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On the Rocks (Kingston Brothers Book 1)

Page 14

by Isabel Lucero

  At a quarter after six, I pull into Elijah’s driveway and realize Cill isn’t here yet. I walk right in and Sugarfoot lazily comes around the corner to see who’s here.

  “Hey, buddy,” I say, scratching him behind the ears. He jumps up and puts his paws on my stomach, so I kneel down and give him some more attention. “Does Elijah not play with you enough? Huh?”

  “Please. All I do is give that dog attention,” Elijah says, strolling into the foyer. “How you doing?”

  “I’m fine,” I answer, getting up and brushing fur off my shirt.

  “Why did you go dark yesterday? You know we were worried.”

  “Sorry about that. I was just working on my house. Got in the zone, you know?”

  He regards me, probably aware that I’m not giving him the full story. “Merrick called me and said he had called you three times and sent a dozen texts. You know he’s the most affected. You have to be available, Royce, or at least let us know you want to be left alone for a while.”

  I run my hands through my hair. “I know. I’m sorry, okay? I’m fine.”

  “All right,” he concedes. “Cill will be here soon. I think him and Zoe are fighting.”

  “Again?” I ask, following him across the hardwood floor into the living room.

  “Yeah, well, he’s been spending a lot of time in his studio, and you know he’s capable of pushing people away when he’s working. I think she’s feeling abandoned.”

  I shrug. “Well, that’s how he’s always been. She knows that. It’s how he works.”

  “I don’t know. I’m sure they’ll be fine. Want a drink?”

  “I’ll wait.”

  He removes the glasses he wears when he’s grading papers and rubs the center of his forehead before pouring himself a drink. “I’m glad it’s the weekend.”

  “Yeah? Long week?”

  “Mm,” he murmurs, taking a gulp. “Yeah. Leading up to finals now, so some of the students are starting to worry they won’t pass.

  “How much longer until the summer?”

  He rubs his hand across the scruff on his chin. “Five weeks.”

  “Is my baby brother here yet?” Cill yells from the front door.

  “Nah, not yet,” I answer.

  Cill comes into the living room and spots me lounging on the couch. “Oh, there you are. Nice to know you’re alive and well, fucker. You can’t pick up the phone or what?”

  I sigh. “I’m sorry. I was just busy.”

  He snorts and walks over to the bar Elijah has setup in the corner, and grabs a beer from the small fridge behind it. “Nice.”

  I shake my head, but I know I was in the wrong, so I don’t say anything.

  Elijah looks at his watch. “Merrick should be here soon. I got some pizza on the way.”

  Cill nods and takes a swig of his beer, his face tense.

  “You good, man?” I ask.

  “Fine. Just stupid shit.”


  He takes another swig. “We’re fine. I don’t wanna talk about it, though.”

  I leave him alone about it and hope he doesn’t bring London up, because I don’t want to talk about that either. I still can’t believe she’s back with Hunter. It took a lot of self-control to not say more than I did.

  I’m hurt that she didn’t think more of our night together. I thought it was the beginning of something, but she thought it was just a one off, and didn’t hesitate to get back with her boyfriend days after I made her come three fucking times.

  “Maybe I will take a drink,” I say, getting up.

  Perhaps I should’ve made myself clear that night, but she was quick to leave, and I didn’t think for a second that I wouldn’t have a chance to talk to her before she decided to get back with Hunter. I thought once she broke up with him and came to me, that she was making a decision on what she wanted.

  “You good?” Cill asks, eyeing me as I slam the glass down on the bar harder than I needed to.

  “Yeah. Fine.”

  The three of us stand around, lost in our own thoughts and problems until we hear the door open.

  “Yo! I’m home!” Merrick’s voice rings out, and for the first time in a long time, Sugarfoot actually runs to the door. I guess we know who the favorite brother is.

  The rest of us hurry into the foyer to greet him.

  Merrick stands there, a black duffle bag at his feet and a huge smile on his face. Sugarfoot jumps around him excitedly, and Merrick laughs, trying to pet him while he spins in circles and hits him with his overly excited tail.

  Elijah gets to Merrick first, and they embrace for several seconds before me and Cill are able to get our own hugs in.

  “It’s good to see you, man,” I say, giving him a squeeze before releasing him.

  “Where’s our baby-faced brother at?” Cill asks, gesturing to Merrick’s growing beard.

  Merrick grins and rubs his cheek. “Trying something new.”

  When Merrick left several months back, he kept a close shave, making him look even younger than he is, but with his beard growing in, it definitely gives him a couple years. Merrick took after our mother with the lighter hair. Me and him both have brown hair, but he has more blond tones in his. And his eyes are darker like Cillian’s and Dad’s.

  “Where’s the guys?” Cill asks as Merrick grabs his bag and follows us into the living room.

  “Sky went to visit his parents, and Jay and Carlos aren’t coming into town until tomorrow.”

  “Drink? We’ve already started,” Elijah says.

  “I see,” Merrick responds with a laugh. “Yeah, I’ll grab something.”

  He walks to the bar and pulls out a bottle of Vodka and starts pouring. Before, Merrick didn’t drink a lot of hard liquor. Hell, he’s only twenty-two, but I can tell things are starting to change for our little rock star.

  “The guys rubbing off on ya?” I say with a grin, nodding to the vodka.

  He reaches into the fridge and grabs a bottle of tonic water and pours a small amount into the glass. “Well, living the life, right?” he says with a crooked smile.

  With his drink in hand, he folds his lanky body into the recliner that belonged to our dad. It’s old, but Elijah’s had it reupholstered.

  “When’s the video coming out?” I ask him, leaning forward and resting my arms on my knees.

  He looks at his watch. “They said it’d be on YouTube at midnight. So, what’s been going on with you guys?” he asks, his smile never leaving his face. It’s good to see him so happy.

  “I’ve just been working,” Elijah says with a shrug. “Teaching America’s youth.”

  Merrick snorts. “Anything fun?”

  Elijah gives him a look like he should know better.

  “Elijah’s a stick in the mud,” Cill says. “He goes to work, comes home and works some more, maybe goes for a run, and if he’s bored he calls some chick to hang out for a couple hours. Same shit, different day.”

  The three of us laugh, but Elijah just shakes his head and takes another sip.

  “And you?” Merrick asks Cillian.

  “I’ve been working on a new piece. It’s kept me busy, and I’m still in the shop inking America’s youth,” he says, glancing at Elijah.

  “And Zoe?”

  Cill sighs. “Ah, we got into a fight earlier, but we’ll be fine.”

  Merrick nods before angling his head toward me. “You still sleeping with half the women of Gaspar?”

  “What?” I say, sitting back, looking around. “Why do I get the man-whore title? You heard what E does, right? If I’ve had half the women, he’s had the other half.”

  “So, is that a yes?”

  “Actually, no.”

  “He’s in love with London,” Cillian says before taking a drink of his beer.

  Merrick’s brows furrow for a second. “London?”

  “Midge’s friend. The tall blonde. She was only going there for maybe six months before you left.”

  “Ah, yeah. I think
I know who you’re talking about, though. I know Midge, and I think I remember seeing her with a blonde. So, you’re in love now?” he asks, his voice going up in pitch.

  “No. Cill doesn’t know shit.”

  “He was just in here Sunday grinning like a fool. She broke up with her boyfriend or some shit.”

  “For you?” Merrick asks, eyebrows going up, like he can’t believe it.

  “Well, things are complicated.”

  “Oh shit,” Cill says, looking at me.

  “She got back with her boyfriend,” I tell them.


  “That’s fucked up.”

  “Sorry, bro.”

  I pick up my glass and down the rest of my drink.

  “You’re really doing this?” Midge questions for the third time since she showed up to my apartment.

  I let out a tired sigh. “I don’t have a choice.”

  “Well, I mean, you could not go.”

  “I want to go, Midge. I don’t want to stop going to the bar on our usual days. I’m not about to go hang out at the Rusty Den with the sixty-year old men.”

  “Yeah, but Royce is gonna be there.”

  “I know,” I say with a huff. “I know he’s gonna be there, but we’re going to have to get over this at some point. Plus, Hunter already said he’s coming.”

  Midge puts her small hand on her hip, her black painted nails the perfect contrast against her pale skin. She stares up into the corner, fighting off whatever it is she wants to say, and bites into her lip, not at all worried about ruining her matte burgundy lipstick. She’s not going to hold it in.

  “Say it.”

  She doesn’t hesitate. “It’s going to be awkward enough between you and Royce, considering, but now Hunter is gonna be there? I mean, you’re rubbing it in his face, London. I’d be pissed if I were Royce. You sleep with him, get back with Hunter, then take Hunter to the bar. You don’t see the issue?”

  I stop applying my lip gloss and meet Midge’s gaze in the mirror. “I see it.” I turn around and drop onto the edge of my bed. “You don’t think I should go anymore?”

  “I just don’t think you should take Hunter. Not right now. It’s too soon. You haven’t even seen Royce yourself yet.”

  “Hunter wanted to come in order to prove that he’s willing to hang out with my friends and do what I want. Now I have to say never mind?”

  Midge lets out a breath, her shoulders dropping as she comes to sit next to me. “Maybe just tell him to show up a little later. See how things are between you and Royce first and maybe give him a heads up.”

  I nod. “That’s a good idea. Okay, I’ll let Hunter know about the time change.”

  Midge gets up and pulls her phone from her dress pocket. “Jon and Daniel will be there, too. Henry overheard us talking about it, so I hope his annoying ass doesn’t show up.”

  “Ugh. I hope not. He gets touchy when he drinks.”

  “Let me know and I’ll chop his fucking hand off. He doesn’t mess with me anymore. Not after the Christmas party we had a few years ago. He tried feeling me up, and I kneed him in the balls. That’s all you gotta do,” she says with a shrug.

  I choose to wear a mustard yellow, halter neck, beach dress, but unlike Midge’s, mine doesn’t have pockets. Something she’s pointed out to me twice already.

  “Okay, just need to grab my wallet and phone, then I’m ready,” I say, slipping into my sandals.

  “If you had pockets, you wouldn’t have to hold all those.”

  I roll my eyes as she laughs, shoving her hands into the pockets of her casual, black dress.

  “Yeah, well, you’re gonna regret those three-quarter sleeves when it starts getting packed and hot, and you start sweating. Gross.”

  She scoffs. “Whatever.”

  “Okay, let’s go. Let me check on Penny first.”

  “That asshole cat’s probably pushing shit off the counter or something.”

  When we get to the kitchen, sure enough, we catch Pennywise rubbing against the decorative vase I have on the counter. He circles it, using it to scratch himself, but the vase starts tipping.

  “Penny!” I walk over and grab the vase, moving it to the coffee table in the living room.

  Penny watches me come back to the kitchen, then delicately walks across the counter and jumps on top of the fridge, looking down on me like I’m some sort of peasant.

  “Jerk,” I murmur, turning off the light.

  It doesn’t take us long to get to the bar, and right as we’re rounding the corner to get to the front door, my steps falter, and I look to Midge for some confidence.

  “It’ll be all right,” she says softly. “Come on.”

  She hooks her arm around mine and opens the door. I keep my eyes down, afraid to see Royce. My heart races and my stomach tightens. I feel like everyone knows what happened and is looking at me with judgement in their eyes.

  Midge keeps me moving, going straight to the bar. I still haven’t looked up, choosing instead to focus on the contents of my wallet.

  “He’s not here,” Midge says.

  My head whips up and I finally look around to see if she’s right. “That’s weird, right? It’s Saturday. He’s always here on Saturdays.”

  She shrugs and waits for Chad to spot us. “Maybe he took a day off.”

  “He probably didn’t want to see me.”

  Midge doesn’t say anything until Chad comes over. “Hey, Chad. I’ll take a Long Island, and London will have Johnnie Walker on the rocks.”

  “Black Label, please,” I add.

  “You got it.”

  “Royce is actually off, huh?” Midge asks him.

  “Yeah, he’s taking the whole weekend. Doesn’t happen often, but he could probably use the break.”

  She nods before glancing over at me. Now I feel even worse. I didn’t realize he’d be so affected.

  After Chad hands us our drinks and takes our cards for a tab, Midge eyes me over her shoulder and says, “Well, I guess you can have Hunter come whenever.”

  “Yeah, I guess.”

  But I don’t call him. Instead, as soon as Jon and Daniel show up, the four of us line up some shots and start our night off right.

  “Hey, honey,” Jon says, draping his arm around my shoulders. “I heard about…you know.” He lifts his brows but gives me a small frown.

  I look past him and toward Midge, but she isn’t paying any attention. I knew she wouldn’t keep this to herself, but I don’t mind Jon knowing. He’s one of my closest friends as well, but it’s embarrassing to talk about.

  “Yeah, well, if you can believe it, I didn’t anticipate hooking up with him that night. I just wanted to tell him I was single.”

  Jon removes his arm and takes a step back, looking down at me. He touches his chest with his fingertips, gaping at me with a mixture of shock and confusion.

  “Excuse me, what?”

  “What?” I repeat. “I thought you knew.”

  He brings the stool next to mine closer and sits down, putting his elbow on the bar and resting his face in his hand as he leans in. “Uh, no. Midge told me you broke up with Hunter and that there was the possibility of something happening between you and Royce, but you were probably getting back with Hunter.”

  “Oh.” I take a sip of my drink.

  “No, not oh. You better tell me the rest. I was here with her on Wednesday, and she was telling me she hoped you’d give Royce a chance, but knew you were meeting up with Hunter. Poor Royce came over, lookin’ like a sad puppy because you weren’t here, asking about you and all. I felt bad for him knowing you were with Hunter. Midge said she figured y’all were gonna get back together, but I wasn’t aware you actually slept with Royce!”

  “Shhh,” I say, looking around and making sure nobody heard him. “Well, yeah,” I say, keeping my voice low. “On Saturday, but then we didn’t talk about it afterwards. I went home and I don’t have his number, so we didn’t really get the chance to figure out what was
happening between us. I assumed it was a one-night stand kind of thing. Even if we hooked up a few more times, you know Royce doesn’t do relationships, so I didn’t think it would turn into anything serious.” He nods, fully captured by the story. “Anyway, Hunter wanted to get together on Wednesday to talk, and I had been avoiding him up until then, and figured I owed him a chance. And, well, to sum up, we got back together that night, and then Royce called and I had to tell him, and he told me I didn’t even give him a chance to let me know how he felt, and that if I had, I would’ve known he didn’t think it was a one-time thing.”

  Jon’s back straightens, his eyes widening. “So, he likes you likes you?”

  I shrug. “I didn’t think he’d want a relationship with me.”

  “But now you know he does want one. So, what does that mean?”

  “It doesn’t mean anything. I’m with Hunter, I can’t just break up with him again. I know Hunter and he knows me. We know things about each other that other people don’t. There’s history and…” I trail off.

  “Familiarity,” Jon finishes. “That’s what it is, honey. You guys are familiar, and that’s comforting. People are afraid to be alone or they’re afraid of venturing into uncharted territory because they don’t know what they’re gonna come across.”

  I stay silent, soaking up what he said. Maybe he’s right.

  “Well, I’m pretty sure Royce hates me now.”

  “I’m sure he doesn’t.”

  I shrug, staring at the bar with my brows pulled together.

  “Don’t frown,” he says, touching my forehead with his finger. “Causes wrinkles.” He grins. “Come on, let’s drink. You made the decision you thought was best for you, and you’ll eventually find out if it was the right decision, or just another life lesson. We can drink to either one.”

  I laugh. “Thanks, Jon. I love you.”

  “I know you do. I love you, too.”

  Daniel and Midge find their way back to us, and we all order some food and take it to a booth. Hunter’s set to arrive soon, but I haven’t texted to remind him, because I want to see if he remembers on his own.

  As we’re polishing off the rest of the food, Midge raises her hand to get the attention of someone. I turn around and find Hunter standing near the front door.


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