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Break Away: A Midwest Small Town Romance

Page 7

by Vanessa Sheets

  He smiles at me and reaches down into his door, revealing a black flask. “I have something that will relax you, take a swig.” He holds it out to me, and I reluctantly take it out of his hand.

  “Um, I have never drunk before. I know, I know, shocking.” I roll my eyes and hold the flask out in front of me.

  “Yes, that is shocking. Especially with your mom being, well, you know, your mom.” He shakes his head and turns the radio up. “Just drink it, trust me, you will love it. Go big or go home, right?”

  I put the flask up to my nose and inhale its strong scent. My nostrils burn and I quickly pull it away.

  “Oh, come on girl, it will only burn for a sec and then you will be feeling all sorts of warm and relaxed.” He reaches over and pushes it towards my lips.

  Come on Sof, live a little.

  I put the bottle to my lips and tip my head back. A horrid taste fills my mouth and I force myself to swallow. My throat instantly burns, my stomach slowly following. I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand and shake my head back and forth vigorously, as if that is going to shake the nasty away.

  “Look at you, all innocent, never drank. Have you ever, ya know.” He takes the bottle from me and slams another shot himself.

  Did he really just ask me that?

  “What? That?” I grab the flask back out of his hand and take another long swig. It still tastes nasty and burns going down, but not as bad.

  “Yeah, have you fucked before?”

  Wow. Ok, so he apparently doesn't beat around the bush.

  “I’m nineteen. What do you think?” Against my better judgement, I take another sip. This time I hold the flask to my lips a little longer trying to wash away the anxious feeling that is growing in my stomach. As soon as I pull it away from my lips, I start to feel warm and tingly all over. I start giggling and hand him the bottle.

  “I think I'm good, Cam, no more for me.” I unbuckle my seatbelt so that I can get more comfortable. He unbuckles his as he drops the flask back into his door.

  “Sweet. That means we can have a little fun then.” He places his hand on my thigh and I know that I have to set some limits on what fun we are going to have.

  “I’m ok with messing around a little, but no more than that.”

  “That’s cool with me. No more than that.” He starts kneading his fingers into my leg as he leans in to kiss my neck. The feeling of his soft lips on my skin sends chills up and down my body. His hand slowly makes its way under my dress, just barely touching my panties, teasing me with his fingers.

  My mind starts to feel fuzzy, and the world starts to spin. My body begins to respond to his touch, my will slipping away by each second. I slip my shoes off, lay my head back on the headrest and close my eyes.

  I feel his hand cup my breast as he digs his teeth into my neck. I let out a gasp as the sensation of need starts to work its way down my body. I feel my sex swell as he begins rubbing my clit through my panties, ever so lightly.

  “I have wanted to touch you like this since the first time I saw you.” He slides the straps of my dress slowly down over my shoulders, one by one. The anticipation of what he is going to do next, makes the feeling of need grow even more. Cam pulls the front of my dress down, exposing my breasts. My nipples are hard and ready. He kisses one nipple gently and then starts sucking on it. I stiffen as he begins nibbling and sucking, over and over. I start moving in the seat. He can tell I am enjoying his touch and he moves my panties aside with his fingers. The feeling of his bare skin on me makes me bite down on my lower lip. I am trying so hard to stay grounded and strong, but everything that he is doing to me makes that almost impossible.

  Fuck, this feels so good…

  “You like it when I touch you here?” He cups my sex and starts moving his hand up and down. It doesn’t take long for my clit to respond and I begin moving in my seat.

  “Oh, you like it when I play with your clit, don’t you?” He pushes down harder with the palm of his hand, moving it up and down, making it throb. I feel myself getting closer as the pressure builds, making me squirm under his touch.

  Oh fuck...fuck...fuck...

  “Cam, oh shit...I can’t take it. Oh God...fuck.” I’m teetering on the edge. Just seconds away from my body convulsing. I feel myself losing control as my mind begins to go cloudy.

  “Come on baby, let it happen, I need you wet for what I’m going to do to you next.” He pushes down harder, and a sensation runs down my legs, making my toes go numb.


  “Harder, Cam, push harder. Faster...pleeease I’m almost there. Fuck...faster...faster.” He presses harder and begins moving his hand vigorously. I stretch my legs out and push against the floorboard with my bare feet, thrusting my body to the rhythm of his hand.

  I can’t fucking take this...I feel like I am going to lose my mind…

  “That’s right, girl, let it happen. I need you fucking wet, come on, you know how to get there. That’s right, you're almost there.”

  “Oh. My. God. Yes...right...oh...yes...fuck__”

  I feel my whole body go numb as my clit starts pulsing over and over and over. It feels like it has a heartbeat. I close my eyes and begin to convulse under his touch. He starts sliding his hand all over my slippery wetness, making it begin to pulsate again. This time even faster than before. He picks up his speed and we both let out a moan, a rush of fluid squirts all over his hand.

  “Oh fuck, I’m so fucking hard.” He pulls his hand away and unzips his pants. He grabs my hand, placing it on his hard, firm penis. I wrap my fingers around it, and he squeezes his hand around mine.

  “My turn baby, you feel how fucking hard I am. You did this to me, now make it go away.” He starts thrusting his cock into my hand. Hard, long strokes. The feel of it makes my heart race even faster. I love the feel of it in my hands. A lot. I tighten my grip, squeezing it as I move my hand up and down, faster and faster.

  “Fuck, I need to feel you around my shit. I can’t take it.” He pushes my hand away and starts to climb over the middle console.

  What the hell does he think he’s doing?

  I start pushing him away. “What are you doing? Cam, no, I said that I don’t want to have sex.” He pauses as he’s leaning over me, his nose just barely touching mine.

  “You won’t be saying that when you feel me inside you.” He tries to climb onto me again and I push him back.

  “NO! I said that we were just messing around.” He nods his head and slips his hand under my panties again.

  “Ok, ok. Sorry. No fucking. Just messing around.” He presses the palm of his hand between my legs, and I ignore the rock that is forming in the pit of my stomach.

  “There you go, that’s it.” He puts his lips to my nipple and starts flicking it with his tongue, back and forth, back and forth. It hardens and the licking motion makes me swell again. I moan and close my eyes, preparing myself for another mind-blowing orgasm.

  He slides his finger down to toy with my sex as he brings his lips to my ear.

  “Listen to me very closely. I’m going to slide my finger into that tight little pussy of yours and you are going to fucking cum for me. And after that, you will be begging me to fuck you.” There is no ignoring the rock in my stomach now. That shit has grown into a boulder. He is not listening to me and I begin to frantically shake my head no. When I try to pull away, he puts his arm across my chest, restraining me. I can't move my back off of the seat. I try to fight him off, but he holds me down even harder.

  What the hell is happening?

  “Stop Cam, please. This is going too far. Just take me home.” I try to focus on his face, but my vision is fucked up from the alcohol.

  “You think you're going to get me all hard and then just stop. It doesn’t work like that. You’ve had a dick in you before, what’s it matter now?” He forces his hand between my clamped thigh, and I feel his fingers slide deep inside me. “You’re so fucking wet.” I start to push him off me, but he presses his ar
m against my chest even harder.

  I can’t move.

  With his finger all the way in, he starts pushing harder and harder.

  “No, pleeease. STOP!”

  Why is he not listening to me?

  “Cameron, STOP!” Adrenaline surges throughout my veins and I break his hold on me. He starts to climb onto me again and I punch him in the side of his head.


  I don’t want to fuck.

  He glares down at me, with rage in his eyes as he throws his leg over me. He tries to climb on top of me and I begin to fight back. But he doesn’t stop.

  “Get off of me, what the fuck is wrong with you.”

  “You said you had sex before, what the fuck’s the problem.”

  I can feel his hard cock on my leg, and I start hitting anywhere that I can make contact. On his back, his chest, my arms feel as if they are moving in slow motion. He finally pushes off me and slams his back against the driver's seat.

  “Get the fuck out! Now!” He struggles to put his shit away and zips up his pants. “You weren’t complaining when I was getting you off, but fuck me, right?”

  “I told you to stop! I don’t want to have sex—”

  “You’re nothing but a two-bit dick tease. Get the fuck out. NOW!”

  He can’t be serious? Where the fuck even are we?

  Cam starts the car and puts it in reverse, slamming my body forward. I throw my hands onto the dash to stop myself from hitting the windshield as he screams out. “Get out bitch, I ain’t even kidding!”

  I start fumbling for the door handle as I slip my shoes back on with my other hand. Tears start to pool in my eyes. “You are a dick. Me having sex before doesn’t give you a free pass to fuck me.” I finally find the handle and swing the door open. I quickly get out and catch my purse mid-air as he throws it to me. With eyes wide and tears sliding down my cheeks, I watch as he peels off down the road. Leaving me standing in the dark, by a river and in a town, I know nothing about.

  What am I going to do?

  I spin around as I slowly take in my surroundings. Trees, trees, and more trees. I start to feel dizzy and stumble backwards. I quickly grab onto a tree for support. I sit down and lean up against it.

  Out of nowhere I start to feel sick. I’m not sure if it’s from the alcohol or because I am starting to panic about being alone in these dark woods, with no hope of getting out anytime soon.

  What the hell is wrong with me. Why did I even let it get that far? I start sobbing uncontrollably.

  Now what? How the hell am I going to get home?

  I frantically dig through my purse and pull out my cell phone. When I do, something falls out onto my lap. I grab it and hover the screen of my phone over it so that I can see what it is.

  It’s Noah’s business card.

  No. Nope. Don’t do it.

  I sit on the ground, surrounded by darkness, just staring at it.

  He probably wouldn’t even answer.

  I decide to text him and see if he will respond. What other choice do I have? My mom is working and Ezra is out of town visiting family.

  I am struggling, thanks to the alcohol and damn auto correct is not my friend right now. Everything is blurry and my head starts to spin. I want to lay down, make the spinning go away, but he is my only hope. I have to get home.

  Noah is me Sofod are u yup

  I hit send and throw my phone back into my purse, pull my knees up to my chest and stare out into the darkness.


  I jump at the sound of my phone.

  Sophia? Are you alright? I tried to call but it goes straight to voicemail.

  No reception, just great!

  I neeed a tide


  Where are you??????????????

  Hell if I know?

  I don kno in the woodf


  What????? Have you been drinking?????

  Oh wonderful, Mr. Judgmental. I should have never called his ass.

  Nevermin is all good

  I will walk home before I subject myself to his snarky remarks.

  I grab onto the tree and stand up. I slip my heels off and steady myself as I fumble with the flashlight on my phone.


  Ignoring you.

  Looking a mess, makeup smeared from my tears, with my shoes in my hand, I start walking.




  What the fuck, dude?

  I stop walking, turn my flashlight off and open my messages.

  Where are you???????

  Are you ok??????

  Fuck answer me!!!!!!!!!!!

  Im coming right now don’t move!!!!!!

  What? Coming? How the fuck is he going to find me? I don’t even know where I am.

  I close my messages, turn my flashlight back on and start walking again.

  Coming to get me...oh, ok? Like how the fuck are you going to do that.

  I just keep walking. It feels like I am getting nowhere, and I have absolutely no idea where I am going. I am humiliated, scared, and emotionally drained. All of a sudden, I feel so tired and I just want to lay down. I come across a park bench and welcome its hard wooden boards as a place to lie down. I prop my head on my purse and pull my tired legs up. I lie there for the longest time, staring at the moon peeking through the monstrous trees that surround me.

  I don’t remember drifting off, but I do remember the bright lights blinding me awake. I hold my hands in front of my face to shield my eyes. It takes me a minute to register the black tires and the man that is running towards me.


  “Sofia, are you alright?” He kneels down in front of me and ever so gently grabs my face, forcing me to look at him.

  “I am now.” I don’t know what’s come over me, but his touch is comforting, and tears start rolling down my cheeks. He softly swipes his thumbs under my eyes and wipes them away.

  “Don’t cry, Brown Eyes. I got you!” He takes hold of my hands and pulls me gently off of the bench. Standing makes the alcohol even that more intense and I start to stumble backwards. He catches me and pulls me into his arms. They feel so good wrapped around me and I bury my face in his chest. I can’t help but let myself go and start sobbing.

  “’s ok. I’m here now.” He strokes my hair, ever so softly, as he tries to calm me down. I stop crying and he pulls me away from him so that he can look deep into my eyes.

  “But let me tell you something. If you ever, EVER think about ignoring me when I try to call or text you, I swear to God. You had me scared out of my mind!” I stare back at him, wide-eyed and taken by his change of emotion. He presses his forehead to mine, sighs and wipes at my

  cheeks again with his thumbs, drying away the last of my tears. I tip my head back and let out a moan. His touch is so soft, so gentle.

  “Oh, Noah, there you go again, telling me what to do.” I push away from him and bend down to grab my purse but lose my balance. He instinctively grabs my arm to catch me, and I rip it away.

  “Don’t touch me!” I pull my arm out of his grasp and grab onto the back of the bench to steady myself.

  He picks my purse up, puts his arm around my waist and starts walking me to his truck.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you. I just didn’t want you to fall.” He opens the passenger door and carefully helps me get up into the seat. As he leans over me to buckle my seatbelt, I can’t help but get lost in his smell. His stubble brushes against my cheek, making my breathing heavy. I reach up and grab his face, forcing our eyes to meet. Those eyes.

  “You didn’t hurt me; I just don’t like to be grabbed like that.” He stares back at me with loving eyes.

  “Duly noted. Now let’s get you home.” He jumps down to the ground and shuts the door.

  On the drive home, I watch the moon flutter in and out of the trees. As we drive down the country roads, I can’t help but think maybe I did lead Cam on a little. I just can’t deal with be
ing another name on someone’s fuck list again.

  It is too much for my alcohol-soaked brain to comprehend so I rest my head on the window and close my eyes. The next thing I know, Noah is helping me out of the truck and guiding me into my trailer.

  “Mr. Bossy Pants to the rescue.” I giggle and grab onto my stomach to try and subdue the flip flop feeling.

  “Huh, Mr. Bossy Pants? That’s a first.” He chuckles as he opens my front door, holding me up as I stumble into my living room.

  “You know, I never drunk before. I'm ushuully a good gul.” My words are slurred as he starts walking me back to my bedroom.

  “Yeah, well you might want to hold off on doing it again until you’re with someone you can trust.” His voice is very matter of fact and flat.

  “Well there ya go gen. Bein all dickish. Yur power trips are gettin a little exhausting.”

  He helps me into bed and covers me up. I fling my leg over the side, praying that it will help make the room stop spinning.

  “Power trips huh? You're cute, Brown Eyes. Just close your eyes and sleep it off.”

  He starts to walk away, but I grab his hand, stopping him from leaving.

  “No, for real. What’s your deal?” He looks down at me, his beautiful face looking somber and distant.

  “Sometimes, people just need to be looked after. That’s all.” He pulls his hand gently out of my grasp, flips the light switch off and walks out of my room.

  I pull my covers up to my chin, curling into a ball and drift off to sleep in the blanket of darkness that surrounds me.


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