Contest (The Stork Tower Book 6)

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Contest (The Stork Tower Book 6) Page 49

by Tony Corden

  Leah started walking slowly along the path, and as she walked, she said, “Please call me Leah or Mù Líng. I will try and make this short but feel free to ask for clarification on any point. Now, I suppose you know I have only had my PAI chip for a month. In the first week, someone introduced malware into my PAI’s code, which took control of my neural functions and making me their slave. Fortunately, I had access to some better-than-average security software and was able to both regain control of my actions and notify the authorities. This prompted the worldwide PAI security update a few weeks ago. Because it was optional, and because it was only announced once, many people haven’t taken advantage of the update.

  “My PAI automatically scans all code that comes into this world, and she notifies me when someone has been infected with the malware. It isn’t only used to make slaves but also to break relationships, to control unruly children, or to compel someone to make a life choice they otherwise might not have. Yìng Yuè, you show evidence of an early version of the code. I assume you did not install the upgrade. I realised recently that people could potentially install this in their own code so please forgive me if this is an intrusion.”

  They walked in silence for almost fifty metres before Yìng Yuè said, “Mù Líng, I did not have the update, my manager said it would interact poorly with my older PAI. I did not know of this malware. What happens if you have the upgrade in an older PAI chip?”

  “I do not know whether or not the date of a chip causes problems, only that it has not been mentioned to me and one of the virtual companies that offers a secure and full clean has not mentioned it. So far, on all occasions where the PAI chip is cleansed the person remembers the occasions when they have been ordered to do something against their will. There are several here today for whom that is true. If you wish, I will let you discuss the matter with them.”

  Yìng Yuè stopped walking and turned to Yuè Fēi. She said, “What do you advise?”

  Yuè Fēi was quiet for a moment, then said, “Mù Líng is honourable. She believes you have been forced to do something you might not have done otherwise. She is honest in admitting there may be good reasons. Personally, I am not afraid of the truth, and I prefer openness to deceit. I suggest you either have the update or have your personal AI cleaned. I had the upgrade without thinking, and my chip is older than yours. I have had no problems since the update.”

  Yìng Yuè said, “I do not like secrets either. Mù Líng, thank you for raising the issue. Please excuse me as I will have this sorted out immediately.”

  Leah said, “I understand, and if all is well, then please feel free to join us. Gèng will show you the way.”

  Yuè Fēi said, “Atherleah, I will help Yìng. Thank you for keeping this between us.”

  Leah said, “No problem. It isn’t anyone’s business but Yìng Yuè’s.”

  Yuè Fēi nodded, then he and Yìng Yuè disappeared. Leah hurried to catch up with the rest and arrived just as Ivan and Gashka were about to step through the portal. Ivan said, “You already lost some guests I see.”

  Leah stepped through after them and said, “Only temporarily, I hope.”

  Seeing Thad, she waved goodbye to Ivan and Gashka and jumped on Thad’s back. Together they joined the line to get fitted for boots, snowboards and skis. Thad wanted to snowboard while Leah wanted to ski. The process was quick and seamless and more to do with choosing colours and styles than getting fitted. Amy, Kate and Wisp joined them in the gondola which was heading to the very top. As it was getting ready to leave, Noah and his son walked up.

  Seeing the gondola was a six-seater, Noah said, “Don’t worry, we’ll catch the next one.”

  Leah laughed and said, “Join us.” Then she said, “Gèng, can you make this a seven-seater rather than a six?”

  The gondola expanded, then Noah and his son MJ hopped in. The trip was fast, and a minute later they all unloaded at the top of the highest peak. Gèng had arranged for the entire mountain to be skiable. From the top people could take an easy well-groomed run all the way to the base or they could make their way down an extremely tough un-groomed non-marked series of connected slopes to reach the same part of the mountain. Leah suggested they start on the Intermediate Level marked run to begin with. After a quick nod from everyone, she said, “If you want to know where to go, just ask Gèng and she’ll mark the way. Like this, ‘Gèng can you turn the intermediate areas light blue?’”

  The snow changed colours, and half the mountain became light blue snow with some of the planned runs a shade darker to show people the best paths. Leah said, “Gèng’s done that for this group. If you want it turned off then just tell Gèng, and she’ll adapt the data sent to your PAI.”

  With that, Leah launched herself down the mountain, followed immediately by the rest of the group. For the next two and a half hours, the whole group made full use of the mountain. Noah’s wife and daughter had taken lessons, as had most of Wisp’s family. Leah made sure to join each of the guests in at least one run down the mountain. Thad tried to do each run with her but found himself somehow isolated from her each time as one of the men took him aside for a ‘chat’.

  After everyone had finished their final run, and everyone was sitting in the lounge having a warm drink, Red stood up and said, “I don’t know about everyone else, but Star and I had a great time. We just want to thank Leah for everything. I know how busy you are and some of what is going on. If Thad needs a talking to some time, then let me know. Now, lift yer mugs and three cheers for Leah!”

  There was a lot of cheering, and more words before Amy, Kate, Thad and Leah were finally the only ones left in front of the fire. Leah said, “Thanks again for suggesting this, Amy.”

  Thad said, “It’s alright for you. Nobody threatened to destroy your life if you did anything to hurt me. I had eight men and two women take me aside for a talk. The scariest of the lot was Gashka. I’m not going to repeat what she said she’d do, but I’m certain it isn’t possible to do without killing me.”

  Soon Amy and Kate left, leaving Thad and Leah alone. Thad said, “Finally I get you alone. Before I kiss you, how is your mum?”

  Leah smiled and said, “For asking that first, I may well let you kiss me.” Her face turned serious, and she said, “I think she’s alright. It’s a race to get to her. I’m almost certain I’ll get there first. I just hope Nathan told me the truth about the code word, I think he did, but I just don’t know. How about you? How are you coping with what’s happened?”

  They sat and talked for almost an hour before they got to the kissing. Leah enjoyed the time with Thad, but after ten or so minutes, she slowly backed away and said, “I have to stop there for a bit, Thad. I’m sixteen and having someone like you in my life is all new to me. It’s happened so fast, and I need to take a breath. I loved having you here and talking and kissing and hugging, but my mind’s not sure what happens next. I need to think a bit, is that alright?”

  Thad nodded, “Yes, that’s alright. I know I’m older and that I’m a guy, but the truth is I don’t know much more than you. I have had a few girlfriends before, and one of these days we should talk about that because I don’t want there to be secrets and surprises. That being said, this is new ground for me. I’m more interested in there actually being a tomorrow with you than what happens today. Living life at three times the normal speed can play havoc with emotions and everything. It seems like months, but it has only been weeks. I do want to spend more time though, time just getting to know you. I’m still hoping to catch up with you in both Dunyanin and Cosmos Online. At least we can meet in Pneumatica. I’ll see you there in eight hours real time.”

  Leah nodded, and after a few more deep kisses, Thad disappeared. Gèng said, “Yuè Fēi and Yìng Yuè would like to visit.”

  “Can you bring them here? I need to sit for a moment and stare at the flames. By the time they get here, I hope I’ll be calmed down.”

  Gèng nodded as Leah got her thoughts in order. It was about eight minutes l
ater that Gèng showed Yuè Fēi and Yìng Yuè into the lodge.

  Yuè Fēi said, “This looks amazing. I apologise for missing it, but you were correct.”

  Leah nodded gently and said, “There will be other times.” Turning to Yìng Yuè, she said, “I am sorry if the information hurt you in any way.”

  Yìng Yuè said, “It did, and it didn’t. It happened when I was a child.”

  Leah said, “Yìng Yuè, you have no obligation to tell me anything. If you want me to know, then I accept that as an honour, but if you wish to keep it private then do so.”

  Yìng Yuè sat down next to Leah and said, “Mù Líng, if you don’t mind, I will call you that. To Yuè Fēi, you will always be Atherleah, a warrior. To me, you are Mù Líng, a worthy spirit. The malware is old. It was installed at the same time as my chip when I was five. My parents asked for the addition. It cost them one year of wages. They used it to make me want to dance. The funny thing is they knew I already wanted to dance. They paid for the code to help me reach my dream. Whenever I wanted to give up, they used the code word to keep me on track. My manager knows, and he has once or twice used the code phrase to help me regain a lost focus.

  “Both my parents are old, and I am an only child. I am glad to be free of the code, and I am glad to know the truth, but I was not harmed. I will honour their sacrifice and probably never let them know what I learned. Yuè Fēi is less forgiving, but you were right to remind him that it was my decision.”

  Leah bowed her head gently and said, “Thank you for sharing your story. I’ll have to watch one of your dances now.”

  Yuè Fēi said, “Atherleah, I had heard of the code but thought it was used sparingly and only by criminals of the worst order. I did a little research while waiting for Yìng Yuè to work through her feelings and it seems to be more widespread than I thought. Is this the basis of your war with Merideath?”

  “Yes. She tried to enslave me. Already I have found thousands enslaved by her and her companies.”

  “Ivan suggested your injuries were not minor. You said you would help clarify things. How were you hurt?”

  “Meredith and Nathan had me shot.”

  Yuè Fēi said, “You fought me while suffering from a bullet wound?”

  Leah wasn’t sure how to answer when Gèng appeared and said, “She did. Leah has a broken right shoulder and both entry and exit wounds in her neck back and arm. She also broke her other shoulder rescuing her mother, who the Kodoman’s kidnapped.”

  Leah was almost glaring at Gèng, who said, “He needs to know if he is going to decide what he is going to do in the future. You would minimise the danger, and he might get caught up in it. You are the one who taught me that the truth sets people free and that ignorance is dangerous.”

  Before Leah could respond, Yuè Fēi said, “Gèng, thank you for the information. You are right that truth brings freedom. It also brings responsibility. Leah, please explain what has happened.”

  Leah spent ten minutes sharing what had happened. When she finished, Yuè Fēi said, “Ivan knows this?”

  “Yes, he helped save Thad.”

  “May I tell him you shared this with me?”

  “Yes, he and Gashka are good friends.”

  After that Yuè Fēi and Yìng Yuè excused themselves and Leah logged out for a break.


  Chapter 70

  December 18, 2073 - Afternoon - Part 2


  After an uneventful break, Leah spent several minutes reviewing messages. John, Thad, James, Zack, Amy and Wisp had all sent suggestions on names for the new system in Cosmos Online. Leah set up an online poll after adding her suggestion. She asked her friends to indicate their top three from the list and asked that they agree to abide by the results. As she did this, Leah continued to work through the theories of stasis, expansion and contraction as they related to the universe and the understanding of how it behaved. Leah spent most of the time researching and evaluating the different views which attempted to explain the incompatibility between Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity and quantum mechanics.

  Leah considered for a while an idea postulated in the early part of the century, that rather than seeing the universe as either expanding or contracting it was helpful to consider it as moving like waves in a pond. Leah began to review the few attempts to see if this produced either useful or helpful insights when Gèng said, “Leah, your dad is free for a moment. He left Runes of Destiny earlier than planned and has just read your messages.”

  Leah said, “That’s great, please see if he can drop over or if he’d rather I visited him.”

  There was a brief pause before Gèng said, “He’d rather come here. Would you like me to meet him and bring him here?”

  “Yes please.”

  Leah continued to think through the equations and read her reports and messages even as her father arrived. Leah gave him a hug and said, “How is Runes of Destiny going?”

  “It’s interesting, to say the least. The world is intricate and is both a lot of work and a lot of fun. It isn’t a world which brings in an income, but it makes me think. Lin will really enjoy it. I won’t explain too much because one of these days you’ll have to return and play along. You are not only a Piahi, but you are the Piahi. I’m only now realising what that means and telling you won’t help. There is no rush, and you have lots to do in the other worlds so leave it to for the moment. I think I know what Nathan’s after but even knowing that won’t help you, so don’t ask.”

  Leah looked at her dad in silence for a moment before saying, “You sound very mysterious, possibly even mystical. That isn’t how I thought you’d be about a game.”

  “I agree completely. It’s a shock to me as well. Now, please leave the topic for another time. How are you going as you head towards Mum? I’m working slowly in what John and my PAI suggest is the right direction. I’m perhaps twenty kilometres from my crash site, but I’m in a bad way health wise. I’ll probably die the next time I’m in Survival.”

  Leah winced and said, “I’m inside her one hundred kilometre area. I hope to reach her two virtual days from now.”

  Michael raised his eyebrows and said, “You’re moving even quicker than I thought was possible.”

  “I couldn’t even come close to this speed without all the information people are compiling. Before every entrance to Survival, I review the material thoroughly.”

  “I suspect the changes we won’t talk about also help.”

  “They do, a lot.”

  “I got your message. What did you want to discuss?”

  Leah explained the decision she had to make regarding using machines or providing jobs. Michael sat for a moment then said, “Leah, you know I hate the fact that large sections of society are unable to compete effectively in the labour market. The biggest issue isn’t mechanisation or even the advent of faster and more accurate AI. It’s the failure of people, in general, to keep ahead of the changes and of governments who tried to regulate the changes for the good of a select few, or for the popular vote, rather than looking at the larger picture. People, who individually are kind, generous and intelligent when acting as a mob are not only easily influenced, but they become rather stupid.

  “I suspect you want to use the machinery to help people leave the Switch. That’s an admirable and worthy goal, but it isn’t a long term solution. People need to want to leave, and they have to be willing to sacrifice something to improve themselves. People like that are already working hard and thriving in the Switch. They won’t want to be a machine handler all their lives, but they would use the opportunity as a springboard to bigger and better things. Don’t get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with being a machine handler, but the people you will pick are most likely not those who are going to be satisfied for long.

  “The truth is everyone has had the same opportunities you have, and they didn’t grab them with both hands. I know because I didn’t grab them either. Helping Em become a nurse is a muc
h better use of resources. If you want to really help people, then look to foster projects that can’t be done using machines or AI. Maybe look at industries which have failed miserably when AI took over, rather than ones which have thrived. Start a school where the kids have a human teacher. Put some rules in place, and enforce them. Forget pandering to some artificial airhead in Canberra and teach kids to read, to learn, to draw, to use numbers. Help them understand algebra and the fundamentals of coding. Get them involved in studying history and geography. Make what they learn relevant to life, not some abstract ideal or needy self-interest group.

  “I know some parents will complain that you don’t understand their child, ignore them. Do whatever you can for the kids who keep trying and send the rest packing. I believe society has a responsibility to help people who are in real need, but I honestly don’t think that extends to those who wilfully exist in a constant state of need. I understand that some kids have rotten parents, but those kids aren’t your responsibility. Honestly, that’s on their parents. I believe society began to crumble when governments took control away from families and communities.”

  Leah thought for a minute, then said, “I doubt we’d get a permit for a school.”

  “Then don’t get one. I’m pretty sure you didn’t get a permit to teach nursing, but you’re doing that. John started a school for security guards. He’s not calling it that, he’s just told people if they expect a job then they have to attend the training for a month. Find someone you trust and pay them to teach five kids. Make the parents chip in something. Not much, but something that shows they are on board.”

  “What about those who are older?”

  “What about them? Look, Jen and Em have a job here. That will trickle down to their family. Mia’s role in the Switch has already been taken up by a new healer. Don’t try and fix people. The negative tax community will still exist five years from now. Most of the people there will be there because of the choices they make. I don’t mean that’s what they want, but it is where their choices keep them. Helping someone evade the consequences of their actions simply subjugates them to your choices. You become their controller. Face it, that’s how we got in this mess in the first place. For the first time in years, there is a momentum toward change. Don’t force it, fan it.”


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