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Born of Darkness

Page 4

by Jamie King

  Chills shoot down my arms. Is this guy stalking me? “How do you? I-I wouldn’t hurt Tiff.” Would I? “And how do you know so much about me?”

  Luka shakes his head. “You mean to say that you would never hurt Tiffany intentionally, right? Yet, if something was to happen and you lose even the slightest bit of control then you could harm her.” He picks up a metal spoon and thumbs it gently. “You could end up causing another fire.”

  His eyes pierce into mine with such intensity that I squirm under his gaze. Another fire? “What do you mean another fire?”

  Luka sets the spoon down and glances around the room. “The night at Pyrien, I was there. I felt your powers surge right before the lights burst and the sparks ignited.”

  “Wait, you’ve been following me since I was at Pyrien?”

  “No, not following. I was there on other business when I happened across you on my way to the restroom.”

  “The restroom? That was you?”

  He nods and flashes a quirky smile. “When I felt your powers surge I went looking for you, but another witch was taking you to an exit. I thought he was one of your coven members and that you had awoken earlier than expected. I followed to make sure everything went according to law. When he loaded you into the ambulance and left you with the humans I realized that he didn’t know you. If you had been his coven member he would have taken you home. I chose to watch you closely until I could speak with you alone.”

  “And here we are.” I croak and spread my arms to draw attention to our surroundings. “Wait, what other witch?”

  “The man that carried you into the ambulance,” His brow furrows and he brushes his hand over his facial hair, “Jacob McGrath.”

  I laugh. “Jake? Now you’re just crazy. Well, crazier.” His expression doesn’t waver. “You’re serious?” He nods. He may be right. Jake never once seemed concerned that the light bulbs were exploding or that the fire had started and Tiffany had found him carrying me out of the club.

  “You know,” he shakes his head, “While you were awakening, your powers were calling to me. I’ve never heard of such things, magic calling to an individual..”

  I take a deep breath. How do you respond to someone telling you that they heard your awakening magic call out for them? Well, you don’t because that’s crazy.

  “Nuri, I came here to ask you a very important question.”

  “Um, okay?” What more could this guy want from me? I shift in my seat. How long have we been here? The place is emptying like it’s getting late.

  “I would like to take you to my coven to train and provide you sanctuary and protection.”

  I bite my lip nervously. “Why would I need protection?”

  “Solitude in the magical world can be very dangerous.” “If you would like a tour first I can arrange it if that would make you more comfortable.’

  “Why didn't I know about my magic until now?”

  A brief flash of confusion flashes over his features. “All magical humans or witches are unable to use magic until puberty. The average awakening can range between twelve and eighteen. Some are late bloomers, however eighteen is very rare and usually the child awakens around fifteen or sixteen unless a parent or coven binds their child's powers preventing the awakening until the coven or parents choose to allow it. If a parent binds their child’s powers only the parent’s death or release spell will unbind the magic.’

  “So, you’re saying that if, I um,” I squirm, “If I hit puberty prior to eighteen, you’re saying I should have awoken then?”

  He nods in agreement. “Which leads me to believe that one of your parents bound your magic. As the condition calls for, your powers are unbound upon the spell creator’s death or release spell.” He tugs on his beard. “The problem is that no parent would release their child’s powers in public like that.”

  His words take a moment to sink in. No. My mom wasn’t a witch. Was she? “If my mom had been a witch, why wasn’t she part of a coven and why wouldn’t she tell me something like this?”

  “I don’t know, but I do have someone investigating her background.” He pinches the bridge of his nose. “So far, we have no information. Grace Hayes was a normal girl who had a baby before her nineteenth birthday and managed to be a wonderful mother and send her daughter to school while working a normal office job.”

  There’s no way this is real. No way. This guy’s crazy. But, the times my mom got upset because I found a book about magic or tried to watch some movie with witches. Could this be why she hated those? Why she didn’t like me going out on Halloween? Tears threaten to slip through my defenses. I stand. “I need some time to think please.”

  Luka stands and hands me a business card. “When you’re done thinking, give me a call.” He shoots me a wink and walks away. I scan the card.

  Luka Connolly, General of the Thirteenth Legion, White Dragon Coven, Golden Oak Headquarters, VA.

  His cell phone and email are listed. “Well then.” I whisper under my breath as I push through the door.

  The cool night air kisses my cheeks. We had been in there longer than I expected. I zip up my jacket and make my way down the pathway to the dorm. A street light shines on the bridge ahead illuminating a small area before the canopy of trees suck away all traces of light. My footsteps gently thud on the wooden planks of the old bridge, the same bridge that Luka and I had been on earlier.

  A gentle rush of wind rustles the treetops and an abrupt rush of heavy footsteps echoes through the night air. I freeze, I don’t have my pepper spray and the surrounding area is dark and deserted. I glance around in search of a place to hide. A male voice shouts in the distance. I glance around in all directions searching for the person. Through the trees a perpendicular pathway passes under the bridge. I barely make out the figure of a man and step forward to get a better look.

  Jake stands near a tree looking into the darkness ahead of him. His crystal blue eyes seem to glow in the darkness. I haven’t seen him since the night of my birthday. Should I go say hi? I muster up the courage as I slowly make my way toward him. Luka appears from the shadows quickly gaining ground before he slams into Jake. I freeze in place. Luka’s large hand grips Jake’s throat and hurls him into a nearby tree trunk. Oh my god! I cup my hands over my mouth. I catch a momentary glimpse of Luka’s face before he is obscured by trees. His eyes glow and rage contorts his features. A wave of energy slams into me causing me to stumble backwards. I right myself and crouch near the railing of the bridge. I peer through the wooden railing in the direction of the encounter.

  Jake’s eyes snap open, the blue is shining with an unimaginable intensity. Peeling himself from the tree as if he felt nothing of the impact – he laughs.

  “Luka, Luka, is something bothering you?” Jake jumps down onto the concrete pathway and brushes his clothes off. Jake’s six-foot athletic frame is small in comparison to Luka. Luka’s broad muscular body towers over Jake.

  Behind Jake, the tree that Luka had tossed him into has an impact crater as if a truck had driven into it and shards of wood litter the ground at their feet.

  “What the hell?” I whisper and glance over my shoulder to see if anyone is around. Not a single person in sight.

  “Now,” Jake picks a large wood shard out of his hair, “If you don’t mind, I would like to continue on my way to grab some dinner.” He smirks mi and brushes past Luka without a second glance.

  Luka turns and watches until Jake is out of sight. He walks slowly over to the tree and waves his hand in the air. A gentle green light surrounds the trunk and slowly the damage done by the fight begins to weaves itself together mending the damage of the impact.

  He turns and disappears into a dark cove just out of reach of the light from the light post. I lean in closer trying to see what he’s doing. Just as I’m about to give up a small blue light illuminates his body and the path before him. Large golden glowing symbols dance around him before twisting toward the pathway weaving together to create a circle at his f
eet. When the symbols complete the circle, a bubble of blue light, similar to the surface of a mirror of water the size of a person rises and shimmers in the space before him.. Luka looks around before stepping into the shimmering mirror and vanishing.

  I rush down the wooden steps that lead to the concrete walkway below. Without warning the symbols circling the shimmering mirror break and shatter. The air rushes outward from the center of the mirror as the mirror collapses in on itself and disappears. I reach the space where it had been. Not a single trace that it had existed.

  I walk over to the tree to find fragments littering the ground, yet the tree is completely repaired as if nothing had ever taken place.



  My mind swirls in a cloud of confusion as I close the door quietly behind me. My mom was more than likely a witch, I’m a witch, Jake seems to be a witch, and Luka is a witch. Witches are real. I take a deep breath.

  “I made leaves levitate today.” I whisper to the emptiness around me. Maybe I can try to do it again with something else. I slip out of my coat and toss it on the bed before looking around for something to try my power on. I stare at a coffee mug near me. “Maybe something not so breakable.” I rummage through my desk and pill a pen from the drawer. “This will do.” I sit on the floor crossing my legs and set the pen down in front of me. I imagine the pen floating into the air. Nothing. Not even a wiggle.

  I glance over at the clock on the night stand. Two o’clock. I release a low groan and jump to my feet. The pen hasn’t moved even a millimeter. Maybe I didn’t make those leaves move after all. He must of tricked me. That liar! I release a stifled scream and slam my fist onto the top of the dresser. The drawers fly open in an explosion of clothes. I freeze and gaze at the open drawers. Shirts and pants are scattered over the lip of the drawers. A yellow t-shirt slowly slides over the edge and tumbles to the floor. Elation bubbles up through my insides quickly consuming my frustration. I race to the door and yank it open. I stop in the hallway. The darkness overtakes my senses and reaches into my soul. I can’t tell Tiff. My shoulders slump and I slink back into my room quietly shutting the door. I stare at the room and suddenly feel alone. If my mom had lived, would she have ever told me about this? How could she keep this from me? I wish I could ask her. I have no one to talk to now.

  There is one person I can talk to about it. I riffle through my coat and pull out a business card, Luka Connolly. I grab my phone and punch his number in. I pause before pressing send. What am I doing? I can’t call him. It’s almost three in the morning. He would be asleep. I open a message send him a text to meet at High Octane at seven for morning coffee.

  I wake to my phone vibrating on the night stand. . I reach for the phone and swipe the screen. The bright light pierces my tired eyes. Luka’s name appears, and I tap his name to open it.

  Nuri, I’m glad to hear from you so soon. I will meet you at 7. – Luka.

  I glance at the time, six thirty. I lean back against the pillows. I shoot up out of bed. “Six thirty!” I rush to the closet and yank a bright blue scoop neck t-shirt from the hanger and grab the same jeans I wore yesterday. I pull my hair into a pony tail before sliding into my brown leather jacket. I leave a note for Tiffany on the white board and quietly leave the dorm.

  The cool morning air whips my cheeks as I approach the steps to High Octane. The gentle warm glow of the small café invites those willing to make the journey in the early morning. The sun is just beginning to peak above the trees shining its bright light through the fluffy white clouds. The colors of fall litter the earth and birds chirp as they dance through the sky. The door to High Octane jingles as a young man exits.

  He releases the door as I reach the threshold and the sounds of jingling bells trails behind me. Newly strung thanksgiving decorations litter the small café. Paper turkeys dangle from the ceiling and red, yellow, and orange satin leaves are spread over the tables. Miniature pumpkins sit atop the ordering counter and rust orange tassels dangle above the cash register. Behind the counter rests a shiny “Happy Thanksgiving” sign hanging from the ceiling above the coffee machines. I take a deep breath enjoying the scent of coffee as I slowly make my way to the ordering counter.

  The girl at the counter greets me with a half-smile. I place my order and step to the side to wait. A girl with a rainbow scarf and forest green jacket pours steaming coffee into a small cup at the self-serve counter. Her black leggings are dotted with paint and her slender wrists are covered in colorful string braided with glass beads. I smile at her when she notices me. Her deep brown eyes are hidden behind square pink rimmed glasses. Her light brown curly hair bounces with each movement. I glance back at the cashier and lock onto ice blue eyes and silky jet-black hair. My heart flutters as the sight of him. Jake runs his fingers through his wind-swept hair and offers me a wink. His black wool jacket is buttoned to his collar bone exposing a sliver of skin.

  Jake breaks eye contact to greet the girl behind the counter. She giggles and touches his hand playfully. Jealousy seizes me. My cheeks flush and I clench my jaw.. You don’t even have a chance. Why bother, Ri? She hands him a simple cup of coffee before calling to me and announcing that my coffee is now ready as well. I silently pick up my coffee and avoid eye contact with them. I need to meet up with Luka before I make a fool of myself in here. My eyes dance over the faces, but Luka is nowhere to be found.

  “I haven’t seen you in a while.” Jake’s voice electrifies my insides. The memory of his lips on mine and his hands caressing my body through the tight lace dress. The lights around us flicker snapping me out of my daydream. He looks at me curiously and takes a step forward. “Where have you been, my light?” His voice glides through my mind carried on a river of desire.

  “I – I was.” What do I tell him?. My mom died. I have magic powers. I saw Luka throw you into a tree and you walked away without a scratch. “Recovering.” I manage to utter. He gently touches my face with his palm. The warmth of his skin spreads over me.

  “I wish I had been there to nurse you back to health.” His hand slides to my chin. His fingers gently lift my chin. Soft lips gently brush mine. “I have to go, but I better see you soon.” He turns away with a wink and slips outside. The bells on the door are the only sign that he had been there. I brush my fingers over my lips. How is he going to see me soon if he never asks for my number?

  In a confused cloud, I flop into a chair to wait for Luka. I take a sip of the steaming liquid allowing it to warm my body and energize my soul. The café bells jingle and Luka rushes inside. He takes the seat across from me and releases a heavy sigh.

  “I’m so sorry I’m late, Nuri.”

  “That’s okay.” I smile and take another sip of coffee.

  “So,” he shifts in his chair, “What did you want to talk about?”

  “I want you to train me.”

  His eyebrows shoot up, but they quickly relax. “I thought you would be more hesitant.” He seems relieved. “Would you like to come with me to Golden Oak, our headquarters in this area?”

  I guess it would be nice to see this headquarters. I guess other witches are there too. “I would like that.” Maybe I’ll see more magic.

  “Good, we can leave now.”

  I gape at him. Frozen in place with the paper cup pressed to my lips. Blood rushes through my veins. Now is too soon. I’m not prepared for now. “Right now?” My grip tightens on the cup and the world fades away until only this strange man with gorgeous green eyes is the only visible object.

  He nods with a huge grin. “Yes, right now.”

  Slowly, I pull the cup from my lips. My heart tumbles in my chest and my skin tingles with the loss of oxygen. Breathe, Nuri. Breathe. Why am I irrationally afraid? Well maybe because you don’t know him! “Um, okay.” Oh, dear god, why did I say yes? How could I do this to myself. My mouth betrays me! What have I done?

  He stands excitedly drawing attention to us. I attempt to shrink deep into my seat, but he bounces over to me an
d grabs my hand. “Come on, let’s go!” He pulls me with him toward the door. His had engulfs mine like that of a father holding his young daughters hand. It’s warm. I smile inwardly at the thought of what a father would be like. Would it be like this? I shake my head. My god, Nuri, stop! “This will be so fun!” He exclaims as we exit the café and enter the cool morning light. “We need some privacy, how about we go to your dorm room.”

  My mouth drops in horror and my stomach sinks to the center of the earth. Who is this man? Who does he think I am? “Uh, w-why?” I manage to sputter out.

  He leans in close to me, his face merely inches away. The deep green of his eyes sparkle with gold flecks. His voice is rough and thick. “So that I can summon a portal.”

  His voice stops my breath. His face lingers inches from mine. Heat spreads through my body and my lips part slightly. I see his eyes move to watch as they darken. He blinks a few times and backs away pulling me along with him down the pathway. I let out a quiet breath. His golden-brown hair shines in the morning sun. His caramel skin – soft and warm. His deep green eyes the embodiment of envy. His strong jaw is set as he concentrates on the path ahead. His broad shoulders hidden beneath the worn leather jacket. His muscular arms and triangular torso set atop muscular jean covered legs. He carries himself like a primal hunter prowling through the forest. Veins trail their way down his hand as they bulge engorged with blood. He’s like a lion.

  His long hair blows in the wind. He pushes the loose strands away from his face. Leather bracelets adorn his wrist and a flash of white catches my eye. A smooth ivory ouroboros is stitched into the leather. He stops and releases my hand. His eyes drill into me impatiently. Did he notice me staring? I should’ve been more discrete about it.

  “Any day now.” He points at the door.


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