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The Stolen Princess: A YA Dystopian Romance (Desolation Book 3)

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by Kortney Keisel

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  Trev has no room for mistakes. He must marry the princess of New Hope and secure the marriage alliance along with his future as king. The safety of his kingdom depends on it. Duty and honor never bothered Trev before, but love has a way of changing everything.

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  In this post-Desolation world, the Council of Essentials controls everything, including the prince. Is love more than a negotiation?

  Is love essential?


  They say it takes a village to raise a child, but did you know it also takes a village to write a book? It's true. There are so many people to thank.

  First, I want to thank my readers. I can't believe I even have readers. You guys have been incredibly supportive, and I feel humbled by the kind messages and emails you send me. I haven't received a single message that hasn't made me tear up. Thank you! I hope to keep writing books that you love.

  Thank you, Erin, my developmental editor, for the hours of work you put into reading those early drafts and brainstorming with me ways to make the plot work. We came a long way from that first storyline, the one where rebels took over Tolsten House. As always, I love working with you.

  To my other editors, Jenny Proctor and Emily Poole, thank you so much for cleaning up this story. I value your opinions so much, and whenever I turn over my manuscript to you both, I know I am in good hands.

  To my sister, Stacy, you have become my right-hand man. Words cannot express how grateful I am for all of the support you have given me on this book. You read every single draft (even at 3 am), you answered every text, and you spent hours on the phone with me multiple times talking about characters and the plot. You have been my biggest cheerleader, and I couldn't have done this book without you.

  Kaylen, what can I say? For someone who said they didn't like to read, you've read all of my books and given me great suggestions. I have so much fun brainstorming and texting back and forth with you. Thanks for your help.

  To my first beta readers, Tasha from @the_clean_read_book_club, Madi from @apageofpeace, and Meredith from @bookandacupofcocoa. Thank you so much for reading an early, crappy draft of this book. I am so grateful for the friendships we have formed through books. You guys are the best.

  Anne, when you first said you were interested in beta reading for me, I didn't know how valuable you would become to this book. There are so many things in this story that I can trace back to you. I loved all of our phone calls and texts. And, I just love you! Thank you so much for your help.

  Everyone needs an honest friend, and Michelle H., you were that for me. Thanks for not just saying that you loved the book. Your feedback made me push harder.

  I need to give a shout-out to my friends who "Support Kort" through beta reading and through making me laugh. Erin and Hannah, Mckenzie, Michelle, Chelsea, Laura, Aisha, Erin, Jen, and Mel. I love you ladies!

  Thanks to Shelly for being my amazing proofreader. I am amazed how much you catch even when I think the book is perfect. Thanks to Kendra for always asking about the book and spreading the word.

  But for me, the biggest thanks goes to my husband, Kurt. This book rocked my world off-balance. Everything in my life dropped so that I could meet the ridiculous deadline I had set. Thanks for picking up the slack. For putting the kids to bed so I could write, for not complaining during family vacations when I was writing and not swimming with you and the kids, for overlooking the messy house, for not caring when there was nothing for dinner. I seriously couldn't have done this without you. I attribute the plot changing to Drake all because of the conversation we had one Sunday night. And, your pharmaceutical knowledge really came in handy in this book. You are my better half in every way, and I am so glad that I get to share this life with you.

  Mason, Sadie, Kenley, Nixon, and Tyce, thanks for being so understanding. You guys are troopers, and I am so lucky to be your mom.

  This book was hard to write. It challenged me in so many ways. It made me tired, anxious, insecure, and at times unhappy, but I couldn't have pushed through without the help of my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. I am so grateful that I am a child of God. Without that knowledge, I might have given up. I am so happy I didn't.

  About the Author

  Kortney loves all things romance. Her devotion to romance was first apparent at three years old when her family caught her kissing the walls (she attributes this embarrassing part of her life to her mother's affinity for watching soap operas like Days of Our Lives). Luckily, Kortney has outgrown that phase and now only kisses her husband. Most days, Kortney is your typical stay-at-home mom. She has five kids that keep her busy cleaning, carpooling, and cooking.

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  Writing books was never part of Kortney's plan. She graduated from the University of Utah with an English degree and spent a few years before motherhood teaching 7th and 8th graders how to write a book report, among other things. But after a reading slump, where no plots seemed to satisfy, Kortney pulled out her laptop and started writing the "perfect" love story...or at least she tried. Her debut novel, The Promised Prince, took four years to write, mostly because she never worked on it and didn't plan on doing anything with it.

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  Kortney loves warm chocolate chip cookies, clever song lyrics, the perfect romance movie, analyzing and talking about the perfect romance movie, playing card games, traveling with her family, and laughing with her husband.




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