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Phoenix Burning

Page 30

by Anne, Melody

  Finally she woke and the pain was manageable. She slowly opened her eyes to look around at the dimly lit room. There were lanterns casting shadows, but the walls were stark. She was lying on a bed, completely alone. Panic started to consume her. Was she captured? Where was everyone?

  “Jayden,” she yelled. She knew if he was anywhere nearby, he’d come. He was by her side within seconds.

  “You’re awake. How are you feeling?” he asked as he knelt on the bed next to her.

  “Like I’ve been fighting for my life in a knife fight, thrown through the air, and then sent racing through the bowels of the earth to my death . . . oh, wait, I was,” Phoenix said, in an attempt to make a joke. Jayden gave her a half smile that seemed to say he didn’t think she was very funny. “How long have I been asleep?”

  “A week. You had a nasty stab wound that was on the verge of being infected, your hands were torn up pretty badly, and you got some really bad bumps and bruises. We had you placed in a temporary coma so you could rest until the pain lessened,” Jayden said. His hand slid across her cheek and caressed her, taking the last of her anxiety away.

  “Is everyone okay?” she asked. She hated to be so vague, but didn’t have the energy to name all of her loved ones.

  “Yes, mostly. We lost a few good people, but most of our team made it out. We’ve secured the base. The island is ours, and we have the enemy soldiers on the run,” Jayden said.

  “Where’s John? Sadie?” Phoenix asked.

  “John’s in a planning session and Sadie’s sleeping. It’s about three in the morning.”

  “Do my mom and dad know?” she asked. She really wanted to see her parents. He smiled.

  “Our entire camp is here, Phoenix. Everyone from the cave made it here safely,” Jayden said. It took a few moments for his words to register, but when they did she was filled with happiness. They were going to be together, and the island would be like a paradise, especially compared with the cave.

  “That’s so great,” she said as tears welled in her eyes. She was still so tired, her eyes drooping, but she didn’t want him to leave. She didn’t know why she was crying when she felt so happy.

  “I won’t go anywhere, I promise,” he told her as he lay down next to her and pulled her tightly against him. Phoenix snuggled into him, her leg wrapped around his, and felt her first minute of peace since they’d left the cave. She felt safe in his arms; it was where she was meant to be.

  Phoenix woke again hours later and opened her eyes to find herself looking directly into Jayden’s. His mouth curved in a smile that made her heart beat erratically. Her stomach twisted and she pressed even closer to him.

  “Mmm, I could get used to lying around all day as long as you’re in my arms,” he whispered, his breath brushing across her lips, causing butterflies to dance in her stomach. She ran her finger across the sharp angles of his perfect face. She never took her eyes away from his. He bent forward and finally took her lips with his. She felt him start to pull back, and she refused to allow it. She needed to feel what only he could make her feel.

  She clung to his neck and pushed her body against his. He hesitated for only a second, before he lost control and his tongue plunged into the recesses of her mouth and his hands molded her body, pulling her tighter against him. Phoenix heard a groan of pleasure, unsure if it came from him or her. She didn’t care as long as he continued kissing her and running his strong hands across her body.

  “You can unhand my sister any time so Mom and Dad don’t have a heart attack,” John growled from the doorway. Phoenix pulled her lips from Jayden’s and felt a scarlet heat invade her cheeks. Nothing was quite as embarrassing as having her brother walk in on something so feverish. Jayden just chuckled, not intimidated by John in the least.

  “You don’t hear me complaining when you have your paws all over my sister,” Jayden retorted. John rolled his eyes.

  “Look who’s lying now,” John mocked him, but the tension was gone. He sent Phoenix a frown before the door burst wide open and her parents walked in the room with worried expressions on their faces.

  “Oh, Phoenix, we’ve been so scared. We’re so relieved you and your brother are safe,” Janet gushed as she pushed Jayden out of the way and engulfed Phoenix in a hug. It was like being home.

  “I’m fine, Mom. As a matter of fact, I’m perfect now that we’re all together again,” Phoenix told her while she clung to her mother. She didn’t care how old she was, she’d always cherish being in her mother’s arms.

  “You’re such a brave girl,” Janet said. They chatted until Janet was reassured her only daughter would be fine. Sadie joined them and Phoenix felt complete. Her family was with her and they all were safe. It was a great day to wake up.

  “Is it over, at least for a while?” Phoenix asked hopefully. If they could have some sanctuary on their island after fighting so hard, it would all be worth it. She felt a pang as she thought about Devon. His sacrifice hadn’t been worth it; he’d been a great man.

  Janet’s face sobered. “I wish I could tell you yes, but no, it’s not over. It’s barely begun . . .”

  Phoenix closed her eyes. She wanted to wail, but the words didn’t come as a surprise. They’d only just begun to fight. It wouldn’t end in a single battle. It might not end for years to come.

  They’d spent too much time in hiding. Now, it was time to step out of the shadows and prove they were warriors. She wouldn’t cower again while loved ones were slaughtered. She’d be the warrior she was meant to be.

  She’d defeat Vyco and all of his followers. She knew this beyond a shadow of a doubt. She might not make it to the end of the race, but she’d pave the pathway for all of the other warriors.

  It truly was just beginning. She smiled. The enemy had no idea the fighter they’d woken within her.




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