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Christmas Family Style in Savannah: A Garlucci Family Saga Novel (Made in Savannah Mystery Series Book 15)

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by Hope Callaghan

“Are you suggesting I’m picky?” Carlita joked.

  “You picked me, didn’t you?”

  “I think we picked each other,” Carlita touched his arm. “Thank you for inviting my family and me.” She smiled at Santa, who was seated in a chair near the stairs. Gracie was perched on his knee. Noel was on one side, while PJ stared at Santa in awe, his eyes round as saucers. “You thought of everything.”

  “I tried. I figured between Violet and the other wee ones, we couldn’t be part of a Santa parade without him making an appearance.” Pete lowered his voice. “It’s Mark Fox. He volunteered to be Santa. Do you see Mrs. Claus?”

  Carlita squinted her eyes and noticed a petite Mrs. Claus standing directly behind Santa. “Glenda is Mrs. Claus?”

  “The one and only.”

  The couple made their way along the buffet table, filling their plates with food. After finishing, they found an empty table for two in the corner where they settled in to watch the others.

  Cool Bones and his band, keeping with the Christmas theme, had all donned Santa hats and were belting out a snappy version of Santa Slid Down the Chimney.

  After they finished eating, Carlita let Pete talk her into sampling a cup of eggnog. They joined the children, who were still gathered around Santa, watching as he made balloon animals for each of them.

  Carlita leaned in to have a word with Mrs. Claus. “Glenda Claus, I never would have guessed it was you if Pete hadn’t told me.”

  Glenda gave her friend a quick hug and then patted her curly white wig topped with a ruffled red cap. “When Pete told us he planned to hire a Santa for the kids, Mark volunteered. He’s Santa every year for Merry Bay’s Toys for Tots. The kids love him.”

  “And I can see why.” Carlita watched as “Santa” placed his index finger on his cheek and then tapped Noel’s button nose.

  “Miss Noel, what special Christmas balloon would you like Santa to make for you?”

  “Rudolph.” Noel clapped her hands.

  “Rudolph, it is.”

  “Santa” was a pro at producing a respectable Rudolph, complete with shiny black antlers and a fiery-red nose.

  Gracie chose a snowman, which came complete with a black top hat and a blue scarf wrapped around his neck. A black and white penguin with red feet and a striped red and white scarf was PJ’s balloon art.

  Last, but not least, was Violet. She stood next to Santa, patiently waiting for him to present her with a mischievous elf. It was Carlita’s favorite with his pointed ears, a green and white body and finished off with a pair of black elf shoes.

  “They’re having so much fun,” Carlita said. “What a wonderful treat.”

  Pete and Carlita’s eyes met, and a flush of warmth filled her. “The look of joy on your face at being with your family and me being a part of it is all the thanks I need, lass.”

  He lowered his head and kissed her tenderly. Carlita smiled through the kiss as the band slowed the tempo.

  Pete chuckled as he took a step back and gave Cool Bones a thumbs up.

  “…and I want a puppy for Christmas,” PJ told Santa. “I’m gonna name him Jellybean.”

  “Jellybean,” Gunner squawked.

  “That bird is so funny.” Gracie giggled. “He likes to talk.”

  “Likes to talk,” Gunner echoed. “Watch out for the pirates. They’ll steal your booty.”

  “Gunner.” Carlita drew near to the birdcage and parrot who was sporting a Santa hat. “You’re looking festive this evening.”

  “Gunner is handsome.”

  “You’re right, Gunner is handsome.”

  “Watch out for the pirates.”

  “He’s been looking forward to the party all day, haven’t you, Gunner?” Pete placed both hands behind his back. “Sing your new song for Carlita. The one you just learned.”

  “Song.” Gunner began to sing. “Yo ho, Yo ho. Gunner is a rat a tat tat tat.” He went from singing to making his favorite noise.

  “We’re still working on it,” Pete laughed. “Unfortunately, he’s easily distracted.”

  The couple made their rounds, chatting with Annie Dowton, a local real estate agent and Carlita’s neighbor. Pete was in the process of selling his ranch home on the outskirts of town. He had recently confided in Carlita that the house was too much to keep up and that he spent most of his time in town managing his restaurant and the pirate ship, leaving little time for anything else.

  She secretly suspected he also wanted to be closer to her, and she was thrilled. Over the last few weeks, since their first “official” date when he hired Sam Ivey to take them on a private tour of Savannah, they had begun meeting for breakfast on a weekly basis, followed by quiet evenings at home.

  Carlita relied on him not only for advice about her restaurant, Ravello’s Italian Eatery, but her other businesses, the pawn shop and apartment rentals, as well.

  In turn, he had asked for her input on decorating his recently renovated apartment above his popular restaurant, the Parrot House.

  A foghorn echoed across Merry Bay. “That’s my signal. We’re about to start the boat parade.” Pete excused himself to take command of his ship and set sail while Carlita joined her daughter.

  Carlita surveyed the crowd, searching for the troublesome Roxy Ciccone and found her standing in the corner, sunglasses firmly in place.

  Mercedes leaned in. “Do you see Roxy?”


  “She’s been standing there staring at me for the last ten minutes. What’s up with the sunglasses? It’s almost dark.”

  “Who knows.”

  Sam wandered over. “Hello, Carlita.”

  “Hi, Sam. I’m glad you could join us.”

  “Thanks. I’m glad I could make it too.” He handed Mercedes a glass of punch. “I’ve never been part of a boat parade. This is pretty slick. I told Pete I would be happy to spread the word to my tour groups.”

  “That would be nice.” Carlita absentmindedly stared at Roxy, wondering what was going on behind the sunglasses.

  Sam followed her gaze. “She’s an odd duck. I heard her and Luigi arguing a few minutes ago. I get the impression they aren’t fans of one another.”

  Elvira and Dernice approached the railing, passing by Roxy. Dernice tripped and lost her balance. The cup she was holding flew out of her hand, splashing the front of Roxy’s blouse with bright red liquid.

  Roxy jumped back. “Watch where you’re going,” she growled.

  “You tripped me.” Dernice’s eyes narrowed. “Maybe if you took off those stupid sunglasses, you would be able to see what’s going on around you.”

  Roxy lifted her sunglasses to inspect the bright red splotch on her blouse. “You ruined my shirt, toad.”

  “Who are you calling toad?” Dernice took a menacing step forward. “I would rather be a toad than a dog.”

  “Are you calling me a dog?” Roxy’s voice rose an octave.

  Luigi dropped his plate on the table and strode across the deck, stepping between the women. “Let’s keep it cool and not ruin the party. I’m sure Dernice didn’t mean to spill her drink.”

  Carlita could feel the blood drain from her face when she saw Roxy reach into her pocket and pull out a gun.

  Chapter 4

  “Hey! Hey!” Vinnie, who had witnessed the altercation, raced across the deck. “This ain’t the place. It was an accident.”

  Ricco eased in next to him. “Let it go, Roxy,” he warned.

  There were several tense moments before Roxy relaxed her stance and slid the gun back inside her pocket. “Don’t let it happen again.”

  “Don’t threaten me,” Dernice said.

  “She’s not worth it. C’mon, let’s go.” Elvira led her sister to the other side of the ship.

  The guests gathered along the railing, watching as other ships and boats joined the parade. They sailed under the Talmadge Memorial Bridge, entering Georgia’s waters and began making their way toward Tybee Island and the ocean.

  Pete’s cre
w cleared the food tables, making room for a makeshift dance floor. As soon as they finished, the band played the first of several snappy tunes, filling the floor.

  During their break, Cool Bones joined Carlita, who was talking to Annie Dowton.

  “The music is awesome,” Carlita complimented. “You’ve helped make the party.”

  “Thanks. I’ve enjoyed every minute of it.” He motioned to the other boats. “This is one of the coolest gigs we’ve ever done. Looks like your grandchildren are having fun.”

  “They are. I’m sure they’ll remember this for a long time.”

  Carlita excused herself to check on Pete. She found him on the bridge with one of the ship’s crewmembers.

  “Hello, my dear. I’m sorry I haven’t made much of an appearance. It’s tricky navigating the waters with all of the other boats.”

  “And in the dark,” Carlita added. “I wanted to let you know everyone is enjoying themselves immensely.”

  “I heard there were a few tense moments between Roxy and Dernice.”

  “It was an accident. Unfortunately, Roxy managed to escalate it,” Carlita said. “Thankfully, Vinnie and Ricco stepped in.”

  “Where does Vinnie find these employees?”

  “He doesn’t. His father-in-law, Vito Castellini, hired her to keep an eye on Brittney and the baby.”

  “And father knows best,” Pete guessed. “Which means Vinnie doesn’t have much of a say.”

  “Vinnie doesn’t have any say in who Vito hires. The good news is that it appears things have settled down.”

  Pete promised to take a break shortly, and Carlita left. She skirted the edge of the dance floor, watching her family and friends.

  Dernice and Luigi passed by, while Elvira stood off to the side watching them, a sour expression on her face.

  As luck would have it, Luigi and Elvira had started off on the wrong foot mainly because Dernice had hired him without Elvira’s permission while she was MIA.

  When Elvira finally blew back into town after dealing with a family crisis, she promptly attempted to fire Luigi. Dernice balked.

  There was a mini-family feud with Luigi caught right in the middle. Much to Carlita’s surprise, Dernice won the round, and Luigi remained employed by EC Security Services.

  Elvira and Luigi had recently formed a truce of sorts, but Carlita could tell it still irked her at times to see how close Dernice and Luigi were becoming. And, if Carlita wasn’t mistaken, there was a smidgen of attraction between the two of them.

  Carlita joined Elvira. “How’s it going with Luigi?”

  Elvira shrugged. “He does an okay job.”

  “Just okay?”

  “Maybe better than okay. Although he has unconventional ways of getting things done. I guess it’s the mafia in him.”

  “I’m sure,” Carlita murmured as she watched Mercedes and Sam join the other couples on the dance floor. He pulled her close, and Mercedes tilted her head, her eyes shining as she gazed up at him.

  “They’re a cute couple. I figure one of these days, Sam will pop the question,” Elvira predicted.

  “I hope so.”

  Elvira turned, giving Carlita her full attention. “That will officially make you an empty nester. Maybe you and Pete oughta get hitched. You’re not getting any younger.”

  “I would think you would rather we get engaged, and then I break it off so you can win your bet with Dernice,” Carlita joked.

  Elvira’s eyes widened.

  “Don’t bother denying it. Dernice told me all about the bet. You think I’ll get cold feet. Dernice thinks we’ll marry.”

  “I…I mean,” Elvira stuttered. “It was all just in fun. You can do what you want.”

  The song ended, and the couples exited the dance floor. Off in the distance, Carlita caught a glimpse of the shoreline. She could see Hutchinson Island’s mega hotel on one side and the Waving Girl statue on the other.

  Spectators lined both sides of the shoreline, watching and waving as the decorated boats paraded past.

  “They’re waving at us!” Violet shouted excitedly.

  Roxy made her way to the railing and stood next to Sam and Mercedes. She said something to the couple, and Carlita could see her daughter’s back stiffen.

  Sam put a light arm around her shoulder.

  “Looks like Roxy, the train wreck, is stirring up more trouble,” Elvira remarked. “I don’t know where your son got that woman, but he should fire her, and fast.”

  “I’m afraid he doesn’t make that decision,” Carlita said.

  “The kingpin hires security,” Elvira guessed.

  “Something like that.”

  “Look at her. She looks like she’s getting ready to pounce on Sam.”

  “She is getting a little close.” Carlita watched as Mercedes clenched her fists.

  Sam stepped between the women, which Roxy apparently took as a sign of interest on his part. She moved in even closer, pressing her hips against Sam’s side.

  The move enraged Mercedes, who took a swing at Roxy, catching her off guard as she struck her jaw.

  Roxy stumbled back, landing on a stack of wooden crates. There was a murderous look in her eyes as she lunged at Mercedes.

  Sam, stuck in the middle, didn’t anticipate Roxy’s next move as she grabbed hold of Mercedes’ arm and dragged her off to the side. She delivered a fierce blow to Mercedes’ midsection, sending Carlita’s daughter to her knees.

  Luigi came out of nowhere as he flew across the deck. He tackled Roxy with such force that they both landed on the floor.

  “She’s going for the gun!” Elvira shouted.

  Carlita watched in horror as Roxy desperately tried to reach into her pocket. Ricco sprang into action, joining Luigi as he grabbed hold of her lower body, pinning her down.

  The children started screaming as the parents snatched them up and whisked them to safety.

  Santa grabbed Mrs. Claus and dragged her behind his chair while Annie Dowton and Reese ducked behind the bar.

  A shot rang out, and all movement ceased. Pete stepped down off the bridge, the gun in his hand still pointed skyward. “That’s enough.”

  Luigi rolled away, holding a weapon in his hand. “I have her gun.”

  Roxy’s chest heaved as she fought to catch her breath, keeping a wary eye on the captain of the ship.

  “You have done enough damage for one evening. Not only have you insulted my friends and taunted others, but you struck Mercedes and have scared the children onboard this ship half to death.”

  Pirate Pete angrily strode across the deck and glared down at the woman. “Two hundred years ago, I would have forced you to walk the plank and find your own way back to shore. Unfortunately, I can’t do that. Instead, I’m placing you in the pillory.”

  “Mercedes took a swing at me first. I was only defending myself.” Roxy turned accusing eyes on Luigi. “You took my piece. I want it back.”

  “You’ll get it back later,” Pete said. “For now, we’re going to put you somewhere far away from my guests until you cool off.”

  Carlita thought Pete was joking until he motioned for Ricco and Luigi to help Roxy to her feet. She trailed behind as Pete led the trio to the back of the ship.

  Anchored to the center of the deck was a wooden post. A thick slab of wood with one large center cutout and two smaller ones on each side was on top of the post.

  He lifted the top half of the wooden slab, placing Roxy’s head in the center hole and one hand in each of the small holes. Pete lowered the top and then slid a lock through the slot, securing it.

  “You can’t do this,” Roxy shrieked. “This is against the law. I’ll have you arrested.”

  “You’re right. Although fitting and mighty tempting, this may be a bit extreme. I have a much better spot for you,” Pete calmly replied as he removed the lock and lifted the wooden slab, releasing Roxy from her confines.

  They continued making their way across the deck, all the while Roxy struggled to escap
e Luigi and Ricco’s ironclad grip. They stopped when they reached a corner door. Pete held the door open while the men placed her inside.

  From her vantage point, Carlita could see it was some sort of storage closet/half bath. Lockers lined the side and back walls. A square utility sink sat opposite the lockers. There was a metal folding chair beside the sink and on the other side, a toilet.

  “Sit,” Pete commanded.

  “You won’t get away with imprisoning me,” Roxy threatened.

  “I am the captain of this ship. As such, you are under my direct supervision. I’m sure everyone on board can attest to the fact you attempted to pull a gun on innocent people. In fact, I should call the authorities and have them meet us at the dock to arrest you for aggravated assault.”

  “I didn’t assault anyone.”

  “You assaulted Dernice Cobb and Mercedes.”

  “That witch,” Roxy turned to Ricco. “Get me out of here, or I’ll tell Vito what you did.”

  “There they are,” Brittney’s voice echoed from the center of the ship. She wobbled across the deck in her high heels. When she saw Roxy inside the bathroom, she started to sway and reached for her husband’s arm. “You’re going to lock Roxy in that tiny room?”

  “I am. She’ll be released once we reach shore, and the authorities have been contacted.”

  “Daddy isn’t going to be happy,” Brittney clasped her hands. “He won’t like this at all.”

  “Pete, I’ll take full responsibility for Roxy once we reach shore,” Vinnie promised. “I don’t think we should get the cops involved.”

  A crowd gathered as Sam and Mercedes, followed by Dernice and Elvira, joined them. They formed a semi-circle around the doorway.

  “What are you all staring at?” Roxy growled as she kicked at Luigi, who was closest.

  He easily sidestepped her. “We’re staring at a real tool. Roxy the Tool.”

  “You wait ‘til Vito hears about this,” Roxy threatened.

  “Oh yeah?” Ricco said. “Wait until he finds out how much trouble you caused.”

  “And you,” Roxy turned to Dernice. “This isn’t the end. I’ll hunt you down, and you’ll be sorry.”

  “It’s time to let Roxy cool off,” Pete motioned for the others to leave.


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