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The Bad Boy's Palything: A Dark High School Bully Romance

Page 47

by Lannah Smith

  No answer. And Christopher through he finally got his point across.

  "Your son left you a letter."

  Christopher heard a swift intake of breath.

  "You can come collect it anytime."

  Still, there was no answer.

  Christopher gave it a minute. Then he said softly, “Cooperate with me instead, Grant. Together, we can—."

  David didn't let Christopher finish.

  "Take care of the miss for me, Lawrence. Or you’ll be next on my list."

  Then the line went dead.

  Damn it.

  Christopher pinched his nose and took a deep breath.

  The fucking point didn’t go across at all.

  Christopher already got the major players on loop. He was close, so fucking close to put a lid on Edward Locke but with Grant in the wild, there was a high risk the old man would muck up everything he worked hard for.

  Completely frustrated, Christopher’s eyes went to Alec.

  "Did you get a lock on him?"

  Alec pulled the phone from his ear. "Chet couldn't. He used a burner."


  "We have to find him."

  "Our men are trying our best but you have to remember that David Grant is not your ordinary man. He was an assassin before he became a bodyguard. Edward Locke is just as annoyed with him as you are. Grant has also made it very known that he won't stop until he kills the him.”

  Jesus Christ. The man actually broadcasted it to the underworld.

  “He's being a complete idiot like his son," Alec remarked.

  "He's not afraid of death like his son," Christopher whispered, his fingers gripping the phone tight in his hand. "And as much as I don't give a fuck if that old man dies, April would. So find him, Alec."

  Alec bowed his head. "Yes, sir."

  "Get Oscar out of detention if you have to."

  His lips twitched. "Yes, sir."

  "Don't you dare smile," Christopher warned, almost at the end of his patience. "I'm still fucking pissed at him."

  "Wouldn't dare, sir. By the way, Terry called to remind you about her party.”

  shit. Another situation he had to deal with.

  “Anything else?” he prompted, stiffly giving the phone back to Alec.

  "None, sir”

  Eyes sliding to the end of the hall where a couple of female employees were not-so discretely ogling them, Christopher immediately lost the irritated look. They scampered when he noticed them and his eyes went to the file that one of them was holding. It was from his grandfather’s office.

  "Is my grandfather still pissed?" he murmured to Alec as he watched them turn the corner.

  Alec nodded. "Still mighty pissed, yes."

  Christopher didn't even bother contemplating on this. "I want to know all about his plans. And make sure he and my grandmother are still well protected."

  "Considering you're the highest target on the family tree right now, I suggest you worry about yourself first," Alec deadpanned.

  Shaking his head, Christopher returned to the conference room only to see that it was just breaking up. His executives filed out, still arguing, but upon seeing him, looked at him with huge grins on their faces.

  "We heard something about you, Mr. Lawrence."

  "Oh?" he asked, signing a document his secretary was showing him.

  "You're apparently dating April Locke."

  The others immediately chimed in with a chorus of remarks before he could say anything to that.

  "I heard he swept her off her feet when they happened upon each other in Europe."

  "That's wonderful."

  "Congratulations, Mr. Lawrence."

  “When are you bringing her over so we could officially meet her?”

  Christopher glanced at them before he flipped to the next page to sign.

  It was the story that made the rounds. Alec’s idea. And Terry’s influence when she said to everyone that it was true only cemented it as fact. Since Edward Locke hadn't made it public that his daughter was missing and instead had just gone to Europe as planned, Christopher also had kept it a secret that he was looking for her at the same time her father was.

  "Was that why you took a long time coming back from your trip sir?" a senior staff from accounting asked in a slight reprimanding tone.

  "Was that why you took a leave from work?" an asset manager inserted.

  One of his real estate managers then said, "I haven't heard news of you dating before. Is she your first girlfriend?"

  "Is this the end of your long bachelorhood, Mr. Lawrence?" another joked.

  "When are you going to get married?"

  Christopher rolled his eyes heavenward and sighed.

  It was because he had a freer relationship with the people working for him that his staff treated him with relaxed cordiality bordering impertinence.

  He was about to answer when Marge Britton from public relations spoke up, "I like your tie, Mr. Lawrence."

  And he found his first smile since he left the house.

  "Thank you. My… girlfriend chose it for me."

  It was a little brighter than the conservative ones he normally wore but he was glad to have it. April had bought it for him during one of her shopping sprees and helped him put it on in a wifely gesture that warmed his heart.

  "Speaking of your girlfriend, I would like to have a moment to speak with you later about the press who is eager to know the details of your new relationship. My phone's been ringing nonstop since you returned to the city with her on your arm."

  "You mean the tabloid," Alec deadpanned.

  Marge shrugged. "It's good publicity."

  "For the world-weary socialites and jaded millionaires of the city, it is."

  Affronted, she glared at him. "She's April Locke! The beautiful, glamorous heiress to—."

  Christopher put a stop to this argument by patting Marge on the shoulder. "We'll set up a meeting later, Marge. And until then," he addressed the whole group this time, "You can all wait for that article to be published."

  Discontented murmurs erupted and Christopher evaded that by using Alec as a shield to go down the carpeted hallway toward his office.

  "April will not be happy if she knows that she's going to be on the society gossip column."

  She wouldn't be happy either if she knew he was taking her to Terry's party despite her wishes.

  Christopher sat on his leather chair with a sigh.

  "One problem at a time, Alec."

  Chapter 65

  My name spread like wildfire to the people gathered at the Evans Estate.

  All eyes were turned to me.

  Some people looked confused as they stared at me. Others began to talk excitedly.

  I stood at the top of the grand staircase of the ballroom, Christopher by my side. I prayed I looked composed. I'd been hoping this party would be small but no such luck. It appeared that all of the city's wealthy and powerful had come for this end-of-the-year party. Years ago, it was also a party I never failed to attend despite the fact that most of the attendees disliked me. The Lockes need to keep up with appearances after all.

  It might look like I was making a grand entrance, stopping right there. I used to be fond of doing so because in a twisted and morbid way, it had seemed funny to me. But not this time. I stopped because my courage had fled me. I couldn't go through this. Not with this so many people.

  "April," Christopher murmured beside me. "Breathe."

  I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding.

  "Are you afraid, honey?"

  "I'm not," I muttered stiffly.

  He smiled gently down at me. "You're stopping the blood circulation in my arm."

  At that, I loosened the hold I had on his arm and took a deep breath, trying to relax. Forcing a serene expression on my face, I looked around the crowd. One woman actually bumped into a couple as she strained to get a better look at me.

  "You said we can go if I'd had enough," I reminded him. "Can we g
o now?"

  "Honey," he laughed low. "We just arrived. And you look beautiful. I have plans to show you off tonight."

  I gave him an irritable look. "I hate you so much for making me come."

  With a smile, he patted my hand and said, "I’ll take any punishment you see fit, honey.”

  He was being charming. And usually, it wouldn’t work on me when I was annoyed but tonight it did.

  Maybe it was because when he was asked at the door who I was, he simply told them, “Mine.”

  It gave me butterflies which helped calmed my nerves until we were inside the ballroom and stood on top of the stairs. Then I was back to being nervous again.

  "Everyone's staring at me," I complained quietly at him.

  Christopher was smiling as he led me down the steps. "It's probably the dress. You look absolutely stunning tonight, honey."

  Funny but I had planned to blend in by wearing an unassuming gray gown and putting my strawberry blonde hair in a simple twisted half updo. Still, when Christopher saw me after I had finished my look, an awed expression crept up his face and he didn't move for a long while. He was wearing a midnight black suit and his hair was slicked back. He looked breath-takingly handsome, I too couldn't move.

  It was only when Alec cleared his throat loudly did we come out of our stupor. Then he ushered us to the elevators, mumbling about love-sick fools.

  Whispers burst loudly when Christopher and I reached the bottom of the stairs.

  "It's true. She's back."

  "God, it should be a sin to be that beautiful."

  "Why is she with Christopher Lawrence?"

  "Snatched the eligible bachelor left in the city immediately, didn't she? Cunning bitch."

  "But I heard that she disappeared and her father was looking for her? My cousin is a police officer and—."

  "There's no way she'll disappear and leave all that money. I bet she had Botox."

  It was difficult for me, having to juggle my emotions and my expression with too many people watching. I pretended that I hadn't heard any of those whispers but Christopher appeared that he didn't plan on letting those insults slide. I squeezed his arm to get his attention when a dark look passed over his face.

  "Should I close the door and let you start slaughtering people?" I asked him sarcastically. "You knew this was going to happen."

  He gave me the smile. "I can't let them—."

  "You will," I ordered. "Because Evans won't forgive you if you make a scene. She'll never forgive me."


  Speak of the devil.

  I watched Terry make her way to us, wearing a gorgeous emerald green gown.

  "I'm sorry I couldn't greet you at the door. There was a minor problem with my coordinator." She gave Christopher a kiss on the cheek and surprisingly, did the same to me. She smiled politely. "I hope my father welcomed you well, April."

  "Oh, he did," I said dryly. "He's still at the door, picking his jaw off the floor."

  The smile turned wide. "I told him that you would come but he didn't believe me. He knows you were missing," she said, dropping her voice low. "As well as my brother."

  "Where's the rest?" Christopher asked her.

  "Near the champagne tower," she turned around, leading the way. "Come. They’ll be happy to see that you have finally arrived."

  It was a slight dig at me. She knew I didn’t want to come.

  "Is it safe to let Emilia stay close to the tower?" Christopher asked with amusement as we followed her.

  Terry laughed. "I've asked Rohan to keep watch over her, don't worry."

  Sophia saw us first and she tapped Leon's shoulder. I tried not to seem affected when Leon turned his dark eyes to me. Emilia met us halfway and she gave me a long hug. Rohan's eyes had bugged out when he saw me, Hannah's expression smoothed over and William, who had been taking a sip on his wine glass started choking.

  "Now I know why it's suddenly lively around here," Leon said wryly, giving Christopher a short hug.

  Sophia tried to be subtle when she elbowed him. "It's nice to see you again, April," she told me as she held my hand, squeezing.

  "Can't say I feel the same, I'm afraid," I muttered, giving Emilia, who had yet to let go of my other arm, a side-glare.

  "Skull!” A deep voice called out. “You're here."

  Turning my head, I watched John approach us. Here was the man who hated me the most in this little group of theirs.

  "April," his expression shuttered. "Hello."

  My lips twitched.

  He still hated me.

  "You don't look like you changed at all, April," Rohan told me when John went to whisper something into Terry’s ear.

  Christopher reclaimed me from Emilia and Sophia by wrapping his arm around my waist. "Oh, but she did. She's even more beautiful than before."

  Hannah smiled tightly at me. She fairly glowed in the blue dress she was wearing. All the women and men around me were beautiful and handsome and I knew they were a sight to see by the people around us, being wealthy heirs of their respective families and being successful at their own chosen careers. It was something I hadn't attained yet. Success. Nor a career. I didn't belong in this group. Not that I really belonged there in the first place, they had hated breathing the same air I breathe.

  Evidently, not anymore when Rohan gave me a tentative smile and said, "We're just glad you've returned."

  "It's not a feeling you all share, I am sure," I replied, lifting my chin.


  I could feel a hot blazing glower on me and knew it was from John.

  Then William suddenly started laughing.

  "Sorry," he said when he had everyone's eyes on him. "It was just so awkward... sorry."

  "How many glasses of wine did he already have, Hannah?" Terry asked irately, pulling away from John’s embrace.

  Hannah was glaring at him but in a loving way. "Just his third."

  "We are glad that you're back, April," Sophia hesitantly told me while Hannah scolded her fiancé.

  I gave her a look. "Clearly, you too have been drinking."

  Leon sighed. "Old habits die hard, doesn’t it?"

  "I'm sure you're well acquainted of those habits, Leon," I shot back with a small smile and watched as everyone froze. Sophia winced. Leon tensed. John looked angry.

  And the arm around my waist convulsed.

  Slowly exhaling, I gave Christopher a glance. "They bring out the worst in me," I muttered to him. "Being here brings out the worst in me."

  The dark frown on his face eased and he shook his head, grinning. "Then we better get you away from them, honey."

  I nodded eagerly.

  But then he was surrounded by other guests, chattering away at such incredible pace about him being back to the city while sneaking glances at me.

  I sighed. I wasn’t pleased. But at least I was away from Terry and the others. I wasn’t ready to be around them. I probably would never be ready at all.

  Then I greeted the people Christopher introduced, or re-introduced rather to me with a practiced smile.

  Chapter 66

  Christopher had brought me to yet another party. This time, it was to the anniversary party of John’s parents at one of the luxury hotels Christopher owned in the city.

  I tried to beg off but Alec was in the room with us when Christopher read the invite to me and I couldn’t complain anymore since Alec seemed to be waiting for me to start a temper tantrum.

  It was what Christopher’s men refer to my outbursts. A freaking temper tantrum.

  So no. I had to behave and accept the invite.

  We were all together again. Around the same table. I was seated between Christopher and Emilia, to make me behave perhaps. Terry and John had their places at a table in the front row with their families. Unlike the previous party where Christopher and I hid on the balcony until it was alright to leave, it seemed that Terry was determined to keep close watch over us both and not let us out of her sight. That was why
she had Sophia and Emilia stick close to me while she made rounds to greet her guests together with her father and brother, even when I had to use the bathroom.


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