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Keeping You Away (Tyler & Gemma duet Book 1)

Page 12

by Kennedy Fox

  “Tyler,” Jerry calls as I wash the grease off my hands. He walks over to me, then slaps a hand on my shoulder. “You have lunch plans today?”

  “No, sir.” I grab a towel and dry off.

  “Good. Come with me to the Main Street Deli. We can chat and eat.”

  “Sounds good.”

  Jerry and I walk a couple of blocks to the deli, and as soon as we enter, we’re greeted by the owner.

  “Hey, Belinda!” Jerry waves. “Remember Tyler Blackwood?”

  “I sure do. Heard you were back. Welcome home.”

  I give her a head nod. “Thanks.”

  “Sit wherever y’all want. I’ll be right there to take your order.”

  “This place hasn’t changed.” I chuckle as I look around. I haven’t been inside since before the summer I left.

  “That’s not true,” Belinda says, pulling out her notepad and pen. “Fresh paint and new tables.”

  “It all looks great. I bet the food is just as amazing, too.”

  Jerry laughs. “Of course it is! Speakin’ of which, I’ll take my regular and a Diet Coke.”

  Quickly glancing over the menu, I order a turkey melt and a water.

  “You got it. Be back in a jiffy with your drinks.”

  “I know it’s only been a week, but what do you think about workin’ at the shop so far? Any concerns or things you wanna discuss?” Jerry asks after Belinda walks away.

  “Honestly, I like it. Keeps my mind busy, and I like fixing things.”

  “Everleigh said you were a boxing trainer in Vegas?”

  “I was. Trained in Sacramento, too. I really miss it.”

  “Did you check out the gym here?”

  “I did last Saturday. It’s been a good stress reliever.” I grin. “Plus, there’s nothing else to do on the weekends since my sister works at her boutique, and I don’t really have any friends here.”

  “Nonsense! We gotta change that.”

  I chuckle, and we continue chatting until Belinda delivers our food. It’s as delicious as I remember, and I’m relieved things aren’t awkward with Jerry.

  Once we finish eating and pay, we head back to the garage.

  “How was lunch?” Gemma asks sweetly as soon as we walk in. She stands, glancing back and forth between her father and me. If she’s trying to act unaffected by us spending time together, she’s doing a shit job.

  “Delicious as always.” Jerry pats his beer belly. “Belinda told me to say hello, by the way.”

  Gemma smiles at him, then lowers her eyes to avoid mine.

  “I had a great idea,” Jerry says before we get back to work.

  “What’s that, Daddy?”

  “You and Robert should plan a double date with Tyler. Help him get back out there and meet some friends.” Jerry grins wide as if he’s proud he suggested it.

  “Uh, I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Gemma fidgets with the hem of her shirt, and I cock my head at her hesitancy.

  “Why not?” Jerry pats me on the back. “He’s a good-lookin’ guy. Tall and muscular. Women like that, or so I’m told.” He chuckles at his own joke.

  “Yeah, why not?” I cross my arms over my chest. She finally meets my gaze, and I flash her a smirk, knowing she has no excuses. Jerry knows we briefly dated after I returned from the Army but isn’t aware of the repressed feelings we still have for each other. Gemma pretends they don’t exist and has convinced herself to marry Robert, but I see through her façade.

  “I’m not sure who I’d invite.” Gemma shrugs.

  “How ‘bout Katie? I mentioned it when I saw her yesterday, and she seemed excited. Plus, she’s single, has a good job at the bank, and Tyler said he likes kids. I bet they’d really hit it off!” Jerry waves his hand around. “Set it up, Gemma. I think Katie would love to get to know Tyler better. Maybe they’ll be the next couple to get engaged in Lawton Ridge.”

  Gemma swallows hard, licking her lips. Amusement floods through me as I watch her panic, but she forces a smile. “Sure, Daddy. I’ll ask her when she’s free.”

  “Perfect!” Jerry grins, then walks around me and opens the door to the shop. As soon as it closes, I step toward Gemma as she moves behind the counter.

  I tap my knuckles against the wood. “You sure you’d be okay with that?”

  “Of course. Why wouldn’t I?”

  “Most people who hang out together are friends. Not sure we classify as such.”

  “We can be friends. We’re co-workers, so we might as well be.”

  Arching a brow, I study her features and notice her lying tells. “Might as well be, huh?”

  Her shoulders slump. “That’s not what I meant. We’re going to see each other a lot, so it’d be easier if we were friends. That way it’s not weird between us.”

  “Does it feel weird for you, Gemma? Seeing me again? Working with me?”

  Her tongue flicks out as she licks her lips, then sucks them between her teeth. “A little, but I’ll get used to it.”

  “You think Richard would be okay with us having dinner?”

  “Robert,” she corrects. “And it’d be a double date, so I’m sure it’d be fine. You might even find you two have something in common.”

  I bark out a loud laugh, then rest my arms on the counter and lean in closer. “The only thing we have in common is we’ve both seen ya naked.” I flash her a wink, then walk toward the shop door before she can say another world.

  For the rest of the afternoon, I stay by Jerry’s side, and we knock out several projects, finishing everything that was on the schedule for the day. Gemma pops in and out, relaying messages to her dad and asking questions about scheduling. When she walks back into the office humming, the sound goes straight to my dick and fucks with my head for the rest of my shift.

  “Good night, Gemma,” I say as I walk toward the exit. She’s behind the counter, still avoiding eye contact. I stop and look at her before opening the door. “Don’t forget to set up that double date. I’m available Saturday.”

  She finally looks up at me with a fake smile. “Sure, I’ll get right on that.”

  With a smirk, I turn around, then leave. I know I’m getting to her as much as she gets to me.

  As I walk home, I check my notifications and see Eric left another voicemail. My heart pounds hard in my chest when he mentions Victoria, begging me to call him back. As much as I don’t want to deal with the O’Learys or Eric, I doubt he’ll leave me alone until I return his call. So I decide to get it over with and hit his number.

  “Tyler?” he answers.

  “Yeah, it’s me.”

  Eric releases a breath. “We gotta talk.”

  “What do you want?” I have little patience already.

  “I need you to come to Vegas and do a character witness deposition of Victoria O’Leary.”

  “That’d be a death sentence for me,” I argue. “I literally got out of prison two weeks ago because she set me up.”

  “Man, I know. I wouldn’t be asking if it wasn’t crucial.”

  “What’d she do?” I ask, preparing for the worst. “Specifically. You didn’t tell me in your message.”

  Victoria’s gotten away with a ton of shady shit, including shooting her brother in cold blood without serving any time.

  “She caught me talking to the police and instead of letting me explain, she cornered me and my girlfriend, Amara, and demanded I prove my loyalty. She held a gun to my head, then told me to choose who’d get shot. Myself or Amara. I stepped closer and said me.”

  Eric chokes up, and my stomach clenches at how his story ends.

  “Amara burst out into tears, and I tried to calm her. I grabbed her hand and squeezed as the cold metal rested on my temple. Victoria looked at me with emotionless eyes, released the safety, then turned the gun on Amara and shot her without a beat of hesitancy.”

  “Fuck,” I hiss between my teeth. Shaking my head, I swallow hard as bile burns my throat. “I’m so sorry, Eric.”

��That’s only a part of it. She had one of her bodyguards beat the shit out of me, which landed me in ICU for three weeks. Fractured ribs, bruises, broken jaw, and a punctured lung. She stood by and watched with a sneer like it was the best entertainment she’d ever seen.”

  “She’s fucking sick. So why didn’t they arrest her?”

  “There’s not enough evidence to hold her. The FBI has a mile-long file of shit related to the O’Learys, but Victoria, specifically, uses other people to do her dirty work. I explained she shot Amara and was told without proof, it’s my word against hers. The gun is long gone by now, and the bullets are not traceable. The guy who kicked my ass has a solid alibi of where he was that night. But I didn’t give up. I brought the investigator a mountain of evidence from other crimes she’d committed or arranged, and their tune changed. They’re finally ready to prosecute her with corruption and money laundering. While it’s not the first-degree murder charge she deserves, it’s better than nothing. If they try to indict her for something without evidence, her lawyers will cry circumstantial evidence and the opportunity will disappear.”

  “So how will my statement help?”

  “Getting as many character witnesses to tell the truth about what they saw or heard her do will help prove repeat behavior. There’s already ten on board, but I need more. You got involved for the sake of your friend and have a firsthand account of all the shady shit she did in that short amount of time. It’s better than nothing. I need you.”

  I want to help him, I really do, but this whole thing could cause a shitstorm of problems I don’t want or need. Moving to Alabama was meant to help me get a fresh start away from Vegas and all the terrible things that happened five years ago. Going back would allow all of it back into my life.

  “How long do I have to decide?”

  “As soon as possible. If you agree to do it, the prosecutor will put you on the witness list, and they’ll schedule your deposition. The defense will cross-examine you as well.”

  “Yeah, that’s the part I’m worried about. They’re fucking assholes when it comes to that shit.”

  “Trust me, I get it, but I’m done hiding. Victoria needs to pay, even if I have to die trying.”

  “Give me some time to think about it, okay? I’ll let you know as soon as I can.”

  “Thanks, I really appreciate it, Tyler. I know we didn’t end on good terms, but I’d like to change that. Working for Victoria is the worst decision I ever made, and I wish I could take it all back.”

  “I’ll call you soon.”

  We hang up just as I arrive home. I’m immediately welcomed by Sassy, who barks at me relentlessly. Deciding I need to call Liam and give him an update, I grab the leash and take Sassy on a walk.

  “Hey, man,” Liam answers in an upbeat tone. “How’s it going?”

  “Eric left me another voicemail, and I called him back this time.”

  “Really? Tell me everything.”

  I repeat our conversation and voice my concerns.

  “Wow. Just…wow.”

  “We knew she was a fucking savage, but what she did to Eric was plain ruthless. She deserves more than just prison time,” I say.

  “Honestly, I’d call Serena and get her suggestions. If you decide to do it, I’d have her go as your council, so the defense won’t ask questions that’ll get you in trouble instead.”

  “That’s probably a good idea, but I haven’t talked to her in years. I feel bad calling her to ask for a favor.”

  “Trust me, she won’t mind. I bet she’d love to hear from you. She actually asked about you before you got out.”

  “Send me her number,” I tell him.

  “Will do. I’ll text it right now.”

  “Thanks, Liam. Appreciate it.”

  “I got you. Let me know what she says, okay?”

  “I’ll message you as soon as we’re done.”

  We say goodbye, and then I call Serena. I’m nervous as hell as the phone rings.


  “Hi, Serena. It’s Tyler Blackwood.”

  There’s a beat of silence at first. “Tyler? Oh my God!”

  Her ecstatic energy brings a smile to my face. “Yeah, it’s me. Been a while. How are you?”

  “I’ve thought about you a lot over the years.”

  “Same here.”

  Serena was my lawyer and represented me when Victoria planted drugs and illegal guns in my truck. While Serena did everything she could, it wouldn’t have mattered because Victoria had already sabotaged the outcome. I know she felt bad, but there was nothing more she could do.

  “So tell me, how’s life? What’s new?”

  I chuckle at her eagerness and give a quick update.

  “I’m glad, Tyler. You deserve good things.”

  “How’s your little guy?” I ask. She was a single mom the last time we talked.

  “Not so little anymore! He’s six and going into first grade this year.”

  “Wow, time flies, huh?”

  “Yes, it does.” She lingers for a moment. “I have a feeling you didn’t call to shoot the shit. What’s going on?”

  “It’s Victoria,” I tell her with a rushed breath.

  “What the fuck is that bitch up to now? Is she trying to pin something else on you?”

  “Not exactly,” I say and pause briefly before telling her about Eric and Amara.

  “Oh my God,” she whispers. “That woman is worse than the devil himself.”

  “What do you think I should do? Will this somehow backfire on me? Will she know I did a deposition?” Sassy finishes sniffing around a fire hydrant, then we continue down the sidewalk.

  “It’s possible. Your name will be on the witness sheet, but whether she sees it or not, I can’t say. More than likely, she’ll use the family money to buy her way out of it.”

  “I want to help Eric if I can, and if I can help fuck her life up the same way she did mine, that’d be a nice bonus.”

  “I agree, but without specific details, it’s hard to give a green light on this. Can you have him set up a conference call with you, me, and the prosecutor? That way we can ask more questions before you make a decision.”

  “Yeah, I’ll ask him as soon as I get home.”

  “Great, just text me what he says. I’ll do whatever I can to help.”

  “You were always a great friend even though we hardly knew each other. I really appreciate it, Serena.”

  “What you did for Liam and Maddie is admirable, so I was happy to help, even if I feel like I didn’t.” She chuckles.

  We wrap up the call a few minutes later, and after Sassy does her business, I walk her back. Once we’re inside, I refill her water and food, then text Eric. Less than ten minutes later, he responds.

  Eric: I’ll set it up and get back with you on the date and time.

  Tyler: Sounds good. Thanks.

  I text Serena, then grab some clothes and go to the bathroom to rinse off the day’s sweat. As I stand with the stream beating against my back, I lower my head and suck in a deep breath. I can’t believe after five years, I’m being brought back into Victoria’s corrupt life. If she finds out I’m helping Eric and the prosecution’s case, she’ll come for me.

  And if she does, she won’t just plant drugs and guns.

  She’ll make sure to end me for good.

  Chapter Twelve


  I wake up Saturday morning, relieved to be off work and not have to face Tyler—or rather, find ways to avoid him—but then I remember our “double date” is tonight, and I’m annoyed all over again.

  I hated putting Katie on the spot, but surprisingly, she didn’t mind. Plus, she expected it after she ran into my dad in town. I told her about my conflicted feelings when he returned and explained there was no closure when things fell apart. However, she asked me if it was okay to go on a date with Tyler or if it’d be too weird for me. I played it off like it was no big deal—though I already know it’s going to be awkward as hell—s
o now the four of us will be meeting for drinks tonight.

  Once I’m out of bed and showered, Daddy and I walk to Main Street for the farmers' market. It’s held every Saturday during the summer and is one of my favorite things to do on the weekends with my dad when I’m not staying with Robert. All the shops open their doors and put extra tables outside for easy shopping. Everleigh always does a sale, which is when I usually grab a couple of extra things.

  “What a beautiful day,” Dad says as we cross the intersection. “I wish you and Robert were getting married this month. The weather is beautiful.”

  “It’s humid and miserable,” I argue.

  “Nah. It’s perfect.”

  I smile at his eagerness. He can’t wait to walk me down the aisle, wear a tux, and give his father-of-the-bride speech. Being his only daughter, I thought he’d be sad to give me away, but considering I’m thirty years old, he’s probably thinking it’s about damn time. Dad’s mentioned more than once that he can’t wait for grandkids, and though I want to be a mom someday, I’m not ready yet. I don’t feel prepared for any of this.

  “I’m gonna go say hi to Everleigh,” I tell him as he stops to buy a few vegetables.

  “Oh, I’ll come with you.”

  I wait until he’s done, and then we walk to the boutique together. My breath hitches when I see Tyler inside talking to Katie, smiling wide. Owen’s there too, totally intrigued by Tyler. I stare at the three of them and see the potential my father noticed. They could be a cute little family. Tyler seems great with kids, and Owen would love having a man in his life that he could eventually call dad.

  “Gemma!” Everleigh squeals as she rushes around the counter, then pulls me in for a hug.

  “Hey! Just stopped in to check on you. Looks like you already have company, though.”

  “Yeah, Katie and Owen were saying hi when Tyler came in to bring me something I forgot at the house.” She waggles her brows and grins wide. She definitely planned this run-in.

  “Oh, gotcha. Well, Dad and I were doing some shopping.”

  “Tyler!” My dad steps over toward him and slaps him on the back. “You kids excited for tonight?”


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