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The Masked Poet

Page 15

by Albert Enang Eng Usang

  - Absolutely, that wasn't what I wanted.

  - But your boyfriend arranged it that way. You can only imagine my thoughts then: probably the way you wanted it since it came from your boyfriend. I assumed you agreed.

  - Unfortunately, we didn't.

  - So it was his idea?

  - The exact interpretation. A stab on my back, the advanced interpretation.

  - You took it that serious?

  - Actually, l wanted to see you, my guests too wanted to see you. I mean, it is the Masked Poet we are talking about here. It wasn't a rendition by an angel in heaven talking invisibly to mortals on earth, we all have stars - human stars - whose presence alone speaks volumes. These days, paid shows are for the person and his performance.!

  - I am really very sorry. Right now, l suddenly feel bad that unknown to me, there was a 'but' to my performance that night. I thought it was an awesome rendition.

  - No doubt about it; that is indisputable. But your visibility would have been an icing on a well baked cake.

  - My queen, l would be wiser next time around, but I believe you fully appreciate my predicament: my hands were tied.

  - Hmmnnmm....... I just felt like a queen. Can you please say it again?

  - The beauty queen, l will attend to you better next time around.

  - Thank you.

  - But erm................ Your boyfriend, have you settled this with him? Even though I don't want to be drawn into a blame game but he is the chief instigator of this anomaly.

  - I told him my mind and I am still incensed at him.

  - Till now? That's quite some time.

  - I am yet to be assuaged, his sin was elephantine.

  - Please find a place in your heart to forgive him because with the eyes of a prophet, l can see it as a pimple on the beauty of your heart which should be burst lest it makes your heart ugly.

  - Ha ha ha ha.................. What more do l expect from the Masked Poet? I will forgive him.

  - That's good to hear. And I hope you have forgiven my ignorance, especially of latest performance trends too?

  - Oh sure! You committed no offence in the first place. This brings me to the other reason I am here, the positive you know.

  - I am all ears.

  - You see, despite your invisibility, your rendition on that day more than made up for it.

  - Is that so?

  - You made me feel so special in an unprecedented way that night. Truth is, I have never been so appreciated even as Nigeria's beauty queen by anybody or commentator. And you captivated my guests too! Mr. Masked Poet, l want to say thank you very, very, very much.

  - l just had a taste of heaven, and my word; it is so sweet!

  - Actually, for your heroics that day, I have been thinking of how best to express my deep gratitude which will portray an insight of my appreciation to you.

  - I am already high with the words of appreciation you've said so far. It would really suffice if you asked me.

  - It won't for me, so l found a way which I feel hasn't a better alternative and which I think will suffice for me.

  - A way? What is this way?

  - Guess?

  - Monetary gift?

  - No.

  - Another big job?

  - No.

  - I am exhausted then. I'm actually not good at making guesses.

  - Well,!!!!

  - Really? Are you a poet?

  - No I'm not. I mean, not a perfect one like the the Masked Poet but I did a 'cut and join' in accordance with my little abilities and came up with an inadequate poem because I just want to appreciate the Masked Poet. I believe he wouldn't mind my inadequacy.

  - I won't mind. Please read the poem, I'm so eager to hear it.

  - It goes like this (clearing her throat):

  Of what essence is................

  - Have you started?

  - Of course I have!

  - What's the poem's title?

  - You see what I mean? The inadequacies l was talking about. Thankfully, the Masked Poet is here for some brief mentoring!

  - With all pleasure.

  - So the title of this poem is: 'THANK YOU, MR. MASKED POET.' And it goes like this:

  Of what essence is a flower

  set on a lush garden

  whose petals aren't admired?

  nor its fragrance taken in?

  Only glory with defeated purpose.

  Until the Masked Poet,

  wild grasses overshadowed me

  and I could not be seen

  nor my fragrance taken in.

  So thank you, Mr. Masked Poet

  Mr. Masked Poet, thank you

  thank you, Mr. Masked Poet

  for unveiling my petals!

  Of what essence is a gem

  in the womb of a mine

  when a miner can't find it?

  nor a smith purify it?

  only potential never actualized.

  Until the Masked Poet,

  earth was an imprisonment

  caging my visible discovery

  trapping my eternal shine.

  So thank you, Mr. Masked Poet

  Mr. Masked Poet, thank you

  thank you Mr. Masked Poet

  for taking off my dross!

  Of what essence is a rainbow

  set up in the sky

  whose bow isn't aptly noticed?

  nor its colours discerned?

  only an insignificant attraction.

  Until the Masked Poet,

  l drenched in generalizations

  my colours, in assumptions

  my significance, taken for granted.

  So thank you, Mr. Masked Poet

  Mr. Masked Poet, thank you

  thank you, Mr. Masked Poet

  for detailing me invaluable!

  Of what essence is my beauty

  stand out, as it were

  whose features aren't noised?

  nor is specially told so?

  Only but charm unfulfilled.

  Until the Masked Poet,

  I lacked semantic artists

  who can draw with words

  and give psychological relish.

  So thank you, Mr. Masked Poet

  Mr. Masked Poet, thank you

  thank you, Mr. Masked Poet

  for making my beauty blissful!'

  'And this is where the poem ends.' She informed.

  The Masked Poet stared silently in flagrant admiration for about two long minutes after her information. She smiled sheepishly while he stared.

  'I hope it wasn't too bad?' She asked.

  'Perfect! He answered. 'It is simply perfect.'

  - Thank youuuu.......

  - First, you blasted me, then you soothe me; you are such an astute strategist!

  - Thank you once again!

  - You know what?

  - What?

  - I'm actually jealous.

  - Jealous? Of what? (laughing)

  - Of your parents, you, and your boyfriend.

  - Hmmmmmnnn................

  - God favoured your parents by giving you to them, I'm sure they will be so proud of you. Any man who has you for a lover must be the luckiest man in the world!

  - Hmmnmm.... For my parents, very true. But for my boyfriend, you think so?

  - I absolutely mean it, not think so.

  - Well, that's debatable you know. There are millions of girls like me out there and any sincere man could have them without necessarily being lucky.

  - No ooooo...... First, there are only a few ladies like you and all their boyfriends are extremely lucky because of the rarity of your breed.

  - You make it look like I'm not a human being. Mind you, l was born by a woman, l didn't come from heaven like an angel.

  - Exactlyyyyyy........... You are an angelllll........

  Ha ha ha ha.............. She laughed deliriously, relishing the moment.

  'I have spoken of only two out of the three l
said I am jealous of: your parents and your boyfriend. One is left you know?' The Masked Poet resumed.

  'And that should be me I guess?' She followed up.

  - You guessed right.

  - And what about me?

  - Can you so sincerely tell me: do you have any flaws?

  - How do you mean? Everyone has a flaw or two.

  - l mean, you have beauty, you have brains, you have success, you also have love. Is there a more perfect life out there?

  - Okay, I get you now; l thought you meant personality flaws. Nevertheless, talking about my life, it may appear I'm balling, but no life is perfect, and mine is certainly not perfect.

  - Then please, lets make a lively exchange; your life for mine and mine for yours. Yours is the kind of life l want. I wouldn't have a worry in the world again. It would be like sleeping on a water bed on a hot afternoon!

  - Ha ha ha ha................ That's funny. But seriously, my life isn't as rosy as it appears. I do have my own life's challenges and perhaps if we become friends, you will get to know them in bits.

  - What? Friends? Are you suggesting it? My God!..... Look at me o, a mere poet, an ordinary citizen; the one and only, cum confirmed most beautiful girl in Nigeria is suggesting l become her friend. Chei, l am blessed! What a lifetime opportunity! Please beauty queen, are you really serious? Can l be your friend, I mean your friend?

  - Ha ha ha ha............ You can be comical you know. What's so special about being friends with me? Everyone can be my friend, it doesn't take a thing to be my friend, and especially when you are the Masked Poet.

  - Oooooo la la aaaa......... My life just changed! I could die now and be satisfied with life because l made friends with a beauty queen!

  So thank you, beauty queen

  beauty queen, thank you

  thank you, beauty queen

  for making me your friend!

  Ha ha ha ha ha........................ went they both.

  'But I'm not done with the reasons I came here.' She interrupted the laughing session.

  'Is that so?' I thought you said there were two?' He reminded.

  - Those were the paramount ones. There is a last but small matter.

  - Okay. Fire on then.

  She brought out an envelope containing wads of naira notes from her bag and placed it before him on the desk.

  'This is part of my appreciation for all you spent buying those colourful fabrics and plastic gems you showered on me that night. Note, it is not a reimbursement, but a token of appreciation.' She explained.

  'You don't even need to make much explanations my dear, I'm not rejecting it; rather, I am gladly and quickly accepting it, no, I mean, quickly grabbing it!(laughing). Please thank you, I'm so grateful, really.' He responded.

  - Additionally, I received lots of requests for your contact from my guests that night of which I am sure their demand for your services will soon flood in. Please, make sure you bill them appropriately! (laughing too).

  - Thank you very much Miss Nigeria. I feel very fulfilled. You are a blessing and a helper sent to me from above. I appreciate.

  - Really? A blessing and a helper?

  - I'm certain of that.

  - Hmmnn.........Okay. Very well then! Let's hope it comes to pass.

  - It's already happening. Lets say, it will get bigger.

  - Well, ........ I insist, let's hope it comes to pass! Anyway, it is time to go. Thanks for your warmth. You know, l didn't come for a poem nor paid for one, but you soaked me with the most memorable poems of my life. Thanks all over.

  - I am more grateful.

  - Bye then.

  - See you around more often. May be, next time you'll come for poems?

  - Sure, l love poems you know, especially now we are friends.

  - Oh yeah...........


  He saw her off to the the House's gate where her car was parked as the car park was built outside of the House's premises just in front of the building's fence to maximize available land space. Unknown to them, Victor parked on the opposite end with his thugs of informants, waiting for them, but in a strange car Delight could not identify. As soon as Delight and the Masked Poet walked through the gate, he motioned on the informant thugs and they came out of the car, headed for the duo on the opposite end of the road with the intent of a harassing showdown. But the vengeful party were too focused on the subjects of their ambush to notice a marked police van not far off from the House's gate, holding about four police personnel on security escort to Delight. About 15yards off, Delight noticed them approaching and stood still without a fear. The police too, on sighting Victor, moved like him, towards his destination - Delight. Victor, together with his men, and the police team, met about 5yards away from Delight and the Masked Poet's position.

  'Young men, l hope you don't intend to do anything awkward?' The lead police officer stunned the sinisterly horde.

  Victor and company were taken aback at the sight of the policemen in full force gears.

  'No sir. .... Not... at all.' Victor answered. 'Ermm...... Actually........ I just want to say hi to my girlfriend here.'

  - Are you sure?

  - Yes officer!

  - And what about these vile looking men with you?

  - They are my friends sir.

  - Your friends? I see. Are you Mr. Victor Reeki?

  - Yes sir. I am Victor Reeki officer.

  - I am afraid you have to follow me to the station. There is a report against you which needs your own side of the story.

  - A report? Against me? By who?

  - You will know when we get to the station. Officers, arrest him together with his so called friends.

  'Yes sir!' The police sergeants replied their boss.

  'Excuse me officer,' Victor resisted, 'for what offence am l being arrested?'

  They were dragged into the police van while they queried and resisted.

  'Delight, sweetheart,' Victor called on her as he resisted the sergeant's push. 'Did you do this? You reported me to the police? Why? What wrong have l done to deserve this?'

  'Shut your mouth and climb this van!' The sergeant shouted him down.

  Delight never replied his questions nor utter a word to him. Eventually, they were forced into the van and driven off to the police station.

  The Masked Poet was at a loss what was going on. He recognized Victor as the young man who booked that birthday performance claiming to be her boyfriend. So, what was going on? First, she complained about that faceless arrangement and now, he is being arrested before her. Is he really her boyfriend? If so, are they having issues? And is it so serious that the police is involved? As this question flashed through his mind, Delight turned to him after the police van had driven off, made a bend, and disappeared from sight:

  'I'm really sorry about all that happened here.' She apologized. 'As you can now see, my life may not be so perfect after all.'

  'I....ju... Well, I just don't know what to make of it.' He told her. 'I am totally in the dark; mind to throw in some light?'

  - Just ignore this please. It is not an issue at all, but at the right time, I will put you in the know.

  - If you say so. Else, what can l do?

  - Okay. Bye then. Oh! I just remembered l haven't gotten your contact!

  - Really? Incredible! Here is my card.

  - No, l mean your personal contact. This is your business line.

  - My bad, my bad. Here, me call it

  - Hold on, let me get my phone............

  It is a brand new Delight. A radically different Delight. A Delight who is strong and assertive. One who knows what she wants and sets out to get it, not the weak and often undecided version. She is all out for Victor as it were. Victor is the torn in her flesh, the obstacle on her path, and a pain in the backside who must be done away with. Enough with pampering circumstances. Enough with petting rocky issues with unhelpful sentiments. It is now time for pragmatism and fundamentalism.

  She has
made up her mind. She can't go on with the sort of love life she is involved in. It is far from the optimal, let alone the maximal, and thankfully, she is not yet married. From a moral point of view as per her upbringing, she would tolerate that in a marriage. Hence she is not yet married, a wilful onus is on her to make the right choice for her future. That choice is about who she truly is - a very emotional love seeking lady who wouldn't exchange the power of articulative love in word and deed for anything in the world. Victor has part deeds only, but not words. She wanted both, she can have both. Why not? More so, it appears she has found of those scarce men, very scarce gentleman who possess the double dimensions; and that person is the Masked Poet. And as fate would have it, from being a distant, almost unreachable personality on a tv contest, to his setting up of an Emotional House where the unreachable distance was bridged, to his performance on her birthday, the Masked Poet was now at arm's length. Not only that, he was also up for grabs as he was yet untaken, or probably so. In that interview about a year ago after he had just won the poetry contest, he said he won't get into a relationship until he was ready for marriage. Hopefully, he is not yet ready, meaning no woman is in his life for a competitor. Although truly speaking, the Masked Poet's deedful qualities were not yet as proven, but from his proven word mastery, there is no indication he won't come good on that end.Thus, she must hook the Masked Poet, make him know they share the same marital principle of abstinence from premarital sex, and set the ball rolling. Before then however, she must draw a definite plan, a road map to catching the big fish, with all the attendant baits accompanying.

  The first step in that plan was to inform Victor of her radical transformation with an uncharacteristic surprise. She knew he would make good his vow of none tolerance of a visit to the Emotional House and in his usual style, would cause a scene at that firm if she went there unarmed. So, she went to the police station and filed a report of constant and unnecessary harassments by an ex boyfriend whom she has parted ways with, requesting from the police he be arrested and asked to cease with such pestering and harassments forth with. She further intimated the police about her ex's impending proposal of another harassment, thereby giving them a clue as to how to arrest him right in the act. Everything went according to script as the ignoramus of a ditched lover Victor, took the bait with a planned attack on the Masked Poet to scare him from any possibility of having an affair with Delight and to also embarrass Delight before him; but was timeously stopped by the police, taken to the police station, and made to sign an undertaking he will no longer harass Delight anywhere again, and even worse for him, not be seen a distance of 100yards around her again as she is no longer interested in a love affair with him. That was the first step in that plan; from her list, she ticked it a success. Now, to the rest of the plan.


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