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On the Rocks (Kingston Brothers Book 1)

Page 12

by Isabel Lucero

  I sleep until one-thirty. When I got home, I fed Penny, shoved a granola bar in my mouth, and took a shower. I then collapsed in bed and didn’t move again until the incessant ringing of my phone woke me up.

  By the time I garnered enough energy to roll over and reach for the phone on my nightstand, it stopped ringing. But now it’s ringing again.

  “Hello?” I answer in a scratchy voice, not bothering to look at the screen.

  “Bitch! Where the fuck have you been? I thought you had been kidnapped and murdered.”

  I roll onto my back with the phone pressed to my ear. “I’m alive and well. Sorry, I was just unconscious.”

  “I sent you a thousand text messages.”

  “I haven’t seen them. I’m sorry.”

  “Jesus McChrist.”

  “Sorry, Midge.”

  She lets out a breath. “Whatever. Now tell me what the hell happened last night.”

  “It’s a long story.”

  “You think I give a shit? Okay, let me help you out. Did you tell him you broke up with Hunter?”


  “Did he ask you out?”


  “Did you ask him out?”


  She huffs in frustration.

  “Did you guys have sex?”

  I pause. “Yes.”

  “Ahhhh!” she screams. “Oh my God. Finally. Tell me everything. I mean it. Every single thing.”

  I tell her everything, and then she asks me what I’ve been asking myself.

  “So, what now?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Are y’all gonna date?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Did you exchange phone numbers?”

  I didn’t even think about that. “No.”

  “Oh my God. You guys are the worst. Did you say anything to each other besides fuck me?”

  “I didn’t say that.”

  “Well, you should. Guys love that. So, was this just a hook-up?”

  “I guess. I don’t really know. We didn’t have a conversation about it. We’re both attracted to each other. I guess this was bound to happen, but who knows what it means. You and I both know Royce doesn’t date.”

  “And you love to be in relationships.”

  I sigh. “Maybe we’ll talk the next time I’m in there.”

  “Or maybe it will be awkward as fuck, because y’all didn’t exchange numbers and won’t have talked for days after fucking all night, and neither one of you will know what to say or do.”

  “Thanks, Midge,” I groan.


  My phone beeps, so I pull it away from my ear and glance at the screen.

  “Hunter is calling me.”

  “What? Why? No, don’t answer it.”

  I don’t. “Why do you think he’s calling?”

  “Why do you think? To try to make amends.”


  He calls two more times while I’m on the phone with Midge, but I don’t pick up. After the last call, I get another notification.

  “He left a message.”

  Midge scoffs. Her disdain for him remains strong. When I told her we broke up, I mentioned some of what he said about her. She laughed and said men are intimidated by her, and because they don’t know how to deal with her, then tend to dislike her.

  “Well, I hope you spend the rest of your day figuring out what to say to Royce. Call the bar. Talk to him. Y’all need to figure out what happens next. We’ll be there Wednesday, and I don’t want it to be all awkward.”

  “Yes, Mom,” I joke.

  She gasps. “You’re grounded.” And then she hangs up.

  I take a few minutes to go through all my missed messages. Midge really did text a lot. She also threatened to kill me if I wasn’t dead, because that should’ve been the only reason it was taking me so long to get back to her.

  I send her a text, hoping to make her laugh.

  Not dead. Just dicked.

  She responds immediately.

  Ha! Dicked down! You’re not grounded anymore.

  I laugh, and click back to my other unread messages. One from my mom who wants to come visit soon. I sigh when I read Hunter’s name. He sent two.


  I’m sorry. Please call me.

  I skim back over our messages before those, happy messages, talking about the current TV show we’ve been binge-watching. A picture I sent to him of me eating his favorite ice cream, and him sending a sad face emoji in return.

  I take a deep breath and listen to the voicemail he just left.

  “London, we need to talk. Look, I know I messed up. I can’t apologize enough. I care about you so much, and I don’t want us to end over something like this. I can do better. I can be better. You make me want to do that. I’m sorry. Please call me. Let’s work this out. Please.”

  He sounds broken and sad, and part of my heart goes out to him. We’ve been together for a year, and throughout that year we’ve been through a lot. We’ve had good times and bad times, like everyone else, and even though I’ve been experiencing a disconnect between us, I wonder if it was my fault.

  I run my hands over my face, frustrated with myself. I had an amazing night with Royce, and I don’t even know what, if anything, will happen between us now. I’m afraid I’ll get hurt, because I know Royce is a bachelor. You can’t pull a man away from that lifestyle before they’re ready, that’s how you get cheated on. Maybe it was just a fun night for the both of us. Something we both wanted to happen, but couldn’t act on it because of Hunter.

  As I make myself something to eat, I have an internal argument over what to do. Do I call Hunter back and hear him out? Do I call the bar and hope Royce is there and figure out what he wants to do? But what would I say? Hey, I need to know if you want to be in a serious relationship with me. There’s no way I’m doing that. He has to make the first move. He has to let me know in some way whether what we did was a one-time thing or whether that was just the first step in us becoming a couple. And do I want to jump right into another relationship? Should I stay single?

  Fuck, if I had a therapist, she’d have her work cut out for her. I have too many questions and no idea where to go for answers.

  An hour later, all the thoughts and questions, fears and worries, what ifs and what nows continue to thrash around in my brain driving me crazy. I decide to throw on my tennis shoes and run it out. I’ll run and run, and maybe I’ll get lucky enough to run into some answers.

  With ear buds in and music blasting, I dash out the front door, wave to Ms. Nordine, and run my usual route. The weather is perfect. The clouds are thick, blanketing the sun and sky, and the wind blows a steady, gentle breeze. I recite the lyrics in my head, because at least when I do that, I’m not thinking about anything else. And then The Unwanted’s new song comes on. I forgot I downloaded it recently. And now I can’t help but think about Royce, because his brother’s band is playing in my ears.

  I quickly change the song and try to clear my mind again. The next forty-five minutes go by fast, and before I know it, I’m rounding the corner and running toward my apartment. My feet falter, and I slow down as I approach the building, because I spot Hunter’s white truck parked in front of my place.

  For a hot second, I think about doing a one-eighty and booking it back down the street, but he spots me.

  “Hunter,” I say, pulling out one of my ear buds. “I’m not in the mood.”

  “I just want to talk.”

  “I know, and I’m not in the mood to talk to you.”

  He pushes away from his truck and falls into step with me as I walk to my door. I have my key connected to a bright pink wrist coil, but I don’t move to unlock the door because I don’t want him to think he’s coming in.

  “I know I was a dick on Friday. I’m sorry. I know your friends are important to you, and I’ll do my best to get to know them. You have to understand, our friends are polar opposites, and I’m just no
t used to that kind of energy.”

  “You’re saying you can only be around people who are just like you? How do you function in the world?”

  He wraps his hand around my arm, his eyes tired and red rimmed. “Please.”

  I glance at his hand before meeting his eyes with a glare. He lets go, but he doesn’t back up. We’re less than a foot apart, and I know he’s waiting for me to say yes, let’s give it another go, but I can’t bring myself to say that.

  Ms. Nordine coughs, so I take a glimpse in her direction and find her watching us over her book. I give her a smile and wave to ensure her everything’s okay.

  “Hunter, I can’t talk right now. I have a lot of thinking to do. Our problems aren’t just because you were a dick on Friday. You never want to do anything I want to do. You’re always in control of our plans. We hang out with your friends all the time. We go to your favorite places and do your favorite things. We talk about your job and your hobbies. You don’t want to come out with me to the bar or to dinner because my friends are there.” I take a breath. “Hunter, you’re selfish.”

  Shock and hurt wash over his face. He didn’t seem to realize that’s who he is as a person. People tend to not notice the negative traits they carry. They like to say things like, I am who I am, but you can choose to not be a selfish asshole. You can change that about yourself if you want to.

  “I gotta go,” I tell him, turning around and unlocking the door.

  He doesn’t respond, but when I peek through the peephole, I find him standing there, still in shock. It takes a good thirty seconds before his truck starts up with a loud rumble.

  In the shower, the steady stream of water masks my tears as they fall from my eyes.

  “Why do you have that stupid look on your face?” Cill asks from across the table.

  I glance up from my phone. “Who, me?”

  Cill exchanges a look with Elijah before meeting my gaze again. “You’re the only one with a stupid look on your face.”

  I try to mask my smile, my lips pressing into a line before the grin takes over again. “Why can’t I smile? And since when is smiling a stupid look?”

  “Who are you texting?” Elijah asks, nodding to my phone.

  “Nobody,” I answer honestly, placing my phone on the table and focusing on my food.

  This week we have chicken parmesan, so I cut into my chicken and twirl my fork into the pasta. Unfortunately, I don’t have London’s number, and I want to kick myself for not getting it.

  “Then why are you smiling at your phone?” Cill questions, shoveling food into his mouth.

  “I was just thinking.”

  “About what?” he asks, mouth full of food.

  When I look at Elijah, he grins and nods, seemingly aware without me having to say anything.

  “London broke up with her boyfriend.”

  “What?” Cill almost chokes. “She did? For real?”

  “Yep,” I answer with what I’m sure is actually a stupid grin. Stupidly large and stupidly excited.

  “And?” he demands.

  “Well, I’m not one to kiss and tell.”

  “Shiiiit,” Cill says with a laugh. “That says enough.”

  “So, she’s done with this other guy?” Elijah asks.

  “Yeah, she said she broke up with him Friday night.”

  Cillian hisses and then shares a look with Elijah before turning back to me.

  “That recently?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  “And y’all hooked up yesterday?” Cill asks.

  I huff. “Just spit out whatever it is you want to say.”

  “What if you were just a rebound?”

  “What if I’m not?”

  “It was so soon after she broke up with ol’ dude. She was probably still all emotional about it and shit. Do you know why she broke up with him? Like, did he cheat on her or something? Because if they just got into a little fight, they could get back together. If it was something like him cheating, then yeah, she probably won’t go back to him.”

  “I’m not gonna let you ruin my good mood,” I say, taking a sip of my Coke.

  “I’m not trying to bring you down. I’m just calling it like I see it. Zoe and I have gotten into fights, broken up, just to get back together again. It happens, man.”

  Sugarfoot approaches me, begging for scraps. I scratch him behind the ears, and that seems to make him happy.

  “Anyway,” I say, not wanting to get into this conversation. “Where is Zoe?”

  “Ah, she said she was going out with a friend for drinks or something.”

  “And you?” I shift my attention to Elijah. “Find a woman yet?”

  He glares at me. “Who said I was looking?”

  “You aren’t?”

  He shrugs. “I’m perfectly content.”

  I look at Cill and make a face. “Content is not happy.”

  “And you are?” he counters.

  “I am.”

  I see Cillian shake his head, but I choose to ignore him.

  “Don’t worry about me, Royce,” Elijah says. “I’m not lonely.”

  “Oh, excuse me. I forgot we were dealing with a gigolo over here.”

  “Hardly. I don’t get paid.”

  “Do you pay them?”

  “What?” he barks.

  I laugh. “I’m kidding, jeez.”

  “You know ol’ Elijah doesn’t need to pay for company. He’s got all those hot little co-eds knocking on his office door every day. Professor Kingston, can you please help me? Oops, I dropped my book. Let me just bend over and pick it up. Cill’s imitation of a college girl is terrible, but we all roar with laughter.

  “I don’t sleep with my students,” Elijah says pointedly. “There’s staff members and…”

  “Oh, that’s better. Isn’t there a rule about that, too?” I ask.


  Before I can say anything, my phone starts vibrating on the table.

  “It’s Merrick,” I announce, pressing the green button to accept his FaceTime call.

  “Hey, bro,” I answer, rotating my chair so I can show the screen to Elijah and Cill. “We’re all having dinner. Wish you were here.”

  “Oh, man. Me too. What’re y’all having?

  “Chicken parm and pasta,” I answer.

  Merrick groans. “My favorite. Well, I’m having,” he pauses to pick up a Dunkin Donuts coffee cup and shoves it into the screen, “this and some big ass, greasy pizza. But it’s pretty good.”

  “How’s everything going?” Elijah asks him.

  “Everything is great. Lots of long nights, but we’re happy. This is what we worked for, ya know?”

  “Where’s the rest of the guys?” Cill questions.

  “A couple of them are on the balcony smoking.”

  “Well, you make sure you remind them that you used to practice in this house. Don’t let fame make you forget us,” Elijah says with a laugh.

  Merrick chuckles. “We’ll never forget you guys. Did you tell them I’m coming back?” he asks me.



  Cillian and Elijah ask their questions at the same time.

  “Well, before we go on tour. I want to go back and see you guys, and I want to grab the guitar Dad bought me. It still in my room?”

  “Of course,” Elijah answers with a nod. The mood has suddenly turned somber.

  “Yeah, I just want to have it with me.” Merrick drops his gaze, his face stricken with memories.

  Cill clears his throat. “So, your album comes out soon, yeah?”

  “Yeah, in like eight days. So, I’ll be home before then, because I’ll need to be back here when it comes out. The video premieres in a couple days, so I’ll probably be there to watch with you guys.”

  “Well, we can’t fuckin’ wait to see you again,” Cill says.

  Merrick grins. “All right, well, I’ll let y’all finish dinner, and I’ll let you know when to expect me. Love you guys.”
  “We love you, too,” I say before disconnecting the call.

  “It’ll be nice to have him back,” Elijah states, clearing his throat and grabbing his silverware.

  Elijah became our legal guardian when he was twenty-four. Cill and I were fifteen and sixteen, so we only had a few years before we were out of the house, but Merrick was only eleven when our parents died, so he spent more time with Elijah, and because of that, their relationship is a little different. I can tell Elijah has missed him being around.

  It’ll be nice to have all of us brothers under the same roof again. I make a mental note to talk to Cillian about staying here for a couple days when Merrick comes into town. I think it’s something Elijah would appreciate.

  “It’s Wednesday, and you know what that means, right?” Midge asks, coming around the corner.

  “I know.”

  “Did you talk to Royce yet or is it gonna be awkward as fuck for everyone within ten feet of y’all?”

  I tap my index finger on my chin and gaze up to the ceiling, pretending to think. “Awkward as fuck.”

  “Seriously? You know he’s at the bar like every fucking day. Why didn’t you go by and talk to him?”

  I sigh. “I didn’t know what to say. And Hunter came by my place on Sunday, and I’ve just been…I don’t know. I’m confused.”

  “Confused about what? Hunter?”

  “Maybe,” I answer.

  Midge exhales loudly. “Look, I’m not aware of all the ins and outs of your relationship, I just know what I see. You know my feelings, so I won’t go into them now, because I can tell you’re still all in yours. However, I want what’s best for you. I think Royce is a good guy. I’ve known him longer than you, and yes, while he’s been living his bachelor life for a while, that doesn’t define him. He’s gone through a lot, and he’s still kind and thoughtful, and funny. You have a lot to learn about him, but you’re gonna do what you’re gonna do, just know I’m here for you no matter what.”

  I give her a small smile as a lump in my throat forms and tears threaten to spill down my cheeks. “Thank you.”

  She squeezes my shoulder before turning away and going back to her office. An hour later, we’re getting ready to leave, so I dig into my purse and look at my phone and find a text from Hunter.


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