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Rayne Comes to Town

Page 13

by Dannie Marsden

  The image of Lucifer lying in a pool of blood brought her back down to earth.

  “What’s on your mind, Rayne? You seem a million miles away.”

  Rayne heard the soft voice and turned her head. “Mmm…just thinking how nice this is.” She smiled at Emma and let out a contented breath.

  “Oh, I don’t think so. A frown isn’t usually symbolic of happiness.” Emma’s fingers began to brush across Rayne’s taut stomach.

  “God, woman, you make it difficult to think.” Rayne captured Emma’s hand. “And you are insatiable as well. As much as I’d like to stay and fix that, I unfortunately have livestock to tend to.”

  She grinned. “Though I just might come back here when I’m done and at least attempt to fix your problem.”

  Rayne scampered out of bed just as Emma was about to swat her. She reached for her pants and was putting them on when she saw Emma stretching. The blankets were slipping down and Rayne could see the swell of Emma’s perfectly formed breasts. With a groan, Rayne forced her eyes away as she reached for her shirt, put it on, gave Emma one last glance, and headed out to the other room

  Emma’s rich laugher followed her all the way out the door.

  With a smile on her face and that lingering sense of finally belonging, Rayne went about her morning chores. She whistled a tune as she fed the horses and the chickens before she raked out the stalls in the barn. She felt so happy she gave both Apache and Delilah an extra bucket of oats. A sense of sorrow hit her when she looked out to where Lucifer always laid in the morning sun.

  “Goddamn it!” Her eyes went to the building where Lucifer had lived the last few weeks of his life. She ached, knowing that she had almost decided that he was free of rabies and was going to let him out. “Lucifer, I swear I’ll find who did that to ya.”

  Rayne shook away her sad thoughts and continued with her work, smiling when she thought of Emma and the night they had spent together.

  Chapter Twenty-six

  With a smile she couldn’t stop, Emma dressed and went to the kitchen to start the coffee before making bacon, eggs, and biscuits. Last night had worked up an appetite. At least she knew it had for her. She hadn’t felt like this before. There was an excitement shaking deep inside her and a sense of completeness that until now had only been in her dreams. As she cooked the meal, her mind drifted back in time where there was just an enclosed hut and an opening in the thatched roof for the smoke to flow through.…

  The air outside was chilled, and the rolling hills had a blanket of mist covering them. The sounds of animals baying for food and the deep throaty voice of her lover as she spoke to them floated to her ears. With a smile, she prepared for the day ahead. Life was hard and the work was even harder, but she was happy because together with the woman she loved, they were carving out a life to themselves. Rae, tanned from the sun, looked magnificent. Her hair held silver streaks intertwined with the dark brown. Her frame was lean and muscular, hands rough from working the land, and without a doubt the woman had the biggest heart in the Highlands. Of course, she also held a very strong sense of right and wrong and when crossed or angered, not even the biggest man was willing to step in.

  “What ye thinkin, me love.”

  Emma heard the voice come from behind her. Her heart skipped a few beats upon hearing the rich, thick Scot-accented voice that belonged to Rae.

  “Mm, I was thinkin’ it was about time for ye to come eat.”

  “Aye, that it be, and ta be honest with ye, I’m famished.” Rae had a wicked smile as her arms went around Em and her lips descended on the soft lips in hunger.

  It was the door closing softly that brought Emma out of her thoughts. When she looked up and saw Rayne walk into the kitchen, her heart skipped a beat just as it had in her dreams.

  “What’s the smile all about?” Rayne asked as the edges of her lips tugged into a similar smile of her own.

  “I was just thinkin’ about last night and this mornin’,” Emma replied.

  “Ah, and were you thinkin’ anythin’ in particular?”

  “Mmm, maybe. But your breakfast is getting cold.”

  “Oh, we can’t have that.” Rayne laughed as she sat down and began eating. After just a few bites, she suddenly mumbled something and excused herself.

  Emma, who was busy getting food on her own plate felt both surprised and uncomfortable.

  In the barn Rayne paced, embarrassment and anger surging through her. How could she have been so stupid? Did she honestly believe that the beautiful blonde woman inside her house could actually have been happy with the way she had forced herself on her last night?

  Just because she had worked in a saloon didn’t mean she would… Jesus Christ, Rayne, she told you that son of a bitch Sprigs had been her first, what in the hell makes you think she even welcomed your touch? She isn’t a whore for Christ’s sake.

  With her mood growing darker by the minute, Rayne went to work mucking out the stalls.


  Emma was shocked at Rayne’s sudden departure. Pushing away from the table, she rushed to the door Rayne had just walked through.

  “Rayne what’s wrong? What did I do or say?” she shouted after her.

  Rayne ignored her. Emma followed her into the barn.

  “Just leave me alone, I don’t want to talk right now,” Rayne cried.

  Emma stopped dead in her tracks. Her mind replayed the events of the meal, trying to grasp what it was that had upset Rayne so much. With nothing coming to her confused mind, she turned and headed back to the small house and into the kitchen where she sat down in a daze.

  “Damn it, Rayne Mathews, I don’t know what your problem is, but if you want to act as if that’s how you want things, so be it,” she said aloud as she stood and began picking up dishes and slamming them down. Once she finished the task of cleaning the kitchen, she moved to the bedroom. Her eyes went to the bed they had shared the night before. She grew warm at the memories and her body and heart reacted to what she remembered. Then she remembered Rayne’s sudden coldness at breakfast. With a firm shake of her head, she uttered, “No. I will not pretend that was anything other than her just using me. She ain’t no better than a man, thinking women of my lot in life is theirs for their pleasure. Well, you go ahead and enjoy memories of last night, Rayne, I promise it won’t happen again,” Emma ranted.

  She tore the sheets off the bed so she could wash them.


  The morning’s work was long and hot and by the time she decided it was time to head in for lunch Rayne had finally sorted through her feelings and realized she owed Emma an apology. With a frowning face she rode Samson home, rehearsing how she would approach Emma. Once she turned the horse loose in the corral she headed to the house. She walked in expecting to see Emma and was surprised when she saw only one plate on the table. In an instant, she had forgotten that apology she was going to make and stormed back out of the house.

  Chapter Twenty-seven

  Emma heard the door open and Rayne walk into the kitchen then she heard the door slam again. With a tear in her eye, she lowered her head. What did she expect, that I would be standing there with a smile waiting for her? After this morning…oh, I don’t think so.

  So why are you crying, the tiny voice in her head asked.

  “I don’t know. Maybe because last night was so wonderful and I thought it was the same way for her,” Emma answered aloud.

  Emma was too busy thinking angry, painful thoughts that she didn’t hear the door open or the footsteps before it was too late. She turned when she heard the deep laugh. Emma backed up as her heart sank and fear started to paralyze her.

  “So this is where you headed off to. Started a right nice household here, did ya? Sooo, you two….should have known any woman showing up to claim her family’s ranch without a husband would be unnatural.”

  “What do you want here, Sprigs?” Emma tried to sound strong.

  “Well, I came looking for that bitch, but since I found you inst
ead, I suppose you’ll do.” Sprigs said as he approached her.

  Emma looked at the door and thought she might be able to make it if she ran.

  Sprigs’ strong arms caught her, however, and once she was in his arms, Sprigs brought his mouth down to Emma’s lips.

  Emma pushed and tried to avoid the kiss but was unsuccessful.

  When Sprigs pulled back, he was smiling. “Now that is how a man kisses and you know you enjoyed it. Let me show something that bitch could never show you.”

  He shoved Emma toward the bedroom.


  Rayne spent the afternoon trying to get her mind off the previous night and her sudden doubts of the morning, and she wasn’t finding it easy to concentrate. She finally gave up and decided to head back to the house and apologize to Emma and hopefully set things right.

  “Emma, where are you? We need to talk,” Rayne said as she walked into the house. When Emma didn’t answer, she wandered into the bedroom looking for her. What she found angered her beyond words.

  Emma lay on the bed with blood covering her face and her clothes ripped from her body.

  “Oh my God, Emma, what happened? Who did this to you?” she cried as she ran to the bed.

  “Spr…igs, I couldn’t stop him, Rayne. I’m so sorry… I tried…God knows I tried. He was just too strong.”

  “Shh…oh God, I should have been closer to the house.” Rayne briskly walked to the basin and got a washcloth wet then hurried back to clean Emma’s face so she could assess the damage.

  “I need to take you to the doc and make sure you’re not hurt. I’ll be right back.” Rayne leaned down and kissed Emma’s cheek.

  She wasted no time hitching the horses to the wagon and leading them to the front of the house. Anger was surging in her body and she needed to keep it under control until the doc saw to Emma. “Then I will take you on, Sprigs and you will be sorry.”

  Inside, Rayne strapped on the holster with the pearl handled colt pistols that she had taken when she left Boston.

  With a deep breath, she entered the bedroom and when she saw Emma, her heart broke.

  “He will pay.” She balled both her hands and ground her teeth.

  Rayne wrapped Emma in a blanked before slipping her arms under Emma and lifting her off the bed. Emma was crying.

  “I’ve got you,” Rayne soothed. ”The doc will fix you up.”

  “Oh, Rayne, it was so awful. I couldn’t fight him.”

  “Emma, sweetheart, what all did Sprigs say to you?” Rayne asked gently. She felt the need to know fighting with not wanting to know equally in her heart.

  “Rayne, he…he is evil. I don’t know. I think he said the same would happen to you and that you should just give him what he wants.”

  “What does he want? God, he’s never asked for anything,”

  “The ranch…you…he said all your troubles would stop if you gave him the ranch.”

  “That will never happen.” Rayne’s anger was spilling out into her words finally.

  “Rayne, why are you wearing your guns? Please tell me you aren’t gonna go looking for trouble.”

  “Em, Sprigs has done something he never should have done and I aim to see him pay for it.”

  At those words Emma began crying harder.

  Rayne tightened her arms around Emma, and pulled her close. “I’ve gotta set him straight. What’s mine is mine and he ain’t got no right to any of it. What he did to you is wrong and the law ain’t gonna do anything about it so I have to.”

  “Please, Rayne, don’t.”

  “I got to…I got to protect what’s mine, otherwise someone else will think they can do the same thing and I can’t have that happen.”

  Emma cried. “I don’t want to lose you.”


  The wagon pulled up to the doc’s place in town and Rayne tied the horses to the hitching post. She helped Emma down before sweeping Emma into her arms and carrying her into the office.

  The doctor looked at Rayne then at the woman wrapped in her arms. “What happened?”

  “Sprigs paid a visit to my place. Judging from the looks of her clothing, he beat Emma then had his way with her… .” Rayne couldn’t contain the rage inside her.

  “Is that true, Emma?”

  “Yes.” Emma began crying again.

  “Well, come on back. Let’s get you cleaned up and see what damage he’s done to ya,”

  “Doc, keep an eye on her. I got some business to tend to.”

  “Sure. Rayne, if you’re doin’ what I’m thinkin’, reconsider. Sprigs is quick as a snake and he don’t do anything fair.”

  “Thanks for the warning, Doc. Emma, I’ll be back soon.” Rayne kissed her tenderly then turned and walked back out the door.


  Rayne walked down the street toward the saloon, knowing she would find the bastard there. Her blood boiled, her heart raced, and she felt sick to her stomach at the thought of having to face the man. She had never believed completely that all her troubles at the ranch were from Sprigs’ hands but, thinking on it all, it now made sense. Well, so be it, she wasn’t about to part with the ranch that she loved nor was she gonna turn a blind eye to what the man did to the woman she loved.

  Sprigs was gonna pay.


  The saloon was lively with music and laughter. When Rayne walked in, it slowly came to an eerie silence. Sprigs, who was standing at the bar bragging about his early afternoon adventure, turned with a smile on his face and looked at Rayne.

  “Well, if it ain’t Rayne Mathews. Tell ya what, why don’t you leave your ranch to me and take your unnatural self out of this town. We don’t like nor want your kind here.”

  Rayne remembered what Alice had said about people whispering and having to hide. Rayne forced herself to be strong, “My ranch is exactly that…mine. As for the rest of my life that ain’t none of your business nor is it that of anyone else in this town. Now, what you done to Emma, that is my business and I intend to call you out on it.”

  “You bitch, you think you can come in here and tell me what I can and can’t do? Ask that little whore about it. I’ll bet you anything she enjoyed havin’ a man inside her. I know I sure as hell enjoyed bein’ there. Oh, that get to ya there? Did it? Knowing you can never do for a woman what I can. No, no that ain’t what hit you. You got a thing for that little whore, don’t you, and you don’t like that she enjoyed me.”

  Rayne buried her rage. “Sprigs, stay away from me, my ranch, and Emma or I swear to God you’ll be sorry.”

  “You bitch. That land should be mine along with your little whore. And I’ll have them both!”

  Sprigs face was red and his lips snarled as he drew on Rayne. Before he even cleared leather, the bullet from Rayne’s gun struck him straight in the heart and he fell dead.

  With tears of anger and pain, Rayne holstered her gun and turned toward the swinging doors just as the sheriff came running in.

  Rayne stopped next to the Sheriff.

  “Rayne, you want to tell me what happened here?”

  “Tom, he drew on me, raped Emma, and was the one behind all the problems at the ranch.”

  “Boys, it true that Sprigs drew on Rayne here?”

  The answer was a loud round of agreement.

  “Any of you boys that worked for him know of the attempted rustlings over at the Rocking M Ranch? Keep in mind, ain’t no crime been committed so you’re all safe if ya speak up.”

  Several of the men who worked for Sprigs spoke up giving Tom all the information he needed to clear Rayne of any charges of murder. He motioned her out the saloon door.

  Rayne walked out of the saloon toward the doc’s office and a tearful Emma met her half way. ”I couldn’t wait to have your arms around me again,” she said, staring into Rayne’s eyes.

  The two walked side by side to the wagon and home, where they knew they would replace all the ugly memories with happy ones that would last a lifetime.

  Chapter Twenty-eightr />
  Six weeks later Rayne was still holding Emma each night and listening as she sobbed herself to sleep. Rayne wanted to lash out and express her anger and would often go out into the canyon and scream as loud as she could until her throat hurt so bad she had to stop. What happened to Emma was brutal and even though she had killed Sprigs, the rage was still there.

  Emma deserves better and I’m going to see to it that she gets that.

  After doing her chores, Rayne walked out of the barn and made her way to the creek so she could wash up before going into the house. Her mind was working all the time trying to figure out what she could do that would make Emma feel safe and loved. Although Emma allowed her to hold her sometimes, she discouraged anything further. She remembered keenly their conversation from the night before…

  “I’m dirty now, that man saw to that. How could anyone want to be with me in that way, Rayne?” Emma cried clutching the sheet across her neck.

  “Emma, what that man did to you wasn’t your fault…you are not to blame.”

  “How can you say that? I went willing with him in the saloon so of course he thought I’d like it again.”

  “No, no that isn’t so. He was an evil man and you did nothing to encourage him. It was Hank who pushed you to go with him.

  Emma shook her head. “I’m too tired to talk about this now. I just don’t want you to hold me now…he made me dirty.”

  Rayne had forcibly wrapped her arms around Emma. “I love you,” she had whispered.


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