Contest (The Stork Tower Book 6)

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Contest (The Stork Tower Book 6) Page 48

by Tony Corden

  Suddenly her vision blurred as she saw through Zaman’s eyes. Leah closed her eyes and looked only through his. She became aware of his thoughts. He was time walking and was looking at what Leah estimated as five minutes into the future. Canli approached the thicket, then the brambles moved out of the way to let her join them. Canli closed the brambles behind her and looked for somewhere to lie down.

  Leah opened her eyes and spoke into Ruhani’s mind, “Canli will be here soon. I’ll move closer to you so she has somewhere to lie down.”

  Ruhani said, “That connection was very complicated. It was as complex as any I’ve constructed, and now I have seen it I will attempt it sometime. If you practice that until it becomes second nature, you can learn to read the thoughts of those around you at all times unless they are resistant or have other defences.”

  Leah practised forming the mana and the braid until Canli returned. Canli said, “The three Günahkâr are moving away from us. The fox will lead them toward the Sleeping City. Those following Atherleah have stopped where we spent the night, so we should hurry. If those who follow us wake the Günahkâr, then the way to the Eastern Arch will be closed to us.”

  Leah said, “Why is it called the Sleeping City, and what does it mean when you say they will wake?”

  “When the Günahkâr were first bound to the land, they believed they would find a way to overcome the binding, so they continued to reproduce. Soon the land within the boundary would no longer support their numbers. Their close psychic connection makes large scale conflict between them extremely traumatic for the clan as a whole. For a time they held numerous individual tournaments. The losers gave their life for the clan, and the winners progressed in their understanding of the martial arts.

  “Even this was not sufficient to overcome the problem of the growing population. Culling a productive member of their community, no matter how low, was anathema to them for their martial code held that the warrior’s purpose was to provide protection for the clan. For a time, the lowest among them self-culled, but the trauma for those left behind was destructive and it gradually weakened the clan. Eventually, they found a means to add the three higher mana types to their racial makeup. Each became proficient in a subtle spell involving life, death and elemental magic. The clan was split into five families according to the element mastered. The families are the Yalet who mastered Spirit, the Yangin who mastered Fire, the Rüzgâr who mastered Air, the Sular who mastered Water, and the Toprak who mastered Earth.

  “When they are entirely immersed in their element, they can put their life in a type of stasis. Nine out of every ten Günahkâr sleep. Once each year, on the first change of the moon, all Günahkâr awake and learn what has transpired in the previous year. They celebrate the new year with a tournament. The family who wins the tournament will rule the Günahkâr for the coming year. For each one that dies in the tournament, the family from which they came is permitted to have a child. Then, before the sun rises, those who will remain awake for the new year are chosen, and the others return to their sleep.

  “If their land is invaded, those who are awake can call all the Günahkâr. They will then awaken to defend their land. No human, orc, dwarf, or non-Günahkâr elf who has entered their lands has ever escaped alive. Should you manage to survive, it will wake the ire of the Günahkâr and perhaps inflame others to attempt the impossible.”

  Leah sighed, then said, “I need to keep moving, or those chasing me will catch up. Before we move, do you know why the Arch is in one of their sacred areas?”

  “It is not so much in their sacred area as it is the reason they hold that area sacred. Lord Geckiş is the one who helped the first Günahkâr transform themselves. His arch continues to bring transformation to the Günahkâr, and they protect the area with their very best warriors.”

  “Did Kurtlarin suggest how to get past the warriors?”

  “He did not. He tasked us to bring you to the edge of the Glade of Warriors. This stands before the Arch. You will need to make your way through the glade on your own.”

  Leah nodded and said, “Well then, let’s keep moving. How long from here to the glade?”

  “Moving quickly, it is less than two days.”

  Leah nodded, and moments later, Zaman led the way. Less than five minutes later, Zaman slowed and Leah heard, “We are about to cross the boundary into the land of the Günahkâr. From here until we arrive at the glade, we must be both calm and watchful.”

  As Leah’s front paw crossed the land, two messages appeared.

  World Achievement: First 1000 (2, Sapphire)

  Unlock a Playing Area

  Atherleah (Level 414) You have unlocked the Lands of the Günahkâr. This is your second World Achievement: ‘First 1000 (Sapphire)’.

  You are one of the first one thousand players to unlock an area of game-play.

  Reward 1: 1000 x 414 = 486540 (+369.5%) Experience Points (6489718/47650000)

  Reward 2: + 2% to all future Experience

  Reward 3: 2 x 1 Platinum = 2 Platinum

  Fame: 1000 Fame Points (420625)

  Because you require access to complete a quest you have gained access to this area for you and your group. If you should escape alive, this area will become open to all players and NPCs. All those who follow you are considered for the purpose of this permission to be part of your group.

  A Commemorative Plaque has been placed in your bag.

  Note: Due to the unique nature of this achievement, it will be published on the Dunyanin achievement forum.

  World Achievement: First 100 (1, Ruby)

  Unlock an Annihilation Playing Area

  Atherleah (Level 414) You have unlocked the Playing Area, Lands of the Günahkâr, this is an area designated ‘Annihilation’. This is your first World Achievement: ‘First 100 (Ruby)’.

  You are one of the first one 100 players to unlock an area of game-play designated ‘Annihilation’. Conflict in an area marked ‘Annihilation’ will end only when every member of one side is completely destroyed.

  Reward 1: 5000 x 414 = 486540 (+371.5%) Experience Points (16249768/47650000)

  Reward 2: + 3% to all future Experience

  Reward 3: 1 x 10 Platinum = 10 Platinum

  Fame: 5000 Fame Points (425625)

  Because you require access to complete a quest, you have gained access to this area for you and your group. If you should escape alive, this area will become open to all players and NPCs. All those who follow you are considered for the purpose of this permission to be part of your group.

  A Commemorative Plaque has been placed in your bag.

  Note: Due to the unique nature of this achievement, it will be published on the Dunyanin achievement forum.

  You are entering the Lands of the Günahkâr where minimum MOB level is based on the highest level in your group. That level is currently Level 414. All attacking MOB will be between Level 414 and level 614. This area covers 1000 square leagues and includes all land a distance of twenty-five leagues or less from the Arch of Lord Geckiş. Please have an enjoyable day.

  Leah did a quick calculation, twenty-five leagues was just over one hundred and twenty kilometres. She realised that those following her would reach the area later that day and the Günahkâr would awake. She needed to move fast and practice her psychic magic. She also thought she should try and pick up the time magic if she could get Zaman to explain what he was doing. But for now, they needed to run. Leah spoke in her mind to Zaman and said, “Lead the way.”

  For the next four hours, the four glitchwolves moved as fast as they could through the forest. Canli moved the forest predators out of the way and helped Zaman find the small game trails which let them move quickly through the dense brush. Zaman and Ruhani kept watch ahead and to the side for the Günahkâr. Seven times they moved around the warrior clan or slowed until the Günahkâr had passed. With only one hour left in the day, Zaman came to a complete stop and said, “Hide! We must find a place to hide. The Awakening has begun, and we are
in the middle of a Toprak area. Within minutes the earth will release those who sleep. Canli, find us a place with rock beneath it to hide upon.”

  Canli was still for a moment, then led the way several hundred paces to their right where the top of a boulder had risen above the forest floor. The four glitchwolves lay atop the boulder and Canli encouraged the nearby plants to grow until they were well hidden. Once more, they became still. Leah again slowed her breathing and closed her eyes. This time she was immediately more aware of the area around her. Leah formed three balls of psychic mana and connected her mind with her three companions.

  Ruhani said, “Well done Alpha of Alphas, look through my eyes.”

  Immediately Leah could see the web of psychic energy surrounding her. Everything was minutely connected. As her connection touched Canli, Leah could also see the web of life around her. She noticed eighteen dull, almost shadowy centres of life under the earth within several hundred paces of where she lay. As her awareness touched Zaman, she could see the futures unfold as he walked ahead of them, making sure they were not discovered.

  Suddenly Leah felt waves of psychic mana pulse throughout the forest. They originated from the direction they came but were taken up as those Günahkâr who were already awake took up the call. Through her connection to Canli’s mind, Leah sensed each of the eighteen areas of life begin to brighten. Within minutes the Toprak Günahkâr clawed their way from the earth, and after brushing themselves off, they moved as one in the direction Leah and the others had come from.

  When the last of the eighteen left the area, Leah remained still as Zaman’s sight showed a stream of Günahkâr traversing the area as they made their way toward the place where Leah’s pursuers had entered their land. Slowly the stream of Günahkâr passing them slowed, and still they remained unmoving, for Zaman’s sight showed a new wave of Günahkâr making their way outward. Altogether Leah and her companions lay unmoving for almost an hour before Ruhani said, “None approach close enough to detect us. Throughout the night they will make changes to the position of the warriors. I suggest we lay still until things settle down.”

  Leah said, “My time is almost up. Will this area be safe until the morning?”

  There was some discussion among the three natural glitchwolves, but they agreed it was as safe as could be expected during an Awakening. With that decided, Leah explained she needed to leave, and she logged out.


  Chapter 69

  December 18, 2073 - Afternoon - Part 1


  Leah immediately exited the Pod and ate another large meal. While she was out of the Pod, Kevin came and looked at her wounds. When he’d changed her dressings, Leah headed back into the Pod and spent ten minutes updating her information on Survival before spending another six virtual hours moving closer to her mother. The only thing different from the other times was a message which appeared when she left the one hundred kilometre exclusion zone around her crash site.

  Player Atherleah.

  You are more than 100 km from your crash site. You are entering the area of another player.

  Other than that, Leah kept moving. When she stopped for the night, she estimated she was just over seventy kilometres from her mother’s crash site. As soon as Leah logged out, she sent a message to John and Michael telling them where she was and explaining how she hoped to be near Lin’s crash site within two Survival days. She asked them to make sure she knew how to find Lin.


  Leah spent half an hour in NREM3 sleep to finish the three hours mandated for each day. After waking, Leah wandered out of her bedroom and said, “Gèng, is everything ready for the skiing or is there something I can do to help?”

  “Everything is ready. I thought it would be good to meet on the lawn outside the entrance pavilion. From there, people can walk through the Tower complex to the upper tier where the portal to the slopes is. I’ve changed the portal’s exit point to the base of the mountain. From there, people can take a variety of lifts depending on their experience level. I included a change area at the base of the mountain. I have hired several ski instructor AI for the day. I’ve created a small lodge near the change area, so people who finish early or do not wish to ski can sit there in front of a fire and watch the rest of you ski. I also arranged refreshments for those who want such things.”

  “Thank you Gèng, how long before people begin to arrive?”

  “Thad and Kate should arrive in about ten minutes. The others are all due ten minutes after that. Wisp sent a message that her whole family had accepted the invitation. Noah is bringing his wife and children, Ivan is bringing Gashka. Yuè Fēi is bringing a friend. He said this after I assured him that no press would be here. I explained that this was a private world and as such, I would explain to everyone that showing this feed to anyone would incur legal action.”

  “Good. Perhaps I should also announce that when I welcome everyone.”

  “I agree. John is bringing Jen. Johan, Marie and Lacey are coming on their own, Red and Star have a ten-year-old daughter and she is coming. The rest of those invited have not let me know if they are bringing any additional family members. Peter, Leon, Stephen, Sharon and Susan are not able to make it today.”

  Leah and Gèng headed for the entry dais and arrived just as Kate and Thad appeared. Leah embraced Kate and then wrapped her arms around Thad. Thad leant down and kissed her before looking around. He said, “This is even better than the last time I was here. Who else is coming?”

  The three of them sat on the grass as they waited for the others to arrive and Leah explained who all the other guests were. Thad said, “I suppose I’m not supposed to monopolise all your time.”

  Leah leant back against his chest and said, “Monopolise away. Don’t be surprised though if Ivan takes you aside for a little one on one talk. He wants to make sure you’re man enough for me. It wouldn’t surprise me if some of the other Alpha male types did the same.”

  “So who would they be?”

  “John, Noah, Red, Tungsten, Granite, Johan, Jack and Blue are the main ones who’ll want a chat. I suspect Yuè Fēi might also want to talk to you, but he probably won’t threaten as much as the others.”

  Kate had been watching and listening, and as Leah went through the list she couldn’t help but burst out laughing at the look on Thad’s face. Hearing the laugh, Leah looked up to see what was so funny. Seeing the shock on Thad’s face, she realised just how many people she’d mentioned and began to laugh as well.

  Before Kate and Leah could get control of themselves, the guests began to arrive. Amy was first, and Leah jumped up and ran to her, hugging her tightly. She said, “Amy, I’m so glad you suggested this. I’ve missed you. I’m sorry we haven’t been able to catch up.”

  Amy just laughed and gave her a hug. Before Leah could say anything else, her other guests began to arrive. It took a few minutes to introduce everyone to each other. Yuè Fēi had brought one of China’s most well known and respected dancers, Jiāng Yìng Yuè. Gèng communicated with Leah sub-vocally, “Jiāng Yìng Yuè has evidence of the malware although it is a variety I have not seen before. It is old and has probably been a part of her PAI for many years. I suspect it is no longer being used.”

  Leah said, “I’ll see if I can get Yuè Fēi and Yìng Yuè by themselves for a moment. Can you gently get everyone’s attention?”

  Gèng gently sounded some chimes throughout the Tower just loud enough to stop the few conversations that had started up. Leah said, “Welcome to what I call the Tower. My PAI Gèng has done almost all the work to make this a place I love being in. I say almost, because every now and then I do have the odd thought or idea to add. This is a private affair, and I’d appreciate it if no one shares pictures or even stories about what happens here. I’m a very private person and so are all of my guests. Now, if you’ll follow Gèng, we’ll walk through the main parts of the Tower to a portal she has constructed. It leads to the snowfields up in the mountains you can see
behind me.

  “I see some people have brought their own skis, but if you haven’t, don’t worry as Gèng has arranged a small boutique area at the village which she constructed at the base of the lifts. If you need lessons, then there are instructors in the village who can give both group or individual lessons. If you don’t want to ski or snowboard, then there is a lodge at the base of the mountain with a nice fire and warm food. If you don’t understand something or you need help or information, then Gèng is always available to help. Just ask her, and she will do what she can to make today a lot of fun.”

  As Gèng started off, Thad waited to walk with Leah but a second Gèng stepped close and said, “I apologise for distracting you, but something has come up which Leah needs to attend to. As soon as she’s free, she will join you.”

  Thad nodded as he saw Leah step toward Yuè Fēi and his guest. Leah said, “Yuè Fēi, will you walk with me? There is something personal I would share with you and Yìng Yuè. If at any time you want me to end the conversation, I will do so, and I will not discuss it ever again.”

  Yuè Fēi looked concerned for a second then turned to Yìng Yuè and asked, “Do you mind if we discuss something as we walk?”

  Yìng Yuè laughed good naturedly and replied, “Not at all. I’ve heard so much about the beautiful and enigmatic Atherleah that having the opportunity to talk with her is a privilege.” Turning to Leah, she said, “Atherleah, feel free to discuss as you wish. Yuè Fēi has brought you into our conversations quite a bit over the last few weeks and I look forward to finding out why.”


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