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I Dated a Hot Assassin (Blind Date Corporation Book 2)

Page 5

by Viola Grace

  He guided himself into her, pressed her against the wall, and held her hands over her head as he drove into her. She gasped, moaned, and occasionally squeaked when her stinging backside rubbed the wall.

  Her orgasm hit in a rush, and she shuddered against him, her body holding onto him so tight it was an effort for him to move. Three more thrusts, and he was with her, shuddering and holding himself deep inside her.

  He lifted her with hands under her butt until he rested his head between her breasts. “I need it tonight, kitten.”

  It was all the warning she got before he pulled hard at her, and she held his head to her and soothed him. He switched to the other side, and the draw was less ferocious but still determined.

  He looked at her with amusement as the moonlight lit the shine of his eyes. “You are trying to soothe me?”

  She shrugged. “It’s dark. I can’t read your features, so I had to guess.”

  He lowered her until their faces were level. “Good guess. Now, I need some rest.”

  “I have a bit left; I can add a sedative.”

  He grinned. “I plan on earning my rest, kitten, but you are part of the process.”

  He walked back to the bedroom, slipped inside her, and rolled to his back with her draped over him. He pulled the sheet up and wrapped his arms around her. “Back to sleep, kitten. We will talk in the morning.”

  “This can’t be comfortable for you.”

  He smiled and sighed. “It is torment, but I have slept through worse. Thanks for putting healing in the dose.”

  She drummed her fingers on his chest. “Why did you need healing?”

  “The blood you smelled was mine. They caught my face.”

  “Bastards. How is it now?”

  He took one of her hands and pressed it to his cheek. “How does it feel?”

  “Better but hot. I am going to regret this.” She levered up and reached for his head, pulling it against her left breast. “Try now.”

  His lips feathered over her nipple.

  “Stop teasing.”

  He chuckled. “Never.”

  He wrapped his lips around the nipple, and he sucked softly. With his erection inside her, the act of healing became foreplay with only a few seconds of suction.

  She chuckled. “Stop playing. Take your medicine.”

  He smiled. “I am, but the burn is off; now I can take my time.”

  “You know what, after all this, it is going to be a relief to get my period.”

  He laughed. “A little blood doesn’t scare me, as long as you don’t have any aches or pains.”

  She blushed. “Uh, that wasn’t what I anticipated as a response.”

  He snickered. “You are stuck with me, kitten. Now, get some rest. We have to be at the tribunal in the morning.”

  “Huh. I seem to be stuck on something.”

  He placed his hand at the base of her spine. “Keep it in.”

  “It isn’t the in that is the problem. Can I move?”

  He chuckled. “Of course. Move as much as you can.” He wrapped his arms around her, and he sighed.

  She settled against his chest, and his breathing deepened immediately. Healing worked better with sedation. He was out for the next four hours.

  She clenched around him, and he grunted, but then, she agreed that sleep was a good idea.

  A hand rubbed her backside, and she blinked and squirmed as the early dawn pried her lids open. “Hmm?”


  “Ow! What was that for?”


  She tried to get up, but he had the bar of his forearm across her lower back. At some point, he had pulled them up to the head of the bed, and he was semi-reclined while he smacked her.

  “Under.” Smack! “No.” Smack! “Circumstances.” Smack! “Are.” Smack! “You.” Smack! “To.” Smack! “Sedate.” Smack! “Me.” Smack! “Again.” Smack! “Unless.” Smack! “I.” Smack! “Ask.” Smack! “For.” Smack! “It.” Smack!

  He had swatted both butt cheeks equally, but she had tears stinging her eyes. “Ow.”

  She looked at him with what she knew was a stricken expression.

  He looked at her and raised his brows. “Do you understand, or do we have to renew this lesson every few hours.”

  “Why do you use more words when it involves spanking? You could have said, don’t dope me again, kitten. No, you had to get all fucking verbose about it.”

  He grinned. “Right. Next time a full dissertation until your ass glows.”

  “I was worried when you said you were injured. You look fine now, though.” She smiled brightly.

  She started to push off him, but he kept hold of her.

  “Where do you think you are going?”

  “Um, to pump and then get some coffee. Maybe make some breakfast? Definitely a shower.”

  He rolled her to her back and rocked his hips. “You got so wet during the spanking that I am moving easily. Naughty kitten.”

  Her butt moved, and the soft sheets still abraded her skin after the spanking. “Ow... ohh.”

  He chuckled. “Who would have thought that the deadly kitten would like being swatted? You are dripping honey.”

  She blushed furiously, and she rose to meet his thrusts. “I didn’t know that I did that.”

  He grinned. “I am delighted to have helped you discover this and definitely glad it was after you were made exclusive.”

  He rocked his hips as he thrust deep, and she was less interested in conversation than she was in just having him pounding into her. “More please, Salat.”

  His expression tightened.

  “Harder, please, Salat.”

  He drove harder, and she murmured, “Please, Salat!”

  She bucked and screamed. He pressed his mouth to hers and caught the low moans, the whimpers, and the sighs.

  He groaned and collapsed on her, his cock twitching inside her. “I could get used to waking up for this.”

  “Don’t try and do it in your sleep. The pillows don’t like it and will never respect you in the morning. Pillows don’t mind the spanking, though.”

  He grinned. “But, you like it.”

  “I also like sugared cereal for breakfast, but I would weigh a ton if I ate it for all three meals in a day.”

  “I am pretty sure that what we do after spanking will burn a few calories.”

  “I don’t want the spanking to be a regular thing.”

  He chuckled. “I will save it for our dates.”

  “Oh, shit.”

  He grinned wide. “That’s one.”

  She covered his eyes and mouthed a dozen filthy words. When she was done, she uncovered his eyes and smiled brightly. “All done.”

  “What did you do?”

  “Absolutely nothing that would get me swatted while on a date. Nothing.”

  He chuckled. “Come on. Torenne can’t have slept through that.”

  “Please, tell me you didn’t share the visual feed.”

  He smirked and withdrew. She felt the rush before he barked a laugh. It was less than an ounce, but it coursed along her skin and into every crevice before it hit the sheets. She wanted to move, but he was still between her thighs. She felt a flutter of panic. “I need to clean up.”

  “Come on. Quick shower and then breakfast and coffee.”

  She sighed. “Fine. But no funny business.”

  He laughed. “No promises.”

  He stood and picked her up. “Come on, kitten. We have a big day ahead of us.”

  So, he took his kitten to the bath and only engaged in a bit of mild amusement. Khytten didn’t find it funny at all when he stopped.

  “This is stupid.” She looked at the pile of boxes and inhaled the scent of coffee.

  “We have to leave in an hour, and I want to see you in your presents. So, one outfit. One minute with food.”

  She snorted. “You are not going to like the results of tha
t. I did spend time in the barracks, after all.”

  He grinned. “I look forward to learning.”

  She put a hand over her heart. “Yes, Patron.”

  Torenne was eating a croissant with her eyes wide. “You really have no trouble being naked?”

  “Not after extraction. This is the time I feel the most normal.” She opened the first box, and tears filled her eyes. “Oh, Salat. You found another one.”

  He chuckled. “Put it on.”

  She slipped the long gown on over her head and ran her fingers over the heavy and soft handmade lace that trimmed the deep neckline. She slipped the robe on and twirled happily before running her fingers up and down the silk.

  Salat groaned. “You did that the first time, too?”

  She bit her lower lip and nodded. “I did.”

  “Come here, kitten.”

  She walked over to him, and he put a single finger to her chin, kissing her slowly and chastely. He smiled. “You have one minute.”

  She looked at the scrambled eggs and bent over her plate, gobbling in as much food as she could before her time was up.

  When he called time, she took the last section of toast that had been in her teeth and sucked it into her mouth.

  He was looking at her in appalled fascination. “You were not kidding.”

  She wiped her fingers on a napkin. “Never underestimate my fingers.”

  Torenne lost it. She howled with laughter while Khytten went to change into the next outfit.

  The bra and panties caused Salat to freeze in place. “Why are you so surprised? You picked it.”

  He beckoned her over.

  She walked up to him, and he ran his finger along the inside of the bra. As he stroked her nipple, she asked, “What are you doing?”

  “Checking the fit.” He touched the outside of the fabric, and a panel dropped away. He bent his head and sucked softly.

  She blinked and muttered, “You are going to spoil your breakfast.”

  He released her nipple with a soft pop followed by a lick. “I didn’t put cream in my coffee.”

  He fastened the cup and stroked her cheek.

  Torenne was staring at the bra. “How does that work?”

  Khytten walked over and put her arms behind her back before leaning forward. “You can explore it if you like.”

  Torenne touched the fabric. “It’s so soft.”

  Salat was watching them. “All of the things I have ordered for kitten have to be soft and comfortable. Even the leather. Her skin marks up at the least provocation.”

  “Don’t tell me that my ass is still red, Salat.”

  He snorted. “Fine. I won’t tell you, but what is your body telling you.”

  She wanted to curse, but instead, she said, “How embarrassing.”

  Torenne smiled. “It looks cute. Like your butt is blushing. Now, how did that happen, anyway?”

  Torenne was still examining the fabric and working at the catch. When she got the panel open, she asked, “May I?”

  “Sure. I am only offering increased health today. Doing other stuff gets me spanked.”

  She felt the soft lips brush against her a few times before there was a delicate sip that got stronger. Torenne gripped her waist and held her other breast, and the polite taste turned ferocious, so Khytten put calm in. Torenne swallowed reflexively and slowly pulled her head back. Khytten righted the cup and stroked Torenne’s cheek.

  She looked at Salat. “One minute to down the coffee?”

  He snorted. “Take the time you need. The underwear is all the same function. The swimwear is similar, though I will enjoy a private viewing of that before we head to the beach.”

  “There’s a beach involved somehow?”

  He grinned. “It is a surprise. Your work history indicates that you haven’t had a holiday in your entire adult life. That is going to stop now. So, I have a few things booked in the next week, but after that, I should have some quiet time.”

  He handed her the cup of coffee. “Now, drink up and get into the big one. It has quite a few parts.”

  She nodded and slugged down her coffee before blowing Torenne a kiss and then stripping out of her underwear and opening the big box.

  She pulled the boots out first and blinked. “What?”

  He chuckled. “Keep going.”

  Torenne whispered, “Was that made in the workshop?”

  Salat grinned. “It was. They were stunned at the requirements, but it made the challenge more enjoyable.”

  Khytten looked over at the underwear.

  “Kitten, it goes on over bare skin.”

  “Okay, good, otherwise the contacts would be strange. So, does this do what I think it does?”

  He grinned. “It does. Get dressed. You will be wearing it at the tribunal.”

  She stepped into the bodysuit and lined it up carefully as she got it snugged in at the hips, slipped the arms on, and shrugged them into position. The contact points over her breasts actually moved for perfect alignment. “So, how smart is this suit?”

  He grinned. “Pretty smart. The exterior contacts can be connected to collection devices. There is a pack down below with compression canisters. Each one can hold up to three extractions in a short canister. The tech causes the previous layers to freeze in compression.”

  She looked at the belt that would sit at the upper curve of her hip. “Wow. The extraction point is...” She felt down her left thigh. “Right here.”

  Salat grinned. “Keep going.”

  She snorted and pulled out a long rectangle. She had worn corsets before. So she wrapped it around her, did up the busk, and then tightened the lacing behind her. She inhaled, snugged it up, and tied the laces in a bow.

  Her internal organs were protected. There was enough of an armour layer in the corset to stop a bullet.

  She pulled on the boots, and they jacked her up four inches. She put the canister belt around her waist and then took out the holsters and weapons belt from Z-Tech.

  “Oh, it isn’t a rocket launcher, but you are so getting lucky the moment we finish the tribunal.” She strapped the weapons lower on her hips and turned to look at Salat. “Well, what do you think?”

  He stood up and walked over to her. “Where have you been all my life?”

  “Um, in capitol city.” She put her hands on her hips and looked up at him. “Where have you been all my life?”

  He grinned. “In the shadows, waiting for you.”

  She went up and wrapped her arms around his neck. “That sounds way too creepy.”

  He gripped her corseted waist and lifted her up for a kiss. “It’s a good thing that you rarely wear makeup.”

  “Um, why?”

  “So that I can do this.” His kiss was intense, savage, and bruising. When he lifted his head, she was panting.

  “I guess you like the suit.”

  Torenne chuckled. “I didn’t know we could dress her up.”

  Salat smirked. “You didn’t ask. We are still on a date, so putting on costumes that I select is part of it.”

  Torenne blinked. “Still on a date? How long is it?”

  Khytten chuckled. “Another forty-eight hours. Then, I will be my minimally agreeable self after that.”

  Salat snorted. “I will just have to book again.”

  “I don’t know; I might be busy.”

  He wrapped his arms around her and squeezed. “You think so?”

  She shrugged as he wrapped around her in a familiar way. “You know, it was a constrictor that got me in that desert stronghold. I am not a fan of being crushed unconscious.”

  He relaxed his grip. “I will just have to figure out a way to make sure you keep your schedule... open.”

  He moved one hand between her thighs, and she jumped when he opened a closure to her suit that only made sense considering the constriction.

  Her eyes went wide as a finger slipped into her. The breath le
ft her lungs in a rush.

  “Ah, another way to leave you breathless. Excellent. Oh, kitten, the look in your eyes could bring me to my knees if we didn’t have to head to the city.”

  He quirked his lips. “Maybe just a little.”

  He knelt and parted her legs, leaning forward to bend and angle himself toward her. When his tongue stroked the seam of her folds. She gasped then moaned as he flicked her clit. She was shocked when he leaned away and her suit sealed again.

  She was furious when he looked up at her with a grin. She pushed him away with one of her boots, and he fell to the floor laughing.

  She walked over to Torenne and said, “Will you help me get some revenge? It might leave you hanging.”

  The healer’s eyes were dancing with amusement. “Sure. What can I do?”

  “Kiss me?”

  Torenne leaned forward and met Khytten’s kiss, tongue sliding against tongue and mouths meeting, parting, and meeting again. Khytten slid her hand up Torenne’s thigh and moved her fingers over the slick confinement of her panties, moving slowly with each kiss and stroke of her tongue.

  Torenne gripped her arms and shuddered, the fabric of her underwear getting wet. The low moan was heartfelt. The healer smiled as Khytten raised her fingers to her lips and licked them delicately. She whispered, “Don’t look behind you.”

  Khytten laughed as she was picked up and hauled to the ready room to watch Salat get dressed.

  Torenne arrived after a few moments. “So, you are going to be needing a babysitter this week?”

  Salat nodded. “Yes, there are a few events that I have to attend in a professional capacity. If today goes as I expect, there are going to be a lot of actives looking for Khytten.”

  “You are taking her out in public?”

  “We are going to out her in public. No mask and no pretense as to what and who she is.”

  Khytten swallowed. “We are?”

  He finished dressing in a light-duty outfit with only light body armour. “We are. Zera’s tribunal. If you feel the need to speak. Speak.”

  She looked down at her shiny black and his matte black. “I am going to stand out.”

  “Yes, you are. The time for you hiding is over.”


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