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Darkblood Prison: Demon On A Dime (Supernatural Prison Squad Series Book 1)

Page 13

by G. K. DeRosa

  “Oh, right.” I pulled my hair down out of the high ponytail and rearranged it into a messy bun. The stoic dragon in front of me tugged on the waistband of his shorts, the awkward silence lingering. Had he felt whatever that sexually charged moment was?

  Strangely enough, I was fairly sure it wasn’t only one sided.

  “Water break.” Talon spun toward a mini fridge I hadn’t even noticed when we first walked in. He grabbed two bottles and tossed me one, then folded his large frame onto the floor.

  Opening the water and taking a long gulp, I followed his lead and settled down by the wall opposite his.

  I couldn’t help my eyes drifting up to the bottle pressed against his lips. Water trickled down his scruffy chin, and my tongue ached to lick it off. Geez, Azara, get a grip. Who let the lusty demon out? Ripping my gaze away from my trainer, I scanned the large room. Mats covered half the space, while the remainder was made up of the same stone floor that lined the rest of the prison fortress. A huge shelf lined the far wall, a variety of weights, jump ropes, medicine balls and typical workout equipment littered the shelves. Then on the opposite wall, my eyes landed on not so typical workout equipment—blades of all shapes and sizes, bows, axes, nunchucks and dozens of other sharp or spiked weapons. Things that should definitely not be kept in a prison full of deranged supes. “So what’s up with this mysterious training room and freaky weapons? And more importantly, why do you have access to it?”

  “Don’t worry about it, demon. We have our ways and our inside resources. Don’t even think about swiping anything.”

  “I think I do need to worry about it. If I’m going to be training with you, I should at least understand what I’m getting into.” I sipped my water, clutching and releasing the bottle so the crunch of plastic echoed across the quiet space.

  “The extent of your training is yet to be determined.”

  I squeezed my eyes shut and took a few long breaths. This guy really got on my last nerve. Maybe I could convince Logan to work some yoga into my training. Somehow, I doubted the insufferable dragon would be into downward dog. I chuckled at my own joke, out loud, by accident.

  “What’s so funny, one thirty-eight?”

  My brows slammed together. “I have a name, and I know you’re familiar with it. Try using it when you address me.” Better coming off rude than admitting to my inappropriate joke.

  He lifted his hands up and scowled. “Never mind. Let’s get back to work. The faster we get this done, the less amount of time we’ll have to spend together.”

  “Fine by me,” I hissed, downing the rest of the water and tossing the empty bottle on the floor.

  Talon jerked his thumb over his shoulder. “The recycle bin is over there. Just because you’re in prison, doesn’t mean you have to act like an animal.”

  “Are you effin’ kidding me right now?” I picked it up and chucked the plastic at his head. It skimmed the top of his spikey dark hair and a grin curled my lips.

  “Very mature, Azara.”

  Talon hissed out my name, but it still sounded blissful coming from his lips. Gods, what is wrong with me? He bent down to collect the litter and flashed me his perfect backside. The soft jersey material hugged the tight curve of his butt, and I pressed my thighs together to curb the building heat.

  He popped back up and after tossing the bottle in the bin, squared off with me. “Ready?” The silvery scales of his dragon tattoo danced with every rise and fall of his chest. My ears perked up at his accelerated pulse.

  Had a really given him a workout or was it something else?

  “Yup.” I finally answered.

  I’d barely gotten out the p when he lunged. I staggered back, but he was much too fast. His palms smacked into my shoulders and shoved me back. The hard wall smashed against my shoulder blades and Talon’s arms caged me in. His reptilian eyes blazed, the narrow pupils disappearing within the molten steel. He pressed the full length of his body against mine, an ominous growl vibrating his throat and his warm breath tickling my ear.

  My traitorous body leaned into his for a second before I snapped back to my senses. I strained against him and shoved him back as hard as I could. But even with my demon powers back, I was no match for him physically. The damn guy was a dragon beast.

  Talon’s palms moved to either side of my head and pressed against the wall. He inched closer, his lips only millimeters from mine. “That’s it?” he taunted. “That’s all you’ve got?”

  I struggled beneath the weight of him, pushing off against the wall but I couldn’t get him to budge.

  One of his hands released the glossy obsidian and moved down to my shoulder to settle on my neck. Another growl vibrated his throat, and the snap of claws tearing through flesh made my skin crawl. He dragged a sharp talon across my throat, and I suppressed the cry building in my gut. Beads of sweat lined my brow, a trickle dripping into my eye and blurring my vision.

  “Come on, demon. Do something!”

  My core clenched, and dark tendrils of energy seeped up my torso. My head spun and scorching desire burned my throat. His lips were still only inches from mine. It would be so easy… just a little taste. A dark voice echoed in my mind, spurring me on.

  My lips parted, and I leaned closer. My mouth was so parched, my tongue felt like sandpaper. Heart pounding against my ribs, I swallowed hard, pushing down the crackle of energy coursing up my throat. I needed to extinguish my thirst, my hunger—I had to. I unlocked my jaw and inhaled a breath. A wisp of blue energy swirled between us.

  Talon’s eyes widened.

  The darkness eclipsing my vision stopped the moment his gunmetal irises met mine. Holy shitzu. Snapping my jaw shut, I dropped to the ground slipping right through his arms. Burying my face in my hands, I sucked in a ragged breath as my heart jackhammered against my ribs. Oh gods, I almost… I chased away the dark thoughts and focused on my breathing like Mezlor had taught me. Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. Finally, the encroaching black receded.

  Big hands closed over mine, prying my fingers off my face. I squeezed my eyes shut as hot tears burned my lids.

  “Azara, Azara, look at me.” My name on Talon’s lips forced me back from the edge.

  Slowly, I pried my eyelids open. Shimmering silver orbs greeted me, the ghost of a smile tipping up Talon’s stern lips as he squatted in front of me.

  “You did good.”

  Then why did I feel like unipeg crap? “I almost…” I blubbered, another sob wracking my core.

  “But you didn’t.”

  “But I could have…” I was out of control, and I deserved to be locked up here. I descended further down the shame spiral as Talon’s hand trapped my face, forcing my eyes to his.

  “Logan’s right,” he huffed. “You need training. Most supernaturals are born with their abilities and they strengthen over time. It gives you time to grow into your powers.” His words fell away, dark brows scrunching together, and his silver irises darkened. His eyes glazed over and for a second, his mind flitted elsewhere. Or maybe to some other time. After another long minute, he refocused his gaze to meet mine. “Anyway, we better get back to work.” Offering me his hand, he hauled me off the floor.

  “You still want to train me after I almost sucked your soul out?”

  A wry grin split his full lips, the elusive smile doing funny things to my insides. “Believe me, you weren’t that close. I can handle a little demon like you.”

  “But I thought… I almost had you.”

  He shook his head. “No, you didn’t.”

  “That was a test?” My brows slammed together as realization slapped me in the face.

  “I had to provoke you to determine if you were worth saving.”

  I bit down on the slew of curses poised on the tip of my tongue. Instead, I coiled my arm back and landed a punch right in his gut. He folded over and released a satisfying grunt. It was totally worth the bone crunching pain across my knuckles. “You’re an ass,” I muttered as I stomped aw

  “Aren’t you glad you know now?” he called out.

  “No, I always knew you were an ass.”

  An unexpected chuckle burst from his lips. “That wasn’t what I meant.”

  Wasn’t I glad I discovered I could control myself? Maybe. But I’d never admit that to him. He was right about one thing though, if I’d been able to rein in my demon this time, how in the realms had I soul-sucked dozens that night? Something still didn’t make sense.

  Chapter Nineteen

  A week went by and all had been quiet. Weirdly enough, I’d gotten used to life in prison, to the daily monotony of meals with the Triad, tour guide lessons with Flix, visits to the library to stock up on reading material, and of course training with my constant grumpy shadow, Talon.

  Delacroix hadn’t made a move, and I’d become fairly convinced he’d backed off for good. I could do this, I could survive Darkblood. Or at least that’s what I told myself as I refocused my attention on the old movie playing on the projector in the rec room. The entertainment area had been cleared of any possible threats before I’d been allowed to enter.

  Flix sat on one side of me and Dallas on the other. My usual bodyguard was missing and had sent the vampire as his replacement. Or at least that’s what the note said that I’d found when I woke up in the morning and my two bunkies were gone.

  “Where did Talon and Hayden go anyway?” I whispered.

  “Shh. Watch the movie, precious. This is a good part.” Dallas pressed his finger to his lips, his eyes glued to the screen.

  I never thought the eccentric vampire would be so into Clueless. I’d watched the movie about a dozen times with my mom. It was one of her old favorites. A pang streaked across my chest as memories of movie nights with my parents floated to the surface. All I had to do was pick up the phone, and they’d have me out of Darkblood Prison in no time, but I’d have to admit what I’d done. A crushing weight squeezed my lungs as I pictured the raging disappointment on their faces. No, I couldn’t do it.

  Flix clapped his hands beside me as Alicia Silverstone and Paul Rudd kissed. “Oh em gee, I love this part.” He grinned and popped a buttery kernel into his mouth. The popcorn splurge had cost him an entire week’s worth of commissary money, but he insisted it had been worth every gelder. He’d even offered to share the bag with me because he felt so guilty about going comatose when Delacroix nabbed me. I had been a little pissed about that, but I couldn’t really fault the pixie for his reaction. The demented demon was scary AF. And at least he’d run off to alert Talon as soon as he and his minions had dragged me away.

  Talon… After a week of spending every waking moment together, I hated to admit I actually missed the infuriating dragon.

  I leaned over and nudged Dallas in the ribcage. “Can you at least tell me when they’re coming back?”

  He didn’t even look at me, his focus remaining solely on Alicia Silverstone.


  “What?” He whirled toward me, and a tear glistened on his cheek.

  “Oh my gods! Are you crying over the ending of Clueless?”

  The strapping vampire swept his finger under his eye and scowled. “I am not.”

  A hysterical fit of laughter bubbled up in my gut, and I buckled over to keep it contained. Still, two female inmates turned in their seats and shushed me, their eyes shooting daggers. There weren’t many women in the fortress, but the few that called these obsidian walls home despised me. For no apparent reason.

  “Ladies, ladies,” Dallas crooned, “that’s not necessary.” He twirled his index finger in the air, and the two witches pivoted forward once again.

  “They’re just jealous,” whispered Flix. “Any female in this place would give their left tit to be bunking with the Triad.”

  I snorted on a laugh.

  “Don’t laugh, precious. The man speaks the truth.” Dallas shot me a megawatt smile, his brilliant white teeth a sharp contrast to his deep mocha skin. “You should see the line of inmates waiting on conjugal visit day…”

  “Bleh.” I did not need a visual of the three amigos getting it on with the feral females running around this joint. Especially not Talon. The image of his ripped, bare torso pressed against some other woman sent nausea clawing up my throat.

  I shook my head out, chasing away the inappropriate thoughts. Talon was nothing to me, and I shouldn’t care who he was conjugally visiting with.

  The door to the rec room creaked open, and Dallas spun toward the sound before I’d even blinked. Props to the vampire. He was really taking this substitute guard thing seriously. The C.O. stationed outside the door popped his head in and crooked a finger at me. “Inmate one thirty-eight, report to the warden’s office.”

  “Oooh, you’re in trouble,” Flix singsonged and then shot me a cheeky wink.

  “Later, friend.”

  Dallas stood and cleared the aisle for me to pass which only earned me a few more glares and snarls from the majority female population of the room.

  The corrections officer raised his hand at Dallas’s approach. “Not you, only her.”

  My vampire bodyguard threw his shoulders back, expanding his already massive chest. “I go where she goes.” Power laced his voice, the velvety tone skimming over my skin. My brows knitted, and I stared back and forth between the two.

  “Fine, you can escort her to the warden’s office yourself then.”

  Dallas flashed him a pleased grin. “Wonderful.”

  Did he just compel the C.O.? I glanced at his wrist to confirm the black cuff was still firmly in place. What was up with these guys?

  As Dallas walked me through the halls, I plucked random questions from my swirling thoughts. I doubted the vampire would be more forthcoming than my cellies, but it couldn’t hurt to try.

  “Where do you guys disappear to sometimes?”

  “Disappear? Why whatever do you mean?”

  “Dallas, you know exactly what I mean. Like today, where are Hayden and Talon?”

  He shrugged. “I’m not their keeper.”

  “Please… you guys are like butt buddies.”

  A sharp chuckle vibrated Dallas’s chest and resonated off the sleek walls. “Precious, we may all be beautiful males, but we do not swing that way.”

  “That’s not what I meant.”

  “Well, you need to be more careful about using that sort of verbiage in a place like this.”

  “Noted.” I didn’t fail to notice he was trying to change the subject on me. “So?”

  “I don’t know. They’re probably out with Actaeon on the grounds doing some sort of incredibly boring work task.”

  Liar. I wrapped my arms across my chest, annoyed at all the secrets the brothers were keeping from me. We turned the corner, and half a dozen black jumpsuits blocked our path.


  A growl reverberated in Dallas’s throat, and his entire body stiffened beside me. “Out of the way,” he snarled and his fangs lengthened.

  The crowd of black parted, and the stubby little elf from the boneyard stepped forward. “I have a message from Delacroix for the demon girl.” He ticked his big head at me, and ice spilled through my veins.

  Dallas clucked his teeth and shot the lesser Fae a savage smile. “Ah, Dembrat, when will you ever step out of Delacroix’s shadow?”

  “I’m just fine here, thank you.”

  “Kissing the demon’s ass?” The corner of Dallas’s lip hitched up.

  “Whatever keeps my ass safe, vampire.”

  “Bored.” Dallas flipped his wrist nonchalantly. “Let’s get on with this so we can all be on our way, shall we?”

  The elf nodded, and the circle of demons tightened around him. He lifted his large, watery eyes to me. “Delacroix’s given you ample time to repay your debt, girl. He will not wait any longer. Plus, there’s the minor matter of choosing a side.” His gaze swept over my vampire bodyguard, and his lips twisted. “To me your choice is clear, but Delacroix is still hopeful you’ll h
ave a change of heart.”

  “Change of heart?” I spat. “His goons threw me to the wolves in the boneyard last week. I’m lucky to be alive right now.” And I probably wouldn’t be if my magical tattoo hadn’t saved me, which reminded me I really needed to come clean with Logan. “I’d never side with the likes of you.”

  Dembrat’s large eyes narrowed, and he grunted. “Wrong choice, girl. But there is still the small matter of your debt.”

  I hugged my arms around myself and stuck out my chest. “What does he want?”

  Dallas waggled a finger at Dembrat and tsked. “That’s not how this is going to work, little man. Whatever debt is owed will be assumed by the Triad. You tell your boss that and come back to me or my brothers with an answer. I dare you.” He hissed the last part under his breath, and a chill raced down my spine. “Now get out of our way.”

  “We’ll be in touch.” Dembrat turned and his demon shadows followed, closing ranks around him.

  “This is never going to end, is it?” I dragged my fingers through my long locks, and they got stuck in the tangles. Would I ever have soft, manageable hair again? A stupid thing to worry about, considering my life was on the line, but still…

  Dallas draped his long arm around my shoulders and pulled me into his side. “Don’t worry, precious, we’ll get this sorted. Getting thrown in the slammer with Talon and Hayden was the best thing that could’ve ever happened to you.”

  I rolled my eyes. That’s debatable.

  Chapter Twenty

  A few minutes later, Dallas and I stood in front of the warden’s office. I breathed a sigh of relief as the gold plaque with Logan’s name hovered above my head. Lifting my hand to knock, my knuckles tapped out a hasty beat on the thick oak.

  I took a step back, and the door whipped open. Logan peeked his head through the crack in the doorway and motioned for me to enter. He was talking to someone on his comm and judging by the deep furrow across his forehead, he wasn’t pleased.

  “My job here is done,” said Dallas. “Don’t forget to tell T what an amazing bodyguard I was. He threatened to rip me a new one if anything happened to you while he was gone.”


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