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Phoenix Burning

Page 3

by Anne, Melody

  Phoenix looked at him in confusion. What he said made no sense. He was only confusing her more. Darkness wasn’t a living, breathing entity — it was just darkness. It was certainly scary to be in the dark, especially alone, but not dangerous.

  “I’m making a huge mess of this explanation.” Jayden blew out his breath in frustration and ran his hands through his messed-up hair. Phoenix waited and let him gather his thoughts.

  “I walked away from the light, and chose to follow Vyco and the dark arts,” Jayden said. “After a while I saw Vyco for who he truly is, not what he’d portrayed to get me to follow him. I was lost for so long. Each new day that passed caused the eternal light inside me to dim a little more. I started to no longer care about mortals or their fragile lives. I simply followed Vyco, doing his bidding. I never killed an innocent mortal, but I didn’t stop the others from doing it. I’m just as guilty as they are. I was sent to your camp to lead you to your deaths. Because of an agreement between Vyco and Josiah, he couldn’t outright kill your people, but he wanted all of you dead.”

  Phoenix tried to absorb what he was saying. He’d wanted her to die. She didn’t understand how the boy she loved could have such a dark side. Her body trembled with new fear and her face couldn’t hide the emotion from his probing eyes. She was filled with fear — of him — for the first time.

  “I won’t hurt you; I can’t. I understand you’re scared but I felt something when I stumbled upon you — something unlike anything I’ve ever felt before. I could never do anything that would cause you harm. I can’t explain what’s happening to me because I don’t understand it myself,” he said. He was silent for a few moments so Phoenix felt safe asking a question.

  “What about Cassidy? Is she really your sister?” she asked. Was everything he’d told her nothing but lies?

  “Yes, in our previous mortal lives, and now in so many more ways than you can imagine. When Josiah brought our magic out, he said we were unique; the star our magic came from was special. Josiah told us he felt a great power in us. We were inseparable for most of our time on this planet. Then, when I chose to leave with Vyco, it was as if part of my soul was ripped from me. She tried to find me but I blocked her. I was ashamed, though I wouldn’t admit it. She stayed with Josiah, and I fell into the pits of hell. I’ve walked in darkness since, until I came back into the light when I found you. Even though it started out as something bad, you saved me. I’ll never again live in the light, never know the peace of it, but I can protect you — and I will always love you.”

  Phoenix looked at him, confused by her emotion. She knew she should be terrified — that what he talked about was something she’d only imagined in nightmares. None of what he said could be real. It wasn’t possible. There were no such things as true good and true evil. There weren’t such things as demons and monsters.

  Even as she had that thought, she wondered about all of the things that went bump in the night. What about all of the monsters in the movies and books? Were they actually real? She didn’t want to know the answer to that question. It was too horrific to think about, let alone comprehend.

  “I know this will take time to process. I don’t expect an answer from you right away, but if you can look past what you saw, in that brief moment in time, and focus on the great months we’ve spent together instead, maybe you can forgive my lies. I wasn’t allowed to say anything to you, and now that you know, you mustn’t tell anyone. If everyone knew what was really out there, chaos would reign. This must seem like a joke since the world is in war right now, but good will ultimately triumph, it always does, and eventually your life will return to normal. I’ve watched this world try to wipe itself out countless times. It never succeeds.”

  Not only was Phoenix expected to go on as if nothing had changed, he expected her to keep it all to herself. How could she possibly do that? She wanted to rush to Sadie immediately and tell her everything. There was no way she couldn’t tell her best friend.

  “I know you’ll talk to Sadie, but you can’t tell anyone else. You have to promise me that. I have the power to make you forget everything, but I won’t do that. I won’t alter your mind. I love you too much to use my powers against you,” he promised.

  Suddenly Phoenix’s fear diminished because she knew without a doubt he’d never harm her. He could’ve killed her in the blink of an eye, at any moment, in the past months, but he’d been nothing but protective. What made that any different from a mortal being?

  They could kill at a moment’s notice, but they chose not to, unless they turned evil, like a serial killer or the horrid enemy soldiers who’d attacked her and Sadie.

  Just because Jayden was something other than mortal didn’t mean he was any better or worse than she was. Phoenix knew Jayden was nothing like those soldiers or the evil people who lived in her world. He was full of love, protectiveness, and kindness. She had nothing to fear from him, but she still needed to clear her head.

  “I need some time to figure out how I feel right now. I just need time,” she pleaded.

  “Of course. I’ll walk you back now.” He jumped down from the truck and held his hand out. He didn’t grab her — he carefully watched for her to initiate any kind of physical contact. He smiled when she tentatively reached out and let him help her down. “Thank you,” he whispered, his soft voice full of emotion.

  They began the long walk back through the empty hall. Phoenix was grateful he didn’t try to make small talk. She had too many emotions and thoughts rushing through her. She needed to sort them out before she could carry on a conversation. They reached her door and he gently turned her toward him.

  “I’ll see you soon,” he whispered. He bent down and brushed his lips against her cheek, then quickly left. Phoenix gazed through the darkness as he disappeared. She was in shock, and as she stood alone, emotion clogged her throat and made her feel as if she was suffocating.

  Phoenix stumbled into her room, her hand pressed against her cheek where his lips had been. How could he be evil when he made her feel so loved? She wouldn’t make any decisions until she spoke with Sadie. She couldn’t trust her own judgment. Was she seeing what she wanted to see? He’d never hurt her, but he’d walked in darkness for many years. Could he truly let that all go? It was too much for her to process — her head started to pound, and she felt as if she were in quicksand. The more she struggled to understand, the more she sank into the ground.

  Chapter Three

  Phoenix lay in bed, not wanting to do anything. Sadie would find her soon enough. She wasn’t moving until they could talk. Feeling slightly depressed, she wasn’t up for being social. What in the world was she going to do about Jayden? Heck, if her parents knew the situation, they’d freak. She was freaking herself.

  “Okay, time to stop pouting and tell me what’s happening,” Sadie demanded as she pushed the door open and bounced on the bed. Phoenix couldn’t keep a half smile from appearing, relieved that Sadie was in the room.

  “I hope you have a lot of time,” Phoenix warned warily.

  “I have all the time in the world,” Sadie eagerly answered, rubbing her hands together for added drama. Phoenix told her the entire story, from the moment in the woods up until an hour earlier. She had to give Sadie credit; she didn’t interrupt once, though it was obvious she really wanted to. Her mouth was hanging open by the end and her eyes were wide.

  Phoenix loved that Sadie didn’t doubt her for a moment. She took Phoenix at her word and knew she was speaking the truth.

  “What are you going to do?” Sadie asked, completely perplexed, once Phoenix stopped speaking.

  “That’s why I told you everything. I don’t know what to do. It doesn’t seem real. Do I stay with him and act like nothing is wrong? Can I ignore what I saw and what he’s told me? How can I act normal when my world’s been flipped even more than it already was? I’ve never loved someone the way I love him, but what if I’m being stupid?” Phoenix fired her own questions back at Sa

  “Phoenix, it’s hard to comprehend any of this, and I know you’d never lie to me, but to believe the things you’re telling me is to let go of everything I’ve been taught. Now I understand why some people say ignorance is bliss,” Sadie whispered without answering a single question.

  “Jayden said he could wipe my memory and make me forget everything I saw,” Phoenix said. She knew it was the chicken’s way out but she almost wished he’d done that without giving her a choice.

  “You’re not going to let that happen, are you?” Sadie practically shouted.

  “Of course not, but it seems more bearable than dealing with the truth,” Phoenix sighed. The girls sat for several minutes in silence. They were both thinking of the unfathomable things in the world. Angels, demons, monsters — all of it real.

  “Okay, let’s break this down. Are you afraid of Jayden?” Sadie asked. Phoenix thought for a few moments.

  “No, not at all,” she finally answered.

  “Does he look any different? Act differently from when you first met him?”

  “No, if anything, he’s been walking on eggshells, concerned he might frighten me,” Phoenix said. Her brows were puckered as she thought back over the last several days. She’d been the one avoiding him. He’d given her space and then calmly talked to her. He hadn’t acted like a monster.

  “Only you can decide what you’re going to do. I can listen and offer my opinion, but I won’t lead you one way or the other.”

  “He was sent to lead me to my death. Not just me, but all of us. What if he goes back to Vyco and we all die because of it? What if he decides to kill us himself?” Phoenix asked.

  Even as she said that, she knew deep in her soul it wouldn’t happen. A person could certainly be wrong about someone, and there was no doubt Jayden had the physical ability to hurt her, but she knew he couldn’t do it.

  “Phoenix, there are always what ifs, but you can’t live your life that way,” Sadie finally said. “If you love him, you trust him. If you can’t trust him, you can’t be with him. A relationship has to be built on trust or it’ll never work. You can’t live in the middle and be with him if you don’t. You also have to trust yourself and your instincts. They’ve never steered you wrong before. Personally, I’ve never sensed anything bad from him, but of course, I haven’t tried to analyze him, either. I think you know what you want to do — you’re just afraid to admit it. There’s bad in all of us, but we choose to not act on it. I want to slap Jessica at least once a day, but I refrain. I want to take an extra cookie once in a while, but I know it’s stealing. We all have urges to do wrong things but we hold those urges inside. Jayden made a wrong choice, but he’s trying to make up for it. It’s up to you whether you can forgive his past choices or not.”

  Phoenix stared at her best friend, surprised at how much she’d grown. They were practically adults, with all they’d been through, but Phoenix still pictured them as thirteen-year-old girls with no more than the usual adolescent problems.

  “When did you get so wise?” Phoenix asked with a smile.

  “I learned from the best,” Sadie answered, her eyes glinting with humor.

  “I do love him. I know he only embraced his power to protect me from Vyco. He’d never hinted at violence before that moment. He’s always tried to protect me. The night those men tried to harm us, his eyes were so frightening, but then he calmed himself and was right there by my side. I think I’ve known all along what choice I’d make, but I felt foolish rushing it. He’s good, Sadie, and I know he’d never let anything happen to me. His sister is good too. She loves John so much. How can I be angry or fearful with him when all he’s ever done is try to keep me safe?”

  “If Brian had fire leaping from his hands and went all godlike, I’d have to jump him,” Sadie said with a laugh, breaking the last of the tension. Sadie certainly knew how to lighten the mood.

  “Just remember that you can’t say a word to anyone about this,” Phoenix told her.

  Sadie smiled. “You know you don’t need to say that. You can trust me with your life.”

  “I know,” Phoenix said.

  The two girls embraced, and Phoenix soaked up the warm support from her best friend. Her fear and confusion seemed to evaporate, and suddenly all she wanted to do was talk to Jayden again. He’d looked miserable as he’d explained his past to her.

  She knew he was afraid she’d leave him, and she felt empowered by the fact that he’d let her go if she wanted to. He wouldn’t force her to stay in the relationship, even though he could, whether it was physically or mentally. He had powers to control her, but he loved her enough to not use them. Technically he might not be mortal, but he was more human than many people she knew.

  “I should find Jayden and talk to him. He’s been pretty anxious,” Phoenix said.

  “Okay, we’ll meet up after lunch and you can tell me all about it, unless of course he doesn’t let you get away or puts some mind spell on you,” Sadie said with an evil laugh and a wiggle of her brows. It was the perfect moment to make Phoenix smile. Only Sadie would decide to make light of the awesome powers Jayden had. It was better to make light of them than to dwell on the unknown.

  Phoenix grabbed Sadie and gave her one last hug. The girls walked from the room together before heading in different directions. Sadie went to school, while Phoenix went to hunt Jayden down. She didn’t want to wait even an extra minute.

  Chapter Four

  Jessica stepped outside the cave, relieved to get away from everyone inside. For once she’d been chosen for picking duty. She wasn’t going to actually pick the stupid food, but she’d certainly work on her tan and enjoy the warm afternoon sun. She quickly disobeyed the rules and went off on her own, ignoring the crackling of her radio. She reached down and turned it off. She didn’t want to know what the rest of the group was doing. It was time for her to relax and get a breather from the dark walls of the caves.

  Everyone was always talking about responsibility and how they all needed to work together in order to survive in such close quarters. Well, she didn’t want to share with others. She didn’t want to be one of the minions. She wanted to stand out and have everyone follow her around like a puppy dog, like the kids did in her hometown.

  She missed the days of being the most popular girl in school. All the guys had wanted to date her, even at the age of thirteen, and the girls were desperate to be her friend. She’d selectively chosen those who were good enough to be in her group. If they could offer her something, that was a definite plus in their favor. Information had always been her most valuable asset.

  She had been rich so she hadn’t need items or money — she’d needed information. She’d always known every piece of gossip about every person around her, and that had given her power. Now she was just one of many, and since Jayden had joined their group, she wasn’t worshiped as much as she liked to be. She still had a few followers but they were fading.

  Everyone liked Phoenix and Sadie. She hated them both. It disgusted her how they acted so innocent. She knew it had to be an act — no one was that sweet all of the time, or that naive. She blew out her breath in exasperation as she wandered farther away from the safety of the cave.

  She found a nice spot, with the sun shining through the trees, and stripped down to her bikini. She sighed as she looked at the fading material. She couldn’t believe how long they’d been stuck in hiding. It was depressing. She used to never wear an item of clothing more than a few times before it was discarded and she bought new. Being a spoiled only child had been nice. She wished the stupid war would end so she could go home and enjoy her pampered life once more. She’d be willing to kill for a hot day by the pool at her favorite spa, with people serving her drinks and snacks. There was an hierarchy in society, and she was meant to be at the top.

  Jessica heard a sound and peered up through her dark lashes to find a man standing before her. She immediately tensed, regretting her choice to be alon
e. She’d heard about what had happened to Phoenix and Sadie several months earlier, but she’d thought security was impenetrable now. She didn’t know how to fight — she never paid attention in class. She was basically a sitting duck.

  She looked the man over, her eyes wide with fear, trying to think of an escape route. Her radio was in her bag, several feet from her, but it was turned off. As she stared into his cold, dark eyes, she knew she was about to die. When the man smiled, it wasn’t to comfort her, it was predatory . . . and satisfied.

  He was tall, taller than most of the men she knew, and he was dressed fully in black, adding an even deadlier look to his overall appearance. Even through her fear, she noticed how handsome he was. Maybe she could get out of her ill-fated position after all. She was beautiful — she had no doubt about that. She was willing to do just about anything to save her own life, and he wasn’t bad to look at, with his dark eyes and short black hair. Heck, if she’d run into him at a mall, she’d have been flirting by that point.

  “Who are you?” she asked, trying to sound strong, but she heard the slight breathlessness to her voice.

  “Someone you’re going to get to know very well, Jessica,” he replied. His voice was deep and mesmerizing, almost placing her in a trance. She found her fear fading as she stared into his hypnotic eyes and let the sound of his voice wash over her. She knew she should be afraid, but she wasn’t.

  “How do you know my name? How did you get past security?” she asked. He took a step closer and she slowly stood. She wasn’t a complete idiot, and she still had the urge to run, though at the same time he intrigued her.

  “I can get through any barrier your people throw up, my dear,” he said, his smile mocking, his eyes filled with laughter. He was playing with her, and she had no choice but to go along with his game until she figured out why.


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