get away with this. I can guarantee that. Just wait until you meet the rest of my crew and then you’ll understand. We’re all excited to make him pay. It’s going to happen ... and it’s going to be glorious.”

  Lindsey had no choice but to believe, so she did.


  Quinn was the first through the door when the small contingent of people poured into the lounge. He headed straight for Rowan and pulled her into his arms, his hand automatically going to the back of her head to stroke her hair.

  “Are you okay?” he murmured into her ear.

  “I’m fine,” she reassured him. “My captor has been nothing but gentle.”

  Quinn scowled. “That’s not funny.”

  “It’s a little funny.”

  “No, and the second this is over and we’re alone, I’m locking you in our room ... for the rest of our lives.”

  She smiled into his neck. She always found him amusing when he got overprotective. For a woman who thought she was either abandoned or orphaned as a teenager, it felt good to have someone care enough to make empty threats. “I’m sorry if I frightened you.”

  He pulled back to stare into her eyes. “I didn’t even know you were missing.” And that was the part that bothered him most. “I thought you were off taking photos. I didn’t know you were in danger.”

  Her heart went out to him. “I wasn’t in danger,” she insisted. “Dylan was never going to hurt me.”

  “He could’ve hurt you. I don’t even understand how he got his hands on you.” The look he shot the man in question was full of warning. “Were you stalking her?”

  Dylan balked. “I did no such thing!” He was the nervous sort and that was on full display today. He clearly wasn’t pleased with the turn of events, although Rowan had a feeling that was because he’d lost out on some alone time with Lindsey. It was clear he had feelings for her that she either didn’t realize or didn’t reciprocate. Of course, that could simply be because she had been living in fear of Ben for years. She might not have had the energy to focus on anyone but herself ... and that was okay. Once this was all settled, maybe there would be a chance for them. A romantic at heart, Rowan found she had high hopes.

  “He didn’t stalk me,” Rowan supplied. “I was on deck taking photos — and serving as Maddie’s backup, something I dropped the ball on and I’m sorry — when I realized he was in the frame. I had to follow.”

  Quinn’s expression, which had been focused on Dylan, darkened as it sharpened on her. “Excuse me? Are you saying you chased him?”

  Uh-oh. Rowan sensed trouble. “Oh, well ... .”

  “Don’t yell at her,” Maddie ordered, her eyes flashing. “You were just promising to keep her safe forever during the two-minute walk from the deck to the lounge. You were a wreck. You can’t turn into Captain Jerkface five seconds later. It’s not allowed.”

  Quinn worked his jaw as he pinned Maddie with a look. “I’m not being Captain Jerkface,” he said finally. “That’s not even a thing. Also, I’m allowed to worry about her. You can’t issue edicts saying otherwise. Do you think Nick would’ve been happy if you’d done the exact same thing?”

  “Nick would understand,” Maddie replied primly.

  “No, Nick wouldn’t have understood,” Nick countered, referring to himself in the third person. His expression was stern. “I love you, Maddie, but I most certainly wouldn’t have understood if you chased after a man who, up until five minutes ago, we all assumed was a potential kidnapper and rapist.”

  Maddie rolled her eyes. “Whatever.”

  “Don’t ‘whatever’ me.” He poked her side. “I just got you. I want to keep you forever. Even then it won’t be long enough.”

  Her expression softened. “I know but—”

  “No. No buts. I’m serious.”

  Maddie sighed. “I can’t even be mad at you when you say things like that.”

  He broke into a grin. “So why even try?”

  “Good question.”

  Rowan was incredulous as she watched the blonde wrap her arms around her husband’s neck and grace him with a flirty hug. “You guys are gross,” she said after a beat. “No, I mean seriously gross. How do you not throw up in each other’s mouths more often? That’s an honest question. You’re sick.”

  Despite himself, Quinn was amused. He tightened his grip on Rowan and rubbed his cheek against hers in an attempt to anchor himself. “I need you to be more careful,” he whispered. “While they’re disgusting — and I really hope people don’t look at us when we get schmaltzy the way we’re looking at them — they’re right about one thing. I just got you. I’m nowhere near done with you.”

  She relaxed into his embrace and sighed. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.” He held her for a moment longer and then released her. “We need to talk about what we’re going to do. We left Ben on the deck — he’s getting his drink on — and told him we were determined to track down Dylan. We didn’t tell him we had a lead but ... if he’s as smart as he seems, he probably knows we’re getting close. Nick and I weren’t subtle when we left the bar.”

  “I should’ve thought better about that before I texted,” Rowan lamented. “I wasn’t thinking.”

  “No, you did the exact right thing.” He was insistent. “You shouldn’t have followed him in the first place. You did, though, and the second you could you texted me. That was the smartest thing you could’ve done. Don’t second-guess yourself on that front.”

  She exhaled heavily. The last thing she wanted was to get into a fight. “Let’s table this conversation right now and focus on Ben and Violet. We have to deal with them or Lindsey will never be free.”

  “Fair enough.” Quinn turned his attention to the frightened woman trying to disappear into the chair in the corner. “We’re going to help you.” He hated seeing anyone quaking with fear, but Lindsey’s reaction was particularly heartbreaking. “I need to hear your story from the beginning, though. I need to record it so we have proof. Then we’re going to come up with a plan to take them down.”

  “What if you can’t?”

  “I don’t happen to believe that word applies to me.” Quinn’s smirk was smug. “There’s nothing I can’t do. We’re going to help you. I promise. I just need to record all of this information ... because I have an idea that’s going to make your life so much easier.”

  Lindsey knit her eyebrows together. “Are you going to kill him and dump his body at sea? I’m up for that, by the way.”

  Quinn shook his head. “No, this is much better for you. I’ll lay it out for everybody once you’ve filled in the gaps for me. One question before we start, though. Are Connie and Lana part of this? Do they know what’s going on?”

  “I don’t know who they are,” Lindsey replied. “Are they Ben’s other girlfriends?”

  “No, they’re Violet’s friends.”

  “Oh.” Realization dawned on Lindsey’s face. “I don’t think so. I don’t know them well, but they’ve never seemed malevolent to me. They’re empty-headed and vapid, but I don’t think they’re malicious.”

  “Which means they’re just along for the ride,” Quinn mused, his gaze landing on Nick. “I’m guessing that Violet brought them so she wouldn’t look out of place. She and Ben are working together, but they couldn’t be seen working together.” He shifted his gaze to Dylan. “Did you have an altercation with Viole

  The man nodded, morose. “She recognized me at the bar that night. Ben left Lindsey behind because he assumed Violet would watch her. That’s the only reason he left her. I knew I had to distract Violet — or find someone else to do it — if I planned to escape with Lindsey. She saw me first, though, and kind of attacked me. She threatened to have me thrown in a cell and I couldn’t risk that because I needed to protect Lindsey so ... so, I kind of pushed her. She scratched me, clawed at my face, and I pushed her away. She fell over a lounger and I was really worried she might’ve killed herself with a blow to the head or something. She didn’t immediately get up ... and I left her anyway.”

  Quinn nodded in understanding. “You panicked, but you couldn’t abandon your plan. I get it. Violet made up the story about being attacked to cover what really happened because she couldn’t explain it ... to us or her friends.”

  “Her friend said that she was a pathological liar,” Maddie noted. “They know she’s not a good person. I’m not sure why they’re hanging around her — unless maybe they got a free trip out of the situation — but they might be able to help us. I’m assuming you want to lure them to the same place before taking them into custody.”

  “I have to take them into custody tonight,” Quinn confirmed. “I won’t give them the chance to flee tomorrow, so this is going down in the next few hours. As for those two ... I don’t see why we can’t use them. They’re going to be important for my plan anyway, so I think we’re going to have to bring them in on this. If I feel they’re not trustworthy, I’ll just lock them in a cell. It will be fine.”

  “So, what’s the plan?” Lindsey queried. “What are we going to do?”

  “First, you’re going to tell me everything. After, I’m going to tell you the plan. It’s a good one and I guarantee you’re going to like it.”

  “I hope so. I’m trusting you with my life.”

  “It’s well-placed trust. It’s going to be okay. I promise.”


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