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Destiny's Sweet Cage

Page 8

by K Harris

  Rubbing his hands together as if he were plotting or waiting for the grand finale, I pumped two fingers in my sloppy wet pussy. Coating my fingers with my juices, I kept going until I was finding it hard to catch my breath. Feeling satisfied with the friction applied, I put my focus back on my hardened clit. From there it was quick work as I came undone with a flick of the wrist. Labored breathing, slick skin, and a rapid beating heart – I rolled over onto my stomach drifting off immediately.

  ‘This has become my reality,’ was my last thought.

  Chapter 9


  Dez was looking too damn good to me. My dick has been on ten since I last saw her off at Nashville’s airport. The morning after a restless slumber with her sleeping on the other side of my apartment, I woke up with the hardest dick in history. On second thought, just the history of fucking with that damn Destiny. She is the queen of fucking with my hormones. All I can think about when we are within close quarters is pinning her against something and fucking until I drop. Her addictive ass personality, her sexy walk, and just the overall way she carries herself turns me on something serious.

  In the beginning, I always pegged her to be fragile and her every being was that of a good girl. When she was with Maze, she was cute but not as sexy as I see her now. Maybe it was the homeboy’s girl, no-touch zone that I placed her inside. All it took was one weak moment and she was roughly snatched out of that box. Now that I have been granted access to the hot box that gushes at my command, I saw differently. And I damn sure liked it. A little too damn much if I’m honest with myself, I wanted to be different with her, for her. That is a seriously foreign feeling.

  “If looks could kill,” Wood announced his arrival by teasing me. For the last hour or so, I have been stuck in this one spot watching Dez dance with that slick-haired white boy. Ethan or Sway, I now knew his name all too well. Since he was a part of Torrent’s crew, I knew I couldn’t cause an unnecessary rift. But that didn’t stop me from wanting to douse him with gasoline and watching him burn.

  “Cage,” Candie whined. Everything she did lately grated on my last nerve. Rolling my eyes to the back of my head, I reeled in my anger so that I didn’t cause a scene.

  “Candie, I need you to buy a fucking clue and get lost.”

  “Damn, that was subtle,” Black commented from his seat near me.

  “I just wanted to lighten your load, baby. You seem a little tense.”

  “Not tense, more like…annoyed.” I paused for dramatic effects and looked her dead in the eyes. Adding plenty of emphasis on that one word, she stumbled back from the look in my eyes. Considering I was plotting ole boys murder in my head mixed with the annoyance of her insistent behavior, I was walking a tight rope. If I weren’t careful, someone was going to get the brunt force of this rope snapping.

  “Candie, go find another dick to ride.” Black dismissed her dense ass.

  “I’ve been thinking,” Wood announced gaining our attention. “Maybe we should do away with the club rats.” He said.

  “I’m with you Wood. The leftovers from the last batch are becoming quite annoying. They are forgetting their place.” Black agreed.

  “Shit, I don’t fuck none of them anyway.” I surprised myself in confirming.

  “Even Candie?” Wood quizzed.

  “Bruh, I haven’t fucked Candie since…” I drifted off hesitant to reveal just what Dez has done to me.

  “No need to finish that statement, we get it.” Black chuckled.

  “Don’t get me wrong, I have fucked since…her but,” I drifted off unable to complete that sentence.

  “What are you waiting for Bruh?” Wood asked.


  “Let me guess, it’s complicated.” I just looked at Black when he said that because that wasn’t quite it. It was complicated but there was something else, I just couldn’t put my finger on it. Maybe I was just a pussy and couldn’t admit it aloud. She deserved to hear the truth before anyone else. There was a good chance that when I figured out how to word it, she will be the first to know.

  Having seen enough for tonight, I rose from my seat and walked away from the party. Gyrating bodies were everywhere getting awfully acquainted and would probably end up with some swapping of bodily fluids. As I hit the exit, the last visual was of this dude whispering into Dez’s ear making her giggle and blush like a schoolgirl. It didn’t take a master’s degree to guess what scandalous things he was promising to do to her body. A body that I knew so well and still desired to learn more about.

  The visual of the glow that covered her face when she was cumming made me stumble a little. My legs damn near gave out, I had to lean against the pillar in the lobby area to collect myself. Red was all I saw just thinking about her sharing her freshly fucked faces with another muthafucka. Cursing to myself, I know I looked like an animal, but I could give two fucks. There was no way I could allow another man to get what I know for a fucking fact is all mine. Dez and her pussy belonged to only me.

  “Back already?” Wood asked with a raised brow.

  “Where the fuck did they go?” I zeroed in on the spot that I last saw them, but they weren’t there anymore.

  “Dez and Syd ran off somewhere,” Reno answered. Did everyone know about my stalkerish antics where Dez is concerned?

  “Your boy is over there,” Wolf answered tightly. It was clear that he was worked up over something as well, but I didn’t know or have time to figure out just what.

  “Damn, I’m glad that bug hasn’t zeroed her ass in on me. That bitch is like an annoying ass tick sucking the blood from the body and infecting it with something toxic.”

  “Or a damn leech,” AC added with a chuckle.

  “Damn, I thought this was supposed to be a party,” I heard from beside me. Dez laughed and my chest squeezed hearing it. What the fuck was happening to me?

  “Hey, while all of you are sitting here, we wanted to run something by y’all.” Syd broke my internal battle. Luckily, she did because I was so close to pulling Dez over to sit on my lap. That was damn sure out of character for me.

  “What’s up?”

  “Dez and I were in discussion about starting our own MC for the ladies that want to be a part of a club. As you can see, there are a lot of lady clubs popping up here and there.”

  “Of course, we have been doing our research on how that is possible. Because we reside in what is deemed as your territory, we would need the club’s permission to operate in such a manner.” Dez added.

  “So, you want to take your first lady of the Knights position and start a spinoff group?” I asked from sheer curiosity. Why did I feel like just about anything that Dez could ask me for right now I probably would grant? This affection for her could be dangerous if it weren’t put in check.

  “Oh shit, I forgot all about that. To be honest, I thought that you guys were just placating me.”

  “No Dez, you were voted in by the executive committee. I assume you will be the president in a way.”

  “I doubt it.” She started to say but Syd spoke at the same time.


  “Wait, what? We didn’t discuss that. I barely know how to ride Syd.”

  “You will get better over time.”

  “You have been learning how to ride?” I asked Dez.

  “Yeah, Ethan has been giving me lessons. Dame and Torrent give me pointers when they have time.”

  “Silence.” Hearing that fuckers name only made my blood boil. He was doing all the things that I should have been doing. But as they say, you snooze you lose. From the looks of things, I may have lost my chance with Dez.

  “Cage, are you all right?” She asked genuinely concerned. From what I surmised I must have zoned out.

  “Hey Cage,” a chick that I have seen around a few times spoke. The chick was bad and if Dez wasn’t tempting enough already I would probably bite the bait that ole girl was pitching.

  “Just let Syd know whenever you decide.” Dez hurriedly st
ated and walked away. Obviously, she mistook my silence as a no, or she was intimidated by the chick that was still present. When in reality, I was fuming over my stupidity. How did you rectify something that you swore by? Destiny deserving better than a biker is facts. Her getting involved with another biker was bullshit.

  The baddie that didn’t take my silence as a cue to get lost came with an entire crew. They were now congregating with the rest of the brothers. The brothers that weren’t originally over here, had come over to get a closer look at the show of sexuality that was being displayed. These functions could quickly spin into some next level freaky ass shit. That was the main reason why so many so-called committed men chose to ride solo and why so many women with biker spouses chose to be in attendance. Shit could easily get out of hand.

  Some would argue that was the reason to not bring sand to the beach, but I personally think that is a cop-out. That bullshit excuse is tired and completely false. If you got a woman that you are claiming as yours, no other bitch should be tempting enough to mess up what you already have. Many would crucify me for the way I dismissed Dez, but it was for her good, in my mind. Then again with my position, maybe she was better off with a lower ranking member. As long as he kept her safe from harm, he wouldn’t meet the end of my pistol.



  That damn Syd is a mega bad influence in a major way. Somehow, she convinced me to speak with Cage about starting our own little group. She had been in contact with most of the ladies in or around the Knights. Apparently, there are several of the old ladies, girlfriends, or former wives of some fallen bikers in the area that I knew nothing about. They all agreed that they wanted to have a group of loyal chicks to hang with that didn’t judge their chosen lifestyle.

  Don’t I know how hypocritical some folks could be when something is not in alliance with what they have going on. William and his sons snubbed their noses at me enough for my choice of associates. Too many people around town judged the Knights and accused them of being bad news. Aside from the few bad seeds that were plucked from the club, they were some honorable men. The day that Cage gave me a rundown of how they operate business-wise, I wanted to be a hard ass and believe the worst. When I actually listened to what he had to say and dissect it, I realized that William had other motives for warning me against them.

  Now that I have gotten to know them and formed actual relationships outside of who I was sleeping with, I love them like family. However, the love I have for Cage would not be incest because I definitely don’t see him as a brother. Respectable family members don’t screw the way we have or the way I dream about. But would I tear some shit up for him if anyone tried to hurt him, you bet your ass. No one had better think of talking down about him or the club in my presence. Cage was an asshole, but he was my asshole, he just didn’t know it.

  “We laughing to ourselves now,” Syd asked. I hadn’t even realized that I laughed out loud. “What’s on your mind sister? Do tell.”

  “Nothing girl, my mind is playing tricks on me.”

  “Shit, I need a trick to take the edge off.” She laughed. The drinks that we have consumed must have kicked in something serious for her to say that out loud. Then again Syd did say whatever came to her mind.

  “Don’t I know it,” I grumbled lowly.

  “Bitch please, you got all that man trying to give you the full business and you playing.”

  “Shit, that man has been gawking you all damn night long.” One of the other ladies commented and everyone that was sitting in our group high fived each other.

  “Tell her Syd,” Ethan popped up out of nowhere. I swear it was like he had a beacon on my ass. “I’ve been trying to break her off, but she is playing.”

  “Speaking of the devil, damn.” Another one said and winked at me. She didn’t even tell me he was creeping up on our conversation. All these bitches were against me and my wavering resolve to keep shit friendly with his ass.

  “Boy, ain’t nobody playing with your ass.”

  “I think she is scared.” Syd jested.

  “Me too,” everyone chorused.

  “Fuck all y’all, ain’t shit to be scared of,” I waved them off.

  “That sounds like a challenge.” He said.

  “Or a dare,” someone else said.

  “No challenge and damn sure no dare, I’m simply stating facts.” I lied. Shit that would most definitely be a challenge, a dare for sure and I was scared as shit to get involved with another person. Knowing where my heart resides, fooling with someone else would only cause unnecessary chaos, for me anyway. And in the off chance that Ethan was actually serious about me, I would no doubt fuck him over.

  “Nah, me fucking your life up is a fact. The rumor that white boys ain’t packing some heat is all false, fact. I have been aching to fuck your head up since I first laid eyes on you, big facts. Wanting you to take the throne, big-big facts.” He smirked each time he checked some shit off his imaginary list of facts. “Knowing you are hung up on another muthafucka and still I want a chance to steal your attention, major facts. Even if it’s for a little while,” Ethan said smoothly.

  “Gotdamn…” Syd fanned herself.


  “Well, Dayum…”

  “Ahh, sooky-sooky now!” All kinds of responses sounded off from whoever that was in earshot of his admission and I couldn’t have agreed more with each of them. That level of concentration definitely made me a little warm. Cage wasn’t thinking about me one way or another. This fine ass dude has been nothing but a friend outside of the flirting. What was the holdup? Maybe I should…But what if…Dammit, I’m so conflicted.

  “Don’t think about it too hard. I’m gonna get up with some of my boys. If you decide to take me up on my offer of a distraction, leave a key for me at the desk. No pressure.” The face he gave me let me know just how serious he was by his suggestion. Ethan is normally all smirks, smiles, and full of jokes – this was a dead-serious man on a mission. “Let me apply the pressure, privately.” He leaned down and whispered close to my ear. A shiver raced down my spine and I knew it was time to excuse myself. The lacy top that I wore was about to show the world what that conversation did to me. Since leaving Lincoln weeks ago, I have been battling an extreme level of horniness. This interlude was not helping matters one bit.

  “Sister, I want to be a bad influence so bad right now.” Syd laughed and growled with her fists in the air.

  “I don’t even know what your hang-up is and I want to shake some sense into you.” An older lady named Deloris laughed and high fived her twin sister Debra.

  “Tell her Deloris, you better hop on that smooth face and take your place on the throne.” Tanisha was a stripper from Lincoln that headlined at one of the local clubs. She was spending her off time with us. “He looks like a man that enjoys a good waterboarding experience.”

  “What the fuck is a waterboarding experience?” The older women asked.

  “Baby, I asked the same damn thing when he brought it up the first time I met him.” Syd laughed. “That boy is a pure freak.”

  “You know a man that will force you to gush all over the place. While you gush and soak up some shit, he will gladly clean it up.” Tanisha explained.

  “Fuck it Dez, if you don’t hop on that shit – I will.” Deloris cackled.

  “Chile, who are you telling. Shit, I have yet to find somebody that can eat pussy properly.”

  “Full facial packed with powerful nutrients,” Deloris and Debra said in unison like they practiced for a commercial.

  “None of y’all are making this any easier,” I laughed at the commentary.

  “Hell, I wasn’t trying to,” Debra said. “Is that what we were supposed to be doing?” Deloris asked.

  “Shit if so, EPIC FAIL!” Tanisha laughed and everyone joined in.

  “I can’t lie and say that I am not tempted.”

  “I can tell,” she gestured down to my hardened nipples and the laughter started all over a

  “What a time to wear a sheer top trying to be all sexy and shit.” I grinned.

  “Luckily for you, everybody out here is dressed to attract the bees cause your honeycombs are screaming suck me.” Syd winked.

  “I hate y’all so much right now.”

  “No, you don’t and that’s cool too.” She shrugged. “Hell, you want me to take your spot. Ethan’s giant ass can knock the bottom out of my shit if you aren’t up for the challenge.” The other ladies volunteered by raising their hands too.

  “Serious girl, you think if the room stays dark, he will notice the difference?” Deloris asked.

  “Two is better than one any day, the lights don’t even matter.” Her twin chimed in.

  “You know what, I didn’t think about that.” We all looked at each other in deep thought for a few seconds before we fell out laughing again.

  A quick scan around the pool area and I realized that Cage was missing in action. Obviously, he found his conquest for the night. It was probably the hoe that approached when we were over there discussing the startup of our own group. Why was I sitting here pouting again? Not that this was a game of who could and who couldn’t, but I might as well get mine too. What would the harm be in letting loose for a change?

  “Fuck it!” I swore out loud and took my final shot to the head like a pro.

  “Oh shit!” Syd started to twerk in her seat. “She is going for it.”

  Why the fuck not? What did I have to lose? Nothing, but a friend I thought as I walked towards the desk. What if it didn’t change anything? Harmless fucking with no emotions involved, could I do that? Hell yeah, I knew where my heart wanted to be, and it wasn’t with Ethan.

  “How may I help you, ma’am?” The desk clerk asked.

  “Yes, I need to leave a message for a friend.”

  “Name?” The knowing smile on her face told me she knew exactly what I was doing.

  “Ethan Hammond.”

  Chapter 10


  The water from the shower felt amazing. My mind was a million and one miles away from the task at hand. Could I really do this? It wasn’t like I was a virgin or anything, but I wasn’t the most experienced either. The list of new sexual partners was kinda slim compared to some people. Casual partners consisted of one name, Cage. Though Maze obviously didn’t see himself as exclusive, I had no such qualms about being with him and only him.


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