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Destiny's Sweet Cage

Page 4

by K Harris


  “Who broke your heart Destiny? If it isn’t about Maze, then who?”

  “Silence.” At first, I didn’t know how to answer that question and then I had to come to terms with the reason for my heartache. It was all on me. “Me.”

  “Excuse me,” the confusion written over his face made me giggle.

  “I broke my own heart because I allowed it to get involved during a tryst. Something that questionably shouldn’t have happened, to begin with, I opened myself up to be let down. What was supposed to be a stress relief, turned emotional. That was all on me and not…this person.”

  “Nice cleanup job. That is a mature way of looking at that situation. Many women choose a childish path. Busted windows, sabotage, jealous rants – you name it. I’m sure whoever this dude is, he is kicking his own ass right now.”

  “Thanks, and I highly doubt that.”

  “The only advice I want to give you on this topic is to stay away from pissy ass boys, but I think we are past that stage.”

  “Uh, I’m going to say we are so far past that stage.” At that statement, he just shrugged his shoulders in annoyance.

  “Just know if anyone even thinks of breaking your heart from this moment forward, they have to answer to me.”

  “I hear you loud and clear Pops.”

  “Let’s get out of here so we won’t be late for the festivities.”

  Ready or not, it was time to face off with the one and only, Cage. The nervous butterflies felt more like biting bats in my stomach. Sweaty palms and moist armpits were my current companions the entire drive to the graveyard that housed many lost souls. Though William and Miss Louise were buried in the same cemetery, the memorial ceremony that I will be attending as on the opposite side. It had been an entire year since I last laid eyes on Maze’s headstone. A ghost of a smile graced my lips at the fond memories of my friend's final resting place.

  The thunderous sound of pipes could be heard for miles away. Though I arrived with a nice number of members from Torrent’s crew, this was all of the Knight’s arriving in unison. The figure that led the charge brought about the change in the atmosphere that I was dreading. He hadn’t even dismounted his bike and my breathing was choppy. No matter how hard I tried to tear my eyes away from him and scan the area, I found myself staring directly at him. As usual, he wore a pair of aviators that shielded his eyes from the world.

  The dark brooding look that was his signature look graced his sculptured face. Nothing about him had changed, not a hair out of place, not a pound lost or gained. He was still the sexiest man alive and deemed off-limits. The sluts hung close behind the club brother’s every move. Candie’s thirsty ass nudged her way through the crowd to get closer to Cage as soon as she spotted me. The scowl on her face showed she didn’t expect me to be in attendance. She didn’t deserve any of my attention, so I ignored her mug and looked towards the hand that was now holding mine. Though I felt the ominous heat of someone staring at me, I didn’t dare look around for the source.

  ‘This was going to be harder than I thought,’ I thought to myself as the memorial commenced.

  Chapter 4


  “What’s good Sis?” Wood approached me with a rare smile.

  “Hey Wood,” I accepted the brotherly hug he offered. My treacherous eyes diverted around the room of their own accord. I didn’t need anyone viewing our interaction as anything more than what it was, friendly. Cage was the first that came into my viewpoint and I stiffened instantly.

  “You good,” he asked when we parted. Tearing my gaze away from the penetrating one from across the room, I gave him the best reassuring smile that I could conjure up.

  “Of course, don’t tell me you missed me too.” I joked to take the attention off me and my sudden stiffness.

  “You already know, happy you’re home.”

  “Temporarily,” I corrected.

  “I heard.”

  “I’m sure you have; Syd and Black have already given me the speech that this will always be home and I’m missed around here. But you and I both know that I am not wanted here. Far away is what’s best,” I said regarding the last conversation that was had before I left.

  “For now,” he offered.

  “There you go, I’m starting to think that this conversation is some sort of Dez intervention. You all do realize that I am not some teenage runaway, right?”

  “If you say so,” he shrugged.

  “I’m not the one who wanted me to leave.”

  “At that moment, not for good.”

  “Let’s agree to disagree,” the sad smile that I gave must have done the trick because he nodded in agreement.

  “So glad you could make it, Dez.” Tech walked up to where we were standing.

  “You too Tech, I missed all of you guys.”

  “Some more than others, I can only imagine.” A deep voice said from behind me.

  “You already know I missed you Wolf,” I exclaimed and he only chuckled. “I know you are happy you don’t have to babysit me anymore.”

  “It wasn’t all bad,” he shrugged.

  “Obviously it wasn’t all good either, that is like the glass half full or empty reference.”

  “It is what it is Dez, you almost got me fucked up more than once with your defiant ass.”

  “At least we have come a long way from that Ms. Destiny bit we were on,” I scowled.

  “Shit, the things these ears have heard, and my eyes have seen makes us entirely too familiar. That damn sure is cause to be on a first-name basis.” He joked.

  “Out of order, sir.” I laughed because I know he meant it as a way to lighten the mood. There wasn’t a doubt in my mind that he excused himself each time Cage and I started our foolishness. No one appeared to care about our inside joke, either way, I was at ease around them and the fact that they knew about us.

  “I know but it made you laugh.”

  “That it did.”

  The day had long ago turned to night and the party was in full swing. There was no drama, everyone was having a good time. Even I managed to keep my eyes to myself, for the most part. From kicking it with the people that came with me to hanging with my Lincoln family, I was so close to being truly happy. The small rift between Cage and I was the only sore spot. Syd was ironically avoiding any interaction with Wolf, which I found odd. Normally she would be flirting and badgering him about fucking. If he walked by us like now, she would clam up.

  “You are like a nasty fungus that won’t go away.”

  “Like the growth sprouting from your raunchy pussy?” I asked Candie. “You should be used to it then, why complain now?”

  “DAMN!” Ethan and Dame barked with rambunctious laughter.

  “Look here runny pussy, stop with the territorial bullshit. I am not your competition. I never was, buy a clue, please.”

  “I hear the Salvation Army may have some in the bargain bin,” Syd said.

  “Try the penny saver, I hear you can find anything there,” Ethan added.

  “Now run along cum bucket and find you some business. There is nothing over here for you.”

  “Damn girl, I didn’t know you had that kind of fire in you. Let your boy help ease some of that hostility you got,” Ethan flirted.

  “Ay dude, that’s my sister,” Dame complained.

  “Bro, I’m trying to make her my wifey.”

  “Bullshit, go grab you one of these bitches that will bite that line. Not interested,” I laughed at his incredulous face. Ethan was a horny little clown. He often bordered the line of seriousness and joking around.

  “That’s cold baby, you do me so wrong.”

  “If you say so,” I giggled.

  “It looks like the white boy is trying to catch a case of jungle fever.” Syd laughed.

  “Little brother still right here,” Dame groaned.

  “Then go away over there, baby brother.”

  “Fine, I know when I’m not wanted.”

p; “Clearly,” we laughed as he walked away.

  “That is kinda cute.”


  “How your brothers stick so close to you,” Syd motioned towards where Dame and Torrent stood.

  “It’s quite the change from what I was raised around.”

  “Understatement,” she shook her head.

  “In other news, I may have a proposition for you.”

  “What’s that?”

  “What if I told you I had access to the money you needed to flip the bar into your dream place?”

  “I would cuss you out because you didn’t call me first when you won the lottery.”

  “Actually, I did tell you about my lottery winnings. It just wasn’t sponsored by the state of Tennessee.” I sarcastically stated. “Since DT found out about me so early, he has been sending money to an account as if he were paying child support all of these years. I have gained a dad, two brothers, and a sister. And I’m not going to try and name all the cousins.”

  “I’m happy for you, seriously I am but what am I missing here?”

  “How much would it take for you to do what you need to do?”

  “About another $10,000 and I should be good.”

  “I want to invest in your vision.”

  “Girl, nah I couldn’t ask you to do that.”

  “You didn’t ask, I offered.”

  “Well, I can’t accept your offer. Do you know how many people fall out over business and money every day? I’ll pass.”

  “Those people are idiots,” I remarked. “Look, everything will be laid out on paper before any money exchange happens. Syd, you want to build and have a sense of ownership. Well so do I, and right now we have the opportunity to do just that, together.”


  “Just think about it, I’m not trying to pressure you. And I definitely have no plans of trying to be a silent partner, hell I have my own business to figure out. Truth be told, from what you have said you wanted, I drafted the design on paper. It’s up to you whether you want to use it or not.”

  “Where did this sudden thought come from? The last time we talked, getting out of this town was the most important thing on your mind.”

  “I met with the lawyer from William’s estate. He informed me that some new developments fell from the sky regarding the asshats. The diner or what was the diner is all mine. I signed the papers earlier today. The city is trying to fine me because of the condition.”

  “Wait, so does that mean you are moving back?”

  “I don’t know…”

  “Bitch don’t play with me. Getting my hopes all up and shit,” Syd mugged. “I don’t see shit funny.” She pouted.

  “Eventually, I will come back but for now I have to finish my studies. To be the pastry chef I desire to be, I will need the full two years, but I was told that I could fast track it. Shave off maybe six months or so. There is a lot to factor into moving back here.”

  “You can’t take online courses?”

  “On some parts, online classes will be fine, but my labs will have to be taken on campus.”

  “Does the university in Nashville have a Culinary Arts program?”

  “I don’t think so but there are other culinary institutes where I can earn my degree online. Many people don’t consider them credible though.”

  “Destiny, if you don’t go on somewhere with the credible talk and whether someone else will care where you got your degree. From what you have told me, this is something you have always wanted to do. That man that raised you stunted your growth with his negativity, don’t let him continue.”

  “You’re right.” I raised my hands in surrender. “Now back to you and the offer I made,” she dropped her head at the reminder.

  “Dez,” she started.

  “Syd,” I countered.

  “Fine, I’m down to make some changes. I just have to run the idea by Cage to see if the club is even willing to part with the bar.”

  “No worries, I still need to get with Black about possibly doing the construction. Not to mention, I need to find a realtor to get me information on the property neighboring the diner.”

  “With you moving back, we can seriously discuss starting up our own club now.”

  “One thing at a time Syd, you are hitting me with a lot at once.”

  “Girl stop, you are not ninety years old.”

  “Whatever chick, are you planning on going to Blacktober Fest?”

  “Yes ma’am, I certainly do. My guy is finally back, and I promoted him to assistant manager. Not that the bar will get a lot of business since just about everyone will be gone. You?”

  “Yes, and I am kinda excited since I have never been.”

  “I was going to ask why you never went with Maze but seeing who tried to run your life, I thought better of it.”

  “If I’m keeping it real, Maze never asked me to go. He talked about it and told me a little about what goes on, he never mentioned me riding along.”

  “No matter, we are gonna turn up.”

  “Should I be scared?”

  “Silence.” Instead of answering she just laughed.

  From then on, the night moved into the next morning and it was time to hit the road. My new home was summoning me and considering my obligations, I didn’t hesitate to say my goodbyes. Cage stayed far away from me and I didn’t bother going anywhere near him either. Though some people had no clue of our previous entanglement, it was clear they wondered why we never bothered to intermingle with one another. There was slight tension but the only ones aware were those who knew the real deal.

  Since I no longer lived there, speculating our past dealings was pointless. Technically it was old news. The Sons of Vengeance, my new family packed up with me in tow, leaving Lincoln in the rearview mirror until a clear conclusion was made on construction. The fact that I was now related to them only amped up the eyes on me. Torrent made it known that he figured out about me and Cage when he first visited the compound. All of this was before he confirmed that I was his blood. Though he didn’t directly spark up beef between them because of the respect he had, that didn’t stop him from threatening to kick his ass all the same.

  Soon enough, I would have to speak with Cage though. It was only right that I address him about my pending move back to town. Though I was originally from there, and I owned business property in Lincoln, did my affiliation with another MC matter? Not an official member of either, the boundary lines probably didn’t apply to me, but I thought it would be the courteous thing to do. At least, I had some time to figure that part out. It was time to put Cage and the Knight’s out of my mind for a little while longer. My main focus had to be on rebuilding my legacy and expand on my dream, thoughts of past lovers did not fit into that category.

  Chapter 5


  Time could have helped me out a little bit. Instead, I’m stuck in the same position, pining over a woman that I dissed. No matter how many pussies I have tampered with since dismissing Dez, none could compare to what she had to offer. Not that I was actually looking to replace that feeling, hell I wanted no parts of those feelings period. As soon as I laid eyes on her, dual pains stabbed me with a vengeance, a pain in my gut and in my pants.

  At the gravesite, I wanted to force my way through the crowd to be near her but knew that couldn’t happen. Dez did not need me in her life mudding it all up. If I were honest, Dez was the type of woman that made a hardnosed man such as myself settle down. She didn’t need to know that though. Who is to say she would give a damn if she were to be made aware of my thoughts? From what I can see, the white boy of their MC lives in her face.

  Since they have been here, he has made it a point to stick close to her. As if no one else could swoop in and steal her attention. My cocky level is so high, I only know of one person that could pull her undivided attention and she not openly complain. That talented muthafucka would be me and dammit to hell if I didn’t want to flex on his lanky ass. Where did this sud
den urge to compete come from? Just as I stated before, the D in DEZ stands for DANGER.

  “Torrent tells me that business couldn’t be better.” DT’s sudden comment shook me from my thoughts.

  “It’s steady, that’s for damn sure. Who knew so many people needed saving?”

  “Though the news can be depressing, it can be quite informative if you listen to the right ones.”

  “True,” I nodded. There were many little brown girls missing that no one with authority was looking for.

  The news gives them limited coverage, maybe a fifteen-minute segment here and there. But the number of black women being abducted has increased substantially according to Torrent’s research. That was all the more reason for us to be a part of this change. Though none of us could be considered as law-abiding citizens, we held women on a higher pedestal than some may think. Without them, there would be no us. Since aligning our forces with Torrent’s sources, my eyes have been opened to a new danger against women who look like us. As a matter of fact, people that look like us period are being targeted.

  “Listen Cage, I am going to come at you straight up.” DT started and paused to make sure I was listening. “I just connected with Destiny on a fatherly level after being fed false information for too many years. We have been restricted from forming a healthy bond because of pettiness.”


  “I know you two have some sort of tainted history. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that it obviously didn’t end on a good note.”

  “You could say that.”

  “Let me say this, hurt my daughter and I will make your life hell. We have a standing comradery, but I won’t risk my daughter’s wellbeing for a friend.”

  “I understand.”

  “I don’t think that you do but you will soon enough. Every man has their weakness and my daughter is yours.”


  “No need to respond, I can see it clearly. It’s not as bad of a thing as you think. Imagine having that one person that you would murder anyone over, including members of your own crew if they harmed her in any way.” DT explained. “Sound familiar?”


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