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Phoenix Burning

Page 28

by Anne, Melody

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  Phoenix’s stomach lurched and bile rose in her throat. The fast-approaching time to leave camp was inevitable. They were about to enter full-fledged war, and her mind was flooded with self-doubt . . . was she prepared?

  Their tasks were clearly drawn. Sadie and Phoenix had the easiest assignments, while Brian and Jayden put themselves in real danger. How would Phoenix cope if anything happened to them?

  “We have to stay strong, no matter what,” Sadie whispered, her voice shaking.

  “I know. I’m so terrified, though,” Phoenix answered. “Not so much afraid of the soldiers as I am about the things I’m sure Vyco’s planted in them. They are all that can harm Jayden, John, and Cassidy. I’m tired of always being scared.”

  “Remember the plan and everything will work out fine,” Jayden firmly reassured both of them. He pulled Phoenix into his arms, hugging her tightly against his chest. “Let’s go.” He didn’t acknowledge her fears for him and the others. He stayed focused.

  They moved into the night thick with humidity and dread. Jayden paused behind their last barrier and scoped out the gate. The only guard on duty was standing around, looking rather bored. If only he knew what was coming.

  Brian grabbed a poison dart, knowing the guard would be out before he felt its sting. He loaded it into the gun, aimed, and silently fired. The guard collapsed. Next, Jayden traveled faster than their eyes could follow and moved the guard from view. Phoenix didn’t know where the prisoners would be held until the battled ended, but she knew there was a jail on the grounds and they’d be locked up once the fighting stopped.

  When Jayden returned, they immediately started their tasks. Phoenix and Sadie had the physically taxing job of digging dozens of large potholes. That way, if any of the soldiers ran toward the exits, they’d trip, ensuring minimal escape. Even if they were able to call for reinforcements, help would be too far away. Nonetheless, they didn’t need enemy soldiers running loose on the island, killing any people they’d rescued.

  The team wanted the island to be a sanctuary to all those who’d been terrorized over the last several years. They needed to be able to sleep, knowing they wouldn’t be attacked in the middle of the night. They needed to live free of fear.

  Jayden moved around them quickly, anchoring trip wires, explosive devices, and nets. They wanted to capture more soldiers than they killed. The men didn’t deserve it, but as Jayden had pointed out, their team wouldn’t sink to the level of the enemy soldiers.

  “This is Team Alpha. We’re in position. Are all units a go?” John’s voice came over the radio. There were several voices answering in the affirmative, one after the other.

  “Team Bravo is ready,” Jayden answered before he turned toward the girls. “Do not deviate from the plan,” he commanded. They both nodded.

  He kissed Phoenix quickly on the cheek, then was off in a blur, out of sight in less than a second. Brian took the rear position, while Phoenix and Sadie ran toward one of the aircraft bunkers. They were to secure the bunker, making sure no soldiers entered. They both knew it was just a job to soothe their egos, but as they ran inside, they weren’t complaining.

  It was dark and terrifying out there, and though they were tense, they felt all those strong, overbearing men who loved them would concentrate much better if the girls stayed where they were. They needed to focus on themselves, not worry about protecting the girls.


  “John, what is that? I hear something coming from this building,” Cassidy asked, looking around her. She knew something was off but was frustrated at not being able to figure it out.

  “I don’t know, stay back — something’s definitely wrong,” John commanded. Cassidy rolled her eyes. Like she’d really stand back while he risked himself.

  “I think you forget I’m just as capable as you,” she said. John’s head whipped around and looked at her, then he sheepishly smiled.

  “Sorry, I’m so used to being the protector for damsels in distress.”

  “You’re forgiven. Now we need to focus,” she replied, instantly back on alert. She and John had plenty of time for heartfelt conversations when their loved ones weren’t in imminent danger.

  They crept toward the building where most of the enemy soldiers were housed. They softly leapt to the top of the building and entered through the fire escape, soundlessly making their way down a hall.

  On the other side of the base, Brian was setting his own traps but kept turning his head in the direction of the girls. He hated leaving Sadie and Phoenix alone, though he knew they were capable of taking care of themselves.

  He worried about Jessica being on the base. He knew she was up to no good but hoped she was smart enough not to try something in the midst of battle. Brian knew both John and Jayden would try to keep an eye on the situation, but many lives were taken by their own men in times of battle — some accidental, some not. He continued his work, but wanted to hurry so he could get to the girls as soon as possible.

  Jayden wasn’t far away as he laid his last trap before running toward the communications tower. He kept listening for Phoenix, hoping she was fine and wouldn’t need to call out to him. He knew he’d hear her slightest whisper, but with all of the activity going on, he was worried Vyco would have the chance to sneak in. It made it difficult for him to concentrate.

  “Josiah, I haven’t called for you. I understand your disappointment in me, but please keep her safe. She’s one of the good ones and deserves your protection. Something doesn’t feel right. I know you hear me — please take care of Phoenix and her family. Please take care of Cassidy too,” Jayden whispered while looking toward the stars. He knew his plea had been heard — he felt it in his soul. “Thank you,” he finished, a smile appearing on his lips while warmth filled his healing heart.

  Just as he turned to enter the building, the hair on his body stood on end. Vyco was there — he felt him to his very core. He changed direction to hunt the demon. He wouldn’t get his hands on Phoenix — not this time. Jayden leapt into the air and circled the huge base.

  He followed his senses, searching for the monster, when he felt a surge of blackness surround him. Vyco wasn’t alone . . .


  “I don’t know how much more quiet I can take,” Sadie finally whispered. It felt as if they’d been in the huge bunker for hours, when in reality it was only minutes.

  “I know . . .” Phoenix started to answer, but was stopped by an enormous explosion. From the middle of the base, the girls saw huge flames shooting into the night. They were stunned into silence for a moment — this wasn’t part of the plan.

  “What’s happening?” Sadie cried.

  “Should we go there?” Phoenix gasped.

  “They said we’re to secure this building,” Sadie said, but her voice was wavering. What if people were hurt?

  “Let’s go,” Phoenix shouted, no longer caring what the men had to say. Something was wrong, deadly wrong, and they couldn’t hide in the dark when their team needed them. She didn’t care how mad Jayden would be at her.


  “John,” Cassidy cried as John was thrown into the air from the explosion. She leapt from the ground, grasping him around the waist. She knew a mere explosion couldn’t kill him, but she panicked.

  “What the hell is this!” John shouted.

  “I don’t know,” Cassidy answered, though she knew it hadn’t been a question. John jumped from the building, landing safely on the ground as chaos emerged around them. Men and women ran from all directions, obviously confused. It was clear they weren’t the ones who’d caused the explosion.

  “We need to gather the prisoners before people are killed. There are too many enemy soldiers carrying guns, and they won’t hesitate to shoot,” John shouted.

  Cassidy nodded, and they immediately parted as they started grabbing the enemy soldiers. They moved too quickly for the men to know what hit them. One moment they
were running, pointing, and firing their weapons, the next they were thrust into a prison cell, unconscious.


  Brian heard the explosion and for a moment was paralyzed. He looked toward the fire, reassured himself it wasn’t the building with Phoenix and Sadie inside, then ran toward the commotion. He’d been trained well, and he’d do what he’d come for. No more of his friends would die if he could help it.

  As battles erupted in every direction, Phoenix and Sadie sprinted from the bunker and ran toward the blazing fire. They heard shouts, but couldn’t tell if it was from their soldiers or from the enemy. They grasped their weapons, prepared to fight.

  Sadie cried out after they turned a corner of the building. Phoenix spun around in time to see Jessica smash Sadie in the head with the side of a handgun. Jessica looked up in glee as Sadie fell, seemingly lifeless, to the ground, blood dripping from a gash on her forehead.

  “What in the hell are you doing?” Phoenix screamed as she raced to Sadie’s side.

  “Speaking to me like that when you’re all alone, Phoenix, isn’t a wise idea. Your precious immortal isn’t here to save you.” She paused as Phoenix gazed at her in shock. “Don’t look so surprised. Of course I know what Jayden really is,” Jessica said with a malicious laugh.

  “What are you talking about?” Phoenix asked as she felt Sadie’s neck, and breathed a sigh of relief to feel her pulse beating strongly.

  “Don’t play dumb. I know all about your world of good and evil, light and dark. I know Jayden isn’t mortal. I also know how badly Vyco wants him back on his team,” Jessica said triumphantly.

  “I . . . you . . . none of this matters. I don’t even care how you know, just stay away from us,” Phoenix stuttered. She couldn’t wrap her mind around the fact that Jessica knew everything. It was either that, or she’d heard them speaking and was bluffing her. Still, Phoenix didn’t understand why she wanted to hurt them.

  “It all matters,” Jessica screeched, intense anger flashing in her eyes.

  “I don’t understand. Why? Why would you want to hurt her? So what if you and I haven’t been best friends, you shouldn’t want to kill us,” Phoenix said. She could see the icy darkness glitter in Jessica’s eyes. She was taking delight in knocking Sadie out, and Phoenix had no doubt she planned to kill them both. But why?

  “I’ve always hated you. Precious Phoenix and Sweet Sadie, the two princesses of the cave. I was always the princess — me — not you!” she shouted.

  “This is about a popularity contest?” Phoenix countered in disbelief. Jessica couldn’t be so vain that she’d kill them because they’d unwittingly usurped her.

  Phoenix automatically took a few steps back, retreating from the girl. She looked around, trying to figure out how to lead Jessica away from Sadie. The knife she’d pulled was clutched tightly in her hand, but it was no match against Jessica’s gun. Before Phoenix could get close enough to use it, Jessica would shoot her. Then she’d kill Sadie, who was lying unconscious on the ground. Phoenix had to divert Jessica’s attention long enough for Jayden or John to come.

  “They’re not running to your rescue this time. Vyco has made sure they’re quite busy,” Jessica snarled as if she could read Phoenix’s mind. If Vyco were there, Josiah would surely step in too. “No, Phoenix, Josiah isn’t coming, either.”

  “How . . . what?” Phoenix couldn’t even complete the question.

  “I see I have you scared. I’ve got friends in very high, or should I say low, places. I know exactly what you’re thinking. Alas, he limits my power, so I can’t quite catch every thought in that disgusting head of yours, but enough that you have no chance of saving either yourself or Sadie,” she taunted.

  “Why would you do this?”

  “Power . . . greed . . . desire, to name a few. You’ve underestimated me, which was your biggest mistake. It’ll give me great pleasure to see the fear in your eyes when you take your final breath. Your last thought will be the knowledge that I beat you.”

  Adrenaline was coursing through Phoenix. The longer Jessica stood there with that vicious smirk on her face and the taunts spewing from her lips, the angrier Phoenix became. How dare the spoiled brat threaten them? How dare she so callously try to take their lives?

  “Don’t feel like talking, Phoenix? Lost in thought? Are you finally realizing what a fool you’ve been? I’m in a chatty mood, so it’s too bad you don’t want to catch up for old time’s sake. I’ll just have to end this quickly with a bullet to your head. It’s really too bad, because I find that I like to play with my toys before breaking them.”

  “Why don’t you fight me, Jessica? Put down your gun and see if you can defeat me,” Phoenix goaded her. “Anyone can win with a gun.”

  Jessica glared and Phoenix could see the wheels turning in her head. Phoenix smirked, trying to push her more. She hoped it would work, or at least buy her time.

  She took a deep breath. You have to calm down if you have any chance of surviving this and saving Sadie, she told herself. She glanced around the area again, covered with shadows licking the ground in ghost-like waves as the huge fire danced and roared around them. More buildings were going up in flames and chaos reigned as shouts rang out and guns fired. Phoenix had no clue who was winning and didn’t have time to deal with Jessica, but she had no other choice.

  She knew Jayden, John, or both, would search for them soon. By stalling Jessica long enough, they’d know something was wrong.

  “Overconfident as usual, Phoenix. I’d love to tear you apart piece by piece. I can spare an extra ten minutes. Soon, your brother, Sadie, and even Jayden will all be gone. You’re going to want to join them, aren’t you?” Jessica snickered as she slid the gun into her boot, then quickly produced a wicked-looking blade. Phoenix tried to hide the fear in her eyes, but she wasn’t succeeding when Jessica licked her lips and practically danced.

  They circled each other until Jessica lunged forward, her arm swinging out, producing a slight draft as she slashed through the air with her knife. The blade barely missed Phoenix. Her body broke into a cold sweat and she had a feeling the fight wasn’t going to end well for her.

  Jessica lunged again, and Phoenix managed to side-step her, then slam her elbow into Jessica’s shoulder. The blade fell to the ground with a beautiful clinking sound. Phoenix gained more confidence and lunged at Jessica. The two girls crashed onto the hard ground, both of them rolling several times as they each tried to get the upper hand.

  Phoenix landed on top and quickly lifted her fist and pummeled it into Jessica’s jaw, never so happy to see blood splatter from someone’s mouth. Jessica’s eyes narrowed as rage consumed her.

  She reached up and grabbed a handful of Phoenix’s hair and gave it a sharp tug. Phoenix cried out when several thick strands were ripped from her head. Jessica’s other hand came up and slugged Phoenix in the head so hard she started to black out. Her vision blurred long enough for Jessica to gain the advantage.

  Jessica flipped them over, trapping Phoenix by sitting on her stomach, her knees pinning Phoenix’s arms to the ground, painfully pinching into her flesh. Phoenix tried kicking her legs out, but it was too late — Jessica had a firm grasp on her.

  “Oh, how I’ve waited for this moment. I’ve wanted to watch the life drain from your eyes for so many years. I only wish the lighting was better,” Jessica whispered, her lips tilted up in a bitter smile. Phoenix refused to beg, cry, or show fear. She was terrified, but she wouldn’t give Jessica that last piece of satisfaction. “I can smell the fear on you,” Jessica hummed.

  She pulled another blade from her belt and held it up, the flames of fire reflecting off its deadly edge. She ran the tip of the blade down Phoenix’s arm, slicing the skin just enough to produce a small trail of blood. She used her other hand and drew her fingernail along the cut skin, causing it to throb even worse.

  Phoenix’s eyes rounded in horror when Jessica brought the bloody finger to her mouth and sucked.r />
  “You’re a monster,” Phoenix wheezed, not able to believe what she was seeing.

  “More than you know,” Jessica said, taking no offense to the statement. “You’re quite tasty, Phoenix, no wonder all the boys want you,” she added with a laugh. Phoenix felt her stomach turning as she grew nauseous.

  Jessica brought the blade to Phoenix’s face and ran the dull edge across her chin, cheeks, and around her eyes, then quickly brought it to Phoenix’s lip, and twisted it so a bead of blood dripped down her chin.

  “Red suits you,” Jessica mocked. She again dipped her finger in the blood and drank it. Terror gripped Phoenix’s heart as she saw the true identity of Jessica’s transformation. She leisurely bent down and swiped her tongue out, capturing the dripping blood from Phoenix’s chin. Phoenix shuddered and wished Jessica would get it over with and kill her. She knew Jessica wanted to cause as much pain and humiliation as possible first, before the fatal blow.

  “I’d love to stay and play all night, but I have a feeling your saviors will try to rescue you, so we’ll have to end this,” Jessica said with pouting disappointment. Phoenix tried one last time to knock the girl off, but it was no use. She had her pinned well, and there was no way to escape. Jessica brought the blade to Phoenix’s chest, circled around her heart, then pushed it up toward her throat.

  “I can’t decide if I want to plunge it straight into your heart, or slice that pretty little neck of yours,” Jessica said with her brows puckered as if it were a hard decision to make. Phoenix had enough.

  “It won’t matter where you go, Jessica. They’ll find you. They’ll hunt you down and find you. Your death will be even worse than mine because Jayden will rip you apart with his bare hands,” Phoenix said with a bloody smile.

  She hoped Jayden wouldn’t actually do that. She wanted him to keep away from anything to do with Vyco, but she wanted the pain to stop. She had to enrage Jessica enough to finish what she’d started, because every spot the blade pierced burned. She couldn’t stand being toyed with much longer.


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