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The Masked Poet

Page 10

by Albert Enang Eng Usang

  because on that fateful day,

  I lost without quantifying,

  a sister, a friend, a model.

  So, count fifteen, count sixteen

  but skip seventeen, then go to eighteen.......

  But then, only just then

  just for the kids, the twins

  we're compelled to count seventeen.

  What is simplicity?

  It belongs to the obsolete

  it's now a world of complexity

  the scramble to know much

  in the end, knowing nothing

  in the end, mastering nothing

  but a few times in my life

  I met a smiling sister

  who didn't know much

  save love, empathy, benevolence

  and with it did spellbind

  her husband, her in-laws

  her friends, even strangers.

  What is communism?

  still, what is communalism?

  carrying a country's problems?

  or a world on your shoulders?

  Gift's world of relatives,

  brethren, friends; she did put

  on her small feeble shoulders

  but never crumbled under its weight

  someone please tell Russia

  say it as well to China

  that communalism is not

  of laws, brute, censorship

  but of an endowed heart

  like Gift's heart was.

  Tribal marks everywhere

  cos old folks believe

  oil and water never mix

  oil, they always say

  is akin to my tribe

  water, they also say

  like the other tribe

  but your marriage proved

  that oil, water, and more

  can combine seamlessly

  in a sumptuous pot of soup!

  It's simplicity, its understanding,

  a model for the aspiring

  but I guess, you never knew

  yet! Only for eight years?

  I wanted it around, longer

  who knows, my own marriage

  could be inter-tribal too!

  Yet for all hopes of mentorship,

  death played an irksome spoiler......

  You will always be in my heart

  Rest in peace my friend.

  A bit of the Masked Poet's life history shows he was brought up by a single parent - his mother. Upon his birth his father absconded into oblivion till date, however, not before disowning him. His mother, a retired civil servant, had been his father, his mother, his all in all. She was singularly responsible for his upbringing including his education, to where he is in life presently. She still lived in Benin-city, the town of his birth and early development. Since her retirement, she resides in the little bungalow she was able to save up and build in her years in government service. A university graduate and quite educated, she was a bit sad when the Masked Poet decided to go to the nation's capital to get the best out of life, because he was the only joy she knew. But though now somewhat distant, he had brought her even more joy at the news of his successes.

  Two days after the very day of the mothers' day celebration, she was in for greater joy as her beloved son visited for a belated mothers' day celebration. Actually, he had planned to be available on the very Sunday of the celebration but couldn't because he was booked for that outdoor service with the Young Billionaires' mothers. The money involved was just too much to resist and his mother wouldn't mind waiting just a few more days. His car was loaded with gifts for his mother, who welcomed him with open arms and the warmest of affections. When neighbours and friends left after a felicitous welcoming, his mother told him:

  'Now son, you are with your mother; you can take off that mask, l want to see your face.'

  Obediently, he removed the mask as he faced his mother who stared at his face with deep running emotions. With tears running down her eyes, she embraced him passionately.

  'Look what my son has become; a great man; a famous poet sought by all. They told me to abandon him and even kill him, but today, l am vindicated of my decision back then.' She narrated. 'God Almighty, thank you for what you have made of my son.'

  'Mummy l love you.' He said gently but heartily.

  - You are welcome my son, how's the capital city?

  - Your son is not doing badly over there as you can see.

  - Very true, very true. You really are looking very good.

  - Thanks mum. You see mum, two days ago, l had a job in a show for the members of the Young Billionaires Social Club. It was a big one that is why I couldn't make it here on Sunday. I was asked to write and read a soul touching poem for these mothers as a gesture of appreciation from their sons for their motherly sacrifices over the years. Guess what mother?

  - What?

  - I was the right man for the job because I wrote it having you and your exceptional love for me in mind.

  - Really? In other words, you presented it to them, but you actually wrote it for me?

  - You are perfectly right mum and right now, l am starting my celebration of you by reading that poem to you. Please take your seat, golden mother of the Masked Poet! And make sure you sit like a queen!

  With laughter in her mouth, she sat as he stood before her and read the poem. By the time he finished reading the poem, she was crying. She stood from the seat and embraced him very closely again.

  'That's not all mum. This poem is a general one, but you are not 'general;' rather, you are special. Thus, l wrote a separate special poem only for your ears and listening pleasure.' He alerted her.

  'Thank you my son. You already made my day. There could be no better motherly celebration than this.' She replied.

  - Once again, sit and listen.

  - Okay son!

  When she was seated again, he began:

  'Mummy, this poem is titled: 'STAND OUT! FOR AN EULOGY.'

  I have praised many mothers

  It was a general lauding

  many mothers appreciated it

  many mothers, including you.

  Many mothers are outstanding

  many mothers, including you

  but few mothers stand out

  few mothers, including you

  so, stand out! Mrs. Osareyong

  I mean, stand out! My mother

  stand out, not to be counted

  what is mere counting?

  stand out! Mrs. Osareyong

  stand out! You my mother

  stand out! For an eulogy

  from a wowed son

  cos you're a special mother!

  Many a person have said

  parents will remain parents

  while friends, remain friends

  but friends can't be parents

  and parents are rarely friends

  but mother, funnily though

  but mother, despite everything

  we have been very close

  like the best of friends

  though we can't be friends

  like the common maxim goes

  we have shared many ideas

  like friends usually do

  though we can't be friends

  like most people believe

  we've borne many burdens

  like best friends bear

  though we can't be friends

  like many lips have said

  but, irrespective of maxims

  and beliefs deeply entrenched,

  mother, you are my friend

  mother, best friends forever

  stand out! For an eulogy

  from a wowed son

  cos you're mother-friend!

  I am highly privileged

  to receive news from heaven

  and I have been informed

  that your melodic, rapturous,

  enchanting, shrill, charming,

  river-bird like voice,

  is the envy of angels.

  Until I was informed,
br />   l thought I was alone

  in that voice's captivity

  so, angels envy you

  when your voice talks

  angels do envy you

  when your voice sings

  there's no difference in time

  when it's talking - melody

  when it's singing - melodic

  I'm on a serious mission

  to make you my talk radio!

  stand out! For an eulogy

  from a wowed son

  oh mother with an angelic voice!

  There are several things

  which are very intangible,

  I wish are very tangible

  so they could be tasted

  for sweetness or distaste.

  If intelligence were sugar,

  if your intelligence were sugar,

  I will eat an overdose

  every second, not just days

  yes, l wouldn't mind

  being diabetic from it!

  perhaps I would be intelligent!

  Mother, you are intelligent

  so, so, so, so intelligent

  your comprehension of issues

  Harvard must make a project

  your sense of organization

  excellence par non

  I've seen you gain some

  I've seen you loose some

  via your sound intelligence

  verily, the intelligent woman

  plus a dose of godliness

  is surely, the builder woman

  stand out! For an eulogy

  from a wowed son

  mother like an intelligence studio!

  I see the future

  oh it's very clear

  many stunned, many awed

  by my poetic abilities

  coming to my shine, my star

  but how would they know?

  before them, you were

  and will always remain

  my number one fan!

  Mother, you may not know

  how you've shaded my gift

  how you've highlighted it

  how you've magnified it

  you make me want to

  write without ceasing

  you make me want to

  write a million poems

  you make me want to

  dig much deeper within

  to beat Shakespeare!

  to pursue King Solomon!

  stand out! Mrs. Osareyong

  I mean, my own mother!

  stand out! Special mother

  stand out! Mother-friend

  stand out! The angelic voice

  stand out! The intelligence studio

  stand out! My number one fan!

  from a mesmerized son.

  I love you mummy

  the best mother in the world!


  When he ended the poem, it was tears galore for his mum as she wept in a muffled, yet uncontrolled manner.

  'Thank you my son.' She muttered in between her flowing tears. 'You have made me the proudest mum in the whole world. I bless you with the blessings of a mother; may you live long and be in health; may you prosper in all that you do; may you meet the best wife ever; and just as you have been to me, may your own children be a great source of joy to you.'

  'Amen.......' He replied gleefully.

  When she was done with the prayers and had also managed to get a hold of herself from shedding further tears, she asked him:

  - Talking about one of my blessings on you - about meeting the best wife ever - how's that turning out? Should l be expectant or are you the one delaying it or.................

  - Mum! Please give me a break. You have been on my neck for sometime now and it's not necessary. I'm still young and I need to be settled in my career before I take that huge leap into the challenges of marriage, you know.

  - I'm not insisting on marriage yet; l am only asking if you have set the ground works for a future married life. Have you met a girl yet? Are you in a relationship?

  - No mum.

  - Why? While you await marriage, you may need someone to be a soul comforter in dire moments especially as I am far away from you now.

  - But then mum, you know it's not easy. I get scared every time they will ultimately not love me again, you know what I mean.

  - I understand fully, but I bet you, there is a girl for every boy and a woman for every man. I believe there is a special girl for you.

  - That's the problem - locating her without first bumping into the embarrassing ones who could discourage me from opening up to the right girl.

  - You are stronger than this my boy! In life, we have to keep trying. We fail, fail, and fail, to succeed. And you must bear the reproach of failure until the light of success shines on you.

  - Okay mum. I will try, but only when I am convinced.

  - That's my boy...........

  - Once again, l love you mum. You have been the 'last man standing' in my life. I would not be here without your motherly virtues.. .........


  The Masked Poet spent two more days with his mother before leaving for the capital city. Before he left, his mother reminded him never to forget putting on his career identity, the smoothly moulded mask. He did put on a purple mask to match with his outfit - a purple shaded apparel christened in local parlance as 'senator.'

  When he resumed from his short recession at the Emotional House the very next day, he was informed of several bookings for specific emotional services. One was due for the day and the expected client was scheduled to discuss terms of conditions for an outdoor service - a birthday bash. At the set time, a handsome young man strolled into his office upon being ushered in by his secretary, dressed in black suits.

  'You are welcome to the Emotional House sir.' The Masked Poet's usual welcome routine echoed round the office.

  'Thank you very much, Mr. Masked Poet.' The young man replied egoistically.

  - You are Mr..........

  - Yes, Mr. Victor.

  - You have booked me for a birthday celebration, please may l know if it is your birthday or someone else's.

  - It's my girlfriend's.

  - Her name please.

  - Miss Delight Same.

  As he uttered the name, the Masked Poet halted his information taking for a bit and looked up in curiosity, of course, producing a surprised face.

  'Excuse me, did l hear you well?' He asked Victor.

  'I said, Miss Delight Same.' Victor repeated.

  - That name rings a bell..............isn't she the reigning............

  - Oh yes! She is the present Miss Nigeria.

  - Wawuuuu!*........ Interesting! You mean she is your bae?

  - My lovely bae.

  - You are absolutely, a very lucky man! You must be proud of her?

  - You can say that again and again. I actually don't joke with her

  - Congratulations on this great achievement, l hope you are moving fast to tie her down by walking her down the aisle so she could be yours for all times?

  - My brother, I would gladly do that even now, if given the chance, but the beauty queen insists she isn't just ready yet.

  - Keep trying brother, she would come around with time.

  - I'm definitely on that.

  - So, this occasion should be a great celebration?

  - Indeed. Much more, it is a reunion party.

  - Hmmmnnn....... I'm so glad you were able to resolve your differences. Many such led to break ups, you know.

  - Thank you. That is why I want you to render a most wonderful poem to this effect. Please make it the best poem you ever composed

  because she is very sensitive to words and loves the emotional cum psychological feelings that come with them.

  - You can be sure l will.......

  - Please, can you make it two? I'll pay for it.

  - Why not? Money rules the world my man. If you pay for twenty, I'll

  *wawu(recently localized = w

  write twenty(laughing).

  - Please, please (laughing as well), make it only two. That's the much l can afford.

  - Very well. But as goodwill, l will add a third specifically directed at the reunion.

  - Splendid! Thanks a million! I truly appreciate.

  - Calm down man! I am doing it for business so you can patronize me again! Next time, l may not be so nice you know.

  Ha ha ha ha...........ho ho ho ho...........hi hi hi hi........

  Both men rolled out a great laugh.

  'I thought you are a contented fellow, Mr. Masked Poet?' Victor asked.

  'Indeed, I'm not greedy.' The Masked Poet replied. 'But you see, business must continue 'for man to survive*,' abi* no be so?*

  - You are right jare. But there is an extra condition l want added to this job.

  - And what could that be?

  - I don't want you to be seen. You will perform in the background and only your voice will be heard.

  - But you don't need to bother about my being seen or a performance in the background. The most important part of my identity which is my face is actually not visible to anyone; it is masked as you well know.

  - I know you are masked, and will be masked at the occasion. Still, l want you to perform in the background.

  - Could there be a reason for this special condition?

  - None. Just the way l want it.

  - I mean if there is any reason why not say it, perhaps l could ably deal with it.

  - Please!...... It's my money and my occasion we are talking about here. Are you going to run it for me?

  - That's okay. I am sorry. If that's the way you want it, then, l will see to it.

  - Thanks for understanding. I will see you at the occasion then.

  *for man to survive (pidgin = for a man's survival) *abi(pidgin = or; also = the other way round) *abi no be so?(pidgin = or, isn't it so?)

  - Thanks as well for your patronage........

  Afterwards, Victor thought he put up a good show. He acted very well, his mind's script during the meeting with the Masked Poet. You see, he may have told Delight he is altogether now, a changed man, but that hasn't erased the macho instincts in him. One such instinct is the fact the idea of the Masked Poet gracing the birthday cum reunion party was an error as soon as she sounded it, but his hands were tied especially after telling her not too long ago he now trusts her; else, he would have outrightly jettisoned it. Furthermore, what could he do when it took herculean efforts to win her back from that brief unofficial break up? Rejecting her wish would be an invitation to renewed crisis in a recently resuscitated relationship. However, regarding that desire to have the Masked Poet perform at the party, he was no fool, and at such, not obscured from the fact her constant demand for that ephemeral need for emotional and psychological soothing could quickly blossom into a soft spot of unforseen affection for a man who has his way with words like butter on bread, in the person of the Masked Poet. Hence he could not stop him from coming to the party at all, he had come up with the idea he will only be heard(the most important thing about his performance anyway), but not seen. He did not tell Delight of this dimension to fulfilling that promise. She would be disappointed he plotted it, but would never accuse him of not fulfilling his promise. That Masked Poet must not be seen in that occasion, and especially not be seen anywhere near his sweet Delight...........but then, he can only be heard. It would be a win-win situation for he and Delight: she hears poems which will soothe her emotionally and psychologically, and on the other hand, she remains his after the celebrations with nothing, and people like the Masked Poet, becoming a threat to her continual love for him.


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