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Beautifully Broken Pieces

Page 27

by Catherine Cowles

  Shock washed over Walker’s face, and I smiled wider. “Really?”


  Walker pulled me tighter against him. “That makes me real fuckin’ happy.” He pressed a hard kiss to my mouth that softened as his tongue swept in. He slowly pulled his lips from mine. “I love you, Taylor.”

  I’d never grow tired of hearing it, especially when the blue blazed in his mostly green eyes, the way it was now. “Love you to the moon and back.” It was something my mother used to say to me, and I’d taken to saying to Walker. I figured she’d like that I did.

  His eyes softened. I’d told him that it was something I’d shared with her, and he’d said he was honored to share it with us both.

  “Come on, guys! Finish banging so we can eat already!” Liam’s voice rang out from somewhere outside our door.

  The growl was back as Walker declared, “We’re moving you out today.”

  I giggled, throwing my arms around him and burying my face between his pecs.

  We quickly dressed, brushed our teeth, and made it out to the dining room.

  Liam gave Walker and me a devilish grin. “Well, well, well, if it isn’t the two lovebirds.” He let out an exaggerated kissing noise, and I elbowed him in the gut. “Hey! I’m still wounded.”

  I snorted. “You’re as wounded as I am, which is not at all.”

  Liam grinned. “I don’t know, my head still hurts a bit. Think one of those cute nurses would make a house call?”

  Both Walker and I groaned. Liam had had the entire hospital staff aflutter with his presence, especially the young nurses. Luckily, his charming personality had endeared them all to him, even the straight men, so the press never found out about him being in Sutter Lake.

  Liam knocked shoulders with me. “Come on, help this poor injured soul put the silverware out.”

  I laughed, and Walker headed into the kitchen, shaking his head. “I can’t listen to this fool anymore.”

  “That’s gratitude for you,” Liam called after him. He tipped his head down to me. “I save both of your lives, and this is the thanks I get.”

  Now it was my turn to shake my head, but my lips were tipped into a smile as I moved around the dining room, setting down knives and forks. Helping Liam set the table, I was suddenly struck by the full-circle moment. Almost a year ago now, I had stood in a similar place, doing this very same thing. Getting ready to tell my closest friends that I was planning to move to Sutter Lake for a year. Now, that year was potentially forever.

  Liam pointed a butter knife in my direction. “You’ve got an I’m-up-to-something smile on your face, Taylor. What gives?”

  I bit the inside of my cheek. “Nothing.”

  “You’re a horrible liar.”

  The rest of the crew poured into the dining room. Walker and Austin carried heaping piles of food, while Carter carried little Ethan in her arms.

  “Why are you calling my girl a liar?” Walker asked as he set down a platter and came to put an arm around my shoulders. “You keep saying you’re still injured, but you’re asking for an ass-kicking.”

  Austin snorted. “He’s always asking for an ass-kicking.”

  Liam clutched his hands over his heart in mock-affront. “I’m hurt. Truly. Taylor here,” he said, pointing the butter knife at me again, eyes narrowing, “had that I’m-up-to-something smile on her face, but she wouldn’t tell me why.”

  All eyes came to me, and my smile only got bigger. I turned my gaze to my shoes.

  “Something is up,” Carter agreed. “Tell us what’s going on.”

  “Let’s sit,” I urged, and everyone hesitantly took their seats. Walker took my hand under the table.

  Carter’s jaw fell open. “Are you pregnant?”

  It was bad timing. I had just taken a sip of orange juice, and it spewed out of my mouth as I choked. Right onto Liam’s plate.

  He looked thoroughly disgusted. “Gee, thanks.”

  I ignored Liam. “I’m not pregnant! Why would you think that?”

  Carter bit her lip. “I don’t know, you’re all glowy and happy.”

  “Those are kind of knocked-up vibes,” Austin agreed.

  I glared at them both. As excited as I was for the future, I was not ready for a baby yet. I turned my gaze to Walker, who was shaking with silent laughter. No help from him. “Walker asked me to move in with him. I’m staying in Sutter Lake.”

  Carter beamed, handing Ethan to Austin and coming around the table to pull me up and into a tight hug. “I’m so happy for you.” She squeezed harder. “I’m sad for myself, not having you back in LA, but so happy for you.”

  I pulled back from my bestie, tears glistening in both of our eyes. “I’ll come visit, lots. And you’ll always have a place here.”

  “Actually, we might have our own place here,” Austin broke in.

  My eyes widened, going from Carter to Austin and back again. “What?”

  Carter’s lips tipped up. “I had a feeling you’d be staying here, and Austin and I thought it would be nice to have a place where we could get away from the craziness of LA. Why not Sutter Lake?”

  I let out a high-pitched squeal, dissolving into some sort of dorky happy-dance with Carter.

  Liam stuck a finger in his ear as if he were trying to clear it. “Damn, woman. First, you spit on my plate, and now you’re trying to make me go deaf.”

  I ran around the table, giving Austin a huge hug and kiss on the cheek. “Thank you.” Then I continued on to Liam, hugging him and pinching his cheek. “What about you?”

  He swatted my hand away. “Well, I was actually thinking about asking if I could stay here a while. I need a break from LA. What do you say, Walker, think your family would rent me the place?”

  Walker studied Liam, probably wondering the same thing I was. What was he hiding from in LA? We’d never gotten around to that heart-to-heart, but I’d make sure that happened sooner rather than later. “We’d be happy to have you stay on,” Walker said.

  I grinned and clapped my hands like a five-year-old. All my favorite people in the same place. Walker pulled me down to his lap and kissed me soundly.

  “Ew, gross, we’re about to eat,” Liam whined. Austin chucked a biscuit at him.

  “I’m glad you’re happy, Short-stack.” Walker kissed the end of my nose.

  “I’m the happiest.”

  Shoving the last drawer of Walker’s dresser—no, our dresser—closed, I flopped back onto the bed. All my stuff was moved in. Well, the little I’d had sent to me from Texas. I’d have to get everything I had in storage sent up here, too, but there was no need to tell Walker that his home was about to be inundated with dozens of boxes of girlie things.

  My eyes traveled around the space, taking everything in. This was the place I would make my home. It was gorgeous, with its high, beamed ceilings and wide-planked floors, but it could use a bit of a feminine touch. I grinned to myself as I wondered how Walker would react to decorative throw pillows.

  I stared up at the ceiling, mentally planning a trip to one of the cute little home décor shops in town. Walker’s voice drifted in from the deck off the master bedroom as he talked on the phone. My shoulders tensed as I recognized the tone of concern in his voice.

  I sat up, shoving myself against the pillows as Walker strode through the door. His eyes were pinched, and he scrubbed a hand down the side of his face. I patted the spot on the bed next to me. “How is she?”

  Walker sat down on the edge of the bed, toeing off his boots and scooting up until he was reclined against the pillows, as well. He sighed. “She’s pretending everything’s fine, but I know it’s not. I hate that she won’t talk to me.”

  Walker and I were both worried about Jensen. She’d broken down in tears the first time she saw me in the hospital, apologizing for bringing Bryce into all of our lives. None of this was her fault, but she couldn’t see it any other way and had completely shut down. Now, she refused to talk about Bryce or what had happened.

bsp; Walker traced circles on the back of my hand. “Do you think she’s mad at me for killing him?”

  I sat up with a start. “What? No, Walker.” I grasped his hand in mine. “She hates him for what he did. She probably would have killed him herself. But Jensen blames herself. We just need to keep telling her none of this was her fault, even if she can’t hear it right now.”

  Walker’s jaw hardened. “I wish I could kill him all over again for what he’s putting her through.”

  Walker had been cleared of any wrongdoing in Bryce’s death, and Ashlee had been committed to a criminal psychiatric ward a few counties over, but the siblings’ presence was still sending ripples of pain throughout the community.

  I squeezed Walker’s hand, not having adequate words to ease his pain. He tugged on my arm, pulling me to his chest. The rhythmic beating of his heart, the steadiness of it, brought comfort.

  I pressed a kiss to his t-shirt-clad chest. “I wish I had the words to make it better.”

  Walker’s lips brushed the top of my head. “You make it better just by being here, right like this.”

  I lifted my head so that my chin rested on his sternum. There was so much love in his gaze, and I was overwhelmed by my need for him. My mouth met his as I climbed up the bed to straddle him.

  Warmth flooded me as his lips caressed mine in a dance that was a mixture of comfort and heat. I rocked my hips against his, and Walker let out a groan as his eyes fell closed. I rocked again, and they flew open.

  He tugged at the bottom of my shirt, pulling it up and over my head. His gaze traveled from my face then traced a line down the column of my neck to my breasts and lower. The look in Walker’s eyes hardened, and I tensed.

  He traced his fingers, feather-light, over the raised scars on my belly, still an angry red. “I’m so sorry this happened. So fucking sorry I didn’t get to you in time.”

  I placed two fingers under his chin, lifting it so that his eyes met mine. “You did get there in time. I’m here. I get to make a life with you. That’s what matters.”

  With a growl, Walker flipped me onto my back so that he was between my legs and hovering over me. My breath caught in my throat as he cupped my cheek. “I love you so fucking much.” His words were a fierce battle cry.

  Walker trailed a hand down my neck, moving lower and lower at a painfully slow pace. I leaned up as he reached behind me to unhook my bra. His gaze zeroed in on my nipples, and he bent to pull one into his mouth. He lapped and laved as I squirmed beneath him, pressing my thighs together to try and get some semblance of relief. It didn’t work.

  Walker released my tight bud from his lips and kissed each one. “My favorite color, this dusky shade of pink when you’re turned on and your nipples are straining to get to me.”

  My core tightened at his words, and I dipped a hand under his tee, trailing my fingers over his taut skin. Walker trailed his tongue lower. So very gently, he kissed his way down one scar and then the other.

  My breath caught at the tender gesture. The warmth that had flooded me at his lips’ first touch caught fire now, giving me that beautiful burn. The blaze that caused my heart to clench and my nerve endings to sing.

  “I need you,” I whispered.

  That was all it took. Walker pulled down the shorts I was wearing with a speed that was almost alarming. He tore his t-shirt off and had his pants on the floor within seconds.

  I took a moment to drink him in—the broad shoulders, perfectly formed muscles straining with need. My eyes found his. “You’re perfect.”

  He pounced, his mouth devouring my lips, tongue stroking mine. Walker pulled back, uncertainty flooding his face. “Tell me if anything hurts.”

  “I will.”

  Walker cupped my face, his eyes boring into mine. “Promise me.”

  My heart squeezed. “I promise.”

  His tip bumped up against my opening.

  “Please.” It came out as a half word, half moan, and I didn’t even care.

  In that deliciously slow tempo he had turned into an art form, Walker pressed in. The pressure built, and when he was fully seated inside me, I felt him everywhere. From the tips of my toes straining against the mattress, to the top of my head arching back into the pillow. He zinged through every nerve ending, danced through every vein. He was in me now and forever.

  My fingers pressed into his shoulders while I wrapped my legs around him so my heels dug into his ass. I loved feeling the bunch and bow of his muscles beneath me as he slowly moved. The delicious drag of his cock against my walls was heaven.

  Each pass seemed to drive him deeper and build the spiral of sensations higher. My skin seemed to tingle everywhere, vibrating to the tempo that Walker set with his thrusts. His pace increased, and a fine sheen of sweat covered us both. When he finally drove so deep he bottomed out, I couldn’t help the sharp intake of air.

  Walker’s eyes fell closed for the briefest of moments, and then his lips were on mine with a hunger I’d never felt from him before. It was as if he wanted to connect us in every way possible, see how deeply he could instill himself in me.

  I cupped his face as he pulled back, sucking in air. “You’re everywhere. I love you, Walker.”

  “You’re mine.” His words were choked.

  “I’m yours.” I brushed my lips against his. “And you’re mine.”

  “I’m yours.”

  My heartbeat stuttered at the emotion in his eyes, in his voice, radiating throughout his body. It was that emotion raining over me that sent me spiraling over the edge. Everything came together in a way I had never experienced before. His touch. His words. His heart. The orgasm sent such powerful waves through my body, I saw stars.

  My inner-muscles clamped down so hard, I thought it might have caused Walker pain. He let out a curse I couldn’t quite discern as his back arched and he thrust even deeper, releasing everything he had.

  Walker collapsed on the bed, rolling us so that I was now on top of him, both of us panting. I tried to grasp onto reality as I came down from the otherworldly high.

  Walker’s heartbeat thrummed against my cheek. I placed a kiss directly over it. “Thank you for letting me belong to you.”

  He squeezed me harder against him, brushing his lips against my hair. “Never letting you go. We’re going to build a beautiful life together.”




  I pushed open the front door, calling out as I did. “I’m home! Are you here? If you are, pour me a large drink because I’ve had quite the day.”

  “In the kitchen,” Walker called back.

  I slipped off my heels by the front door and headed towards Walker’s voice. “Timmy Jenkins stuck an open glue stick in Sally Peters’ hair.”

  I heard Walker’s low chuckle before I saw him. “He must like her.”

  I rounded the corner and drank in the sight of my gorgeous man. “It’s not funny. We couldn’t get it out, so I had to call her mother to come get her and take her to a hairdresser.”

  Walker pressed his lips together in an attempt to stifle his laughter. I was back to teaching, first as a substitute last year, and now as a full-time second-grade teacher right here in Sutter Lake. I loved it, even with dramas like today.

  I melted into Walker as he wrapped his arms around me. “How was your day?”

  “Boring. Nothing but paperwork and a couple tourist speeding tickets.” He might have sounded annoyed with the lack of action, but I knew Walker was happiest when his town was sleepy. He pressed his lips to my forehead. “Come on, I want to take you somewhere.”

  I tipped my head back. “I’m exhausted, can’t we just stay in tonight?”

  Walker brushed his lips against mine, and I sank into the kiss. His tongue swept into my mouth, and I groaned. “You’re not playing fair,” I said, pulling back.

  He sent a mischievous grin my way. “You’ll be glad you let me steal you away. I’ll even take a couple beers with us so you can have
that drink you’re craving.”

  “I think I’ve earned two.”

  Walker chuckled. “Deal.” He grabbed three beers from the fridge and led me back out the front door, barely giving me enough time to slip on some flip-flops.

  Once in the truck, Walker typed something into his phone. “Sorry,” he said. “Tuck had a question about a case.”

  I leaned back in my seat, putting my feet up on the dash. “So, where are you taking me?”

  Walker slipped his phone into the cupholder and turned over the ignition. “You’ll just have to wait and see.”

  He was always doing things like this for me. Surprising me with dinner out or taking the boat around the lake, even just finding a new place for the two of us to go running together. Within a couple of minutes, I saw that tonight, he was taking me to our spot.

  A smile played on my lips as we crested the hill to the overlook Walker had taken me to the very first time we’d gone running together. It was my favorite place in all of Sutter Lake. We came here often. Sometimes, on a run, other times we’d bring a picnic lunch, or like tonight, a couple of beers and a blanket.

  I reached over, squeezing Walker’s muscular thigh and pressing my lips to his cheek. “We’re just in time for sunset.”

  His gaze met mine briefly before he turned back to the gravel road. “Glad you let me steal you away?”

  “Very glad,” I whispered into his ear before sucking the lobe into my mouth.

  “Damn, woman, you’re going to make me wreck my truck.”

  I giggled but released my hold, sitting back in my seat. Walker pulled to a stop and got out, grabbing a blanket from the cab. He opened my door and helped me hop down from the entirely too tall truck.

  I grabbed the beer from Walker’s arms as he went to spread the blanket out under a beautiful Aspen tree. Walker leaned against the tree’s smooth trunk and patted the ground between his legs. I needed no further encouragement and hurried over, settling between his thighs.

  I held up two beers, and he used the bottle opener on his keychain to pop the tops. We were silent as we sipped, just watching the sky put on a dazzling show and soaking up the simple joy of being together.


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