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God of Magic 6

Page 20

by Logan Jacobs

  “Oh, come on,” Lavinia sighed. “You’ll run full tilt at a golem without hesitation, but you’ll get nervous about speaking to your boss about your plan?”

  “I am not nervous,” Dehn insisted. He glared at Lavinia, then lifted his chin and looked somewhere over my right shoulder. “Alicia, that’s my friend in records, she mentioned that the farmers who have lost their cows asked the city for a permit to hold a protest. The city denied it, which made the farmers really unhappy. So, we may have spread the word that the council was going to have this big meeting, and that maybe the farmers should attend so they can be heard.”

  “Okay,” I said.

  “But they won’t just sit there quietly,” Lavinia continued. “We’ve also told them that the council meeting was the perfect place to stage a protest.”

  “An anonymous supporter has even offered to provide signs and noisemakers,” Maruk added with a side look at Yvaine.

  “It may have also been suggested that the farmers could, if the council proved unresponsive, engage in a sit-in,” Yvaine finished.

  “So even if Maderel wants to leave, the farmers won’t let him,” Aerin explained. “I mean, eventually he will, but hopefully not too quickly.”

  “Well, every second counts,” I agreed. “And I doubt Maderel will want to be known as the High Mage who killed a bunch of farmers just so he could leave a meeting.”

  “What do you think?” Emeline asked.

  “I think Maderel will end up there, whether or not he wants to,” I replied with a grin. “What’s the timing on all these events?”

  “Well, if Maderel is at the meeting, we’ll let the protestors run the show until Maderel tries to leave,” Aerin replied. “Then we stage our fake black magic attack to keep him there.”

  “If it looks like he’s not going to be at the meeting, then we’ll start the attack to draw him there,” Lavinia added.

  “And I’ll be sure to suggest to Raynald at that point that the High Mage must be sent for,” Yvaine finished. “Because surely he’s the only one worthy of saving our skins. Well, Raynald’s skin, at least.”

  “Now all I have to do is unravel Maderel’s spells before the meeting,” I sighed.

  “Oh, we know you’ll do it,” Lena replied. “You’re the best manipulator out there.”

  “Considering that I’m currently the only one we know for sure that actually exists, that’s not saying much,” I teased.

  “Fair point,” Maruk mused. “Perhaps we should amend Lena’s statement to say ‘you’re the best manipulator we know because the others have been too clever to be found.’”

  “Ouch!” I protested with a laugh. “I know when to give up. I need to get back to work anyway.”

  “Right,” Maruk agreed as he pushed back from the table. “And the rest of you lazy louts can help me clean the dishes.”

  There were a chorus of protests, but Maruk herded the rest of the Shadow Foxes, all bearing an assortment of dirty dishes and silverware, back to the kitchen. I filled my glass with more of the water and carried it back to my room.

  I settled back on the floor and immersed myself in the spells again. It was a long slog, and I started to get frustrated. I was about to give up, when something about the spells made me sit back and rethink what I had been doing. I realized I had been attacking the spells as if they were all unique pieces, but the reality was that they shared a lot of common links. I stopped thinking of the writing in front of me as spells and started working on it as if they were lines of code.

  Suddenly, the spells began to unravel. I could see every instruction Maderel had created, and I knew exactly how to get in and shut it down. Who would have guessed that all that time parsing through video games would pay off in this magical world?

  At some point, I realized I needed sleep. The lines of code were blurring before my eyes, and I couldn’t distinguish between them anymore. I gave up and dragged myself over to the bed. I was asleep within moments, but even in my dreams, I still saw Maderel’s spells weaving in the air.

  It was a sign of how tired I was that I didn’t even realize anyone else was in the bed with me until I woke up with the first gray light of dawn. And I only woke up because I couldn’t roll over. Something blocked my path.

  “Who?” I mumbled as I peered out from one eye.

  I noticed the lamps had all been doused, and my papers and books neatly stacked. I didn’t remember doing that, and I couldn’t imagine Merlin suddenly going on a cleaning binge. I opened my other eye and saw a long trail of black hair across the other pillow. I sat up with a jolt, pulling the blanket with me.

  Emeline stretched and rolled towards me. She blinked at me blearily, then set up as well. A blush spread across her cheeks as I took in the lovely curves of her body.

  “I came to check in on you last night,” she offered. “You’d collapsed onto the bed without dousing the lamps or anything. So I did all of that and then pulled the covers over you.”

  “Um, okay,” I replied. “How did you end up…”

  “Well, you were having a bad dream,” she said.

  “I was?” I scratched at my chin and tried to remember what I had dreamed. All I could remember for sure were Maderel’s spells. They had been everywhere and on everything. I shivered then as I recalled how I had been racing around frantically in the dream, trying to remove the spells. But every time I removed one, a new one would pop up somewhere else.

  “I sat down next to you, and you grabbed my hand,” she continued. “That seemed to calm you down, so I thought I should stay.”

  “Thank you,” I said softly. “But that doesn’t explain, you know, why you aren’t wearing clothes…”

  She smiled shyly and looked away for a moment. I could see her chest moving up and down, faster than it had been just a moment ago. I placed my hand along the nape of her neck, and she looked at me again. Her eyes held a golden gleam as she slowly licked her lips with a very long tongue.

  “You once told me you would let me know when you were ready,” I whispered in her ear.

  “Yesss,” She purred, and her eyes no longer carried her usual shyness. “The others… they’ve been talking.”

  “Oh?” I asked.

  “We all want what Lavinia has,” Emeline whispered.

  “My baby growing inside of you?” I asked.

  “Yes,” Emeline cleared her throat, “but humans and my kind… well… it’s a miracle that Lavinia is pregnant with your child.”

  “And you want that same miracle?” I asked, and I realized that my cock was rock hard with the thoughts of filling her with my cum.

  “Yes,” She purred again. “Gabriel, I love you. Will you give me a baby?”

  “Of course,” I said without a moment's hesitation.

  She growled and suddenly pushed me back onto the bed. She sat on top of me, staring hungrily at me. I let her look for a moment, and then I pulled her in for a deep kiss. That long cat tongue danced inside me, finding places I barely knew I had.

  When I finally released her, she went to work across my torso, licking every inch with enthusiasm. Her tongue was rough, and it nearly drove me wild in anticipation. By the time she’d worked her way down to my groin, I was writhing at her touch. I heard her growl again as she took my cock into her mouth, and I reached out and grabbed the only thing I could find, the long, thick tresses of her hair.

  I was nearing climax, but I needed her to be there with me. I pulled her back up, then turned her onto her back. I locked my lips over hers while I slowly worked my finger against her clit. I worked her slowly, letting the heat and moisture build. When I felt her whole body clench, I plunged my shaft inside. She cried out as I buried myself deep inside her.

  “Oh gods, oh gods, oh gods,” she yelped as I drove harder. She was tight as a drum and holding me inside her with all of her strength.

  She twisted beneath me, trying to pull me in deeper. I obliged and sank into her flesh as far and as deep as it was possible to go. She was chuffing
now, and she nearly climbed up my chest to pull herself up to my face. She latched her lips onto mine, and I felt her tongue move into me again. I held us both there, right on the precipice, until I felt her whole body start to quiver.

  With one last push, I let go and groaned as my balls clenched, and my sperm raced into her velvety tunnel.

  “Oh!” The cat-girl meowed as she bucked her hips up against me. The movement caused her to slide up and down my shaft, and a bit of my cum leaked out of her pussy while I pumped in and out of her.

  Then her climax was over, and she collapsed back onto the bed with a happy purr.

  I smiled down at her, taking in her tawny color and those oh-so-lovely green eyes. Those lovely green eyes that were already taking on that ravenous look again.

  “You’re hungry this morning,” I said with a smile.

  “So are you,” she replied as she examined my eyes just as closely. Her tongue darted out again, and she turned her head to lick the perspiration that was dripping down my arms. I moaned as my body shivered in response.

  “Let me be on top this time,” she suggested.

  I nodded, and she pulled me towards her. I buried myself in her body, tracing kisses along her neck and down her finely toned abs. She laughed and pushed me down on the bed as she rolled on top. She sat upright, giving me a spectacular view of her breasts. I reached up and cupped both of them in my hands, and I felt her shiver in response.

  She started to arch back slowly, positioning herself in just the right spot, and I squeezed her breasts and teased her nipples while she ground against me. She held me between her muscled thighs as I pulled her hips down so I could go deeper, and I felt her wet walls tighten again.

  “That’s it,” she called out as I found my rhythm and thrust inside her, driving deeper with each stroke.

  Emeline’s pussy was drenched from the sperm I had already poured into her, but her tunnel was unbelievably tight around me, and I could feel my penis grow even more inside of her with each thrust.

  “Oh, yesssss,” she moaned. Her head was thrown back, and her long hair dangled between my legs, tickling the edges of my thighs.

  Her climax this time was one long, aching crescendo. We were locked together so tightly for so long, I wasn’t sure if we would ever be able to separate. But she finally let out one last moan as I gave one more thrust, and then I climaxed for a second time. This orgasm was even more powerful than my first one, and Emeline’s jewel-like eyes opened wide when I poured a gallon of my seed into her already full womb.

  “Amazing,” she gasped, and then she sank forward and tumbled on top of me. She was breathing hard, and I could feel her body shiver from the effort she’d just expended.

  “That was amazing,” she murmured again as she finally roused herself enough to look at me. “I don’t know if I’m, uhh, fertile right now, but you certainly gave me enough of your seed.”

  “That’s the idea,” I chuckled as I traced my fingers over her full lips. “I’m glad you enjoyed yourself.”

  “I really did,” she sighed. “I kinda wish we had done that sooner. It felt so good.”

  “We don’t have to be done just yet,” I replied. “It’s still early.”

  “Don’t you have to finish deciphering Maderel’s spells?” she asked with a devilish grin.

  “I have all day to do that,” I pointed out as I gave her a grin of my own.

  She sat back up and looked at me with those cat green eyes. She licked her lips again, and gave me a long, slow smile. I laughed and pulled her back onto the bed. We stayed there for another two hours, while the rest of the household slowly came to life. We probably would have stayed there even longer if Merlin hadn’t demanded his breakfast.

  Maybe it was time to invest in a cat door.

  Chapter 14

  I spent the next two days practicing as best I could for our assault on Maderel’s office. I even had the opportunity to take another look at the spells when Maderel invited me for a short lesson. He didn’t have much time to spare, according to the reply he sent, but he could squeeze me in between a staff meeting and a tutorial.

  Lain was on duty, but there was no chance to talk, as he seemed to be at the center of an argument between two female students. The usual crowd of students that gathered in the lobby were watching in fascination as the two women stood on either side of the hapless Lain and hurled insults at each other. Each one had a hand wrapped around one of Lain’s arms, and neither looked as if they were going to let go anytime soon. Lain shot a pleading look towards one of the professors, but the man simply shrugged and went back to sipping his tea.

  Maderel’s office door was closed when I arrived, and so I waited outside in the hall, just like several other students were doing. Gradually, the professors returned, and opened their doors, and the number of students standing around in the halls dwindled. Maderel was nearly the last to return, and he looked to be in a foul mood when he did.

  “Meeting not go well?” I asked as I stepped into his office.

  Maderel thumped the book he had been carrying onto his desk and dropped into his chair. He shot an angry glare in my direction, and I froze in the doorway. Merlin chirped softly in my ear, then made himself as small and insignificant as he could on my shoulder.

  “Some people,” Maderel finally muttered. I saw him take control of himself, and when I risked a look with my mana, I saw his color shift from red to blue.

  “I can come back later,” I offered. I was still in the doorway and I took a step back, ready to leave.

  “No, no,” Maderel sighed. “Come in and close the door. This will be a nice change.”

  “How so?” I asked after I had shut the door and hung my cloak on the rack. Merlin dropped quickly to the floor and scurried out of sight.

  “With you, I always feel that something has been accomplished,” Maderel replied. “You want to learn, and you take the lessons seriously.”

  “I try to,” I said. “Though I’ll admit that Lackland’s first chapter was rather dry.”

  “The man was a positive bore,” Maderel declared. “But no one understood the power of a fire mage better. I just wish he would have made the book more… accessible.”

  “Now I don’t feel so guilty,” I replied. “It took me forever to actually read the whole chapter, and I skipped ahead to read the exercises before I finished.”

  “Most students do,” Maderel acknowledged.

  There was a knock on the door, and before Maderel could respond, one of the professors opened the door and stuck her head inside.

  “Yes, Madame Valora,” Maderel sighed. I doubt he would have put up with this interruption from anyone else, but Madame Valora seemed immune to Maderel’s anger.

  “Sorry to interrupt, dear,” she said to me. “Maderel, those wretched Warren girls have trapped poor Lain again. He’s been very patient so far, and he hasn’t hit either with a spell, but I do think they need to be sent back to their rooms before he gets desperate.”

  “Surely you can handle this?” Maderel suggested. “Or any other instructor.”

  “Normally, I would agree,” she replied. “But Lucinda’s trapped all three of them inside some sort of giant bubble, and she won’t listen to reason.”

  “Just pop the bubble,” Maderel barked.

  “It would be better coming from you,” Valora pointed out. Maderel glared at her for several moments, then turned to look at me.

  “They did have a pretty good lock on him,” I said. “They didn’t look like they were going to let go any time soon.”

  “This won’t take long,” he finally groused as he stood up.

  Maderel followed Valora into the hallway. I listened to the sound of their footsteps as they strode away, then stood up and went to look at the painting of the horse and rider again. I opened up my mana and examined the spells more closely.

  I felt like I had missed something the last time I was here. When I’d finally unraveled Maderel’s work, there was a link that I could
n’t find. Half of the spells couldn’t work without that one piece, though I didn’t know enough magic to recreate it myself. This time, I peered more closely, taking note of every twist and turn. I nearly missed it again, but I finally caught it, that last little bit of code. I quickly made a note of it and then returned to my seat.

  I barely had my butt back in the chair when Maderel returned. He had a scowl on his face as he returned to his own seat, and he even ran his hand through his hair. For a moment, it looked ruffled, almost unruly, but then he quickly smoothed it back into place.

  “Everyone okay?” I asked.

  “That boy,” Maderel muttered. “He needs to learn to say no every so often.”

  “He seems popular,” I remarked.

  “That’s one way of putting it,” Maderel replied. “So, you said you’ve finished chapter one in Lackland.”

  “I did,” I agreed. “Though I’m not sure that I always understood. Some of it felt just like Lackland described, but other things didn’t.”

  “That’s not uncommon, especially for elementalists who are trying to use a type of magic they haven’t used before,” Maderel explained. “Every element feels, smells, and tastes different. The trick to being able to use multiple elements is to be able to sense those differences.”

  “Okay,” I mused as I thought back to my practice sessions with air and fire. I realized Maderel was right. It wasn’t just about seizing control of a flame, for instance. To really be a good fire mage, you had to be inside it, in a sense, and understand how it worked. The same was true for the other elements. And every element had its own unique quirks and requirements.

  “What were you able to achieve?” Maderel finally asked as I stared into the distance.

  “Not much,” I admitted.

  Maderel opened his hands in the universal sign for show me. I sighed, and forced myself to focus on the idea of heat and ember, as Lackland had instructed. Eventually, a small flame flickered to life in my hand and danced slowly back and forth across my palm.

  I was impressed. The flame felt warm against my skin, but certainly not hot enough to burn. And I thought moving the flame around was a nice touch. It showed a good level of control without being outlandishly showy.


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