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Beautifully Broken Pieces

Page 19

by Catherine Cowles

  Walker’s fingers plucked at those buds now, and I felt a zap of pleasure in my core. I arched back, sinking into the feeling. Since I was straddling him, the movement brought me right up against something very long and very hard. I moaned. I was wearing a skirt, so only the thin fabric of my panties separated me from the ridge in his jeans.

  I rocked against him as he pinched harshly. I trembled, biting down on my lip. Walker’s hands left my breasts and skimmed up the outer sides of my thighs, dipping under the flouncy material of my skirt. “So fucking smooth. What do you put on your skin to get it this soft?”

  “Just. Lotion,” I panted.

  “Smooth as fucking silk.” He shot up, taking one of my nipples into his mouth and sucking deeply. At the same time, a finger stroked me through my panties.

  The sound that escaped me was some unintelligible combination of a moan and curse. My hands went to his hair, tugging it and holding him to me at the same time. He nipped me, and I tugged harder.

  Walker released his hold on my nipple, pulling back before bringing my head down to meet his. He took my mouth in a soul-consuming kiss. I swear I saw stars behind my eyelids as his tongue stroked mine, and his finger continued to tease me. “God, you taste like heaven,” he said against my mouth. “I want you to ride me. First my face, and then my cock.”

  My eyes widened. I talked a good game, but I wasn’t usually the one in charge. Walker ran a hand up and down my spine. “I’ll guide you.”

  I bit my bottom lip but nodded. Walker reached into his pocket, coming back with what looked like a pocketknife. “I was a boy scout. Always be prepared.” My brows pulled together, unsure of where this was headed. He flicked out the small knife. “I hope you’re not overly fond of this pair of underwear.”

  And before I could get out a word of protest, Walker cut one side of my panties and then the other. “You’re buying me another pair,” I huffed.

  Walker sent me a devilish grin and then disappeared beneath my skirt. “Don’t worry, it’ll be worth it.” His words vibrated against my center, and a shiver shot through me. His tongue traced me from my opening to my clit, lazily exploring every part of me. Each stroke drove me higher. Each teasing flick of his tongue made me quake.

  I was moments from coming apart at the seams when he stopped. “Don’t come. I want to be inside you when you do.”

  I let out a strangled curse. “Then get in me now.”

  Walker chuckled. “Always such a demanding little minx.”

  I paused, staring down at Walker, his lips shiny with my arousal. His green eyes blazed with fire. “I’m on the pill,” I whispered. He froze. “I’ve haven’t been with anyone but you for a very long time. I’ve had physicals since. I’m clean.”

  Walker’s hands tightened around my waist and rose up to take my mouth in a long, slow kiss. I could taste myself on his tongue. “I got tested last week. I’m clean. Can I take you bare?”

  I nodded. This was huge for me, and we both knew it—trusting Walker with this. He rested his forehead against my own. “You’re mine.”

  “I’m yours,” I breathed. I unfastened his belt, flipped open the button, and slowly pulled down the zipper. I helped him shimmy out of his jeans and boxers as he pulled my skirt down over the curve of my backside.

  Walker’s hands caressed the skin there, slowly moving his palms to my hips. He guided me towards him at a snail’s pace, never once taking his eyes from mine. His tip teased my entrance, easing inside me. The stretch was a delicious burn. I wanted to get lost in the sensations, but I never once allowed my eyes to close, I kept them riveted to those green orbs looking back at me.

  The rhythm we found was slow, and for the first time, I didn’t want to rush. I didn’t want to hurry to the top of the rollercoaster. I wanted to enjoy every dip and bend in the ride. I wanted to feel it all. And I wanted it to last forever.

  Eventually, the pace changed. Walker shot up to retake my mouth. I cried out into the kiss as my walls quaked around him. He groaned his response as I felt his release. In that moment, I knew the fortress I had built around my heart was beginning to crumble. It scared me to death, but being without him frightened me more.

  Sweaty and sated, we fell back against the lounge. Only the sounds of our slowing breathing and the night insects surrounded us. The smell of the pine trees wrapped us up tight.

  Walker trailed a hand up and down the ridges in my spine. I kissed his pec over where his heart might be. “You’re mine, too,” I whispered.

  “I’m yours, too.” I felt his words everywhere, and a small, broken piece of my heart knitted itself back together.



  The squeaking of a wood-planked step had me jolting awake. Taylor and I had opted for a night under the stars instead of crawling into my bed. Now, reacting to my sudden movement, she moaned and stretched. My dick hardened. Not the time, buddy.

  My eyes scanned the back deck and the fields below. Nothing. A throat cleared. “Well, good for you two. It’s about damn time.” My grandmother appeared from under the eaves of the house.

  I groaned. “You have got to be kidding me.”

  Taylor blinked, the last remnants of sleep clearing from her eyes at the sound of voices. “What’s going on?”

  I pulled the blanket up a little higher around her, even though she was wearing my t-shirt. “That’s what I’d like to know. My grandma decided that six a.m. was the perfect time for a little visit.”

  Taylor squeaked, her eyes shooting behind me to my grandmother. Who waved. Fucking waved. “Well,” Irma huffed, “I wasn’t expecting you to have company, and I know you’re always up early. But I’m delighted, just delighted that you two have figured this thing out.”

  Taylor started to giggle. The giggles turned into belly laughs as she rolled closer to me, burying her face in my chest.

  I tilted my head back, looking at the sky for patience. “Grandma, why don’t you go into the kitchen while Taylor and I get ready.”

  The grin on my grandmother’s face told me she was up to something. “Oh, no, I don’t want to interrupt your morning.” I snorted. Yeah, right. “I’ll just let Sarah know to expect Taylor for dinner tonight.” I opened my mouth to argue, unsure if Taylor was ready for primetime with my family, but then I shut it again just as quickly with one look from my gran. “No more hiding out, you two.”

  Taylor poked her head up over my shoulder. “We’ll be there.”

  Warmth flooded my chest. This was real. And good. Taylor was trying. Pushing the boundaries of what she was comfortable with to make room in her life for me. I pulled her closer, kissing the side of her face.

  “Wonderful,” Irma said. “We’ll see you at six. I’ll just show myself out.”

  “You do that,” I called.

  “Watch your tone with me, young man.”

  Taylor started giggling again. The vibrations only made my cock strain harder against my boxer briefs. When I heard my grandmother start up the golf cart she shouldn’t be driving, I launched from the lounger, throwing Taylor over my shoulder. My hand dipped under the tee she wore to palm her smooth, bare ass. She shrieked and then moaned.

  “We’re going to the shower. We’re going to erase the past fifteen minutes and start this day the way we should have.”

  “And what way is that?” she asked, voice husky.

  “Me eating you until you scream, and then you coming on my cock.”

  She squeezed my ass, and I almost dropped her. “Such a way with words,” she said with a laugh. “But I like the way you think.”

  “Good.” I set her down on the tiled floor of the bathroom and got to work.

  I made her come twice in the shower and once while helping her dress before leaving for the station. It was a great way to start the day.

  Taylor sat beside me in my truck, staring down at her hands, twisting that ring on her right hand. She’d been quiet since I’d picked her up. Too silent.

  I reached over, stilling
the staccato movements of her hands. I laced my fingers with hers and squeezed. “Want to tell me what’s got you running in circles in your head?”

  She blew out a breath and mumbled something about psychic sorcerers.

  “What was that?”

  “You’re some sort of psychic sorcerer. You always know when something’s up with me. It’s freaky.”

  I chuckled and gave her hand another squeeze. “I’m a cop. I know by someone’s body language when something’s not right. And I know your body pretty damn well.”

  Taylor pressed her lips together, seeming to fight a smile. But something dark still lurked in those blue-gray depths. Her shoulders slumped. “The last time I was with your whole family…I had a nightmare that night. It really freaked me out. I just don’t want that to happen again.”

  My chest tightened at the doubt in her words. I pulled my truck over to the side of the road. Turning, I took her face in my hands. “First of all, thank you for telling me. Second, I’m going to be with you all night, and you haven’t had any nightmares when I’ve spent the night before, right?” She nodded between my hands.

  I hated that being around my family brought all her fears to the surface, but I was proud as hell that she’d faced them down. I kissed her softly, tasting a hint of the beer we’d shared before leaving her place. “I’m with you. Always.”

  Her eyes blazed with blue heat, the type of flame you knew would leave third-degree burns. But, damn, it was beautiful to watch.

  She fisted a hand in my shirt, pulling me to her, and slamming her mouth over mine. The force of the kiss took me by surprise. There were things she couldn’t say. Things that scared her. But she said them with her lips, her tongue, her body.

  I groaned into her mouth before pulling back. “Are you seriously going to make me walk into my parents’ house with a hard-on?”

  Taylor’s eyes widened and then danced with laughter. It wasn’t the blue heat, but I knew it was what she needed to go into the house with a light heart. “Sorry about that,” she said with a laugh.

  “Let’s just hope I can get it under control in the three minutes it takes to get there. Do me a favor and be less gorgeous, would you?”

  She chuckled. I squeezed her knee and tried to think about baseball stats, all the paperwork I had to catch up on, anything.

  We pulled up to the ranch house, the windows lit up against the evening sky. I threw the truck in park and went around to open Taylor’s door. I helped her out and then pulled her to me for a fierce hug.

  I loved that she fit so perfectly against me. Her head ended up tucked right under my chin, like the adorable short-stack she was. Her curves seemed to hug my planes of muscle just right. I inhaled her scent, it was a combination of honeysuckle and the underlying notes that were uniquely Taylor. I could never get enough.

  I kissed the top of her head. “Everything’s going to be fine. Just remember, they already love you.”

  Taylor let out a sigh and then tilted her face up so that her chin rested on my sternum. “Thanks for putting up with my crazy.”

  I grinned down at her. “Anytime. Plus, you being crazy just means you’ll fit in with the rest of my family.”

  A smile spread across her face, and I closed the distance to brush my lips against hers.

  The sound of a shouted, “Tay Tay!” broke the trance as Noah bounded down the front steps. He launched himself at Taylor’s middle, and she caught him easily. “Tay Tay, I read the book about the boxer all by myself! Mom didn’t have to help me once!”

  Jensen appeared behind him. “It’s true. He didn’t even need a single hint.”

  Taylor squeezed Noah’s shoulders. “That’s amazing. Does that mean it’s time for a library and bookstore visit for some new books?”

  Noah bobbed his head up and down enthusiastically. My jaw fell open. Was this the same nephew who had dragged his feet, making up any excuse in the world to avoid reading?

  Jensen elbowed me in the side. “Shut your mouth, you’ll catch flies.” I snapped my jaw shut, and she chuckled. “Taylor’s worked miracles with him, I swear. She has a gift.”

  I studied Taylor in the throes of conversation with Noah. She was great with him. I wondered what it would take to get her to consider teaching at one of the local schools. As I turned that over in my mind, my mom appeared in the doorway. “Get in here, dinner’s almost ready, and I need my gossip time with Taylor.”

  A soft smile, one I knew was reserved for my mom, appeared on Taylor’s face. I reached out and took her hand in mine, linking our fingers. “We’re coming.”

  It only took about sixty seconds for Taylor to relax. As soon as Taylor saw she had my mother’s approval, we lapsed into easy conversation and laughter at Noah’s antics.

  “So,” my gran began as we dug into the feast my mom had prepared. “When are you going to give me some more great-grandchildren? I’m not getting any younger here.”

  Taylor turned red as a tomato, and I choked on my beer. Jensen started cackling with laughter. Noah just looked between Taylor and me, little-boy brows pulled together in confusion. My father cleared his throat. “Now, Mom.”

  “Don’t you, now Mom me, Andrew. You know I have a gift for knowing when something’s right. When two souls are meant for each other. And these two are it for one another. What’s the point in pussyfooting around?”

  “Irma!” my mom scolded.

  “I speak the truth,” Gran huffed.

  I thought I could see the panic rising in Taylor. Her fists were clenched around a napkin, her breathing shallow. Fuck. She was going to run on me. Then Taylor did something that shocked the shit out of me. She burst out laughing. Deep belly laughs that shook her whole body. Soon, the entire table joined in, even Noah, who had no idea what we were laughing about.

  Taylor dried a tear from the corner of her eye. “You certainly don’t mince words, Miss Irma.”

  “What would be the point? I only got so much time left.” Gran reached across the table to pat Taylor’s hand. “You’re good for my boy here. And he’s good for you. Just remember that when the time comes and things get hard or scary. It’s always worth the fight.”

  Taylor sucked in a breath. I ran a comforting hand across her back and squeezed her shoulder. “All right, Gran, you’ve had your say. Can we get back to eating?”

  “Yeah, hurry up and eat everyone,” Noah chimed in. “There’s chocolate cream pie for dessert, and that’s my favorite.”

  Jensen rolled her eyes. “Every dessert is your favorite.”

  Noah’s expression took on a pondering quality, then he nodded. “Yeah, that’s pretty much true. Everything but stuff with coconut. That’s just gross.”

  Taylor let out a light laugh, and I was relieved to see her eyes bright and untroubled. “I don’t like coconut either.”

  “That’s ‘cause you’re smart.”

  The entire table broke into laughter. Taylor leaned into my side. This was Heaven, right here. My girl pressed up close. My family all around. Laughter tinging the air. Good food filling my belly. I hoped with everything I had that I could hold on tightly enough to make it last.



  I smoothed my hands over my black pencil skirt as I got out of Walker’s truck. I didn’t want to be here. Really, really did not want to be here. I wanted nothing to do with anything close to death or loss. And a funeral was right smack in the middle of that mess.

  What I did want was to be there for Walker. And, let’s face it, I’d been pushing all sorts of limits and challenging the rules I’d placed on myself over the past couple of years. Walker squeezed my hand, tugging me to him. “Thanks for being here.”

  Here was the funeral of his ex-girlfriend. I wasn’t sure it was appropriate for me to be here, but Walker had asked, and I couldn’t deny him. I brushed my lips against his in a kiss that was more about comfort than passion. “No problem.”

  Walker squeezed my hand. “I know it’s a big deal for you. And I wan
t you to know that I understand that.”

  I pressed my lips together, unsure of what to say. I went with a nod, just ducking my head. Walker curved an arm around my shoulders and curled me into his side. I soaked up his warmth and strength as we prepared to face what lay ahead.

  As we crossed the parking lot of the local church, a high-pitched voice shrieked from our left. “You did not bring her here.” A bottle-blonde toddled towards us on shoes with heels so pointy, they would surely be classified as deadly weapons. She was familiar. Recognition dawned. This was Caitlin’s bitchy friend from the bakery. Great. Just great.

  “Bridgette,” Walker said in a low but firm tone. “This isn’t the time or the place.”

  Bridgette huffed, tossing her blonde locks over her shoulder. “That’s for damn sure. You showing up is bad enough, but to bring your floozy with you? You might as well spit on Caitlin’s grave.”

  I winced and bit the inside of my cheek to keep my temper in check. Apparently, this girl was all about the drama. Walker’s grip on my shoulder tightened. “Bridgette, that’s enough. I know you’re hurting, but this isn’t the way to deal with it.”

  Bridgette lifted her chin in the air as if she were better than anyone who might deign to be in her presence. I fought the urge to roll my eyes. The woman narrowed her gaze at Walker. “This has nothing to do with me. This has everything to do with you and that trampy whore.”

  Uh-oh. That was going too far for Walker. Even if your best friend had recently been murdered, it seemed you did not call me a trampy whore in Walker’s presence. He released his hold on me and took two angry strides towards Bridgette. “Get this through your apparently tiny brain, my relationships are none of your damn business. Now, cut the fucking crap before I find something to arrest you for.”


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