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Break Away: A Midwest Small Town Romance

Page 10

by Vanessa Sheets

  “Yup. I own the number one storm chasing company in the country. I make a decent living, to say the least. Since I was a kid, I knew that I didn’t want to end up like my mom. Struggling just to make it from Sunday to Monday. And people my age? You’re funny, Brown Eyes.” He chuckles and gives me an amused smile. “I’m only twenty-six. I started storm chasing with this man named Trent that I met shortly after Katrina. He owned his own storm chasing business. I left with him when I was sixteen. He had no family and really took me under his wing. Showed me the ropes, everything that I needed to know to be successful. I only got a few years with him before he died of a heart attack. He left me his truck and his company, and…well, the rest is history.”

  “And your family, where are they?”

  “I don’t have a family.” His demeanor changes and his voice becomes cold and flat.

  “Oh. I’m...sorry.” I fiddle with the hem of my dress, feeling bad that I have hit a nerve. He reaches over and stroked my wrist gently.

  “My dad was never around, and my mom got involved with Bud, Crew’s dad. He was a real winner. She died from cancer when I was fourteen. She got it from toxic levels of formaldehyde that was in the trailer that FEMA gave us to live in after the hurricane. Thankfully, my mom had made a will when she got married and put only me on it. I got a pretty big settlement because of her death but couldn't touch it until I was eighteen. I had no other family, so I had to live with my stepdad and Crew. Bud wasn’t a very nice guy and liked to throw his fists around. They always seemed to land on me. He thought I was going to give him some of the money, but I had other plans. I wanted to do good by my mom. God, she was an amazing woman. Strong, loving and damn could she cook. Anyways,” He takes a deep breath and rubs at his chin. “as soon as I got my hands on it, I invested it into my company.”

  He turns his left blinker on and we turn onto East Walton Street. On our right is a luxurious high-rise hotel, with an enormous cement wall surrounding it. On the wall is a plaque that reads Waldorf Astoria Chicago. We pull through an entrance with two massive decorative pillars on either side. The brick paved courtyard that sprawls out before us is breathtaking. We drive around a beautiful water fountain surrounded by purple flowers. He pulls up to the door and puts the truck in park.

  “I’m sorry about your mom, Noah. About everything. That's horrible.” I reach over and stroke his hand. I feel awful for stirring up such sensitive memories. He squeezes my hand back, stroking the backside with his thumb.

  “Don’t worry about it, Brown Eyes. I’ve done all right for myself. What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger, right?” He turns his body so that he is facing me. He looks as if he is

  searching for words. As he runs his hand through his hair, I can’t help but be taken in by his absolute perfection. This man, who has lived through so much, decided to take the right path and build a life for himself. He has me hanging onto every one of his words.

  “Now, I want you to know that what we discuss tonight, may make you want to turn around and run out those doors. If you feel that way, that’s okay. Just say the word and I'll take you home.”

  I take a deep breath and rub my hands over my bare thighs nervously.

  What is this about?

  “Ok Noah, can we just go in and have dinner? I'm starving, and I want to get this “talk” over with.”

  Nodding his head, he jumps out of the truck and comes around to my side to open my door. He reaches for my hand and helps me down onto the stunning brick courtyard. The valet comes and takes his keys as we walk towards the huge glass revolving doors. Stepping aside so that I can enter first, he flashes his dimples, making my heart skip a beat.

  “After you, my lady.” I push through the revolving doors and as we enter the lobby, I can’t help a gasp from escaping my mouth. I am completely in awe. I have never experienced anything so glamorous. He slips his arm around my waist and I watch several women turn and stare. I am sure that it isn’t me that they are gawking at. It is the man, claiming me as his own, that they are eye fucking.

  The floor is so shiny that it looks like glass. It is white marble with huge black swirls all over it. As my eyes make their way up to the massive crystal starburst chandelier hanging above us, I notice a wraparound balcony with black railings. To our right is the check-in desk. We pass a cafe to our left with black letters that spell out Petit Margeaux above the entrance. Everything about this place is absolutely breathtaking.

  He leads me to an elevator outside the lobby and hits the up button. As we wait, I suddenly become nervous.

  What am I doing here? With this man, in this hotel? What am I getting myself into?

  I think about turning around and running, but I can't deny that I am curious as to what this is all about?

  The doors open and several people step out, leaving the elevator empty. I step in and lean up against the wall, watching Noah hit the third floor. The doors close and the elevator slowly makes its way up. As he stands just inches from me, I inhale his tantalizing scent.

  He is pulling me in, making me want to wrap my body around him and feel every piece of his being. Not even caring if he leaves me broken and in pieces at his feet.

  As the doors open, they slowly reveal the Margeaux Brasserie, the restaurant we will be dining and talking at. It is magnificent. I feel like I have been taken back to another time and place. Paris in the 1920’s cascades all around us. I am familiar with Paris because of a book that I recently read, Moonlight Over Paris. I fell madly in love with the romance, music and food in the story.

  My eyes dart from one thing to the next. Jazz music softly plays all around us. The lights are dim and candles are placed elegantly on each table. I feel like I just walked onto a movie set. Never have I ever imagined that I would get to experience such elegance and class.

  “Sofia, are you ready to sit down?” I feel Noah’s hand slide softly up the back of my arm, snapping me back to reality. I look up at him and see how he relishes in my reaction to the restaurant he has chosen. The hostess, a petite, small little blond, is standing in front of us smiling.

  “Oh yes, I’m...I’m so sorry.” I quietly giggle at myself as he slides his hand slowly down my arm, taking my hand in his and leads me through the restaurant to our table.

  We pass by tables full of people laughing and eating decadent food. The smells tease my senses, making me even hungrier. The hostess takes us to a table tucked away in the corner that sits in front of three massive, curved windows. The view is surreal, full of bustling Chicago downtown scenery. Noah pulls my chair out and sit down as I pull my attention from the view outside. It is mesmerizing. I pick up the menu and struggle to read words that I have never heard of. I feel so out of place as I skim over the descriptions. Glancing up, I see that he is staring at me over his menu, making me instantly self-conscious.

  I should not be here.

  I can’t even read this menu!

  I take notice of the amusement dancing on his face.

  “Sofia, no need to look at the menu. It looks like you’re having a hard time understanding it and I don’t want you to get something that you don’t like. I want this evening to be perfect. So I will order for you.”

  He really can’t be serious?

  “I am sure that I can figure it out, I'm pretty good at deciphering things on my own.” I pick my menu back up and start looking it over.

  Oh God, I honestly have no idea what half of this menu says?

  “That is what you keep saying.” A smile toys at his lips, tugging at the corners of his mouth. “So. Tell me about your family. Your home life...about you.” I glance out the window at the lit-up buildings lining the street below. Dior and Versace in huge letters sprawls across the front of them. Stores that I have never, nor will ever, set foot in.

  “Not much to tell you that you don’t already know. My mom is an alcoholic that works at a bar. I know, you wouldn’t think that would work, would you? Well, it doesn’t. She loves her little white pills and when she i
s home, she is sleeping or in her room with one of her fucks. It's better that way. My mom hasn't been the same since my Nonna died. Nothing has been the same since she died.” I busy myself with my food choices again because I can feel my eyes starting to burn. They always do when I think of my Nonna.

  “I’m sorry, I know how it feels to lose someone that once completed you.”

  “Yes, I guess you do. I am so thankful for Lorenzo. That boy is my saving grace. My everything.” I take a drink from my water and can’t help but smile when I think of him.

  “And your dad? Where is he?”

  “By the time my mother knew that she was pregnant, he was gone. She didn’t even know his name. Just like Enzo’s dad.”

  “That’s too bad. They're both missing out.” His compliment slowly makes my lips curl up in a warm smile.

  He waves at the waiter and a younger, very attractive man comes to our table. He is tall and has jet black hair. He looks like he is Italian and has beautiful dark brown eyes. He holds no candle to Noah, but I am most certain that he doesn’t sleep alone at night. He introduces himself as Anthony and asks us if we want anything to drink, his eyes lingering a little long on me.

  “We will have a bottle of your Chateau Chavel Blanc 1943 and two of your seared diver scallops with potato puree and sherry-glazed carrots.” Noah hands him his menu and the waiter takes mine. He thanks us and walks away.

  “I hope that scallops are not French for octopus.” I lean forward on my elbows and he chuckles at me.

  “No tentacles, promise. You’ll love these.” The waiter comes back with a bottle of wine, pours us both a glass and leaves.

  “I can’t believe they didn’t card me?” I take a sip, dumbfounded.

  “Let’s just say in that dress, you can easily pull off twenty-one.” He playfully moves his eyebrows up and down, making me melt in my chair.

  “Sofia, do you even notice all of the men that look at you?”

  “No. I mean, sometimes. Isn’t that what men do, though?”

  “Yes, an occasional glance. But do you notice their eyes lingering on you? Creeping up and down your body? I do, and it is driving me insane. Do you know why they do that?” He presses his lips up to his wine glass and takes a long, slow sip, waiting for my response.

  “Well, no, I mean...what are you getting at Noah?”

  “I am telling you that you need to be more aware of what is going on around you. You have a way about you. Sensual, alluring, inviting, desirable, and tempting.”

  I can’t help a stifled laugh from escaping me. “I can assure you, Noah, I am none of those things.”

  “But see, the thing is…you are. When you walked in your trailer the day I moved Crew in, I was completely taken by you. Something about you was magnetic. Then I saw your hot mess of a mother and Crew in the kitchen, and I felt bad that you—”

  “I don’t need your sympathy so please—”

  “Stop, Sofia. Just listen to me. I saw something in you that day. I saw fire and determination, attitude, and perseverance. But I also saw a girl that was confused, scared, and apprehensive. I felt the hostility between you and your mother. Then...I saw how Crew looked at you and I had this instinctive need to protect you, to keep you safe. Especially from people like him.”

  “Listen, I don’t need anyone to protect me. I have been doing just fine for the past nineteen years on my own—”

  “Have you Sofia? The thing is, you shouldn’t have to protect yourself. You are living in circumstances that are out of your control and it pisses me off. I don’t want you or Enz to have to live like that anymore. You deserve better. I want, no... I need to protect you. Both of you. So, that is why we are here. I want, to happen. But for that to happen, I have to be upfront with who I am and what I expect.”

  “Well, as long as you haven’t murdered anyone or are a drug dealer, I think we're good. And what do you mean, expect?” I finish the rest of my wine and hold it up for him to pour more in, just as the waiter brings our food and sets it down in front of us. The aroma that I breathe in is like nothing I have ever smelled. I stab a scallop with my fork and slide it into my mouth. I can feel his eyes on me, waiting for my response to the heavenly, tender piece of food that he has chosen.

  I can’t stop a moan from breaking free.

  “So, you like?” I don’t think that I have ever tasted anything like what is melting in my mouth.

  “Sofia, you deserve so much more. Fine dining, meals, clothes. There is a whole world outside of that trailer park. You can’t even begin to imagine.”

  “I’m sure there is, Noah, but I'm not expecting that some Prince Charming is going to come my way anytime soon. Sweeping me off my feet and taking me to some magical land of fairies and castles, saving me from every monster that has ever made me feel small and vulnerable. That is not how real life works. I am the only one that can dig both Lorenzo and I out of that...that hell that we have been living our whole lives.” I take another sip of wine and stare at the people strutting in and out of the fancy stores below. “I am going to break away from her, her bad choices and her random fucks. Myself. That has been the plan for as long as I can remember. You are not part of that plan and to be honest it scares me that you may be a distraction. I can’t have a distraction right now Noah.” I slam the rest of my wine. The alcohol is getting to me and I start to get emotional. I jab my fork into a carrot and shoot him a look of annoyance.

  “What if I told you that I could help you break away, that I want to help you break away.”

  “Why? Why me of all people? You could have anyone that you want and most certainly someone with far less baggage.”

  “We all have baggage, Sofia. Some heavier than others, but it’s there.” A haunted look washes over his face and he quickly looks away. “And why you? Because you are far more than what you think you are. I can’t get you out of my head. But I can’t just have pieces of you, I have to have all of you. I need to own you.” I about choke on my wine.

  Own me?

  “Own me, what does that even mean? You need to tell me right now why you brought me here or I am going to stand up and walk out of this hotel.” He doesn’t look surprised by my response.

  “You need to know that if you decide to be with me, then you are going to have to agree to my expectations. I am a man that knows what I want.”

  He really can't be serious?

  “Ok, so tell me what those expectations are?” I cannot hide, nor am I going to try to hide the obvious look of humor that engulfs me.

  “Sofia, I'm serious. A huge part of the man I am is how I protect the ones that I love. Unfortunately, I failed at that in my past.” A haunting look pools in his eyes.

  “What do you mean, failed at what, Noah?”

  “It doesn’t matter. You can’t go back, just forward. You and Enz are what matters now. You aren't supposed to be a part of my plan either but for some reason I can’t fucking shake you. The feelings that you stir within me are like nothing I have ever felt. I have been with others, but you, you are different.”

  “All right, so I am dying to know what these expectations are?”

  “They are quite simple, really. No more walking around in a t-shirt that barely covers your ass. When I ask you a question, you answer me. You tell me if anyone ever, ever tries to say anything out of line to you or tries to touch you in anyway, whatsoever. When I say no, it means no. I am your protector and if I feel that something or someone is going to harm you in any way whatsoever, you will not ask questions, but do as I say. If you agree, then I would like to take you upstairs to my room and show you things about yourself that you never knew existed.” He drinks the rest of his wine and motions at the waiter for our check. “It is completely up to you. If you don't agree then we will get back in my truck and I will drive you home.”

  “So, let me get this straight. In order for us to basically fuck, you want to tell me what to do and what to wear? You want to own me? I just don’t see how that is going t
o work? Noah, I have never had anyone in my life ever tell me what to do. I don’t think I can do that. And I am pretty sure, if I am looking to get fucked, I could do it without expectations.”

  “Yes, I know very well that you could, at any given time, find a man with less demands to fuck you. But they will not be concerned about you in the least bit. They are simply there to get their dick wet and nothing else.” He suddenly looks very agitated. “And I don’t fuck. I will own, consume, and fulfill every desire that your body craves. Physically and emotionally. I promise you that. And furthermore, I promise that I will always protect you from anything or anyone that ever tries to hurt you. Something unfortunately you have never experienced.” The waiter brings the check and Noah hands him his card.

  Why am I even considering this scenario? And better yet, welcoming it?

  “And if I agree to all of this and then I do something that I am not supposed to do? Then what? Are you going to tie me up and beat me?”

  “No, sweet Jesus. I'm not a sadist.” He shakes his head and laughs. “I just want to be upfront with you about what I expect. It’s only fair.”

  The waiter brings his card back and he signs the receipt, leaving a $200 tip at the bottom that sends my head spinning. That kind of money could feed us for weeks! My mouth is suddenly dry from all of the wine, so I drink the rest of my water as I try to wrap my head around the ridiculousness of what he is asking from me.

  “Okay. I will agree. On one condition.” I cross my arms and stare into those eyes that had me at hello.

  “And that is?”

  “I can say that I am done, at any given time. No questions asked.” I pray that he will consider my ultimatum.

  “Ok. Yes, that is only fair. You can leave at any time. But I am only agreeing to these terms because I know that once you get a taste of the life that I can give you and Enz, you are never going to want to leave.” My heart does a little dance that he agreed to my terms.

  Yes, Noah, that is exactly how this is going to play out. I just need to feel your hands on my body again. I will agree to anything at this point.


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