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Eclipsed Sunshine

Page 11

by D W Marshall

  “Bullshit,” Thomas says finally.

  It’s Niko’s turn to laugh. “Come on, Thomas, let’s all have a seat and I’ll tell you a sweet little story.”

  Thomas hesitates and looks around.

  “Stop. We’re all friends here. Let’s sit. You’ll love this story.”

  Thomas and Niko take a seat. I don’t. I can’t, my nerves are pulled wire tight. I stand in front of them though, nearest to Niko. I wouldn’t miss this show.

  “So, I meet this guy about seven months ago. Seems like a nice enough fellow. I can tell right away that he has shrewd business skills, but has fallen on some bad luck. In all our meetings he never mentions his missing girlfriend. So, this guy and I meet a few times for beers. I like him. We start training together, and I don’t even charge him. I even feel sorry for him because there was something sad behind his eyes. So, imagine my surprise when my new friend approaches me months later and tells me that he has an idea for a new business and needs to start with some customers that he can trust.”

  Thomas is seething already.

  “It’s not my thing, paying for sex. But I consider this guy a friend, and I help my friends.” Niko scoots closer to Thomas and drapes his arm around shoulders. “I sit upstairs in a hotel room on the sixth floor with twenty-five hundred dollars in my pocket. My heart is racing. The whole thing is highly illegal. But I told myself, I’d help out this one time. I didn’t have to wait long before the door opens and the most beautiful woman walks through. She doesn’t look like a pro. No, she looks scared to death. It’s obvious by her red eyes that she’d been crying. I mean this poor woman is so afraid that I can see her body shaking. Can you imagine someone shaking so hard that you can see it with your own eyes? I want you to take a moment and imagine this.”

  “Listen—” Thomas tries to move and interrupt, but Niko tightens his hold around Thomas, and I can see him wince in pain.

  “No, no, the story isn’t over. You have to hear it in its entirety to fully understand.” Niko says, pulling Thomas closer to him. Thomas tries to wiggle away, but Niko is too strong. “Don’t get antsy now, I’m almost to the good part.” Niko laughs a little. I’m about to jump out of my skin. I was there, but it is insane hearing the story of how we met from his point of view.

  Niko continues. “I offer the beautiful lady a seat. Thomas, I could see her chest rising and falling. She was so afraid. I decide to talk to her. Ease her fears. Do you know what I learn about her?”

  Thomas doesn’t say anything.

  “I’ll ask again. Do you know what I learned about her?”

  “No, what?” Thomas asks between tight lips.

  “She told me that she was kidnapped and made to have sex with strangers for an entire year before she was released. She also told me that she was only released about three weeks before that night. I don’t even know her and I felt protective of her, any respectable man would.”

  Niko takes his time, letting this all sink in. He looks off into the ocean, lost in the moment. I see it in his face—the hurt, the anger. “But the worst part of everything she told me, worse than hearing how she suffered, was learning that the man downstairs who sent her up to spend the night with me was her fiancé.” He lets his words hang in the air.

  “I wanted to do two things. Run down the stairs and beat the shit out of my friend. I mean, really break him.” He balls up his fist and squeezes it. “I wanted to break so many bones that the piece of shit downstairs remembered what a deplorable human being he was during all of the months of his healing. He looks up at me; a sweet smile crosses his face. “Then, I wanted to take this beautiful woman into my arms and protect her, heal her.” I return the endearment, a thrill shoots through me at his words, it feels warm. The smile goes away when he turns his attention back to Thomas.

  “So, Thomas, what do you think happened?”

  He shrugs.

  “I’ll tell you what happened. The beautiful lady offers me a counter. She offers to pay me double to not sleep with her and keep it from you.”

  Thomas looks up at me and interrupts, “You lied to me?”

  I don’t answer. I look down. The anger behind his eyes shoots through me, and even though I know I’m safe right now, the heat behind his eyes makes me shiver.

  “Uh, uh. This is my story.” Niko laughs. “Me being the gentleman that I am, I took her counter. She wired me five thousand dollars.”

  He turns to me. “Remind me to give that money back to you,” he says. “Or, maybe we can use it to take a vacation. You mentioned on the phone last night that you want to travel,” he says, and I know he’s provoking Thomas. He gets what he wants as Thomas’ face frowns into a grimace at the mention of our phone conversation.

  “We talked for a couple of hours in that room. I told her she needed to get away from you. What we did not do upstairs, on the sixth floor, was have sex. I didn’t even touch her. Right, Whitney?”

  I stare at Thomas and respond, “Right.” My words come out shaky.

  “Surprise. So, you see, you and Whitney are in fact over. You had the chance to treat her right and you fucked that up. So, today, you get to say goodbye. I want you to look at her.”

  I know Thomas is looking at me, I can feel my skin crawl. Even though I don’t want to lock onto his gaze, I know I have to. So I do. Thomas is fuming.

  “Thomas. She isn’t mine, but she sure as fuck isn’t yours. You are no longer my friend; she is. This is a warning from a former friend. Stay the fuck away from her. Now please, say goodbye.” He squeezes him again, and Thomas winces audibly.

  “Goodbye, Whitney.” It comes out in a grunt.

  “Goodbye,” I say.

  Niko stands up and returns to my side. “Now, wasn’t that a great story full of surprises?” Niko says with a smile. I expect him to laugh, but he doesn’t. Instead he takes my hand and we walk away.

  Chapter 19


  By the time I get into Niko’s truck, I’m shaking. Niko opens the door, and I climb inside with a little help from him. I shouldn’t look back at Thomas, but I can’t resist the urge. He’s standing up watching us. My heart stutters when he waves at me. Something tells me that his goodbye was too easy.

  I jump when Niko closes his door.

  “Are you okay?” he asks.

  I shake my head. “But, I will be. Thank you for everything.”

  “Are you kidding? It was my pleasure.” He puts the truck in reverse and backs out.

  I sink into the seat and relax, letting the sense of safety envelop me. The silence feels good. A weight is lifted now that Thomas knows I didn’t sleep with Niko. Hallelujah. Even though we’re not together, I couldn’t have him thinking I would become a prostitute.

  “Where to?” he asks.

  “Anyplace but here.”

  “You want me to take you home?”

  “Not home. They think I’m on a date with Thomas. If I come home early, they’ll wonder what’s wrong. Besides, I didn’t get to finish eating, I’m starved.”

  “I know just the place,” Niko says. “But, you know you have to tell your family about Thomas.”

  I turn my head and look at him. Niko is gorgeous. I take advantage of his need to watch the road and I stare. The muscles in his arms don't even need to flex to show the definition as he holds the steering wheel, and now, I want nothing more than to be inside of those strong arms.

  “Did you get a haircut?” I ask, changing the subject. His brown hair is shorter than the last time I saw him, but it’s still styled in the messy just woke up look.

  “Yes, I did, you like?” he smiles.

  “I do.” I blush. I take a couple of breaths before I begin. “Look, I know I have to tell my folks. It’s just…they are finally getting to a place where they are letting their guard down where I’m concerned. You’re the only one who knows the truth about what a mess I really am.”

  He laughs.

  “Why are you laughing at me?” I ask with a nervous laugh.
  “Trust me, I’m not laughing at you, exactly. I mean, I am because you’re so cute sometimes. I don’t think you’re a mess. You, my friend, have to give yourself some credit; you’ve been through a lot, and your handling it very well.”

  I look out the window. I wish I could see myself the way he sees me. He said the friend word again. “Yeah, yeah, I know.”

  After driving a short distance we pull into an unfamiliar building.

  “Where are we?” I ask.

  “Just a place that’ll work you up into a real hunger and if you’re up for it, we’ll go to dinner,” he says. “Okay?”

  I nod and smile.

  Butterflies attack my stomach when he smiles back at me. Niko makes his way to my side of the car. Normally, I get out of the car on my own. I don’t mind a man opening my door when I am getting into the car, but waiting for a man to open my door feels weird. But, Niko’s car is a million miles off the ground; I actually need assistance getting out.

  Instead of holding my hand and assisting me, he picks me up, like I weigh nothing, and sets me down. His hands are so big and strong, how can I not feel safe? When he lets go, I feel the absence. If it were right, I would put his hands back on me.

  “You ready?” he asks.

  “Curious. Not sure about ready.”

  He laughs and then puts an arm around me, guiding me through the door. When we walk inside, I immediately regret giving him carte blanche on where to take me. A boxing gym? Why? The place is modern and sleek with several boxing rings scattered about, mats and standalone punching bags. I follow Niko to a counter. An older gentleman with ebony-toned skin is sitting on a chair behind the counter. His eyes light with excitement at seeing us approach.

  “Look what the cat dragged in,” he says and stands from his chair. He looks to be in his seventies, but he moves like a much younger man. He comes from behind the counter. “Niko, it is good to see you.” They hug like old friends. The man only comes to Niko’s chest level.

  “Milo, it’s good to see you, too.”

  They break from the hug and Milo turns to me. “You brought a beautiful young lady,” he says.

  “Milo, this is my friend, Whitney. I brought her here to work out.”

  I extend my hand to Milo’s and he takes it, bringing it to his lips. “You are in capable hands, Ms. Whitney. If you need anything, I’m your man,” he says and smiles.

  “Thank you,” I say, glowing inside and out.

  I turn to Niko and look at him as though he’s lost his mind.

  “You do realize I’m in a dress and sandals. Not exactly boxing attire.” I point to myself.

  He laughs at me. “We’re not here to spar, just play. Next time I will give you a heads up when I bring you here.”

  Next time. I smile.

  Niko and I head into the gym, and it’s clear to me that he knows just about everyone. He gives high fives, fist bumps, and hugs to guys of all ages. We stop in front of two young adorable boys, no older than six. Niko holds his hands up, and the boys take turns punching; he pretends that it hurts him. When he’s done, he pats the kids in a way that is paternal and my heart swells. Who is this guy?

  I follow him to a quiet area in the back to a mat and a row of heavy bags. I place my small handbag on the mat and stand with him. “This area back here is used for personal trainers. Come here, closer.”

  I make the few steps toward him and wind up standing in front of the bag.

  “Do you know how to make a fist?”

  “Of course.” I shake my head at him and ball my hand into a fist.

  Niko takes my hand into his. It looks like the hand of a child. He studies my fist. “Not bad, Whittie,” he says. He walks to a small closet and produces a pair of boxing gloves. He helps me into the gloves. I look up at him the entire time. Into his intense blue eyes. He is the only one who sees me—not my family, not my friends, certainly not my ex, only this man. He smiles down at me, his lips soft and full. I would never be bold enough to kiss him.

  “Make a fist just like you showed me and punch the bag,” he says after he helps me into the gloves.

  I turn away from him and toward the bag. I pull back my fist and hit it. I probably look insane wearing boxing gloves, punching a heavy bag in a dress and sandals.

  “Again,” he says. This time when I punch the bag he makes minor adjustments to my stance and how I’m holding my arms. “Non-punching arm goes here.” He places my arm near the side of my head. “This way you can protect your sweet face if someone were to swing at you.” Even as he says it, I can see that the idea of someone hitting me is unsettling to him. “How does it feel?” Niko moves behind the bag and gestures for me to keep punching it.

  “This feels amazing, like nothing I’ve ever done before.” I hit the bag over and over; the bag might as well have Thomas’ face plastered on it, because that’s who I’m pretending to hit.

  “Small but mighty,” Niko laughs. “You're a natural.”

  Niko walks away from the bag. I’m feeling sweaty from exertion. I wish I’d have known I’d feel like this, I would have pulled my hair up. Next time. The thought makes me smile.

  “What are you smiling about?” Niko asks.

  When he appears from behind my bag he is shirtless. And let me just say, Niko shirtless is like looking at a fitness model. I can’t help myself; I freeze mid-punch and gape at him, which makes him laugh harder. He’s built like he never misses a workout, lean in the waist with that V that doesn’t disappoint. He waves a gloved hand in front of me.

  “Whittie, are you okay?”

  I snap out of my daze. They say it’s rude to stare, but if he didn’t want me to he would have kept his shirt on. I’m sure if I stripped out of my dress he’d have a similar reaction. I punch him in his thirty-pack of abs. “Stop calling me that stupid nickname,” I say, but I smile, which means he’ll never stop. I gesture at his gorgeous body. “Just friends or not, you’re gonna have to put your shirt back on.”

  He laughs and starts hitting the bag. “It’s just a body, Whit…ney.”

  I shake my head fast, trying to extinguish my desires. “Uh, no, it’s not.”

  We stand side-by-side beating up our bags. I stop looking at his body and focus on releasing the remaining tension from my body. When we’re done, I am drenched. My hair has lost most of its curls and the second the gloves are off, I gather it up and twirl it into a bun on top of my head. Niko tosses me a towel and I dry off. I follow him to take a seat on a bench and down the water he hands me.

  “When can we do this again?” I ask, looking at him. He still doesn’t have his shirt on, and the towel draped around him is even sexier.

  “You liked it?” he asks, his eyebrows raise in surprise.

  “I loved it. I could release so much into that bag.”

  He drinks his water and doesn't wipe it off when some of it rolls down his throat. I have to look away because my mind is thinking about how much I want to lick it off.

  “Good, because your training has officially started.” He finishes the water and successfully hits the trash can, throwing it like a basketball into a hoop.

  I turn my attention from the trash and back to him. “Training?”

  He hoists his leg over the bench so that he’s facing me. He’s so close that I can feel the heat from his body. “I told you when we first met that you made me worry about you. I don’t trust Thomas. I’d feel a lot better if I knew you could protect yourself, so I plan to teach you how. Is that okay? You’re important to me.”

  I look down. I’m embarrassed. “Are you this protective of all your friends?” I ask.

  “Another thing I told you, I want to be more.” His voice is heavy and low.

  When I look up, he’s moved closer. If I move half an inch we’d be touching. So, I do it. I move, and his lips are warm and sweet. Our kiss is slow and sexy. I inhale him, the mixture of the lavender and mint I’ve already come to associate with comfort and safety makes my head light, and the butterf
lies go to war inside of me. He breaks the kiss way too soon, but not the eye contact.

  “Was that okay? I don’t want to rush with you.”

  “It was breathtaking.” I blush. I could stay under his gaze for an eternity.

  He smiles shyly.

  After a long silence, we both rise from the bench and head for the front of the gym. Niko takes me by the hand. “Come on, let me get some food in you.”

  “I look a mess, I can’t go out like this.” I stop in my tracks.

  Niko turns around and walks back to me, even his gait is sexy. This time when he kisses me it is quick and sweet, leaving me wanting more. “You look beautiful.”

  This makes me smile, but no amount of flattery will be enough for me to go out like this. “I think I’d rather you just take me home. I have a date with a tuna sandwich. If you want to hang out at my place, I make a mean one,” I say before I can stop myself. This is all wrong. I shouldn’t be kissing him or letting him kiss me. I certainly shouldn’t be inviting him back to my house. The lines are so blurry, I can’t see straight. Thomas and I literally broke up less than two hours ago. I mean, the sun is still out, and I’m already kissing another man. Getting close to Niko is a mistake, and I know why. I fight the thoughts flooding my brain. If he wasn’t here, where would you be right now? The answer is, I truly don’t know. He made it easy to say goodbye to Thomas, but if he wasn’t there would I have stayed? Would I have done the things he asked of me? And if so, what does that say about me? How much strength did leaving Thomas behind really take on my part if I had a knight ready to save me?

  I have to tread lightly with Niko because the more I depend on him, the less I can depend on me. I definitely can’t let him kiss me again, no matter how bad I might want him to.

  Niko nudges me out of my thoughts. “That sounds like an offer I can’t refuse.”

  Chapter 20


  On the way to my house, I realize the huge mistake I’ve made. I was so excited to spend more time with Niko that I didn’t realize the implications of bringing him home with me. I don’t live alone, I live with my parents. The downside of being a prodigy, my mental abilities were always leaps and bounds beyond the skills that I need to take care of myself—making me often appear much younger than I am. I was on the fast track to catching up before I was taken, and being in The Chamber made me grow up even faster. My parents won’t see it that way. Time is a sneaky bandit. My parents and I experienced the year I was gone in very different ways. The Chamber made me stronger, a survivor. Whilst it also made me weaker, unsure of my own worth. For my family, my time away made them want to hold on tighter, entrusting almost no one with my safety—they too were snowed by Thomas’ sociopathic charms. He conned his way into everyone’s hearts.


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