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Page 36

by Gena Showalter

  He hasn't seen the Light. He might not ever see the Light. Even now, he thinks to betray me.

  Any other time, my heart would have grown heavy. Today, the Grid--Eron--shines too brightly, a soothing balm to my soul and more of a father to me than Leonard ever was. I did my part. I tried to help. I can walk away with my head high.

  "Goodbye, Leonard," I say, the words unlocking invisible shackles I've worn since my birth. Part of me held on to the memory of a doting father who used to carry me on his shoulders. But no longer. I'm free. "You have to live with your mistakes. And probably die with them, too."

  Where will his spirit go, now that Many Ends is gone? Or will he be sent to Many Ends anyway?

  The Grid provides clarity. Myriad is not destroyed, nor is Many Ends. They have simply been reset. Shrinking, as I guessed.

  Leonard curses me, spewing hatred. Tuning him out--his words mean nothing to me--I stand as Killian draws me away.

  "We can no' stay here, lass," he says.

  Ambrosine is gone, I realize. He left his people behind. Water falls from the Veil of Midnight faster and faster. "I know."

  Biscuit bounds over, tangling around my feet, his fur soft against my skin. "Eron told me this would happen. He said to tell you to leave the dark ones to their darkness. They will reap what they have sown. Everyone else is to cross the bridge and enter Troika."

  Cold drops of water splash my face as Killian leads me toward the nearest Gate. "This way."

  Our group follows. As soon as we enter the Gate, we come to a fork. A dark path, and a lighted one. We step toward the Light. A second later, we're standing in Troika. A manna field surrounds us, one that hasn't been touched by bombs or darkness. Or perhaps it was touched by bombs and darkness, but repaired itself like an injured spirit.

  I spin, counting my friends. Killian and Biscuit. Archer, Dior, Reed and Clay. Raanan and Clementine. Lina, General Alejandro, Sloan and Erica. Deacon. We stare at each other for just a moment, and then we're hugging. A group hug driven by shock, joy, sorrow for Eron's beheading, and incredulity.

  My smile is so wide my jaw aches, my heart an erratic drum in my chest. It's over. For now, the war is over, and Troika has won. Light--love--has won.

  "Well, I was wrong about one thing," I say. "I thought killing Ambrosine was the answer."

  "I did, too," Alejandro replies, "but your aunt instructed me otherwise."

  Speaking of... "How did you two end up bonded?"

  He grins a satisfied grin. "I was captured, tortured and she set me free. Then she convinced me that the only way to win the war was to bond with her."

  Lina fluffs her hair, her eyes brighter than I've ever seen them, no hint of cloudiness. "I'm irresistible."

  As he chuckles, I marvel. The two barely know each other, and yet their affection for each other is palpable.

  "Neither one of ye experienced trouble because of the bond?" Killian asks.

  "I'd already faced my madness, and won," Lina says.

  I kiss Killian's cheek before focusing on Dior and Reed. Curiosity gets the better of me. "What happened to you guys in Many Ends, after you were killed?"

  A shudder racks Dior's small body. "I woke up in an ember-bug hive. They burned me to death, and I woke up in a sea of alligator...things."

  "I kept dying and reawakening in new places, too," Reed says with a shudder of his own.

  "Enough chitchat--about you." Biscuit bounces around my feet. "I did so good. I showed the Generals where you were in Many Ends, and they listened good enough to head for Myriad to shine their Light through the Veil of Midnight, because I'm smart, and I knew you'd win. I knew it! And don't worry. I guarded your brother with my life, and when I left, other animals ensured his safety. I'm sure he's pooping his diaper without a care."

  I laugh, so happy I could burst.

  Kayla appears in a beam of Light, bright and beautiful. Dawn is beside her. The two girls race over to throw their arms around me.

  "It's over," Kayla sings. "It's really over." She laughs, then leaves me to go embrace Reed.

  "Thank you for your service to our great realm." Tears glimmer in Dawn's eyes. "Many Myriadians--or rather, former Myriadians--have arrived, my father among them. I missed him, and you brought him back to me."

  "I had a great team. And really, I only did what--"

  "Do not try to be humble right now," she interjects. "You led a great team. You fought to get inside a place others feared."

  Shrug. "Okay, then. I rocked the heck out of it."

  "Good girl." With a laugh, she moves off to search for anyone with injuries that might need tending.

  I spot--no way. I spot Marlowe Dillinger! A beauty inside and out.

  Our gazes collide, and her jaw drops. We rush to each other and embrace.

  The last time I saw her, she was hanging from the end of a rope inside Prynne Asylum. She killed herself to escape the horrors of abuse the guards inflicted. I hated myself for failing her. So badly I wanted to save her.

  Tears stream down my cheeks. "I'm so glad you're here."

  "Me, too. Oh, me, too."

  "How did you--"

  "Clay spotted me and brought me over."

  "Well, thank the Firstking for Clay!"

  We chuckle together.

  She takes me by the shoulders and squeezes. "Thank you. Thank you for entering Many Ends and giving us a way out."

  "I had a great team," I say. I'll say it again and again, because it's true.

  Clay joins us, and Marlowe throws her arms around him. Do I detect a spark?

  Cue my eyebrow wiggle.

  The Generals arrive next and each pauses to pat Alejandro on the back for a job well done.

  "I did nothing." He inclines his head in my direction and smiles. "We won, because love is Light, and sacrifice is love."

  I come face-to-face with General Ying Wo Li and go still. Hope unfurls wings inside me. "I was told you died and moved on to the Rest."

  "I did," she says, "but the Secondking Resurrected everyone for the final battle."

  That...makes sense. He said he was building his army, biding his time. While Ambrosine's people suffered in Many Ends, Eron's people learned from their mistakes in the Rest and prepared for a better future.

  Archer once told me he got to replay his entire First-and Secondlife, discovering where he went wrong and what he could have done better.

  "Did you miss me, Miss Lockwood?"

  Levi's voice hits my awareness, and I squeal with happiness. When I find him in the growing crowd, I go weak in the knees with joy. Grinning, I fight my way toward him. More people arrive with every second that passes. Animals, too. Even dragons! They fly overhead, roaring with...pleasure? Maybe. I think they're smiling.

  They hated the dark?

  I wonder if they sprayed fire over the Myriadians because they were ordered by Ambrosine, not because they craved destruction?

  Well. Hugs, hugs, for everyone! This just gets better and better.

  "I did miss you," I tell Levi. "Perhaps. A bit. And the name is Mrs. Flynn."

  "And me?" a woman asks. "Did you miss me?"

  My gaze zooms to Meredith, my gorgeous grandmother. Then I'm wrapped up in her arms, tears blurring my vision. My chin is trembling so forcefully I have trouble speaking. "Yes, yes, a thousand times yes."

  Beside her are Hazel and Steven. With a laugh, they join us.

  Tears spill down my cheeks. This is the best reunion of all time.

  Next I find Elizabeth Winchester and her boyfriend, Claus. I hug her, and though I've never met him, I hug him, too. The two are glowing with happiness.

  Luciana steps forward and--shocker! She bows to me. "Thank you, Miss Lockwood. I mean, Mrs. Flynn. Thank you for everything you did for us, all of us, despite our behavior. We--I--should have treated you better." Her gaze strays to a man I've never met but know, through the Grid, as General Orion. He clutches a fine-boned woman against his chest. Sadness, then acceptance, radiates from Luciana. "I should ha
ve done a lot of things differently, and going forward, I will." Her gaze shifts to Killian. "My apologies and thanks to you, as well, Mr. Flynn."

  My eyes widen at the respect in her tone. Another miracle.

  Shamus steps forward next, clutching a sword in his newly regrown hand.

  I lift my chin, gearing for a fight.

  Instead of taking a swing at me, however, he performs a bow to rival Luciana's. "You have my thanks, Miss Lockwood. Without you, we would not have had a way to invade Myriad and free the spirits trapped inside Many Ends."

  Killian wraps his arm around my waist. "The war might be over, but our efforts are no'. Many Myriadians will choose tae remain in their realm and help Ambrosine rebuild."

  Their realm, he said, and I smile. I'm full of smiles today. To him, Troika is home.

  "They will not be harmed," Shamus says. "You have my word. If ever they wish to come and live in Troika, they may. If not..." He shrugs. "Always their choice. We will help them rebuild to the best of our ability."

  This is better than I ever hoped, more than I ever dreamed. "What about Killian's mother? My mother?" Where are they?

  "Already found." The crowd parts as Princess Mariee steps forward. Light halos her as she waves her arm, motioning to two women who stand together.

  For a moment, my mind whirls with questions...about the princess. Eron has merged with the Grid. At least, that is my understanding. Will he ever take bodily form again? Will he and the princess be able to wed?

  The Grid, as always, provides the answer. Once things are settled in Troika, Princess Mariee will be joining him in the Grid. They will be married. Happily ever after.

  "Ten?" My mother, who is holding my baby brother, Jeremy, inches toward me, hesitant. Beside her is a woman I've never met, who is wringing her hands, clearly nervous.

  "Mom!" I rush forward and she rushes forward, and we meet in the middle, throwing our arms around each other, careful not to smush Jeremy.

  He wiggles and giggles as we pass him back and forth, neither one of us wanting to let go of him or each other.

  --Love my Ten.--His beautiful voice fills my head.

  --Love my Jeremy.--Always.

  "Oh, my sweet girl. Thank you." Mom cups my face, kisses my cheek and drinks me in with her gaze. "Thank you for forgiving me. Thank you for freeing me. Thank you for helping me reunite with my baby. Thank you for everything."

  Once again tears burn the backs of my eyes. "I can't take all the credit."

  Her gaze strays to Killian, and her smile grows. "Oh, trust me, I know." Then she wiggles her brows. "Your husband is quite handsome, isn't he."

  My gaze strays to him, too. I watch as he and the other woman approach each other warily. She has dark hair, like Killian, and the same dusky skin tone, though she is far shorter and very slender.

  The two stare at each other for a long while. They've never actually met. Not as two adults anyway. But I think their hearts recognize each other. They must. With a sob, the woman dives into Killian, and he shuts his eyes to hold her and savor.

  My tears spill over, raining down my cheeks. Out of everything that's happened, this might be the best.

  Killian's lids open, and he meets my stare, as if he sensed my gaze, even amidst his happy reunion.

  --Lass.--Emotion coats his voice.

  --Don't you dare thank me again.--I try for a stern expression, and I'm pretty sure I fail. --I owe you thanks.--

  --You owe me nothin'.--

  --And yet I'm willing to give you everything.--

  The corners of his lips curve upward. --That, I will accept. Gladly.--


  In the ensuing days, many changes are made in Troika. The realm expands to accommodate the new additions, homes are built, and welcome parties are thrown. Former Myriadians are allowed to go back to their realm, and many do. Including Dr. Vans. We let them go without protest. They want to rebuild, and so they shall.

  As for Troikans, more Conduits are made every day. In fact, it's practically an epidemic. Light continues to spread.

  Dragons fly through our skies at all hours of the day and night. They've caused no trouble. In fact, they've helped us. They've used their fire to burn away what remained of the bomb debris.

  Like the people of Myriad, they'd been bound to Ambrosine. The Secondking used the creatures to intimidate and control, and forbade them from interacting with the realm's citizens.

  Now they are free. And I think... I think they are happy.

  Happy is all I want for everyone. Those who remained in Myriad. Those who came to Troika. Troikans. Those in Troika who have decided to move to Myriad.

  Yes, we've had large groups pack up and head for Myriad. And I'm glad! This is what I wanted. Peace between Troika and Myriad. Freedom. Every citizen's right to choose a path without censure. Love and respect for each other, whatever our differences.

  I only wish I'd gotten to spend more time with Killian these past few days.

  He's spent the bulk of his time with his mother. He's even gotten to meet other family members he never knew about. Oh, and he helped Erica get settled in Troika.

  Once, I would have been jealous of their relationship. No longer. I know where I stand with Killian. That boy is crazy about me. He loves me more than life.

  He's mine, now and always.

  And really, he can't be blamed for our time apart. I've spent the bulk of my time with...well, everyone else. My mother and brother. My grandparents and great grandparents. Lina and Alejandro. Archer and Dior. Deacon and Sloan. Reed and Kayla. Raanan, Clementine and Levi. Clay and Marlowe--and yes, they are a couple!

  And let's not forget my sweet Biscuit. He's always by my side.

  But, oh, I miss Killian something fierce. Word of his exploits has spread faster than the speed of Light. Mainly his willingness to sacrifice his life for the sake of our realm. No joke, he went from being one of the most hated men in the realm to one of the most beloved, forgiven for all his past crimes.

  Archer and Dior had their talk, and they are officially together. I've never seen the two so happy. Thankfully Bea approves of the relationship, and she's agreed to guard both Archer and Dior.

  And there are more happy couples among us! Sloan and Deacon are dating, and they couldn't be any cuter.

  There are also soon-to-be couples. Raanan has been sniffing around Erica, and I'm expecting him to win her over any day.

  Like she really stands a chance against his charm. Everyone who ventured into Myriad and Many Ends to save the damned has been awarded a new title: the Exalted. With each of our promotions comes our choice of any future assignments. Of course, we're also given new homes and great wealth, two things Leonard Lockwood wanted in both of his lives. The things he could have had if he'd made better choices.

  Killian and I are moving in together, along with our guardian animals. Yep, he got one, too. A female poodle named Zoey.

  Zoey, as it turns out, is the baddest dog on the block. She can take down a grizzly, guaranteed.

  Biscuit pretends to disdain Miss Zoey, but danged if he doesn't secretly love her.

  Even though we have a home, we haven't spent much time in it. Not simultaneously, at least. We've been too busy. I miss him the way I'd miss a limb, which is why we are going on a date this evening, after he helps his mother move into her new apartment.

  I helped my mother move into her new home yesterday. Jeremy is living with her, and she tells me he's more trouble than I ever was. The scamp! Their guardian animals--a lion and jaguar--are now valued members of the family. I invited the entire group to stay with Killian and me, but Mom was adamant that "newlyweds need time alone."

  I'm trying.

  --Where are you, Killian?--

  The doors swing open, and he strides into the foyer. Our eyes meet, and he gives me the sexiest grin of all time. A grin reserved strictly for me, making my insides melt. "I'm right here, lass. At yer service, always and forever."

  "Twenty-two seconds late." I glide clos
er to him, overcome by love and heat--so much heat. "I should punish you."

  "How about you kiss me instead?"

  Excellent plan. I kiss him hard and deep, pouring myself into the communion of lips and souls. By the time we part, we are both panting.

  His eyes sparkle. "I was goin' tae ask if you missed me, but I can guess the answer."

  "Oh, I've missed you, all right. The war is over, we're on vacation, and you haven't been seeing to my needs."

  He arches a brow. "I have no', now, have I? Well, it's time I do so." In a single fluid motion, he sweeps me up into his arms and begins to climb our winding staircase, as if I am as light as air.

  I laugh, filled with joy and Light. "I'm not sure how little ole me ever won Killian the Untamable."

  "You breathed, lass. I often wonder how sexy ole me ever won the fiercest female in the history of ever."

  Aw. Could he be any sweeter? "So you're happy you married me?"

  "The happiest."

  "You're not--yet," I say, and kiss his neck. "But you will be. Take off your clothes."

  His pace increases, and I belt out another laugh. Never, in all my wildest imaginings while I was trapped inside Prynne Asylum, desperate to escape, could I have predicted I would end up here, with Killian. But through the darkest moments of my life, I finally saw the Light, and through the deepest depths of my pain, I found great pleasure.

  Life might not go the way we think we want, might even lead us through dark nights and across stormy seas, but we can't give up. The only sure way to fail is to quit. We are Lights of the world, and we must keep fighting for what is good and right--we must keep fighting for love.

  Me? I'll fight till the day I experience Second-death.

  One day, though, my battle will come to an end, and I'll move on to the Rest. Like Myriad and Many Ends, the Rest has been reset.

  By the time I go, the world I leave behind will not be the world I was born into.

  I want to leave a legacy of strength, hope and Light. I want what was once my mess to become a message--people matter. Whoever they are, wherever they come from, whatever they look like or believe, they are worth something. They are precious.

  Life is precious, and I don't want to waste a single second.


  ISBN-13: 9781488030437


  Copyright (c) 2018 by Gena Showalter

  All rights reserved. By payment of the required fees, you have been granted the nonexclusive, nontransferable right to access and read the text of this ebook on-screen. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, downloaded, decompiled, reverse engineered, or stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known or hereafter invented, without the express written permission of the publisher, Harlequin Enterprises Limited, 22 Adelaide St. West, 40th Floor, Toronto, Ontario M5H 4E3, Canada.


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