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The Red Lands 1

Page 32

by ForestRage

  Thirdly they still had to be mindful of any double cross, from the people of the Trading Post. Chu couldn't do anything much about this, but threaten to expose the location of the corpse to everyone.

  “Do you really think Griz would double cross us for this?”

  Clod panted as he pulled the rope.

  “I told Lucy to hide in the slums today. If he does betray us, she will spread the word to the adventurers. He would encounter hell, if he tried to escape with the carcass for his own purposes.”

  Chu replied.

  “Lots of good that would do us, when we’re rotting in the ground eh?”

  Ming sulked.

  “Vengeance is still vengeance, as long as it comes.”

  Chu replied.

  They toiled for the entire morning to complete this task. A perfect execution meant riches, a failure and discovery meant death. Chu had them installed the pulleys, to create a compound pulley which made their lifting struggles easier.

  It took him some time to actually recall this simple machine design. He made a note to begin recording his knowledge before it dissipated. Who knows when and if, it might come in handy in this medieval world.

  “Well it's all ready. I hope you and Griz have a great relationship Chu. For the love of my clean neck, I really do.”

  Ming said.

  “Yea, yea. Don’t be a pessimist.”

  Chu muttered.

  'What could possibly go wrong?'

  Chapter 49

  The Trading Post Master

  At around noon in the village, a small figure dressed in a bright red robe made her way to the Trading Post. She fidgeted for some time outside the General Store until she gathered her courage and dashed inside.

  It was ironic that she did this just before the guards decided to question her. They had become overly suspicious of this fully cloaked stranger who simply remained loitering around.

  Inside, the store was empty save for the assistants who were restocking the shelves or the others scribing on the account books. Part of the reason for her loitering on the outside, was because she waited for a customer to leave.

  Most of the trades were handled by the Shop-Bar-Meat facility outside of the south gate. Very few transactions took place in here nowadays except for locals coming to restock supplies.

  This place had turned into more of an accounting office. Calculating the sums owed by the Military, and distributing the profits to the lucky merchants that happened to invest.

  One said merchant, a Mr Kim, broke down in tears and cried in the snow just last week. His profits were rumored to be equivalent to nearly half of his family's yearly income. For an old merchant family, that figure had to be a staggering amount indeed.

  The young girl moved nervously to the counter. A young man in his twenties sat there, with a calculating look over one of the large ledgers. He had a quill pen in his hand, which gave him the air of a sophisticated scholar.

  "Ex...excuse me sir..."

  As a firm contender for the now vacant position of Master at this Trading Post, John was viewed as one of Griz’s protégés. Although he lacked certain social qualities, he was the best for the job. His shortcomings could be made up by accumulating experience over time.

  For the ones in the know, this was an opportune time to shower some praises and presents. Later on the new Master would at least be kind in his dealings with them. From the lowest villager to the garrison commander, they flattered him on sight.

  Assistant John's head had literally swollen to twice its size. He even begun assuming the airs and demeanor of a Young Master. To the other workers in the shop he cast himself as an unreachable figure of power.

  'Soon he would be the Trading Post representative for this village!'

  Now in front of him stood a young girl nervous and shaking. The other assistants glanced and could only imagine the outcome of this person. Surely after a harsh berating this girl could only retreat in shame.

  Heavens help her if she was good-looking under that wrapped scarf. Rumors had it that John had a scandalous reputation concerning young girls. It was said that he even tried to rope in the current Master in his vices.

  "Say what you need, stop acting like somebody is going to eat you."

  To the gruff voice from the young man the girl seem to pluck up some courage. She removed the scarf from her head. What greeted the onlookers was a genuinely pretty face with long cascading black hair toppling down.

  The rest of the clerks shook their heads. There was only one outcome for a gem like this in the village. There were too many men with ill intentions in this outlying village. Providing she was not already tarnished before during this rough Winter.

  "My brother sent me with a message for the Trading Post Master."

  "Speak then, I am like the Master here. Who is he and what does he want my help in."

  Miki tilted her head and looked at the man. The few times she ventured here, was to collect those clothes rags for the girls to sew. The Master here was to her an unreachable entity, yet the small boy she knew treated him like the average person.

  "Am... my brother's name is Chu and he said this message is for a Mr. Griz only. He stressed it is important like life and death. If Mr Griz is not here then I can only return and..."

  "Wait, who is your brother?"

  Assistant John toppled of his stood and dropped the quill he was using to write. He saw the girl back away, and immediately fixed his clothes and restrained his voice. The shout had obviously scared the girl. Not to mention caused the other workers to focus their attention in his direction.

  Under the shock of the other clerks Assistant John started to speak as if he flipped a coin. The clerks who knew him for a long time could only swear he now conversed with Griz.

  "Please, I am so sorry for that momentary outburst. Forgive me for being so rude to a child like yourself. Please, have a seat and repeat what you want done."

  Miki was shocked by the man's change of tone. It was like cold Winter shedding its coat for warm Summer.

  "Amm...yes like I said, my brother Chu sent me with a message for Mr Griz personally. Time is of the utmost importance. He said something about it was money or something..."

  "Ah!...sorry, sorry. Yes, time is money. Yes only words like that would fall off that bastard's....I mean that person's mouth."

  John glanced at the girl hoping she wasn't paying attention to his words.

  "Please, wait here. Have a seat in the corner. I will get the Master personally, it won't take a second. Jungo! get this young lady a cup of tea. Hurry!"

  Assistant John bolted out of the shop and made his way to the lodge. He was well aware of the relation between that young brat and his Master. If he could help it, he never wanted to cross paths with that devil.

  Since their clash, that brat eyed him occasionally like a hunk of seasoned meat.

  For John that boy represented a demon incarnate.

  Miki did not have time to sit on the stool when the man appeared while panting heavily. Before she could reign in her surprise a large burly man hasted to the counter, leaving heavy footsteps in his wake. An old guard completed this odd looking party.

  John simply gave a quick bow to her indicating he completed the task. Whatever happened next was beyond his pay.

  The first thing Griz noticed was a different girl sitting uncomfortably on the stool across from him.

  'How much kids did this brat recruit?'

  "What's your name girl?"

  Miki swallowed in her throat and answered meekly.

  "Miki… sir."

  Griz was elated by her squirming body language and her timid reply. He roared with laughter and turned to Simon beside him. He raised a muscular hand and pointed at the girl cringing on the stool.

  "See… See that! This is how a kid of this age and standing should be speaking. Not like that damn brat. Sometimes I wonder if he just lacks common decency when talking to me. Always taking advantage of my generosity, damn punk!"
br />   He turned to Miki and crouched down low over the counter facing her like an coaxing uncle. He spoke in a low voice, meant for only her ears alone.

  "That brat of a kid found it didn't he?"

  To earn a place as a Master of the Trading Post and a high standing in his clan’s merchant family, Griz possessed a sharp mind. From the wording of the message, and the squirming girl, the similarities to when the brat killed the snow bear was astounding.

  Miki, scared from the sudden outburst and a question that seemed to read her mind, nodded unconsciously. Griz stepped back and sighed, before donning a triumphant face. He loved dealing with people who operated on the same wavelength.

  For an old man Simon shocked the girl as he vaulted over the counter. In a few breaths the clerks closed the shop and left them inside. Griz paced around in an agitated manner before he exhaled and seated himself.

  "Let's hear it. Where is he, and what does he want?"

  Griz said. For the first time ever in his life he held his sweaty hands together and twiddled his thumbs on the counter. This deal made him nervous beyond compare, since the fate of his family rested on it.

  "Chu said have Simon meet him at the barn with a sled. They found it in the south, as he suspected and not in the north. Time is of the essence, a piece of fresh meat is bound to attract hungry predators."

  Miki said while quoting the last sentence from Chu. She gathered all her courage to deliver those words.

  "Simon get the sled hurry, take the girl with you. The less men involved the better.”


  Simon urged the horses over the snow as the sled bounced on the white ocean. At his side, Miki sat holding on for dear life. Her red cloak acted like a beacon in this colourless landscape.

  On leaving the shop, Griz had reopened it and conducted business as usual. He let John spread a rumor of a farmer sending a local to bicker about a late delivery. Simon had to rush out to appease the man, since the Trading Post had a sterling reputation to maintain.

  Chu spotted the brightly dressed Miki from a distance. The waiting that gnawed on his nerves had ended.

  “Chu, I did it.”

  “You did good, I knew you could do it.”

  Chu said as he patted the excited girl. He looked at Simon, or rather the man’s sheathed sword.

  “Boy you think so low of me? You should know that I have never worked for any lowlife scum ever since I became an adventurer. I have always valued friendship and honesty. Besides, I still live by the adventurers code.”

  Simon chuckled on noticing his eyes. This boy looked like he had even planned for a double cross. What a cunning little fellow.

  “Very well, then since we have boarded the same boat, let's sail on together. We wrapped the body inside, but as suspected, the chest has been cut open.”

  “No matter. The Tower will pay an exorbitant price for this rare specimen. I can’t imagine when such a creature had appeared. Help me load it into the sled. When we return, you and Griz can battle for your gains.”

  Simon replied.

  Chu gladly complied and true to his word, his soul never left his body. Beaming next to Ming who chattered with Simon, they returned to the village.

  A huge burden had been lifted from his shoulders.

  Chapter 50

  Is this really a loss?

  On the night they returned from the barn, griz sent a message inviting Chu to his room in the lodge.

  Currently the two of them sat across from each other, sipping watered down hot tea. Simon stood at the side, engaged in a conversation with Ming and Clod.

  "Kid, I really don't know what to say. I am starting to believe that you fed your old man some of your luck. How the hell did you discover it?”

  "Yes, yes. Stop trying to butter me up. Let's talk business."

  Chu said.

  Griz laughed at his reply. Right now he was to ecstatic to care even if the sky turned blue. oh wait it was blue. Hehe.

  "You really can't take a compliment can you. Because of you I now have to change my date to leave this village. Tomorrow I will be heading out to Karst under the guise to replenish our stocks.”

  Griz sipped his tea, and then continued

  “Overseer Pi has caught a cold so it's a perfect opportunity for me. The rest of the soldiers from the Military are also leaving so I will have additional protection for free. of course my cargo will remain in utmost secrecy."

  Chu nodded in agreement. Currently only a very few individuals knew about this humongous wealth. It would be wise to get it out in secret.

  "Karst has a small Tower Mage outpost. It doubles as a guild for those adventurers heading out into the wilds. But I will not stop there. By delivering the body to Limerock will net me the most gains, both in fame and gold.”

  Griz said.

  Chu sighed like an old man.

  "I take it you will not be coming back then?"

  Griz pondered for a moment before replying.

  "Given the enormity of this matter. I will have enough wealth and the favor of the Tower Mage association to gain a high position in Limerock. Unfortunately I am still short of loyal subordinates.

  I plan to remain in Karst for a few years before testing myself in the waters of a big city. When I leave tomorrow however, I will not be coming back to this place again."

  Chu understood Griz's dilemma all too well. For a man like him who felt the pain of his family losing their position in a city, Griz would not stick his head out on a block again. He cleared his throat and coughed. Ming quickly appeared at his side and gave him a scroll.

  During the Winter spent in the village, the girls had continued to practice their writing and reading. They had even drafted Chu's sister along with them.

  Opening this scroll revealed some neat and well written words. The product of Sakura's hard work. The contents were dictated by Chu.

  "This is a list of what I want as per our agreement. Don't worry I am not going over what we discussed that day."

  Griz took the scroll and poured through the contents.

  " want the Title for that piece of land that barn is on? I can do you one better and get the lands at the back so you can have access to the road when you are ready.”

  Griz said. At the moment he felt might generous.

  “Hmph, you still included the demand for books? Besides the widespread ones listed for adventurers, others are hard to find. I can keep requesting different kinds from the Tower Mages. Books are in short supply because of the limited number of scribes.”

  The burly man frowned, but still waved it off. Trivial things for a wagon of gold.

  “Pshh! Cough, cough... Eight hundred gold. What the heck? Damn brat, you did some research on that corpse didn't you! Very well consider it my gift to you for our relationship.”

  Griz choked as he spluttered out his tea. Considering the fame he would achieve, he wrote the gold off as an investment. His heart burned on having to shed it out though.

  “Hmm… what? You want somebody who had experience in Frost City? Preferably someone retired?"

  Griz looked up from the parchment at the boy for clarification.

  "Yep. I plan to restart a farm. With the threat of bandits gone for a long time, it is perfect for me. I still need to train myself and the others to defend ourselves. From talking to the Military it seems that Frost City has a lot of retired persons who can help with this. I just need one such person who can be loyal to me."

  Griz leaned back in his chair in deep thought. What the boy said made sense, theses kids lacked the most basic of training. For this request he had to ensure the person was not someone to take advantage of the situation. Something like this required time.

  Unexpectedly it was Simon who replied.

  "I know a guy who served with me back in Frost City. Last I heard he still lived on a struggling farm between Karst and Limerock. I can vouch for his honest and character with my soul.”

  Simon said. He walked over to the two merchan

  “He had some training in the Military but left after he got injured. He is better than me when it comes to fighting, but he might not suit your needs in farming.”

  Chu perked up and sat up on the chair.

  "Oh, Why is that Mr Simon?"

  Chu always maintained his respect for the old man unlike how he spoke to Griz.

  "He lost his arm in a dispute concerning me in Frost City. Since then he has tried to live his life as a farmer with his family, but things have always been rough. Considering we both adventured together, he has a status like a brother.”

  Chu remained quiet while his heart thumped madly. Score. Didn’t he strike gold?

  Maintaining his stoic appearance he paused as if in deep contemplation.

  "Hmmn… this person seems to fit the criteria for being honest and dependable. However… I don't know… we really do need some sort of protection until we are able to fend for ourselves."

  Simon understood what the boy was saying. This person was a brother who fought with them on the front-lines. It would be perfect for him to join up with these boys. They were one of the most honest and daring kids he had ever seen.

  What was the best thing about them was their complete trust and loyalty to each other. Their bond placed some mercenary parties to shame.

  "He might have lost his ability but he is still a skilled marksman and can handle a sword better than most. He is also a dependable person even though he doesn't have much experience in farming."

  Chu nodded slightly. If this new guy was half as loyal as Simon was to Griz, Chu's plan would be running like a well oiled machine.

  An awakened person with abilities was called a Sersen. Even though he had lost it, he should still be much more informed than others.

  "Okay, if Mr Simon can vouch for him then let him come to the village. I will meet and speak to him then. If he suits the work I want to do then he can move across here with his family."

  "I will get the message out quickly. In a month he will be here. Trust me, both him and I will be grateful for this chance."

  Griz sighed as a load was lifted off his chest.


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