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Eclipsed Sunshine

Page 4

by D W Marshall

  “Time for dessert,” Mason announces.

  Everett stands and moves toward the head of the table. “Sunshine, this way please,” she says.

  On shaky legs, I rise. I have an idea about the rules of this world Mason has created. So far, he hasn’t deviated from them. I am alive and unharmed if I don’t count the psychological and emotional scars I will have forever. As long as I play along, I will remain alive and safe.

  I climb the short steps leading to the table top and lie on my back on the navy cushion as directed. My legs are elevated and supported with padding that now extends from the table. Leave it to Mason to create a table this out of the ordinary. Nothing in this place is ordinary.

  “Help yourselves,” Mason says. Music begins playing, the lights dim, and only incandescent lighting remains. The song is dark and slow. The table shrinks in size as the sides fold down, leaving me on a narrower strip. The five of them stand around me, their faces are aglow with light. Even I have to admit how beautiful they all look. I steady myself for what is to come.

  Mouths everywhere. Cara and Everett's mouths latch onto my nipples. I gasp as they lick and caress. My pussy already wet and ready, tightens in anticipation. I have never been with a woman before and from the way this is going, I will be with three.

  Connell smiles at me before leaning forward and stroking my clit with his tongue. When I feel the weight and heaviness of Mason’s cock, I am overcome. So many sensations at once. The pounding of his cock deep inside of me, my pussy contracting around it, Connell, licking and sucking my clit, while my nipples take a glorious beating. I am so close to coming that I don’t hesitate to dine on the pussy that is hovering above me. Pricilla. She is straddling me. I spread her labia and wrap my lips around her clit, trying to copy Connell’s approach. I lick and suck her clit, then drag my tongue over her opening. She throws her head back in pleasure, and I come apart. My mouth sucks harder and harder as I thrust my hips forward for more of Mason’s cock until I can’t move.

  Mason trades places with Connell who slides inside of me and doesn’t take long before he is coming deep inside of me.

  Chapter 6


  In all my years on this planet I don’t think I would have ever expected some shit like this to go down. I watch Whitney walk down the hallway.

  I’m not a sentimental guy, but even my heart aches as I take in her broken form—head down, turtle-like cadence. Heartbroken. All I can think about is the piece of shit downstairs that she is returning to. She must either really love him or be one of the most scared and broken women on the planet. But I saw it, for the briefest second—hope filled her eyes when I agreed to her plan. Like I restored her faith in humanity. But I know the second she heads down that elevator Thomas the douchebag will shatter it again.

  I would have never slept with her. Arrested her, yes. The second the money exchanged hands, I would have slapped the cuffs on her.

  But now, I need to save her.

  Thomas Ackerly is the lowest piece of shit on earth. He is the worst type of scum. I’ve been working this case for about seven months. When I met Thomas through mutual acquaintances it was easy to insert myself into this quaint beach town, and working at Milo’s Gym as a trainer was the perfect cover.

  The international crime task force that—my employer—was developed for just this type of criminal. My home base is in London. There I am known as an officer of the law. But, when I’m sent out on jobs, I’m the new guy—the new member of the community. I have traveled all over Europe, the US, and Australia. My newest assignment has landed me on the beautiful island of Barbados.

  My specialty is little fish—catching them before they grow into sharks. Let the FBI, DEA, HLS, and the CIA go after the long-time criminal organizations. My goal is to get ’em before they ever have a chance.

  Thomas Ackerly came up on my radar after he lost his money in the stock market and some desperation gambling. Lots of men lose everything to a bad decision—a risk they didn’t think through. But a normal man would take the gut punch and rebuild, legally. Thomas has proven not to be a normal guy. He believes the world owes him his success, and he is willing to do anything to get it. The red flags went up when his name surfaced in some seriously sleazy underground gambling—dog fights, a short stint selling dope, sleazy bum fights, and a couple of prostitution near arrests.

  Oh, that’s the other thing—this island is small, and pretty boy Thomas is thought of as a prince among men. Meaning, when the police, his family, and society witnessed what could only be descried as his downward spiral they looked the other way. Brushed it off as growing pains.

  It wasn’t difficult to catch his attention. He’s a desperate man.

  I inserted myself into Thomas’ life at Milo’s, a local boxing gym. I got a job there as a trainer, and I offer personal security if anyone should need it.

  It didn’t take long. Me being the new guy to the island. I’m a white guy, a stand out on this island where almost everyone is some shade of brown. Within a month, Thomas was saddling up to me to become my friend. He used his manipulation skills to get free training sessions out of me, under the guise of a new brotherhood. He frequently presented me with business opportunities that were, what he referred to as, hot and needed me to move on them right away. His desperation and temper always brewed just below the surface—a pot of water waiting to boil over.

  I was surprised when he came to me with this new venture. He wants to be a pimp. His ass will be in jail in no time, where men like him belong—off the streets.

  The plan was simple. His prostitute would saunter into my room; I would make her feel welcome, flirt with her, promise her a good time, and then arrest her ass on the spot. Then, with the biggest smile on my face, I’d walk down to the restaurant and wipe the stupid smile Thomas has been wearing from his face when I arrest his ass too. After, I’d hop on the next plane back to London—I’m due for a vacation. I don’t understand what all the fuss is over the sun. I am ready for some overcast days. Here, I feel like I’m in a perpetual half-eye squint.

  Instead, I am sitting in the suite, stunned. My plans changed the second Whitney walked through the door. One look at her told me that she was not a pro. Then I learned just how evil Thomas really is. A man that can do this to a woman he is supposed to love is only getting started. The most vile and evil criminals started out less sick than Thomas. He has the potential to become a monster.

  Chapter 7


  I stop at the bar and order a drink before I face him. While the bartender goes to work, I shoot a text to my dad to come and get me. I text that Thomas has been drinking, and I’m tired and don’t want him to drive me home. What I don’t say is that Thomas is worse than the monster that took me. I don’t have to wait long for Daddy’s response. He would never leave me in a position to ride in the car with someone who’s been drinking, and he certainly wouldn’t want me to pay for a ride if he were available.

  The bartender sets a shot in front of me and I down it and ask for a second shot.

  Then I turn and watch Thomas. He looks happy.

  He looks like a man who just received the best news on the planet. If he was visibly hurting over the fate he decided for me, I may be more forgiving. If his head was on the table, or if he was pacing back and forth staring repeatedly at his watch I may be able to see his point of view. But not Thomas, he is already enjoying all the riches he expects from me being on my back.

  If only he knew his new business venture stalled out before it could even get off the ground. I down the second shot, place cash on the bar and take brave steps toward what used to be my future—toward the man I believed in and gave me something to hope for when I was in The Chamber.

  It seems like forever before I reach his table. He doesn’t even bother to look up at me when I take my seat. He doesn’t smile, and he barely acknowledges me. “How’d it go?” he asks without looking up. His jaw clenching is the only reaction giving away how he might
be feeling. Is he upset with me?

  “It’s done,” I say under my breath.

  “Good. You hungry?”

  I shake my head. He takes the ring box and holds it up. “We’ll talk about this later.” He pockets the ring.

  After what he thinks I’ve done for him, he is holding the engagement over my head? This is worse than I thought. Nikolai is right, I need to get away from him.

  “I promise next time will be easier,” he says and plants a chaste kiss on my cheek. He stares out at nothing, still not looking directly at me. The look is a mixture of disgust and pride. The fact that he is directing his eyes everywhere but toward me fills me with hurt. “He pay you?”

  I nod.

  “You still in the mood?” he asks, smiling and glancing at me for the first time.

  The look makes my stomach knot.

  Are you insane? “No.”

  He smirks. “Figures. You can slip me my money when we get into the car.”

  His money. It hasn’t even been a day of our supposed business venture and it’s already his money? He is exactly what Nikolai said he was, a dangerous and desperate man.

  Thomas wipes his mouth and pats his stomach. His eyes find mine again. “You sure you don’t want to go upstairs for the night, we have the suite until morning?” he asks and reaches for my hand. I snatch my hand away before he can touch me.

  He looks at me like he’s seeing me for the first time. His face registers shock before he can cover it when he takes in my tear-stricken face. This time, he takes my hand and doesn’t give me the chance to snatch it away. His fingers are a vice around mine, making me wince.

  “Listen, I need this and you need me. So, I’d appreciate it if you don’t try to make me look like the bad guy or feel like shit when you’ve been screwing strangers for a fucking year,” he says, through clenched teeth before he releases my hand. I immediately nurse the sting, rubbing the top of my hand tenderly.

  “I’m tired, Thomas. I’m ready to go home.”

  “But, I’m not. We aren’t wasting that suite upstairs. The customer shouldn’t be the only one tasting the nectar. You haven’t shared since you returned,” he slurs the words, his islander accent more pronounced.

  Sirens blare inside my head, sounding more like a scream. On the inside, I am breaking in two. I inhale a healthy dose of air before I speak again. I take in my surroundings. There are a lot of people around us. Surely, I’m safe. The thought hurts more than I expected.

  “Look, a lot has happened. You’ve been drinking, I’ve been drinking. My dad is on his way.”

  Thomas looks at me as if I’ve lost my mind. He gets close to my face causing me to jump. He must smell the fear emitting from my body.

  “You are mine. I can take care of you. I will see you home when we’re done.” His expression softens toward me. “Call him and tell him I will bring you home when I’m ready.”

  “It’s fine, Daddy is probably out front, and he’d be upset if he drove all the way here.”

  Thomas takes a moment, and when he looks up at me it’s with concern, his mood changing drastically. “We’re gonna be okay. This won’t last forever, and I appreciate you representing our team like a queen.” He runs the back of his hand down the side of my cheek, causing my blood to ice.

  Oh, he is good. First, he acts like he loves me, then he hates me, and now he loves me again. I pull the envelope out of my purse, stand up, and push it across the small table to him.

  “Enjoy the suite and fuck off.” I walk away. My body shakes with nerves and fear.

  I should have known that he wouldn’t give up so easy. Thomas doesn’t want to make a scene, so he matches my pace until we exit the crowded restaurant.

  Once we are in the empty hall leading to the lobby, he grabs me by the arm and spins me around to face him. His eyes are crazed. I don’t know if I’m witnessing drunken behavior or subdued rage because Thomas has never shown me either.

  “This. Isn’t. Over. You and I started something tonight. While you were upstairs fucking another stranger, I was downstairs working. I have clients lined up for the next two weeks.” He flashes two fingers in front of my face and doesn’t care that I flinch.

  He doesn’t care about how distraught I am.

  He believes that I went upstairs and screwed a stranger like it was another day at the office. “Let me go,” I say through gritted teeth. “Now, or I scream.”

  “You wouldn’t.”

  I take a deep breath preparing my lungs when he lets go. I can’t get away from him fast enough. I resist every urge to run. My face is wet with tears, and the sobs tear through me painfully as I make my way to the downstairs lobby.

  Chapter 8


  Thankfully, Daddy doesn’t ask me any questions on the car ride home. Instead, he rubs my arm with his free hand and lets me cry silent tears until my well runs dry. My body is heavy when I pour myself from the car. I am almost to my room when my dad speaks up. “If you need to talk, I’m here for you.”

  I turn and look at him, his face mirrors my pain. I hate that my family is suffering because of me. “Did he hurt you?” he asks.

  I nod before speaking. What I want to say is, he is a horrible human being that wants me to do horrendous things. What I actually say is, “Thomas is fine; it’s not him, it’s me. He proposed, sort of. But then things got all weird.” I wring my hands and the lie continues to formulate in my mind. “I guess I’m not ready for future talk. I need to focus on getting over the last year, and he wants to act like it never happened.”

  My dad takes the few steps to me. “Baby girl, you take all the time you need. I think we all want to pretend that the last year was just a nightmare and didn’t really happen. Knowing how much you suffered is a struggle for all of us—I felt helpless every second you were gone.”

  A shiver runs through me. “I know, Daddy.”

  He wraps his arms around me. “We’ll get through this.”

  I nod again. “Thanks, Daddy,” I say and squeeze him. “I love you.”

  “Love you, too.”

  He waits for me to walk into my room, and when I turn to close my door I glance at my dad and see a forced smile on his face and worry marking his eyes.

  There is nothing I can do to make sense of what happened tonight. I lied to my father when I shouldn’t have. Somehow, I couldn’t bare the worry and pity that would come with me telling him the truth. I can’t stand everyone looking at me this way. Plus, Daddy would try to kill Thomas, and while I might enjoy that after tonight, I can’t help but think Thomas is only behaving this way out of desperation.

  There is no way I can see Thomas again. He would rather manipulate and take advantage of me than love me through the trauma of last year.

  I lie back on my bed and think back to that fateful day that ruined everything.

  I parked my BMW i8—a graduation present from my grandparents—in the parking garage at The Beachcomber shopping center on the same level as the main entrance so I wouldn’t have to take the stairs or the elevator. I should have checked with the girls and parked on the same level as they did, but it was daytime, and I thought, what could really happen to you in the middle of the day? Boy was I stupid to think that.

  I spotted my friends easily—Chalice with her long, dark hair and light brown skin, not quite as light as mine, but most people ask if we are sisters. We are both a mix of mostly African, but also some Irish and Native American; we swore we’d do our genealogy charts but never actually went through with it. Amaris looks exotic, with her deep ebony skin that never has a blemish; she’s simply gorgeous. She never intended on modeling, but by the age thirteen, she was already signed with a major agency.

  The three of us have been friends since we were five years old. All different, yet all supportive of each other’s paths. Amaris was homeschooled and tutored, and Chalice followed the normal path, graduating from a public school on-time. No amount of time or distance would split up our squad.

sp; “Ladies!” I shouted out when I made it to our usual spot, the food court entrance.

  “Whit!” they both rang out in unison. We ran into each other’s arms as if we haven’t seen one another in weeks, when in reality we had seen each other two days ago.

  “Are ya ready to shop till we drop?” Amaris asked, her islander accent changed by her travels to new and far off places.

  “Absolutely!” My face splits with excitement.

  “Bring it on!” Chalice added.

  We all cracked up and walked arm and arm—three gorgeous, young black women who were each other’s favorite people in the entire world.

  After hours of shopping, we fell into our seats at the restaurant, exhausted but successful. Chalice found a tastefully slinky lavender dress, Amaris’ canary strapless dress made her skin look sinful, and I believed I just may stop Thomas’ heart when he sees me in my fitted, short red dress.

  “Waters all around, please,” I asked the server.

  Chalice clears her throat. “We did it, ladies! Our guys are going to lose it when they see us tonight.”

  “What guy?” Amaris asked.

  We both reach out to her in consolation. “I forgot; sorry, sweets,” Chalice apologized.

  “I’m fine. I didn’t really expect Fredrick to be able to handle me being gone so much anyway. Besides, there’s this new guy that I really like,” Amaris admitted.

  “We’re listening,” Chalice exclaimed as we both offered our full attention.

  “Let’s just say three little letters, N-B and A.” Amaris awaited our reactions.

  We both gasped. Amaris is tall, like five-ten, and she has always complained about how hard it was to meet a tall guy. “You found Mr. Tall guy! Finally!” I teased.


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