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Page 5

by Lynda Filler

  “I was too young to understand that they were working, spying, for the CIA. When Saddam’s forces opened fire, I got lost in the frenzied crowds.”

  He stopped to compose himself reliving each moment of that day.

  “They say their CIA contact found me standing on a heap of rubbish wielding a jawbone of a dead animal like a sword.” Zach looked down, in too much pain to talk.

  For fear of repercussions no one in the family in Israel would take him in after their deaths. So, the Central Intelligence Agency brought Zach back to the USA.

  “I was luckier than most. An American military general adopted me and brought me up in Coronado with a younger step bro.”

  It was only natural that he would end up joining the military, and fighting for his adoptive country, the USA. Yeah, he was angry. And so was agent Luci. They formed a deep bond that day. They worked out, trained together, shared techniques, took each other to the edge in Krav Maga and haunted the dangerous areas of the Occupied Territories. They took risks no one else would take. They were friends. But not the kind Zach wanted. Luci said she was done with romance and men.

  Until Luke Raven came along.


  Shanghai, China

  “YES, YES I UNDERSTAND. Yes, I will get on it again!”

  Liu closed his iPhone. Zhang was an incompetent idiot. The Chairman wanted the military specs yesterday. China cannot afford to let the US get ahead. The information the USA revealed to the public, even the government releases, was bogus. DARPA was far more advanced than they admitted.

  “America! Do you think we are stupid?” Liu shouted.

  His assistant knocked on the door.

  “Go away!”

  Minister Liu threw his phone on the army issue metal desk.

  What could he do short of getting on the next flight to the US and confronting his agent in person. Where did that kid go? His contact on site in Las Vegas had the thumb drives but they were encrypted and with the latest technology of course. It should have been easy; but it might take a day or two to get in. Agent Josh’s lover hadn’t put up much of a fight. He offered up the safe in five minutes.

  His years of training told him he was missing something, but what?

  He keyed his intercom.

  “Get me our guy in Washington!”


  Singapore, Malaysia

  WOO TAPPED INTENTLY on his laptop. His lavish surroundings, as the assistant to Mme Anjou, were meaningless to him. He was on a mission and he would get it done.

  For the past five years he’d been dedicated to this woman. He thought he was done with her when the Raven Group and that Tash creature stabbed her in Shanghai. He had assumed her dead, her body taken and destroyed by persons at the time unknown. But her security had transported her quickly for medical help, saved her life, and she’d disappeared to South America for facial reconstruction.

  For months he’d toiled with instructions from someone who led him to believe he was Sying’s silent partner. Woo hadn’t known this person existed, but he took his orders in silence, waiting for the best moment to move forward with his plan. And then Sying came back into his world as Mme Anjou. The mysterious partner had been her.

  Her crazy scheme to go into business with both ISIS and the Mexican cartels ended up with the death of the El Guapo cartel; a stroke of luck. But kidnapping Luci’s daughter? That was folly and Mme Anjou paid with incarceration. He wished she'd died.

  Woo preferred to appear powerless and neutral in demeanor. She paid him well, after all, he was only a clerk in her eyes.

  And now she was back from Paris, fighting for her life and her empire. The forces against her were formidable; Tariq, Billy Lam, the United States Government and the People’s Republic of China.

  As smart and ruthless as Sying could be, eyes were watching, and ears were listening. She had almost used up her value to the PRC. She’d failed them once. Her time was coming.

  And Mr. Woo had his orders.

  “I’m doing everything I can,” he responded on encrypted chat. “When the time is right, you will have what you need; patience please.” Woo shivered at the games he was playing.

  As soon as Sying had her internet files, it would all be over. He needed to stall.

  Woo smiled and moved his chess pieces into position.


  Raqaa, Syria

  HAMZA DROVE THE armor-plated white 2017 Toyota Hilux with confidence, his stay of execution forgotten. Craters three meters across had to be navigated carefully, to avoid irreparable damage to the chassis. Tariq took pride in the utter devastation of various historical sites surrounding the city. He listened to the machine gun fire and explosions, nodding in approval at the total chaos ISIS had carried out.

  This was his city now. No one was taking it back.

  “Pull over here, Hamza.”

  They both watched a group of jihadists surround a very young woman, perhaps twelve, standing alone on the disintegrating sidewalks. Tariq could hear them screaming. Her face was uncovered, and she’d been warned about being immodest outside in public dressed like this. There was no Mahram, minder, or male of the house, near her. She stood defiantly. They slapped her, then grabbed her and threw her into the back of a van.

  Tariq and Hamza laughed. “Another Yazidi slave to be auctioned at Market.”

  A shot rang out as the driver of the van secured the rear door. The man crumbled on the dirt road. A woman brandishing a rifle screamed out words muffled by her Niqab. She ran towards the van in efforts to free her child within. Tariq leveled his AK-47 and aimed. Dust flew where her body fell. There was absolutely no remorse as the convoy of Toyotas continued on their journey.

  A solitary Mahram, the family protector, stood by helplessly, tears streaming down his face.

  No one noticed a scruffy bearded man marred by a jagged white scar near his eye, another wannabe American jihadist in olive drab shirt and grimy pants, holding up a bullet-ridden wall. He chewed on a toothpick, his head covered in traditional Arab garb, a gun in a holster by his hip. His hands held a Draganov sniper rifle. Hidden behind Ray-Bans and brown contact lenses, intense emerald eyes saw all.

  He studied Tariq then disappeared down a bombed-out passageway.

  “Allah Akbar my ass,” he cursed.


  Raqaa, Syria

  “LOOK ZACH, I agreed I’d let you know when I found him. I’m not getting involved.” David listened, half nodding, half planning his twenty-four hours of traveling to get to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

  “Yes, I’m sure it was him; cold bastard. No reason to kill the woman. Pig!” He studied his hands, imagining them squeezing the life out of Tariq.

  “It’s not my battle. I got things to do, places to go; women waiting for me man.”

  Zach laughed.

  “Ok. I know. Thanks for the HUMINT. Having problems with comms lately. Luke doesn’t know whom he can trust. When are you going to move over to the light my man?”

  David cursed, chuckling. “Yeah, right. Military, civilian, all the same. It’s all useless war. I’m tired bro.”

  The brothers were lost in thought.

  “Listen, thanks. We’ve got lots happening here. Tariq’s connections are deeper than anyone can imagine. He’s not who he appears to be. Will I see you stateside?” The boys had grown up together in Coronado; stepbrothers and SEALs.

  “I’m taking a break Zach; going to spend some time in Puerto Vallarta. There’s this girl…”

  “Nah, I can’t believe that David! You? Girls?”

  “Yeah, I know. But this one is different.”

  Zach was intrigued. His brother sounded strange.

  “Well, take care, David. Say hi to your girl from me.”

  “Stuff it Zach.”

  They broke the connection laughing.


  Henderson, NV

  JOSH PULLED HIS truck into a parking spot at the back of an abandoned one-story warehouse in Henderson, Nevada. This storag
e block was half-occupied, tied up in a divorce. From what Josh could find out, it was in litigation; small change for the bank trying to foreclose on fighting spouses. Josh negotiated a cash side deal with the owner and prepared a secure hidey-hole. No paper trail, no ID. Perfect.

  He undid the locking system; hi-tech for the area but hidden, invisible to those walking by. He flipped a switch stealing electricity from a nearby building. Light flooded the eight by eight-foot room. He opened a low tech safe and removed a tablet, quickly entering a series of codes. He was in, nodding at the messages in the encrypted file. Yes, this was what he needed to hear. He tapped the icon on the top left corner. A conversation box appeared.

  “Yes. Code X.”

  He waited. Five very slow minutes went by. Then directions appeared with an address to follow. He used his phone to grab a screenshot of the map.

  “Okay, got it.” Josh typed then powered off.

  He used a low-tech pocket knife to chip away at the grout on the concrete wall. Once it was three inches high, he extracted a clear plastic baggy containing thumb drives. He changed his disguise again adding a beard, red-neck sunglasses and an orange John Deere baseball cap. He stepped into grease stained Walmart overalls and then locked up.

  Outside the unit, he replaced New Jersey with District of Columbia vehicle plates, quickly laid on a beer logo skin to the roof of the van and peeled out of the parking lot.


  Washington, DC



  “Did you hear me?”

  “Go ahead. This better be good!”

  “Yes, well, he’s on his way. He still believes he is working for the PRC. There was some kind of breach in security in his house. But he had things in place and took evasive measures.”


  “We should have everything in our hands in 48 hours.”

  “You better be right. I need that information no later than 72 hours. That’s our window of opportunity. Our partner is not very understanding. Everything is in place. Make it happen, you hear me? I don’t care what you have to do.”

  “Yes sir.”


  Las Vegas Desert

  LUKE DISROBED QUICKLY. His heart pounded, his excitement was palpable. Samaar, wet and sexy, laughed at his boyish enthusiasm.

  This was the Samaar he knew and loved; relaxed, sensual, waiting for him to make love to her. All thoughts or work, of world affairs could wait. His woman wanted him. And he was ready for her.

  They laughed. Two beautiful people with nothing between them but love.

  He reached out for her and at that moment his iWatch beeped code red.


  Luke glanced down at his withering partner. Samaar stood there wearing her famous grin and pointing towards his phone.

  “You better answer that boss. The world can’t wait.”

  “Very funny Samaar.” Luke sighed and stepped out of the water to read the face of his damn watch.

  He responded with a wave in her direction.

  “We’re assembling the team. Seems there’s been a development. We've at a problem in the condo the MIT kid shared with his boyfriend. Someone left a human eyeball and an empty safe. Washington is freaking.”

  Samaar moved slowly towards Luke.

  She wrapped her arms around him and whispered in his ear.

  “I guess this means we better hurry. Are you coming with me?” Luke groaned.

  She teased him to attention, mounted him, and moaned her way to satisfaction.


  Las Vegas Desert, Raven HQ

  “LOOK, I DON’T know what any of this means. RB, come with us. Bring your forensic equipment. The team who contacted me is aware they are not to touch anything.”

  Akaarn, another Raven operative, had arrived from Sedona, Arizona.

  “Everyone needs a little R & R. Yes, I had a good break in case any of you are interested. Now where’s my date? Alice!”

  Tensions broke. It was good to have Akaarn back. He understood security and the hunt like no one else. Most important, Luci trusted him to look after Alice. They could hear him singing along with her to the songs of Frozen.

  The team enjoyed the distraction. Sometimes everyone needed to lighten up.

  Luci sighed. When was her life ever going to be normal?

  The Raven Group moved quickly. Two SUV’s pulled out of the subterranean garage. Their entire operational setup was securely hidden beneath Raven’s seemingly casual desert retreat. RB set the remote codes. Triple security measures would prevent anyone from entering their lair without Akaarn and the balance of the team aware. And if someone should get past that, Akaarn and Alice were footsteps away from the most impenetrable safe room in the world. Luke left nothing to chance.

  They raced towards their destination. Each team took a different route. Full operational security was employed.

  Luke pondered the bigger picture. What exactly was going on? His mind went over the mixed information coming out of Washington. There was definitely more to this than he’d initially thought. Josh was not where he was supposed to be at Nellis and now had disappeared swiftly, conveniently.

  “Team one, park in the underground at the Fashion Place Mall. Team two, take the service entrance to Trump Tower. You’re expected.” Quiet clicks let Luke know they were all in agreement.

  “Meet me outside the condo door. I’ll enter underground through the parking mall. There’s an interesting configuration of tunnels. I’m following a hunch. Check your device for maps sent from our contact.”

  Luke and his team made their way through subterranean tunnels. It seemed they’d been used recently.

  Outside their target’s condo a plainclothes Special Ops man waited. His team stood off to the side.

  “We will take it from here.” Luke recognized their insignia. The leader nodded stiffly, opening the door and easing back, his ego definitely damaged.

  “Let’s take a quick look through here. Find something, anything. Nothing will be as it first seems. RB, test the eye. It’s either Cai or Josh. Here are the DNA codes that the military has on file. I have a feeling about this.”

  “Sure boss.” RB went to work while the rest of the team studied the apartment.

  Luke struggled to keep his mind from wandering. Luci brushed by him, hips touching for a brief moment. She smiled innocently.

  “You’ll pay for that,” he whispered.

  “I think you should get over here, Raven,” Zach called from the den.

  “What do you see?” Zach remarked.

  “I see a wall safe.”



  They all sighed.

  “Keep looking. That’s definitely too obvious for this kid.”

  “Boss.” RB stated calmly. “I think you need to come here.”

  “I found something!” Maggie looked up, a TV remote in her hands. She pushed a series of controls and using her own handheld device that mimicked the recent digital entries, a flat screen on the far wall opened outwards.

  “Now this is getting very interesting. I assume it’s empty?” Luke asked.


  “Maggie, Luke, guys, come check this out.” RB called.

  “What have you got?”

  “The eye. Not a match to either of the boys!”

  A loud tap on the door interrupted their conversation.

  One of the military boys entered the room.

  “We’ve tracked one of them to the underground. Our orders are to lead you to the escape route,” an annoyed look on his face.

  “Okay, let’s move out; nothing more to see here.”

  Luke and his team followed the Special Ops team down the stairs and through a series of twists and turns. Raven was impressed with how quickly they had assembled the intel. Not bad. Maybe he should talk to these boys. Luke always had an eye out for talent.

  “He took this route. The trail ends in a commer
cial garage. Here.”

  “Yes. Zach can you take some photos? We can send them to our database and figure out what he was driving.”

  “No need sir. Here, we’ve done that. Plus, one of my men has already made a copy of the security log and the video. I can Airdrop to your phone if you like. Do you know how that works, sir?” For the first time, the kid cracked a smile.

  “Very funny soldier; I designed that application. But good work.” Luke liked this guy. “What’s your name?”

  “George, sir.”

  “George? Just George?” He laughed. All Navy SEALs called themselves George.

  “Yep. And if you’re half as good as I've heard you are, sir, you can find out the rest on your own.”

  Luke smiled. Yeah, this one was going to take some work. He’d have his career info in an hour.

  “Alright George, thank your team. I suppose you already called up the CCTV for the route he took out of here?”

  “Of course, sir; I can send that too. But we’ve already located where he went. I can WhatsApp the address and route to your phone, sir. Did you design that too?” Luke’s team cracked up. His Georgia accent was thick with pride.

  “Need some help sir?” The Georgia boy teased.

  “At ease boy, the name’s Raven.” They shook hands. Luke casually sent his private numbers to the kid’s phone.

  “We can take it from here.” Luke motioned to Luci. “Everyone’s got the details. I’ve forwarded them to you. RB, Luci, with me. Maggie and Zach take the second vehicle. We meet in Henderson.”

  He took a last look at George. Laughed and left.


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