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Phoenix Burning

Page 26

by Anne, Melody

  Phoenix watched as John and Cassidy took off ahead of everyone. Her stomach tensed as she sent up a short prayer for them all. She could make it through almost anything other than losing John. She was strong, but everyone had their breaking point, and she knew that would be hers.

  “He’ll be fine, Phoenix. You know the soldiers can’t hurt him,” Jayden reassured her. She wasn’t necessarily worried about the soldiers. She was worried about Vyco sending in more of his demons. They were the real threat to John, Cassidy, and Jayden. She shuddered at the very thought. She hadn’t had a dream of Vyco in a while. She knew John had been protecting her, but he couldn’t be on call for her twenty-four/seven. It was impossible.

  “I tend to worry too much, you know that,” Phoenix replied. Jayden stopped and lifted his hand to her hair, gently running his fingers through the strands that refused to stay tucked into her ponytail. His touch did its trick and calmed her rapidly beating heart. Brian and Sadie walked ahead of them a few paces, giving them a moment alone.

  “I’ve been to hell and back. I’ve lived in the light, and I’ve lived in darkness so bleak you couldn’t begin to comprehend,” he said. She was mesmerized by his words. “You don’t need to worry anymore, not about John or me. Both of us would gladly die for you, but we won’t. We’re not going anywhere. Vyco can send everything he has at us, and we’ll defeat him, because unlike him, we’re fighting for love.” He brought his head down and captured her lips with his. His mouth caressed hers and she felt her worry slipping away.

  “How do you always know the perfect thing to say?” she breathlessly asked. He grinned, making her heart skip a few beats. She’d missed him so much, and being back in his arms felt like he’d never left. How could she have ever doubted their love — their destiny to be together?

  “Because I’m a sexy, irresistible man who you can’t keep your hands, mouth, or eyes from,” he teased.

  “You forgot humble,” she said with a laugh, her nerves settled for the moment.

  “Humble goes without saying,” he answered. “We need to catch up to Brian and Sadie before they think we’re slackers.”

  “Okay,” she sighed. What she really wanted to do was throw him to the ground and do very unladylike things to him. His eyes darkened as if he could read her mind. She winked at him, then started jogging toward Sadie. She smiled big when she heard him growl behind her before he easily caught up and lifted her off the ground, jogging the short distance to Brian and Sadie, who both rolled their eyes.

  “I’ll get you alone soon,” he promised, taking Phoenix’s breath away. What he did to her should be illegal.

  “Could you two get serious? We’re going into enemy territory, with a lot of men who’d like nothing better than to blow our brains out, and you’re acting like hormonal teenagers,” Brian scolded, but he couldn’t hold the frown for long. He wasn’t much better when it came to Sadie.

  “Sorry about that; we’ll behave,” Phoenix answered, but she couldn’t get rid of her smile. She was gloriously happy, for at least a few moments in time.

  “I can’t wait until we’re having these talks in my backyard with Dad grilling his amazing steak and our moms making potato salad, while we all splash around in the pool. I dream about summers in our backyard,” Sadie said, her eyes glazed with fond memories.

  “I miss those days too. I have to say I enjoyed our spying days, though, when we thought we actually outsmarted our parents,” Brian added with a chuckle.

  “I can’t believe they let us get away with everything we did. I miss those easy smiles on my mom’s and dad’s faces. They’ve remained amazingly positive, but I can always tell they’re stressed beneath their smiles,” Phoenix said.

  “At least we have wonderful families who are still alive and love us more than anything. I can’t imagine what Dean’s parents and little sister are going to go through when they find out he’s gone,” Sadie said.

  They were all silent as they thought about Dean’s family. It was never easy to lose a loved one, but so many had already lost more than they should have, and it was tragic for anyone else to die. During their short journey, two good men had been lost.

  The group continued their approach to the military base. They had a long journey ahead of them. Part of their task was to check houses along the way. As they reached the first set of homes, Phoenix’s stomach knotted with trepidation. The guys didn’t want to leave the girls standing in the open, but they didn’t want them going into the houses either. Phoenix and Sadie got fed up with them.

  “Look, we’re part of the team. We both know you want to protect us, but you have to let us help and be a part of this,” Sadie said, with her hands on her hips, as they stood outside a large home on the outskirts of the community.

  “Fine, but you come in behind us,” Brian said, exasperated. He wasn’t happy about it, but the girls got their way so they didn’t complain.

  The third house they entered was abandoned, as were the others, but it had a lot of food: canned goods galore . . . the good stuff too. Phoenix immediately went in search of a can opener after she spotted peaches and pears.

  “Found one,” she called out, her mouth watering. She needed something sweet. Brian went in search of anything else he could find, while Jayden sat at the table and marked the house as a supply spot. Another of their tasks was to list items of value they could use once they’d secured the island.

  Phoenix laughed as she thought about that, because items of value were food and bedding not diamonds or cash.

  “What’s so funny?” Sadie asked.

  “I’m thinking about how great it’s going to be when we’re all living on this island — when we can walk down the streets and wave to our neighbors. It’ll almost be like we’re home again,” Phoenix said with a happy smile. It was so close she could feel it.

  “I haven’t thought about that,” Sadie said with wonder. “This island will be ours. It’s about as secure as it can get. Maybe we’ll get to have a somewhat normal life again.”

  “I know we will, Sadie,” Phoenix said. They ate a nice meal and talked before continuing their day. They searched houses, satisfied with how many supplies were in each one. They’d made the right decision choosing the island. They’d have plenty to keep them fed, clothed, and warm. It made them feel as if a new beginning was really starting.

  “We’ve gone far enough for tonight. Let’s sleep in this house,” Jayden announced as the sun started to set. John didn’t want to make a move on the military base until they were all in place. He wanted the communities around it secure first so he knew soldiers wouldn’t come in from behind.

  “That sounds great. My feet are killing me,” Phoenix said. She wanted nothing more than to lie in Jayden’s arms for several hours.

  “I’m not sleeping tonight. We’re too close to the base and I want to keep an eye out for danger,” Jayden said, dashing her hopes. She could tell by the expression on his face she wouldn’t be able to change his mind. Her safety was the most important thing to him.

  They went inside and were lucky enough to find a camp stove with several bottles of propane. Brian made a great dinner and they all settled down for the night, knowing they needed to leave at first light. Phoenix drifted off, nervous about her day but excited for her future. It had been a while since she’d felt so positive.

  She might’ve taken comfort in the arms of another while Jayden had been gone, but it hadn’t begun to dim the love she felt for him. She was whole now that he was back, and she vowed she wasn’t going to ever let go of him. It wasn’t just his decision to make — it was both of theirs. She couldn’t go through not knowing if he was alive or dead again. She wouldn’t.

  At that thought she finally slipped into a deep sleep where nothing could wake her.

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Phoenix heard a scream and jerked upright. It was Sadie — she’d know her voice anywhere. Phoenix threw off her blanket and rushed from the room, poundi
ng down the stairs as fast as she could. She slipped on the last step and went flying across the wood floor, landing hard on her butt. She quickly got up and frantically looked around.

  Sadie screamed again. Her voice was coming from outside, pulling farther away. Phoenix flew to the door. How did Sadie get out of the house? Who could’ve gotten past Jayden? Had something happened to him as well?

  “Sadie!” Phoenix cried.

  “Phoenix . . . no . . . help!” she screamed again, her voice filled with agony. Phoenix’s eyes flooded with tears, making it hard for her to see as she ran in the direction of her voice. Woods surrounded the house, and she burst into the brush. It had to be Jessica . . . or even worse, Vyco. They had to have somehow gotten to her — maybe they had all of them. It was either that or Jayden and Brian were ahead of her, trying to get to Sadie too.

  “Sadie, I’m coming,” Phoenix yelled as she stumbled over twigs and damp earth. She felt sticks stabbing into her bare feet but ignored the pain. She had to get to Sadie. She knew whoever had her would most likely kill them both, but she didn’t care. She couldn’t take the pain she heard in her best friend’s voice.

  “Please . . . no . . . no . . .” Sadie cried again. Phoenix was drawing closer. She raced through the bushes, branches slapping her across her face and arms as she ran as fast as her legs would allow. She could barely draw air into her lungs, but she kept a determined pace. The forest became denser, making it harder to see and run.

  She came within an inch of slamming into a tree but turned at the last second. Where were Jayden and Brian? Why hadn’t she heard their voices calling out to Sadie? It had to be Vyco. He had to have all of them. She stopped the tears, refusing to let them blur her way. She would stay strong — she’d save her friend.

  Sadie screamed again, and it sounded as if it was right in her ear. She was almost to her.

  “Sadie, I’m here,” Phoenix answered, pushing through the bushes and into a clearing. The moon’s bright rays beamed down upon Sadie, lying in a fetal position, tied. Jayden and Brian were near her, both lying on the ground, bloody and unconscious.

  She ran to Sadie’s side first, trying to untie her. She knew it was Vyco. Where was he?

  “We have to run, Phoenix. He’s a monster . . . horrible. He killed them both,” Sadie gasped, sobbing so hard Phoenix could barely understand her. Sadie wrapped her arms around Phoenix’s neck and clung tight.

  “They aren’t dead, Sadie. They can’t be,” Phoenix insisted. Jayden was invincible. He couldn’t possibly die. How?

  “I watched him do it, Phoenix. He did something that made it impossible for them to move, and then he just circled around him while his monsters held me. He made me watch while he sank his blade into Jayden’s chest, then slit his throat. I watched the light fade from his eyes. Then, he turned and smiled at me, he actually smiled, before he walked over to Brian and nearly cut his head off. So much blood . . . there was so much blood,” Sadie sobbed.

  Phoenix was screaming in pain inside her own head. They couldn’t be dead. They couldn’t leave her and Sadie. No, she screamed silently over and over again.

  “Where are they, Sadie? Where did they go?” Phoenix demanded as she shook Sadie, trying to calm her.

  “I don’t know. He was poking me with this really hot stick. It burned, it still burns so bad, then I heard you calling for me. As your voice got closer they suddenly just disappeared. We have to leave now,” Sadie begged.

  Phoenix couldn’t move. She looked over at Jayden, lying so still on the ground. Was he faking to fool Vyco? She knew he couldn’t be dead. If he were truly dead, she’d feel it. Her heart would be ripping from her chest. He couldn’t leave her.

  “We have to go. Please, Phoenix, I know Vyco will come back,” Sadie begged.

  “You don’t want to leave so soon, do you? You’ve just arrived, Phoenix,” Vyco sneered as he suddenly appeared before them. He was flanked by his horrible creatures, their mouths gaping wide, displaying knifelike teeth, their eyes darting to Jayden and Brian.

  “Soon, my pets, you can have their bodies soon,” Vyco promised, to which the monster started an ear-splitting howling.

  “You can’t win. You might kill me, even kill all of us, but you’ll never win,” Phoenix shouted. She was furious. He’d haunted her dreams, he’d taken countless lives, and he still hadn’t had enough. He wouldn’t rest until all of them were dead.

  “It looks like I’ve already won, Phoenix. Your lover is dead . . . Sadie’s lover . . . also dead. Soon, your brother . . . parents . . . everyone you’ve ever loved will all be dead,” Vyco crooned.

  “You can kill us, Vyco, but you can never have our souls,” Phoenix spat. “We’ll live on, but you — you’ll be stuck in darkness forever, surrounded by your corpses, fighting within yourself, knowing you can’t win. You’ll never be allowed to walk in the light. That’s what you really want, isn’t it? You want the one thing you’ll never have. Kill me, I don’t care anymore, because I’ll be happy, but you . . . you’ll still be in your own personal hell.”

  Vyco stopped smiling as she spoke. His eyes glowed red in the bright moonlight. He raised his hand, and she stared him straight in the face. She couldn’t outrun him, she couldn’t fight him, but she’d die proud. She’d die knowing her last act was one of defiance. His monsters panted as they felt the tension in the air. They wanted to attack, to devour her. She hoped she’d be dead before they started ripping flesh from her bones.

  Vyco closed his eyes. When he opened them again, he had partially regained his composure, but there was still a sea of rage beneath his stare.

  “I like your spirit, Phoenix. You’d make a great addition to my side. Join me, and both you and your friend can survive this night,” he offered.

  “I’ll never join you,” Phoenix shot back. It would be better to be dead than to walk an eternity in his loathsome darkness.

  “I don’t want to die, Phoenix. You don’t know what the pain is like. It’s horrible,” Sadie wailed next to her, her entire body trembling.

  “Sadie, we can’t join him. He killed Brian and Jayden. How could you even think of serving him?” Phoenix asked her, shocked.

  “I don’t want to feel any more pain, Phoenix. I’m not as strong as you,” Sadie said. Phoenix looked at her best friend, and her eyes widened. She looked at Jayden, then Brian, then back to Vyco. He looked at her triumphantly. He thought he’d won.

  “Do the right thing and you can save one person you love. You obviously couldn’t save them all,” Vyco whispered, walking closer to them. Sadie moved behind Phoenix’s back, shaking uncontrollably.

  “What do I need to do?” Phoenix asked. She’d made up her mind. She could practically hear Jayden and John screaming at her inside her own head.

  “Just take my hand, Phoenix. I’ll tie them together with the binding rope, and you’ll belong to me,” he said, his eyes full of victory. Phoenix took a step toward him. His minions danced behind them, howling gleefully at their master’s ultimate triumph, their eyes greedy for the bodies lying in the grass.

  Vyco stepped up to her, and she glared at him. He didn’t mind, he was getting what he wanted. She pushed her hand out as he reached toward her. Before their hands could touch, she swiftly grabbed his dagger and thrust it into his chest, right where his heart had once beat.

  She quickly stepped back as he registered the shock of what had happened. His eyes rounded before fury filled their depths. His minions stopped moving, looking on in disbelief as their master was so openly defied.

  “Did you think that would kill me?” he thundered as he pulled the dagger from his chest.

  “I knew it wouldn’t kill you, but I can’t be bought, Vyco, and you need to learn that. Also, the next time you make such a realistic dream to deceive me, you might want to know that my best friend would never join forces with you,” Phoenix retorted. She turned and watched in satisfaction as Jayden’s and Brian’s bodies disappeared. She’d figur
ed him out and he didn’t need their illusions any longer.

  “You already know I can kill you in your dream,” he said as he took a step closer.

  “Not if I wake,” she replied. She closed her eyes and prayed she was right. “I want to wake up. Jayden, I need you to wake me, now!” she cried out.

  She heard Vyco dash toward her and felt the scrape of his nail against her neck, at the same time she felt the pulling sensation as she was ripped from the nightmare.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Phoenix woke up, Jayden holding her in his arms, brushing her hair from her sweaty face. Her entire body was shaking, and neither of them said anything as she clung tightly to him. She breathed in his scent, reassuring herself it was him, and he was unharmed.

  “Sadie? Brian?” she finally managed to whisper.

  “They’re both fine. They’re sleeping. “I’m sorry, Phoenix. I’m sorry I didn’t know sooner. I was so worried about an outside attack, I didn’t think about your dreams,” he said, anguish in his voice. Phoenix was slowly pulling herself together.

  “I’m all right, Jayden. I figured it out. He won’t hurt me . . . he won’t take me. I’ve looked into his eyes. I know he doesn’t have power over me,” Phoenix said. “What scared me is what he can do to the people I love. I couldn’t handle it if he really hurt Sadie, you, or John. It was so chilling in that field. I really thought I was there. I wasn’t going to join him, but I thought I was going to die.”

  “None of us were there, Phoenix. Everyone’s safe,” Jayden repeated soothingly. Phoenix was comforted by his reassurance.

  “Am I the only one he can hurt in the dreams?” she asked, worried, as she lifted her hand to his smooth throat. There were no marks, no welts, nothing that would indicate he’d been stabbed.

  “He can’t touch anyone else. It’s your mind he’s in . . . it’s his world for you,” Jayden said. He’d like to take the pain for her. He’d like to rush back to Vyco and rip his unbeating heart from his chest.


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